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Everything posted by Palerider

  1. Hey Doc........don't quit your day job........LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. here in southern missouri its been in the 30's at night......good football weather.....and basebeall too if your team is in the playoffs....... :)
  3. I am a Service Advisor/Night Shift Manager at the biggest RV Dealership in church calling keeps me very busy ....I enjoy all of it....I have 4 kids.....2 married....a son serving a Mission in Panama and one daughter still at home...she is a senior in high school....17yrs old going on wife is a Supervisor of Lab Assistants at the Hospital where she works....we have been married for 25yrs next month.
  4. Here in the St.Louis area a morning show on the radio has a lady called the "Dream Lady" on the air with them fromt time to time. You can call in and she will analyze your dreams. She did attend school for a few years for her degree. You call in and tell her about your dream and she will give her opinion on whats taking place and ask you questions...etc....very interesting to listen to..... My wife will dream from time to time about martians or aliens attacking our home and wake me up to tell me that someone with one eye is looking in the window.....LOL......I hope she never has a dream about me cheating on her...LOL!!!!!!!!
  5. Bible School is in the summer time. They have it for a week and ecourage children to attend. When our kids were younger they were always invited to attend by the other children in our neighborhood. They always had alot of fun and enjoyed going.
  6. If you missed the closing hymn of the Sunday afternoon have to watch it....AWESOME!!!! I promise you will be moved.
  7. as for what happens to you......thats between you and the Lord and your one here can speak for them and tell you what will happen......and if you do come back...WELCOME BACK!!!!!!..... :)
  8. Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!.........will you be having some Fish and Chips???........LOL!!!!!!!
  9. I have sat here and read these post on this subject for sometime now.....The word of wisdom was given in 1833 regarding tobacco and alcohol and other substances. It was taken seriously and its observance in the 19th century was characterized by moderation. It was not until the 20th century when it became a test of fellowship or a member in good standing.....
  10. how dare you come on here and brag......some people have all the LUCK!!!!........LOL!!!!!!!!
  11. Sf and are both right....I have seen it on cars and I have seen it on cars running in Nascar.......LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. another use for duct tape.....customer comes into our RV dealership...he own a big diesel RV....they have 2 big windows for fell out while did not fall to the ground nor did it fall inside the coach...somehow it fell out of place....he pulled over and got the Duct tape out and taped the window back into place and went on his way...true story...... B)
  13. maybe he was really Hugo Chavez.....after what he said in the UN......he figured we would go for anything.....LOL!!!!!!!...... ............
  14. for once I don't feel left out....I even got a message begging for money......I was going to send him one of my "special checks"......LOL!!!!
  15. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!............
  16. yes you can....go too and then go to gospel library and look at the lower right hand corner and click on one them.......good luck..... :)
  17. I have never been to conference and I just live in Missouri. I do watch several of the sessions on my computer here in my home. I attend the priesthood session on saturday evening and the sunday morning session at my local building. I too always look forward to the Conference talks in the Ensign.
  18. I also believe the names stay on the Prayer rolls of the Temple for 2 weeks....... :)
  19. Maybe you could answer the question. Do you have to watch conference taped, or do you get to see it live? I've got the last three on DVD, so no I don't get to watch them live. I have no idea what the time difference between the UK and Utah is. Just a guess....but I think its 7hrs.....while in England on my mission back when dinosaurs were on the earth the members in England would watch General Conf on Tape a few months later.
  20. If you make the wine like whats talked about in the scriptures.....I always thought it was true wine....difference being todays wine is fermented(sp) and the other was pure wine of the vine....
  21. there is also a web site called I believe thats the correct name.
  22. Perhaps I can shed some light as to why the Clerk reacted the way he did. He should not have been asking those nosy questions(my opinion). Some Bishops see this happen alot where a family moves into the ward and while the Bishop is speaking with them it comes out they moved here cause the Lord told them to. Alot of times they have a hard time trying to find employment that will provide everything for the family budget. When these needs are not met they ask for help from the church, food from the store house and using the Lords money from fast offerings are needed. I am far from an expert but....10 yrs of my life have been devoted to serving as a Bishop. I have had this expierence with several families that have done just what I mentioned. When I hear about families quitting jobs and moving cause they felt in their heart the Lord told them to do this....I truly hope for their sake he really did tell them. On the other hand I think...would Heavenly Father tell people to quit their jobs and uproot their family and move to another location with no job on the horizon??...The families I have dealt with, have not been successfull in their moving. I have grown up in the church and I can remember a family that joined the church and after 2yrs they sold their house and bought a used school bus and packed up and moved to Utah. They were prepared to live in this if they could not find housing or employment. I have no idea what happened to that family...I always hoped everything worked out for them. Sabran....I truly hope all works out for you and your family and hope this is a positive move for you. I will say...when you tell Bishops what you have just done...yes they will probally think about all the others that have done the same. We are not perfect...but we just try to do whats right. Stay positive and don't give up.
  23. I agree with you!!!!!!!!!!!......close it
  24. I agree with you......thats why alot of times I don't get involved in these type of discussions.....its always the same stuff over and over.....
  25. my problem is this....they always come here and want to know what we believe....when its pointed out what we believe ....we are then told we are wrong and they go on to tell us what we believe....