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Everything posted by talisyn

  1. Somali pirates kept that British couple alive for over 1 year, I was expecting the same for these people. I don't like it when these stories don't have happy endings ><
  2. *sigh* the second coming can't get here soon enough.
  3. I spent 30 minutes trying to be quiet while laughing hysterically last night. Cake wrecks is perfect. I also like oddlyspecific.com
  4. I think maybe HG didn't phrase his words quite how he wanted to? I think I know what he's saying, that there are segments of society that will work for lower pay/less benefits than what would fund most people's lifestyle (like rent, health insurance, auto care and insurance etc.)...
  5. *sigh* yeah the ER comment was subjective. Not everyone treats the poor as burdens. There are some who will do dental work when you qualify for a line of credit through their offices. There are some hospitals that do not have a big sign on the window of the emergency room office 'Payment for services is expected at time of service'.
  6. I'll see your friend with cancer and raise you 4 women who work in gas stations who can't get their teeth fixed because they can't pay the $107.00/tooth extraction. I hope your friend gets better. Basically, it's all subjective. If you have no money or insurance people in the ER will tell you if your problem will get fixed by them or not. Obvious heart attack will be taken care of. Undefined chest pains will get you a prescription for heartburn medicine. Fact is if you don't have insurance you will be told what can be fixed and what can't, and you better be grateful you get even that
  7. Food prices are one of those things that get 'adjusted'. Like 'seasonal' unemployment doesn't get counted towards unemployment figures. I forgot what else doesn't get counted in official reports. BTW did you see the news article talking about how the storms in the Midwest are affecting food prices? It's winter. It's the Midwest. They aren't even digging into the ground for another 2-3 months and already the price of food got higher? Food costs at record high as U.N. warns of volatile era - Yahoo! News
  8. But that stewardship can be taken away. The closest thing I can see about this topic in the Bible is the good Samaritan story, of course. I guess it's up to every individual whether they are the good Samaritan or the inn keeper
  9. Well, I have yet to see someone cite the words of Christ when talking about the not-socialization of health care
  10. It really depends on the language of the courts. A federal court has the power to strike down state laws. If it's worded the right way the ruling disallowing mandated health care can and will be used to disallow state-mandated auto insurance.
  11. The author of Twilight is far wiser than any of us could guess ^^
  12. Welcome back. And you should play a real game like FFXI.
  13. I love the health care law, no surprise I'm sure. But on the other hand with all this 'unconstitutional' talk maybe soon I won't have to pay mandatory car insurance. There really is no difference.
  14. I had both my babies naturally and a few of my sisters have had epidurals but like others have said, leave your mind open to possibilities. One thing to remember about medicines is that there are side effects. One of my cousins got an epidural and ended up with a horrible headache that lasted for hours (medicine got into spinal fluid). I had Nubain with my first and it helped tons. I didn't have anything with my second but I spent 1 hour stuck at 7cm with a body that wanted to push so bad that I was like 'give me something NOW!!!' I never wanted to swear so much in my life. Looking back I think an epidural might have helped
  15. Wow I didn't know you had your baby! Congrats!
  16. I get four 15-20 minute breaks during my shift. However, depending on how machinery is running the times for those breaks can vary wildly. For instance, last Sunday I was able to pump at 9am and 1130 am, but I didn't get my next break until 530pm and didn't get a 4th break at all >< I'm a utility operator and cover for vacations, so there's no one to cover for me lol. It hasn't been too big of a problem, I thought, until about noon yesterday when after a few minutes of feeding my baby I was totally dry. Thanks for the advice, I'll make sure I pump more on my days off. The Health Care Act requires my employer to give me time for pumping breaks and I take advantage of that when I can, but working on the production floor where things happen now can make it hard.
  17. Help please!! I work 12 hr shifts and most of the time I can't take regular pumping breaks, and it's affecting my milk supply. Does anyone know of anything I can do (besides quitting lol) to increase amount? I've been drinking water and it helps a lot. Thanks!
  18. *holding breath* oh wait when were we suppose to start?
  19. I have to respectfully disagree a bit. I don't think it's a lack of God in schools, but a lack of general morality in TV. The kids don't know the whys of sex, all they know is the whats. And they know it's something grownups do.
  20. I could go through a couple million dollars within a few years. That's why if we win something my husband is in charge of the money lol. I think it's the investment schemes that get the winners. Or they open their own business without doing proper planning. Now that's how to get rich, try to get rich people to invest in your ideas. Your ideas don't have to work, you just have to make them sound good and then "Well, it looks like the economy wasn't ready for this, sorry but that happens."
  21. We totally need bagpipes with our troops in Afghanistan and Iraq. I'm serious.