Christian from England...

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I'm Lucy, 25 and living in the West Midlands in England. I've recently become interested in the LDS church after reading some of their websites. I'm looking to find LDS around my age (25) who I can chat to about maybe joining.

I don't know any LDS in my area and I don't drive so I can't get to the chapels nearest to me. My mum isn't comfortable with missionaries coming to talk to me at the house so I'm really relying on the internet to help me find LDS friends.

I also suffer from mental illness, but after reading an article in "Ensign", I can see that the LDS church has a really loving and understanding way of looking at this issue. However, one of my phobias is using the phone, so I can't call the chapels I would like to attend.

I've been a Christian since I was about 13, but have never found a church where I felt comfortable and truly accepted. I feel that God is nudging me towards the LDS church. It’s a feeling I've never had with any other denomination and I'm very excited about it.

I hope I'll fit in with all you lovely people!!!

God bless you

Lucy xx

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Welcome! I have a bit of a phone phobia myself (I *hate* calling people I don't already know, or who aren't expecting a call from me. I won't even call to order a pizza!) so I can understand a bit of the predicament you're in. I *believe* on you can chat with missionaries. Something you might want to check out. :)

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Hi Lucy, welcome to the forum. I have a feeling we have a member somewhere in the Midlands. There are bound to be some church members who live near you even if you aren't near a chapel. I live about 5 miles from our chapel which is in another town but there are plenty other members in this town. I hope you find someone you can chat with who lives near you.

When you really want something and it's the right thing the Lord usually finds a way.

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Hi Lucy,

I can totally relate to you. I'm 24 and a convert myself. Although I converted when I was a teenager, I had the the same feelings as you...that I never felt truly comfortable at a church until the LDS church (and I investigated plenty!) My parents didn't really want the missionaries coming round to my house either, but luckily I had an LDS friend who let us go to her house. Once my parents saw how happy the church made me they became more supportive. I'm sure you could meet with the missionaries at a public location somewhere near you that's not your house.

The advice to go on is good, and hopefully you make it the chapel to attend a service...I think thats the best way to get a good feel for it. When I attended church in the UK I had offers from people to drive me to and from, so I'm thinking once you meet a member of the congregation they could point you in the right direction.

Looking forward to chatting with you!

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