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Everything posted by Mirium

  1. Mirium

    Coming Clean

    This can be a difficult and painful situation. My husband isn't a member and both my children are less active. My eldest who is an adult doesn't hide her standards from me and yes it hurts when in my view she is making wrong choices but it doesn't stop me from loving her at the end of the day she is still my daughter. Living with a non member and less active is kind of the other way round for me because they sometimes don't approve of my standards and think they are over the top but at the end of the day we are all pretty open about how we live our lives even if we do disagree with each other. Sometimes I wonder how we manage to live in the same house but we do. The hardest thing I struggle with is seeing her go out dressed far from what the church standard is, she knows this is hard for me and it is hard to keep quiet but I do because I have to respect her free agency.
  2. We have never failed until we quit trying. None of us are perfect, I have many failings. People would rather just have you in sacrament meeting without doing talks or blessing the sacrament rather than not have you there atall. I have been in the church nearly ten years and have never given a talk my nerves just won't let me do it. I just try to do what I can do and try not to worry about what I can't. I'm sure that if you explain to your Bishop and the Elders how you feel and that its making you want to quit church they will stop trying to push you into these things. Please don't give up coming, I tried that once and it just made me feel worse.
  3. I'm not very good with scripture study but I try. I seem to keep being drawn to 3 Nephi chapter 22, as if Heavenly Father is trying to tell me something. Could anybody give me some insight on what this chapter is talking about. I keep re reading it but I'm not understanding it. Thankyou
  4. I get frustrated when the person in front of me is a friend of the cashier and they spend too much time catching up with each other instead of getting the job done!
  5. You have to post some pictures! Please!
  6. I had a dream once, it was very real and not very pleasant, When I woke up I was so relieved it was a dream. About a year later it my dream happened in real life. Was I being prepared I don't know but I do know that when it happened in real life it wasn't so much of a shock to me.
  7. I got 18. Oh well better than I thought I'd do!
  8. I don't know you but congratulations and well done for being willing to serve. I know you will be truly blessed.
  9. Just curious, if someone was not keeping the word of wisdom but repented each week or if they were trying but failing to keep the word of wisdom and repented this week would they still be able to take the sacrament? Also what if they struggled to be repentant about it and knew they were not ready to change their ways, could they then take the sacrament? Finally, I was told word of wisdom issues were things you could repent of alone and did not require seeing the Bishop. Is this correct?
  10. My husband refused to attend my baptism but it was not required for me to gain consent from him. When it came to being endowed in the Temple the Bishop reqired me to obtain a letter of consent from my husband before I could go. He doesn't like me being a member of the church but would never stop me going. In fact I think he is far more tolerant than I would have been had roles been reversed.
  11. One thing I would suggest is that each time you read the book of mormon, pray first and ask for help and guidance in understanding what is written. I find when I do this I get more out of reading.
  12. Yes, I will attend at least one session at the chapel, maybe two if I can and will listen to some other sessions on the internet so count me in.
  13. What if they have never felt the spirit or gained a testimony though? Are you saying that if my husband doesn't join the church in this life that there is no hope for us? If that is the case if he dies before me would there be no point in my being sealed to him? This has always worried me
  14. Lily, please hang in there, keep talking to Heavenly Father even if you think He is not listening, even if you cannot feel his presence, keep talking to Him. He loves you. Take one day at a time. Keep talking about how your feeling even if its just on line. If you are able, follow gabelpa's advice. I too have had similar feelings to you. I find that when I feel tempted talking about it helps to control it. You are of worth, that is why Satan works so hard to destroy what we have. Just remember your not alone. I will pray for you.
  15. My husband says that if he finds out when he dies that there is life after death he still is not sure he would accept temple work which is done for him. What always sits in the back of my mind is that if he dies before me and I go to the Temple and get sealed to him. If he doesn't accept the work what happens to me then? I would never know if he accepted the work or not and if so what if I met someone in this life and sacrificed being sealed to them because I had done the work to be sealed to my current husband in the hope that he would accept it, but still not being sure. I've always wondered about it.
  16. I met a member of the church about 18mths before the missionaries knocked on my door. She taught me, became a great friend. I knew the church was true before the missionaries found me. After my baptism having a close friend in the church helped me even though she didn't go to the same ward as me. I was given a visiting teaching list and a calling almost straight away which got me involved and interacting with people. The ward mission leader and his wife fellowshipped not just me but also my non member husband and even now almost 10 years later, although my husband is still a not a member we are still firm friends. Above all, the thing that has kept me active the most is the bond I have built with my Heavenly Father and my Saviour. I know they love me and have blessed me many times over the years. Life hasn't been easy, especially in a part member family, yes there are times when I want to give up and feel I can't do it anymore but its the bond I have with them and the desire to be with them again one day that keeps me going. A testimony has to be kept strong by reading and praying, keeping the standards and commandments, loving and serving others. I don't know where I'd be without it.
  17. When I got baptised my husband, who wasn't interested in the gospel, wouldn't consent to my children being baptised but a couple of months later he changed his mind. My daughter wanted the missionary who taught and baptised me to baptise her but he had moved on to another area. The new missionaries taught her but the missionary who baptised me was given permission to come back and do the baptism. I do know that this isn't always the case though and permission does have to be given.
  18. Mirium

    Not Caring

    I have felt everything you describe in the first paragraph so you are not alone. That first paragraph could be describing me . Its not all the time just sometimes when I become totally overwhelmed with all I have to deal with and feeling I'll never make it. Sometimes I think its a coping mechanism when things get too much because the only way to cope is just not to care. I don't know what the answer is. Just know your not alone.
  19. Mirium


    Does anyone have any tips on how to overcome agitation without resorting to sedation. I am managing my depression pretty well but the agitation seems to be getting worse. I used to use coping mechanisms like relaxation techniques, listening to music, excersise but nothing seems to help. I feel so knotted up and tense inside that relaxing seems impossible. The only thing that helps at the moment is a priesthood blessing but don't have easy access to the priesthood. I do find talking to people helps but again don't like bothering others. I do have alot of stress in my life right now that is unavoidable. I know I am being spiritually strengthened by my trials and am learning alot about endurance but these episodes of agitation and tension are really hard to deal with and very unpleasant. Sometimes as a last resort I will take meds but it leaves me feeling groggy and then I find it difficult to function, also I don't want to become dependant on them.
  20. Shy, homesick, faithful, disorganised, kind
  21. I have stated this before on these forums. I too struggle with being sealed to my family (they are not members either) and being with them for eternity, especially my mother. I have prayed about it and currently endure being in their presence and try to do the best I can for them. I feel it my duty to do their Temple work for them when they have passed over. I feel that the day I take my mother through the Temple will be be the hardest day of my life but I feel that until I do that and have her sealed to my father and her parents I will not find peace. I forgive her but that does not mean I find it easy to be in her presence, I just strive to do the best I can. I will do the Temple work and sealings and leave the rest in Heavenly Fathers hands. Regarding being sealed to her myself. I feel it is the right thing to do but when the time comes I will probably pray and fast about it first and maybe discuss my feelings with my Bishop. I truly feel the Lord will make all things right in the end and all will be well. I've learnt alot about putting my faith and trust in the Lord lately.
  22. Thankyou for your responses. I will print them off for him to read and ponder, including the other thread.
  23. My less active teenage son has asked me to post this question on his behalf. Please, when replying, reply as if your responding to him, not me. Thankyou If God created everything then who or what created God?
  24. I am the only active member in my house. I too find it hard to feel the spirit. I struggle with the standards they keep but I am slowly learning that I have to respect their free agency and that has been really hard to come to terms with. I use good uplifting music and good books to read. I have pictures of the Saviour by my bed. There are times too when I have slipped and wanted to give up but we must continue to be a good example to our families. Talk to your Father in Heaven, He loves you and He understands. Go to church however hard it is to motivate yourself and you will be blessed for it. Just try to do your best everyday even if its only little steps. My heart goes out to you. Take good care of yourself. Do you have good friends at church who can help you and support you?
  25. Hi and welcome, look forward to hearing more from you. I'm a convert also and its the best thing that ever happened to me too.