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Everything posted by Fiannan

  1. Fox is Mexico's president? The way he acts, and the way our congress acts, you'd think he was the president of the USA! On the immigration issue the government should listen to the people of the USA -- build a border wall now and post the USA's military on the border! In fact, let's get really tough and adopt MEXICO's immigration laws -- now they are tough, although I would not want our security forces to be as racist as Mexico's are.
  2. Make sure you have something for them to chew on during take off and descent. The change in air pressure can be quite painful for the tympanic membrane of the inner ear. Try to keep them awake prior to the trip so they will sleep onboard. Also, when your plane is boarding do beware if they say parents with young kids can go first. Many airports routinly check the first person to step past the boarding station. When my wife and I hade our youngest two with us (the ages of your's) we were stopped and I had to do a thorough security check while my wife was then left with the kids and having to board alone. I pray Bin Ladin does not know how idiotic our security procedures in the USA really are. Our government should send airport security people to Venezuela where they know how to check and secure airplanes. Oh I forgot, for some reason we aren't supposed to like Venezuela right now. Well then how about China -- they seem to do it pretty good too?
  3. Wonder how much human rights were discussed.
  4. Utah has nobody to blame except that goofball prosecuter who made Tom Green an international issue prior to the 2002 Olympics. Anyone acquainted with marketing knows that perception is everything -- what you actually say means little if anything. For me, Green's name (or his case) has come up in discussions I've had with non-members in China, Sweden, Russia and a couple other places. EVERYBODY I talked with connected Green to Mormonism. Put in as many disclaimers as you like -- non-Mormons cannot be expected to know the difference between fundamentalist Mormons and the mainline Mormon Church any more than expecting the average American to know the difference between a Shia and a Sunni Muslim. Had Green been left by himself, his wives and his trailers in the desert nobody would have been mistakenly giving Utah a new rehash of the polygamy thing. I'm not blaming Utah people in general because opinion polls show most Utah people have a live and let live approach to polygamists.
  5. Kinda a light subject. I have to say that I am glad my wife stumpled on "24". The show is awsome and reminds me of those old cliffhanger seriels from the 1930s -- no, I am not that old, it's just that when I was a kid on Saturday afternoons the local station played horror films and spliced in a seriel from that era in between the movie. I was into "Lost" but missed a bunch of episodes so I think I'll just get a box set eventually.
  6. This issue is perplex. France recently made it legal to download, while it was legal in Sweden until recently. And then what if you go to anyplace in the 3rd. World and buy pirated CDs, is that morally wrong if there is no law against it there? I don't download because to me it isn't worth what could happen if caught. However, I do not see it really as a moral issue.
  7. A 63 year old who dies through engaging in a stupid habit like smoking saves money (generally) for retirment systems. Sad maybe, but cold economic reality. A beneficiary will not get the same amount of money the man/woman would have received had they retired. A non-smoker generally lives much longer than a smoker so in theory some of the money the non-smoker gets from SS will be money that would have gone to the smoker who paid his/her exicse taxes and SS money and then expires prematurely.
  8. Smoking, unlike alcohol, may cost society a lot, but in the longrun it either comes out even or even helps out the economy. You see, even with all the missed work and problems associated with smoking, it tends to kill people with quick heart attacks while they are in their 50s and 60s. Others it takes out with cancer in those years, or soon after retirement. Point? A person puts in 40 years of work, pays into pensions and social secuirity, and then dies before retiring. That leaves the people who don't smoke more money while they live perhaps 20 or more years after retirment. Alcohol on the other hand kills young people ready to approach their productive years or already in it. It also kils people on the streets, in crimes, etc. who might not even drink.
  9. Well, okay. I have a sense of humor. But seriously, here's one in which I have no evidence that having babies protects you from influenza. Although having sex a lot has been shown to increase immune functioning and help protect you from viral infections. Should note, though, that this is one of those "moderation" things. One article I read said that having sex more than a half dozen times a week could leave you more open to disease (I assume that this may be due to sacrifice of sleep more than the exercise involved). I believe the ideal is 3 - 4 times.
  10. Not terribly worried about bird flu at the moment. Spent two weeks pretty close to chickens and ducks and all kinds of other interesting creatures in both northern and southern China recently. Jetlag, but nothing else. Want to prevent flu? Here are proven methods to íncrease your immunity and lessen your chance of getting sick: Take up aerobic exercise such as running or bicycling. Greatly increases immunity. So does frequent sex! Things that help are vitamines and minerals such as Vit-C, zinc, and E. Heard selenium also helps as does L-lysine. And wash your hands -- especially in you use public transport or work with kids. Also, wash your hands immediately after entering church and having to shake hands with all kinds of people.
  11. Uh last Sunday I think. My grandfather in law had to go to the hospital so we left early from Sacrament so my wife could go visit him with her mother -- I think about 30 minutes earlier than the end of sacrament.
  12. Sometimes there are quite simple reasons for things occuring. Found this article from 1988. Just could spell some problems for the Church.
  13. Sorry to inform you Pushka (sorry in more ways than one) the "CNN" article is an internet hoax that has been floating around for several years. I'm sure it has made more than a few men happy sharing the article with their wives -- and opened up more diversity in some couple's relationships. So while sex has been associated with lots of health benifits, the particular act you illustrate isn't assoicated with reductions in breast cancer.
  14. Sigh, but I have never seen a study linking semen to reduction in cancers. However I have read studies that explain how childbirth reduces the risk of cancer cells developing in the breasts and in the uterus.
  15. Rarely mentioned in this debate is just how racist Mexico really is. Mestizo and European Mexicans could not care less if they can give away their Indian citizens (lower classes primarily from the south) to the USA. Also, Mexico is extremely hostile towards illegal immigrants from Latin America and the Caribbian (especially if they are black). If the US immigration policies were close to that of Mexico's civil rights folk would have something to complain about.
  16. Yeah, but I'd assume corporate women are generally heterosexual and having regular sex with men.
  17. That variabel might sound logical if we could assume that lesbians don't have sex. Maybe they aren't having sex with men but... Also, I have read that high-level white career women are at a greater risk of breast cancer. We can assume these women aren't avoiding sex with men but they are still much more likely to get breast cancer. The only logical variable that ties nuns, career women and lesbians together (hey, no jokes here please ) is the extremely low birthrate.
  18. Shanstress70, even when I was in college/graduate school I heard in lectures that lesbains and nuns have the highest risk of breast and ovarian cancer -- and what's the common denominator there? Also read an article that Italian doctors in the 1700s called breast cancer "nun's disease". In fiarness, as cervical cancer is a sexually transmitted disease nuns have the lowest risk for it. Is it the biggest factor? I said I believed it must be. Does childbearing get rid of your risk? No, but not smoking might not make sure you never develop lung disease either.
  19. Yes Winnie, one can have a bunch of kids, breastfeed them all, exercise, avoid bras and even spend time at the local nudist colony -- and still get breast cancer. It's just that these activities can reduce your risk. I believe that the childbearing thing can reduce it the most. My wife has a friend who just got diagnosed with lung cancer even though the woman has never smoked in her life and is in her 40s. Sometimes thse things happen -- but in most cases we can put up a good pre-emptive fight and reduce our chances of many types of cancers.
  20. Why would any guy complain about being in the hall with young children? Most guys I know have more than once purposly woke a baby so as to get out of a boring sacrament talk. Little pinch or shake and presto, you get to converse in the hall with the other fathers and the teenagers.
  21. Interesting, exposure to the sun actually reduces breast cancer -- Now in other research I have seen close connections to childbearing and breast feeding reducing the risk of breast cancer -- the more kids, the more reduction in risk. Other research has pointed to exercise and even going without a bra can reduce risk. not drinking any alcohol at all can also reduce risk. I guess LDS gals who love childbearing and are somewhat into the herbal lifestyle stand the best chance of lowering risk for breast cancer.
  22.,ta...o,72721,24.html Interesting.
  23. Visited a nudist resort witht he wife once -- wife loved it, and been to a few hotsprings but prefer Adidas to tie-dye, own absolutely no hemp clothing, only have one wife, and have never attempted to garden nude.
  24. I noticed on the airplane the other day a German newspaper with the headline "Germany needs kids, kids, kids!". The German birthrate (as well as Europe in general and much of Asia as well as career-oriented American women) is at extinction levels. Many women in modern society (who might be inclined to desire 2 or 3 kids -- or more) decide to either not have kids or maybe only have one so as to juggle career and family. You cannot tell me there are not LDS women out there who also struggle with this desire for a duel role whether by choice or economic necessity. Polygamy would benifit such women more than any other segment of the female population -- and, at least where Europe is concerned, perhaps since you cannot call the continent Christian anymore women there might be open to the idea of polygamy more so now than in the past 1000 years.