The comming world food shortage


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It was about ten years ago I read a article in the Seattle times regarding the crossing point of total world food production vs the upward population gains that there would be a meeting point where the total consumption of food would exceed the total world consumption rates.

It was a worry some article but perhaps this is the start of that crossing point? vietnam has already halted export of its rice..a main staple of just about ever asian country. And as we know, asia holds at least 1/3 of the total worlds population.

Just would like to see others input and feedback on this issue and if any of you are stocking up more then a years supply of food.

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I am a huge, huge, huge believer in the fact that (deep breath) -- we are all going to be all right, especially with the food. :) I also think that population and food volume and/or are only loosely and indirectly connected, if at all. Of course, I have some food storage in my home just on principle.

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Exotic rice levels in NZ ( basmati etc especially enjoyed by those of Indian and Asian nationalities) are VERY low. this hasn't been from media hype here as it was only a small article in the middle of the newspaper and a lot of NZers do not eat a lot of rice. Levels are very low. UN posted an article recently, stating they have approximately 8 weeks wheat storage.

The bible says do not worry about what you will eat or wear.

Our prophets have said for 70 years to prepare for hard times, hence the aim to have a years food supply.

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You don't get to have an understanding of history and say "it'll never happen". Just take a look at the last 50 years on this list:

Date** Death Toll** Event**

1317 7,500,000 Great European Famine

1849 1,100,000 Great Irish Famine

1868 150,000 Finnish famine of 1866-1868

1879 13,000,000 Northern Chinese Famine

1879 10,000,000 Southern and Central Indian Famine

1888 1,000,000 Horn of Africa famine

1902 19,000,000 Indian Famine

1907 24,000,000 Chinese Famine of 1907

1922 5,000,000 Ukraine and Volga Famine

1930 3,000,000 Chinese Famine of 1928-1930

1934 5,000,000 Holodomor

1936 5,000,000 Chinese Famine of 1936

1941 3,000,000 Chinese Drought 1941

1943 3,000,000 Bengal Famine of 1943

1944 30,000 Dutch famine of 1944

1945 2,000,000 Vietnamese War Famine

1961 43,000,000 Great Chinese Famine

1974 26,000 Bangladesh famine of 1974

1984 1,000,000 Ethiopian famine

1998 1,200,000 North Korean famine

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Have any of you watched Link TV it is a European station that shows world events daily. Right now food prices in Europe are so very high , Greece is having a money crisis going to market. In our country Costco is only allowing 4 bags of rice per purchase due to projected shortages. Farm land that once was used for food is producing the Ethanol additive to gasoline. Prices in my area are going up weekly and our gas prices are the highest in the nation.

During the fires in Southern California this last year stores were closed and there was no access to groceries for at least 2 days where my daughter lived.

The US Government has started emergency preparedness programs since the disaster in Louisiana.

I am not saying the sky is falling I am saying we have been warned and should do our best to be prepared

I remember the last recession do you all.....

:hippie:peace happiness and preparedness to you all :D

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It was about ten years ago I read a article in the Seattle times regarding the crossing point of total world food production vs the upward population gains that there would be a meeting point where the total consumption of food would exceed the total world consumption rates.

It was a worry some article but perhaps this is the start of that crossing point? vietnam has already halted export of its rice..a main staple of just about ever asian country. And as we know, asia holds at least 1/3 of the total worlds population.

Just would like to see others input and feedback on this issue and if any of you are stocking up more then a years supply of food.

Any long-term shortages are the contrivance of tyrants. GOD has said that the Earth has "...enough and to spare..." (DC 104:17-18)

" 17 For the earth is full, and there is enough and to spare; yea, I prepared all things, and have given unto the children of men to be agents unto themselves. 18 Therefore, if any man shall take of the abundance which I have made, and impart not his portion, according to the law of my gospel, unto the poor and the needy, he shall, with the wicked, lift up his eyes in hell, being in torment."

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The problem is energy cost of delivery the food to the market. The whole food market model may change very soon since Future Markets have change the outcome of the energy's 'Supply & Demand' model to now of speculation. Food market may follow the same model...then we are all in trouble,

Monetary crisis is the one to watch. Remember folks, how do you control the world if you are the Anti-Christ?

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:( I get we need to make sure all are fed. What else are you trying to say????

At this time there is not an abundance and sadly it is beginning to cause problems for many.:( so your point........

The point is that there is always an abundance, GOD says so. It is only when evil people conspire to contrive shortages (other than short-term regional drought / pest induced ones) that the abundance is not shared.

What we need in this world is liberty. Tyrants starve people. Free people are almost universally able to feed themselves (absent catastrophe like in Burma right now)...

There is no such thing as "over population" on Earth (other than an over population of tyrants)...

Remember, Master Mahan (Cain, et al) and his followers seek to murder and get gain. They do this by war, famine, and economic turmoil. For the most part, mass starvations have been government induced, like in Korea, China, Ethiopia, etc...

Less Government, More Individual Responsibility, and with GOD's Help, a Better World...that's the answer...

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The problem is energy cost of delivery the food to the market. The whole food market model may change very soon since Future Markets have change the outcome of the energy's 'Supply & Demand' model to now of speculation. Food market may follow the same model...then we are all in trouble,

Monetary crisis is the one to watch. Remember folks, how do you control the world if you are the Anti-Christ?

You are absolutely right! Absent real money, these contrived shortages, etc., with only continue to increase until the final day when it all collapses...

If we are to have economic liberty, we must have real money. We don't...

Satan is SO SMART, but GOD is ALL-KNOWING...if we would just follow his plan for us...

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As I have been a new buff since the age of five I have always followed world events and remember alot of the the world issues regarding food and famine. I do agree war and government play a big role in the supply of food to its people.

I am sure there will be a crossing point of food production vs consumption with the ever increase in world population gains. It may be more severe in some countries then others..or not at all.

It is just a good idea to prepare. Prepare by being self sustaining if possible. Right now the cost of land here in BC is rediciosly out of reach for the average citizen here. I would like to buy a house here with some land but I just do not see my self paying a 1,500 dollars plus mortgage.

I may just reconsider moving to Washington from where I am from and have a much lower "If possible" living expense to income ratio. Buying some land and put at least one large greenhouse on it and not have to continually worry about the ever increasing price of fuel adjusted by the cost of petroleum for its delivery would be a nice relief.

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