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Everything posted by talisyn

  1. Pregnancy dreams are both crazy and awesome. All those hormones just make your subconscious that much closer to the surface (my theory). I will never, ever forget a dream I had that involved 2 Dr Whos and the main cast of Naruto. And believe me, I wish I could
  2. Please, don't stop making comparisons of President Obama to Adolf Hitler just because you don't want to get into trouble. Stand up for your beliefs!
  3. I am very grateful to be the daughter of the very forgiving Almighty, who gives me wonderful things like my family and friends, despite my flaws I am grateful for Curious George, a laughing toddler, and her daddy and sister who also get the jokes.
  4. .This is what we did. I'd rather be the one at home, but at least one of us is :) The homeless problem is so multi-faceted! There are layers upon layers of reasons an individual and family can be out on the streets. I do know, however, that people can make a huge difference in the lives of others. I remember how amazing it can be to find a $10 bill in a garbage can on the beach when you're looking for aluminum cans. I can also remember the look on the face of a tired man, sitting with his dog on the curb by Wal-Mart at 11:30 at night, when I went back and gave him $5 (all I had at the time). Charity never faileth.
  5. I love youtube video flippers. It's sometimes the only way I can watch pirated anime this is a good example of flipping
  6. I totally thought of this, and did it. The 1 month supply (baby steps) lasted about 2 days
  7. Awesome ^^ With a temple being built in Rome he should have lots of people asking lots of good questions.
  8. Thank you for your reply. I know they were offered a 1/4 stake in Hostess, but I didn't mention it in addition because being offered a stake in a failing company doesn't sound like a great deal to me lol. It sounds like you are saying Obamacare is the reason insurance prices are high. I have had the exact same insurance for 6 years, and every year the price has gone higher. Pres. Obama has been in office for 4 years As for the money, where was it going? I don't know. It can be said with complete truthfulness that the money can go to wherever the managers want it to go. They don't have to spend it on replacing aging equipment. They don't have to increase employee wages. But getting wage concessions and raiding an employee-contributing pension fund without repaying the employees and then years later blaming the fed-up employees is not a very nice thing to do.
  9. Because liberal sites are always wrong?
  10. Ahh, the evil unions. Tell you what, every one who works for hourly wages who thinks unions are not necessary give up vacations, days off, overtime after 40hrs/week, safety regulations (no more lock-out/tag-out! you don't need all those fingers, anyways), and take your under-14 children out of school and put them to work full time. That being said, Unions are only as good as the people who run them. When the economy really turned south for us, about 2009, the company went to the union and asked for a hold on our yearly wage increase for 6 months. We agreed, and the company put the $250,000 that would have gone to our $0.50/hr raise into new machinery for our plant, and we became the number 1 french fry plant for the company. This is what good companies do, and this is what good unions do. My mom talked about her parents being in leadership roles for their union. I learned a lot from my grandparents, but what really sticks is them saying that the company has a right to earn lots of money and the workers have a responsibility to work hard to accomplish this goal, the mutual respect not having to be said. Now, about Hostess From a friend: "As we hear the latest reports about Hostess, it's important to remember several key facts: -Hostess has been sold three times since the 1980's. -In the most recent sale, a private equity firm named Ripplewood Holdings (similar in style to Bain Capital) purchased Hostess. -In 2004, Hostess files bankruptcy. Workers concede $110 million in yearly wage and benefit cuts to help restore company. -During the same period, CEO compensation is increased from $750,000 to $2,550,000. -15 months ago, Hostess stops contributing to employee retirement plan, contrary to legal agreement. -In 2011, Hostess declares bankruptcy once again, demands a 32% cut in wages and benefits, bringing majority of workers bellow poverty threshold, threatens to close 9 facilities. -Workers refuse accept most recent pay cuts. -In bankruptcy court documents filed in March 2012, it is revealed that company's failure is not do to labor costs, instead points out these findings: =years of underinvestment in products, facilities, & equipment =long term neglect of brand =failure of distribution system =failure to innovate and create new products =half of competitors operate with equal or higher labor costs =lack of management accountability. Now someone explain to me how it was the striking workers that caused this?" Also, this real-life person's experience: Daily Kos: Inside the Hostess Bankery 'What was this last/best/final offer? You'd never know by watching the main stream media tell the story. So here you go... 1) 8% hourly pay cut in year 1 with additional cuts totaling 27% over 5 years. Currently, I make $16.12 an hour at TOP rate of pay in the bakery. I would drop to $11.26 in 5 years. 2) They get to keep our $3+ an hour forever. 3) Doubling of weekly insurance premium. 4) Lowering of overall quality of insurance plan. 5) TOTAL withdrawal from ALL pensions. If you don't have it now then you never will. Remember how I said I made $48,000 in 2005 and $34,000 last year? I would make $25,000 in 5 years if I took their offer. It will be hard to replace the job I had, but it will be easy to replace the job they were trying to give me.' Also, Pam, I know that the typed word can rarely convey the writer's emotion, instead relying on the recipient's own reaction. But Anne was kidding about the bribery part, it was suppose to be a 'lol' moment.
  11. I didn't see the first version, mom. Got a link for it? SanctitasDeo, I admit my first thought when I heard of this was Lord of the Flies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  12. Grandparent: Declo Reading Program Consequences Were "Bullying" It has recently been brought to the attention of the news media in my area (not liberal media, this is Southern Idaho after all ) of the actions taken against some children in a 4th grade class who did not make their reading goals. What is your opinion of this?
  13. I prefer to let others define themselves. To do otherwise reminds me of ppl telling Saints what we believe whether we believe it or not. That's just annoying.
  14. People lack patience. When was the last time the Dems won the presidency for 3 straight terms?
  15. Here is a good example of who you want to vote for vs. reality, in cake form Cake Wrecks - Home - Marital Miss
  16. It's a work in progress. we need single-payer and financing reform and we should be good ^^ personally, I think Sandy tipped the scales for Obama. And the Reps didn't do themselves any favor by voting down every single jobs bill for 3 years. I hope both parties take a good, hard look at this incredibly close election and try to admit they have common ground. Like the American people do lol.
  17. Politics in the facebook era has been hysterically funny. Various members of my family and friends have blocked various other family and friends. It was not uncommon for my husband to read some of my posts that had 15 or so comments and only see 3
  18. yes, the new black panthers, spreading out throughout the country like a..umm..bunch of new black panthers, suppressing the vote of the white people....that sure turned the tide of the election.
  19. Doesn't a woman's body have ways of shutting that down? I think there is a deeper problem with the person in the OP's op. A secret ballot is practically sacred in this country. If someone is scared to vote their conscious in a secret vote, then they need to figure out what if any voting rights laws are being violated and report that to the proper agency.
  20. Have you actually asked a real live Socialist what they believe the purpose of Socialism is? \ 4123
  21. In case of a zombie apocalypse I don't see silver or gold as being very high in demand. I would imagine other items would be far more useful to acquire, like Cherry Coke and Skittles. On more serious, but just as rational note, I believe silver is getting more attention because a lot of people can't afford $3k+/oz gold and are looking for the next best mineral.
  22. Speaking of overdue, Craters of the Moon here in Idaho has been due for some sort of geological event for some time ^^