confused with somthing only i could create


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Tell her and not him.

Salvation is more important than lust or desire of lust. That is not true love. Lust is only temporal and love is eternal. Yes! Harsh words but in the end, just not worth it. Seen to many young people loose their eternal prospect than to enjoy life to the fullest. As skalenfehl's Avatar

skalenfehl advised, enjoy life while in your youth and not to date [date leaves to problem in early portion of life] but have fun.

Now, you have free agency but again, I caution you on your choices.

As Iggy pointed out, read the article, it maybe helpful.

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On a website you are not actually dating anyone. You are pretending to because you are even pretending to be someone you are not. What makes you so sure the other person is who you think she is? In real life you are too young to be dating anyone. Enjoy your childhood. Then seriously think about what kind of a mess you could be making of your life. If you do what is right you will not date until you are 16 and then you will date boys and only in group situations. Living a pretend life online is never a good idea at any age.
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ok here it goes on one website im dating this girl(they think im a guy ok)while in real life im dating this really sweet guy while i have a crush on another person what should i do???

the girl i have a crush on already knows i like her i even asked her out and she said no

but she alszo thinks that i am dating this guy as a rebound which im not and im starting to actrually REALLY like this guy

So, she thinks you are a guy and you asked her out? What would you have done if she'd said yes? Would you have then come clean that you are female or would you have tried to keep up the pretence in real life? You'd have to own up eventually. I'm thoroughly confused here.

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