Tarot cards

Guest HEthePrimate

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Actually, according to my sources, the minor arcana came first, so don't feel bad if you like to play games with face cards! The major arcana were added later as trumps, and that's all they were, trumps for use in a game related to our modern Bridge.

Actually, that makes sense. Interesting.


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In the United States tarot cards are overwhelmingly associated with fortune telling. Therefore, imho, they have no place in a U.S. Christian household. I won't condemn the believer who chooses to collect them, for reasons of history or intrigue, but I would not choose to engage in collecting or using or consuming anything that is frought with misunderstanding, such as these are.

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In the United States tarot cards are overwhelmingly associated with fortune telling. Therefore, imho, they have no place in a U.S. Christian household. I won't condemn the believer who chooses to collect them, for reasons of history or intrigue, but I would not choose to engage in collecting or using or consuming anything that is frought with misunderstanding, such as these are.

You've hit upon the main problem of Tarot here in the States. The topic is frought with misunderstanding. It is my belief that the popular media and educational institutions should do a better job of educating the American public about misunderstood aspects of culture.

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This may seem a little off-topic but bear with me.

Many years ago I worked in a bank. One of our customers was a shop owner who would bring his previous day's takings in at the start of each day and some time during the morning when the transaction had been done I would take his books back to him as he was the only on in the shop and it remained open all day. This shop was an off-licence which mainly sold alcohol although he did sell some soft drinks too.

Now people passing by seeing me going into this 'den of iniquity' every morning drew the conclusion that I couldn't get through the day without alcohol.

My point in this is that I was only doing my job and helping our customer. I did not purchase anything from his shop. The evil was in the eye of the beholder.

Likewise I have playing cards. My family plays games with them. The evil is in the eye of the beholder.

I wonder how many people read their daily horoscopes in the newspaper. I wonder how many people read the rest of the newspaper and never read the horoscope because they think it's a load of old rhubarb. Does it or should it put them off buying a newspaper? Just curiosity on my part. We get a daily paper and I read most of it but I just think the 'stars' are a waste of space.

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I wonder how many people read their daily horoscopes in the newspaper.

I do not read my horoscope every day, or every week for that matter, but I do occasionally enjoy seeing what it says. However, I by no means put any credence into what it says. I think one reads into it what they want to...?

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So are you saying that if someone does not hold the LDS priesthood, nothing they say on any given subject is worth listening to??

Wow. :o

It would appear that some clarification is needed for the rude and ignorant.

It's a good question to always ask yourself. Remember what Listener said. Are you seeking God? Because if you are, then it would stand to reason to seek someone who has authority from God. It's foolish to do so otherwise.

As for your smart-alec comment, that is NOT what I was saying. Please exercise some intelligence and don't take my words out of context. If you want clarification, by all means ask. But not in an antagonistic way. Good advice from anyone is good and you should always listen. Even when seeking God. It's still a good idea to remember to seek those out who have authority from God.

P.S. If you're going to say things on these forums that will tear down our religion or mock it, go somewhere else.

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It would appear that some clarification is needed for the rude and ignorant.

It's a good question to always ask yourself. Remember what Listener said. Are you seeking God? Because if you are, then it would stand to reason to seek someone who has authority from God. It's foolish to do so otherwise.

As for your smart-alec comment, that is NOT what I was saying. Please exercise some intelligence and don't take my words out of context. If you want clarification, by all means ask. But not in an antagonistic way. Good advice from anyone is good and you should always listen. Even when seeking God. It's still a good idea to remember to seek those out who have authority from God.

P.S. If you're going to say things on these forums that will tear down our religion or mock it, go somewhere else.

Calm down Teancum18. I took his comment to be antagonistic, too. But there's no need for you to react. Unlearn how to react and learn how to act upon.

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The problem lies it putting your faith in something other than the Lord. Those using Tarot cards to divine answers are doing just that: Putting their faith in the cards and possibly the one dealing the cards.

The Godhead works on laws and principles of order. There are ways They reveal Their will to us humans. There are ways They have told us that Satan deceives us. These ways They will not use, because They do not want to deceive us or create any "grey areas" that might confuse us.

While I haven't been able to find a source (yet), I've heard that Church leaders also tell us to avoid "Pop Psychology" and such, as well. That'd include Tarot psychology. Or Oprah's latest pet project (make me gag.)

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It would appear that some clarification is needed for the rude and ignorant.

It's a good question to always ask yourself. Remember what Listener said. Are you seeking God? Because if you are, then it would stand to reason to seek someone who has authority from God. It's foolish to do so otherwise.

As for your smart-alec comment, that is NOT what I was saying. Please exercise some intelligence and don't take my words out of context. If you want clarification, by all means ask. But not in an antagonistic way. Good advice from anyone is good and you should always listen. Even when seeking God. It's still a good idea to remember to seek those out who have authority from God.

P.S. If you're going to say things on these forums that will tear down our religion or mock it, go somewhere else.

Yes, we know it to be true, the true Priesthood not only governs the universe and all intelligences, it governs life itself. If there was no priesthood, there would be no earth or life upon it.

Teancum18, unforunately, you will find in this world, about 90 percent [iMHO] of the people do not understand this simple unique principle. For mahy, it will require death to understand about this simple priciple or for others, simply don't care. :mellow:

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Guest HEthePrimate

As for your smart-alec comment, that is NOT what I was saying. Please exercise some intelligence and don't take my words out of context. If you want clarification, by all means ask. But not in an antagonistic way.

I'm sorry Teancum, I don't mean to offend.

P.S. If you're going to say things on these forums that will tear down our religion or mock it, go somewhere else.

I am active LDS, and not inclined to tear down or mock my own religion.


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Guest HEthePrimate

In the United States tarot cards are overwhelmingly associated with fortune telling. Therefore, imho, they have no place in a U.S. Christian household. I won't condemn the believer who chooses to collect them, for reasons of history or intrigue, but I would not choose to engage in collecting or using or consuming anything that is frought with misunderstanding, such as these are.

Unfortunately, Mormonism is fraught with misunderstanding. That doesn't stop me from being a Mormon. I'm not in the habit of letting other people's misconceptions dictate my choices. Lest that sound too harsh, I'm not accusing you of doing that, Prisonchaplain. The fact that you are willing to carry on reasonable dialogue with the Mormons sets you apart from many of your non-LDS colleagues, and I respect that. Let's just say that nobody, myself included, is always consistent. ;)


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Well, you must not know a lot of people, and clearly don't understand me. Which, seems like it's more of a sad thing for you, because those who DO understand me tend to tell me I'm awesome Posted Image. Your loss. Posted Image

Vision-----I forgot to add puffed up and full of yourself its ok your age and inexperience in life show. I don't feel a loss either but sadness for you

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Guest HEthePrimate

The problem lies it putting your faith in something other than the Lord. Those using Tarot cards to divine answers are doing just that: Putting their faith in the cards and possibly the one dealing the cards.

Who says? Were the 11 apostles placing their faith in the lots instead of the Lord, or were they placing their faith in the Lord to govern how the lots fell?

Personally, I think the Lord can reveal Himself anyway He chooses. (He's God, after all!), and I've never seen a definitive list of ways He will or won't do so. Just as an example, yesterday I was waiting for the bus and a little sparrow landed nearby and started pecking around for food. I'm a big animal lover and so I tend to notice animals when they're around. Anyway, while watching the sparrow I began thinking about what the Lord said about sparrows, that He notices when one of them falls to the ground, and how much more important are we His children than sparrows! That got me pondering the Lord's love and I felt inspired. One could argue that the Lord simply touched my heart with the Spirit at that time, and maybe He did. But I see no reason why the Lord couldn't have sent the sparrow as a small sign, a reminder, and a means of letting me know He loves me at a time I really needed it. I have a hard time believing that being inspired by that sparrow was evil because the scriptures and the prophets have not specifically said watching animals is a legitimate way to find inspiration or revelation. You could say it's a matter of the Lord speaking to people on their own level, in language they can understand, and getting their attention in ways that work for them.

In any case, I'm not suggesting that everybody run out and get a tarot reading. Just thought it was an interesting question, and I'm delighted that this topic has generated so much discussion!


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