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Everything posted by mikbone

  1. Carl Sagan considered himself an agnostic.
  2. Congrats and welcome sister. 2 Nephi 2: 22-25 may be the scripture you are referring to.
  3. From Carl Sagan's Contact Young Ellie: Dad, do you think there's people on other planets? Ted Arroway: I don't know, Sparks. But I guess I'd say if it is just us... seems like an awful waste of space.
  4. D&C 130:22 The Father has a body of flesh and bones as tangible as man’s; the Son also; but the Holy Ghost has not a body of flesh and bones, but is a personage of Spirit. Were it not so, the Holy Ghost could not dwell in us.
  5. Absolutely I personally related a story wherein during my surgical residency I spent anywhere from 110-125 hours a week at work. During these 5 years of residency, I can recall many times when I thought that I was being mistreated and overworked. I remember one day during my 3rd year when my 5 year old asked me if we could have a sleep over. When most kids ask about a sleep-over they want a friend to spend the night. My child just wanted me to be able spend the night at our home. Anyway, many times since in my personal practice, I have been in situations wherein my many hours of work paid off both for me and my patients. And there were even some difficult cases that made me wish that I had spent a few more hours at work... One of the Elders commented about how gold is mined and purified. Much ore has to be mined and then all the impurities have to be removed or burnt off. And interestingly, the closer that you get to a pure element, the harder it becomes to remove the slag or dross. He made the connection that our souls are much the same. Perfection is a heck of a goal but it is not an easy process. We of course discussed the events in Gethsemane and Golgotha, and connected Christ's suffering to his perfection as mentioned in Hebrews 2:10. We also commented on Joseph Smith''s trials and D&C 122. And Hebrews 12:6 I later discussed the lesson with my wife and realized that one of the reasons that she loves our children so much is because she was invested in their well being after having suffered throughout the pregnancy and labor process. I love our kids too but she had a deeper love for them immediately. Jesus Christ must love us dearly.
  6. Do not tell him that you are attracted to him. Missonaries are young men that have dedicated this 2 years of their life to God. Missionaries are human and are tempted just like everyone else. If something romantic were to occur, it would disgrace the missionary and could lead to events that would cause him to be sent home early. This would have devestating effects, and follow him throughout the rest of his life. And if nothing were to happen after your declaration of physical attraction, it would still make your relationship very awkward. The missionaries are always sent out in pairs and are never to be out of each others sight. One reason for this rule is to prevent any romantic events. When missionaries teach the gospel to investigators ready to learn the gospel, sometimes the spirit can be felt very strongly. And sometimes the spirit can feel like love. One of God's greatest attributes is love. But this love is a brotherly love not a romantic love. It can be confusing. You will have to work out your relationship with your partner. One good option would be to discuss these issues with your Bishop. He can give you some good council and can much better understand your situation than a bunch of faceless people thousands of miles away on a keyboard.
  7. Alma 32:21 And now as I said concerning faith—faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things; therefore if ye have faith ye hope for things which are not seen, which are true
  8. We were having fun during this thread discussing paradoxes and commenting on time-space issues. I doubt that we will be able to understand how God interacts with time until we enter the Celestial Kingdom and experience how He lives.
  9. Dunno, I have done a few prolonged fasts though. Each time I did and the longer the fasts were, the easier it was to focus upon the spirit...
  10. From today's priesthood lesson - Chapter 7: Faithfulness in Times of Trial: “From the Shadows into the Glorious Sunshine” Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Lorenzo Snow Some of our brethren have queried whether hereafter, they could feel themselves worthy of full fellowship with Prophets and Saints of old, who endured trials and persecutions; and with Saints … who suffered in Kirtland, in Missouri and Illinois. The brethren referred to have expressed regrets that they had not been associated in those scenes of suffering. If any of these are present, I will say, for the consolation of such, you have to wait but a short time and you will have similar opportunities, to your heart’s content. You and I cannot be made perfect except through suffering: Jesus could not [see Hebrews 2:10]. In His prayer and agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, He foreshadowed the purifying process necessary in the lives of those whose ambition prompts them to secure the glory of a celestial kingdom. None should try to escape by resorting to any compromising measures. (Deseret News: Semi-Weekly, Feb. 9, 1886, p.1) Take it individually or take it collectively, we have suffered and we shall have to suffer again, and why? Because the Lord requires it at our hands for our sanctification. (Deseret News, Oct. 28, 1857, p.270)
  11. Dude I'm gonna cry. With all the hullabaloo in last conference of the women giving prayers, I pondered that it might be nice to have the wifes of the general authorities with them up on the stand. It would give the impression of equality in the church. Recognize the importance of spouses. And let the general authority couples enjoy each others company. Are there any rules that prevent spouses and children from accompanying Bishops on the stand. Wouldn't bother me a bit. I would actually prefer it.
  12. Check out this guy. Recent event here in my home town. Made national news. Failed Burglary - YouTube
  13. Many may have supposed that the doctrine of translation was a doctrine whereby men were taken immediately into the presence of God, and into an eternal fulness, but this is a mistaken idea. Their place of habitation is that of the terrestrial order, and a place prepared for such characters He held in reserve to be ministering angels unto many planets, and who as yet have not entered into so great a fulness as those who are resurrected from the dead. (Joseph Smith, Jr. "History of Joseph Smith," Deseret News, Vol. V, No. 11; quoted in John Taylor, Mediation and Atonement, p.72-75) Moses 1:35 But only an account of this earth, and the inhabitants thereof, give I unto you. For behold, there are many worlds that have passed away by the word of my power. And there are many that now stand, and innumerable are they unto man; but all things are numbered unto me, for they are mine and I know them. There are many more scriptures and quotes that are similar to the above. But these should suffice. And from a scientific standpoint Drake equation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  14. I am unsure. Left and Right could mean so many things 1) Mark 16:19 So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God. It could mean that When Christ Reigns in heaven as the father that one of Zebedee's sons will serve in a position like the savior and the other as the Holy Ghost??? 2) Matthew 25:33, Sheep on the right and goats on the left. I don't think that this was what she was implying 3) More likely, She was looking at the Earthly leaders and hoping that Jesus would become the earthly King of the Jews and that her sons would become his 1st and 2nd councilors. I agree with you here. I think that Christ's atonement was on His mind during much of His ministry. And Christ asked James and John a question that He knew that they could not understand. It seems to me that Christ did this kind of thing often... I like your idea of the martyrdom of James and John I had not thought about that. Were the 12 apostles already baptized? Im not sure... Sounds like a hole in my knowledge base. (John 3:22-23)?? I'm not sure but I think that the drink and baptism that Christ is referring to is something that will take place after this mortal life. And that those 2 events are what may qualify men to sit at the Right hand of Christ. It is interesting that this position of honor can only be granted by Elohim...
  15. Matthew 20 These verses make me wonder. Zebedee's wife (James and John's Mother) wants her boys to sit at Christ's right and left hand in his kingdom. 1) Does she realize what she is asking? 2) What does she want? What does she think is on the right and left hand of Christ? 3) What does Christ think she is asking for, right and left hand positions? 4) What is the drink that Christ refers to in verse 22? 5) What is the baptism that Christ refers to in verse 22? 6) Are James and John confused as well? Or do they understand the request? 7) What are the drink and baptism that Christ refers to in verse 23, are they the same drink and baptism that He refers to in verse 22?
  16. I would highly recommend that you read or watch Jeffery R. Holland's recent conference talk. Lord, I Believe - general-conference
  17. If you haven't already, Go get The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson. Best Fantasy book I've ever read. The kindle version is on sale now for $2.99 Way better than the Game of Thrones and it was written by a Mormon, Brandon Sanderson.
  18. Thats hilarious. National news... I wanna party with you man.
  19. Portions of the KFD have been taught within the Chruch many times. For example https://byustudies.byu.edu/PDFLibrary/18.2CannonKingFollett-8e1d9165-52f1-4e4a-9950-d55c4d2f701b.pdfAbout the actual recording: https://byustudies.byu.edu/PDFLibrary/18.2CannonKingFollett-8e1d9165-52f1-4e4a-9950-d55c4d2f701b.pdfSamuel W. Richards and George Laub also made records of the KFD but these records appear to be recollections, months to years after the event. There are a couple of reasons why I like to study the KFD 1) We are to study and understand the character and nature of God. Take for example Lecture Three from the Lectures on Faith. I know that this document is not doctrine but it speaks for itself. 2) Although the KFD records / recordings were neither recorded word for word nor corrected and approved by Joseph. The 6 versions of the account agree for the most part. If one is to look at the recordings as found in: April 7, 1844 One might see a similarity between this format and that which is found within LDS Bible Dictionary Gospels, Harmony of section. The beauty of this type of study is that one can recognize that separate individuals who listened to the same talk were able to make very similar recordings and commentary. The record that we have is a testimony of 6 individuals. If we only had a single man's version of the account one could easily dismiss the recording. If the different talks had little to do with each other we could also dismiss the accounts as a whole. But with so many different accounts relating the same doctrine it becomes easier to see the intent of Joseph Smith's s sermon. 3) Finally, the material presented within the KFD is profound. Joseph Smith (in my mind at least) is a very important individual. It is probable that Joseph Smith was an Arch-Angel during our pre-mortal existence. Joseph Smith is the leader of this dispensation. Joseph Smith spoke with God and many angels on many, many occasions and I suspect that there were more accounts wherein Joseph Smith had sacred revelations given to him that we are not privy to. I am not familiar with any authoritative figure ever stating that the KFD was of questionable provenance. No doubt without proper study and interpretation one could come to conclusions that are incorrect. But if one is to read and study the material with understanding enlightened by the spirit benefit may be obtained. It is from this stand point that I recommend that the KFD be studied. And ultimately, the material was able to answer MANY personal questions that I had concerning our ultimate destiny and relationship to God. When I read the material in a small town in southern Chile many years ago, it opened my mind to understanding that I had searched for and not encountered previously. I have tested the concepts over the years and they still hold true.
  20. The question posed by the gentile was concerning the Lorenzo Snow couplet not the KFD. I do believe that the words that President Hinckley responded were accurately recorded. But that does not mean that President Hinckley's response to the gentile can be taken at face value. If President Hinckley had been asked to recite the temple narrative during the PBS news hour, I am sure that he could have - but that he would not have. I believe that President Hinckley's response was a resonable answer based on the setting. No doubt If you or I had the opportunity to ask that same question in the Celestial Room the response would have been different. I would say that President Hinckley's respone was a wise commentary in light of scriptures such as (Matthew 7:6). I'll re-post the commentary that President Hinckley gave in general conference. “The media have been kind and generous to us. This past year of pioneer celebrations has resulted in very extensive, favorable press coverage. There have been a few things we wish might have been different. I personally have been much quoted, and in a few instances misquoted and misunderstood. I think that’s to be expected. None of you need worry because you read something that was incompletely reported. You need not worry that I do not understand some matters of doctrine. I think I understand them thoroughly, and it is unfortunate that the reporting may not make this clear. I hope you will never look to the public press as the authority on the doctrines of the Church.” I believe that President Hinckley is a very special witness of Christ. I believe that our Prophet knew details about the Plan of Salvation that few others are allowed to witness. I believe that President Hinckley understands the Lorenzo Snow couplet as well as the KFD thoroughly. I also found it interesting that the Prophet asked us not to look to the public press for issues concerning doctrine. Yet this public press commentary is repeated as if it were doctrine in many circles. I don't mean to single you out. Many others have done the same thing.
  21. I remember when a commander in chief was able to inspire honor and american pride with a few words. God bless America!
  22. D&C 91 has some good advice for reading the scriptures or any apocryphal writings.