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Everything posted by talisyn

  1. I've been able to pick out fellow Mormons occasionally, esp. at work. We seem to gravitate towards one another without even knowing it lol. I remember ages ago when I was working at a food processing plant freezer and was talking to someone about Mormons and how neither of us seem to have that 'aura'. Yet, looking back, the only two Mormons in the whole crew managed to find each other lol.
  2. Well....if anyone besides me have been reading much on the pro-union websites they'd know...nvm I'm fairly certain what I'd say wouldn't be heard
  3. My baby is 7 months old today! And she's so big, what happened to that squirmy little baby I could roll up into a ball? And my 11 year old thinks she's 17. Why do they insist on growing up? Don't they know what's out there??? WAAAAHHHH!
  4. I was wondering the same thing! And the Congo is still ongoing, why aren't we there? But on the other hand, maybe it's just a matter of who the president is. And what nation the UN has decided it wants to ummm..peacekeep?
  5. ok, then, let's play with this. the us gov't just eliminated corp. taxes: now what?
  6. guns don't kill people, bullets do. cars..umm...give big owwies?
  7. Who said something like 'character is what you do when you're alone'?
  8. no kidding about the pound. I feel sorry for Ireland. I believe it took 2 votes for them to go to the euro and now look at them
  9. There's nothing wrong with questioning the societal system one is living in. It's fascinating to me to see how interconnected our world is. Roman emperors, Attila the Hun, Genghis Khan, I doubt any of them could even conceive of the power the heads of banks and other corps now have. Pointing out how things are and how much power some have, especially when compared to the other 95.9% of the population, is something that should happen every so often. % is my own invention. However, the vast majority of this world does not have the power to bring down Iceland or Ireland lol.
  10. I think there are secrect alliances of people who are trying to control the world for their own purposes..but usually who I think is doing it and who others think are doing it are usually on opposing ends lol.
  11. Gee, you'd think making cheap products by cheap labor would offset American truck driver wages...I guess every penny counts
  12. How old was Mr. Pacquiao?
  13. The 'push present' sounds like something I read about a while ago, where husbands in medieval times would give their wives a nice pregnancy gift, kind've a way of acknowledging the risk the woman was taking because she might not be able to enjoy it after the baby was born. I'll look up more info...to the google!
  14. Here's a nice article on the subject, just for starters. Drivers protest Mexico truck plan - U.S. news - Life - msnbc.com
  15. Nice essay, please cite your sources? Because I'm pretty sure this Mexican truck driver thing has been in the pipeline for about 15 years now, during the whole NAFTA start...
  16. *sigh* Women should have the self-esteem knowing they are daughters of the Most High, I don't think any of us on here dispute that. Please excuse me as I explain, again, to my amazonian daughter why we don't have 'women's magazines' in the house.
  17. darn this laggy computer to double-post hades.
  18. Yeah, I've seen this. Why is it that in any group of 3 or more women there will be at least a 10 minute discussion on dieting? It's like a bonding moment. If you are female and don't participate you're excluded. This is just my own example. I hope, too.
  19. can you just link it? lol
  20. Claygirl, I'm sympathetic to the plight of illegal immigrants. The more I know about various places (mostly Mexico) the more I feel sorry for them. However, the problems they face is a task something their home country must solve. What bugs me is the US politicians who get elected after a campaign run as 'Close the Border!' and then do nothing. Once police show up in the Senators and Reps offices with illegal immigrants in custody it will no longer be an ephermal 'we really should do something, eventually' problem. It will be a 'how do we get out of this without looking like a hypocrite' problem
  21. What does Pres. Obama have to do with the nation of Somalia?
  22. There are only so many places they can hide before they have to do something about the porous border.
  23. My job is simple. I do everything needed to take wonderfully healthy potatoes and make them into wonderfully unhealthy french fries. You're welcome *^.^*
  24. I'm always glad when I can cross party lines and salute politicians who I feel are actually doing a good job. My husband's computer won't allow me to click on the insert link button so it's cut/paste, sorry WIOD NewsRadio 610 - News | Traffic | Weather - 24 "A measure filed by State Rep. Lois Kolkhorst (R-Brenham) would allow any law enforcement agency that has custody of an illegal immigrant to take the illegal to 'the office of a U.S. Senator or Representative' and leave them there." Awesome.