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  1. Like
    pam got a reaction from classylady in What intrigues you to respond to a FB status?   
    I happen to share a lot of LDS gospel related things and I'm so glad I do.  It initiated a conversation with someone who now is interested in the church.
    Not to the missionary visit stage yet but we're getting there.  I feel like you just never know how what you might share might actually influence someone's life for the good.
    Plus something I posted once actually inspired a former co-worker of mine to go back to church.  Now he and his 4 kids are active in church again.
  2. Like
    pam got a reaction from Bini in What intrigues you to respond to a FB status?   
    I happen to share a lot of LDS gospel related things and I'm so glad I do.  It initiated a conversation with someone who now is interested in the church.
    Not to the missionary visit stage yet but we're getting there.  I feel like you just never know how what you might share might actually influence someone's life for the good.
    Plus something I posted once actually inspired a former co-worker of mine to go back to church.  Now he and his 4 kids are active in church again.
  3. Like
    pam got a reaction from Just_A_Guy in What intrigues you to respond to a FB status?   
    I happen to share a lot of LDS gospel related things and I'm so glad I do.  It initiated a conversation with someone who now is interested in the church.
    Not to the missionary visit stage yet but we're getting there.  I feel like you just never know how what you might share might actually influence someone's life for the good.
    Plus something I posted once actually inspired a former co-worker of mine to go back to church.  Now he and his 4 kids are active in church again.
  4. Like
    pam got a reaction from Wingnut in W. Craig Zwick - Saturday pm Session   
    There's a comment on the facebook page.  Basically says "my wife and I have driven over Donner's many times and she has yet to jump out."
  5. Like
    pam got a reaction from Wingnut in Welcome back everyone   
    There was a log in and log out issue.  It was fixed within the last hour.
  6. Like
    pam got a reaction from Roseslipper in Rosemary M. Wixom - General Women's Meeting   
    We are covenant making women of all ages.
    Keeping covenants prepares us, protects us and empowers us.
    As women of all ages we walk in his light.
    When temptations come our way if we will listen, the Holy Ghost will remind us that we have promised to be our Savior.
    Each Sunday as we partake of the sacrament we renew our covenant.
    We pledge to always remember the Savior.
    Temple ordinances lead to the greatest blessings available.
    Youth all over the world are drawn to temples.
    As individuals we are strong, together with God we are unstoppable.
  7. Like
    pam got a reaction from Roseslipper in Linda K. Burton - General Women's Meeting   
    We can offer hands to help and hearts to hasten the Savior’s work.
    We can know of our own divine heritage as daughters of God.
    What do we need to know and do to live with Him some day?
    We are to lay aside the things of the world and come unto Christ and follow him.
    As we try our best to move along the covenant path we become more complete in this life.
    We cannot do the difficult things we are asked to do without help. Help comes through the atonement of Christ and the help of others.
    You have been sent to earth in this dispensation of time because of who you are and what you have been prepared to do.
    The best way to strengthen a home is to keep covenants.
    What does it mean to you to be a disciple of Jesus Christ?
    Help Wanted:
    Help wanted:
    Parents to bring up their children in light and truth.
    Those to serve as mentors and offer helping hands along the covenant path.
    Those who listen to the promptings of the Holy Ghost and act on impressions received.
    Those who live the gospel daily in small and simple ways.
    Family history and temple workers to link families eternally.
    Missionaries and members to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ.
    Rescuers to find those who have lost their way.
    Covenant keepers to stand firm for truth and right.
    True disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.
    Our sisterhood reaches across the generations to those faithful sisters who have walked before.
  8. Like
    pam got a reaction from classylady in Bonnie Oscarson - General Women's Meeting   
    I love that her talk focused so much on the things we do have instead of the things we don't. We need to be reminded of that.
  9. Like
    pam got a reaction from Roseslipper in Bonnie Oscarson - General Women's Meeting   
    We are all daughters of the same Heavenly Father which makes us sisters.
    This combined assembly is without a doubt the most glorious group of sisters in the world.
    Sisters are there for each other through thick and thin.
    The adversary would have us be critical or be judgemental of each other.
    We as women can be extremely critical of ourselves.
    There is nothing worth losing our sisterhood over.
    We truly need each other.
    We let self imposed barriers keep us from enjoying associations.
    Those more mature can have a great influence on the younger generations.
    There is no age barrier when it comes to Christlike service.
    Before girls reach the age of 18, they need mothers and other women to testify of the Relief Society.
    Let us all reach out to help out others through the milestones in our lives.
    The errand of angels is given to women.
    We must stop concentrating on our differences and look to what we have in common.
    We have living prophets to lead and teach us.
    We have the gift of the Holy Ghost.
    We are blessed to work hand in hand with righteous brothers.
    We have access to temple ordinances.
    We have each other. Sisters in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
  10. Like
    pam got a reaction from Roseslipper in Ronald A. Rasband - Saturday a.m. Session   
    We all have the wonderful opportunity of blessing the lives of others.
    We are the Lord’s hands here on the earth.
    Will we respond with love when an opportunity arises to meet the needs of someone else?
    It is important for us to lay up our spiritual treasures.
    Reaching out to rescue each other (under any condition) is our responsibility.
    We have the responsibility to bear each other’s burden so that they may be light.
    How grateful the Lord is for each and every one of you.
    Focusing on serving our brothers and sisters can lead us to make divine decisions in our lives.
    We are His disciples.
    When we are engaged in His work, we fill His spirit.
  11. Like
    pam got a reaction from Roseslipper in Jeffrey R. Holland - Saturday a.m. Session   
    The Savior shed tears for those who were rejected and slain.
    You may wonder if it is worth it to take a moral courageous stand in high school.
    Or go on a mission to suffer rejection.
    Yes it is worth it.
    Unfortunately messengers of the gospel are no more popular today than back in Christ’s time.
    Hate is an ugly word.
    The bumper sticker “What would Jesus do” will not always bring a popular response.
    Christlike love is the greatest need we have on this planet.
    Take heart.  Pure Christ like love flowing from true righteousness can change the world.
    Live the gospel.
    Defend your beliefs with courtesy and compassion but defend them.
  12. Like
    pam got a reaction from Roseslipper in Carlos H. Amado - Saturday a.m. Session   
    The Savior faced his ultimate worst trial in the Garden of Gethsemane.
    We are indebted to Him and to the Father for this sacrifice.
    At each moment of his suffering he showed self control.
    He pleaded that His mother would be taken care of.
    Christ was the first to be resurrected and never die again.
    He will come in power and glory.  He will come as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  
  13. Like
    pam got a reaction from Roseslipper in Neil L. Andersen - Saturday a.m. Session   
    (Addresses mainly to the youth)
    The world will not glide calmly to the Second Coming.
    Sin has always been a part of the world.  But it has never been as bad as now.
    Not all whirlwinds in life are of your own making.
    Some come because of the doing of others.
    Challenges will come to you but as you trust in God they will strengthen your faith.
    How do you prepare for your whirlwinds?
    It is upon the rock of our Redeemer that you must build your foundation.
    Changes in the civil law can not change the laws that God has established.
    Sexual relations are only proper between a man and a woman who are lawfully married as husband and wife.
    As the world slips away from the Law of Chastity, we do not.
    We can be in the world but not of the world as we reject false concepts and false teachings.
    Our responsibilities is to teach of our creators plan.
    Sometimes you have to stand alone. (Taken from quote by President Monson)
    Everyone deserves our kindness and consideration.
    Joseph Smith warned us to beware of self righteousness.
    In the gospel of Jesus Christ there is no place for ridicule and bullying.
    You need the strength that comes from trusting the Lord’s prophets.
    Another protection from the whirlwinds of life is the Book of Mormon.
    Stand in holy places and be not moved.
    Have you ever stood in the temple dressed in white waiting to do baptisms?  How did you feel?
    Don’t let the whirlwinds drag you down.  
    Build more firmly your foundation built on the rock of the Savior.
    Follow more diligently the example of the Savior.
    The spiritual rock under your feet will be solid and firm.
  14. Like
    pam got a reaction from Roseslipper in Linda S. Reeves - Saturday a.m. Session   
    Leaders are concerned about pornography that is attacking families.
    We are on earth to learn to manage the passions and feelings.
    The intimate relationship that brings children is to be a loving experience.
    We need to learn to put each other first.
    Many children, youth and adults are innocently exposed to pornography.
    But many are choosing to view it willingly until it becomes an addiction.
    How grateful we are that these people choose to confide in us or in church leaders.
    We need to counsel with our youth on an ongoing basis.
    The youth need to know the dangers of pornography which causes loss of the spirit.
    Pornography is more evil, vile and graphic than ever before.
    Parents are we aware that mobile devices with internet capacity are the biggest culprits?
    How merciful our beloved Savior is.
    Our Savior has the power to cleanse and heal you.
    The leaders are also concerned with the spouses and families of those with these addictions.
    Know that you are not alone.  There is help.
    Addiction recovery meetings are available for spouses.
    How do we protect our children and youth?
    The only things that really need to be accomplished in the home is scripture study, prayer and weekly Family Home Evening.
    There are much blessings in daily scripture study, prayer and family home evening.  This brings protection in the homes.
    If we are doing this we can expect much help from Heavenly Father knowing we have done all that we can do.
    The Savior has paid the price of our sins but we must also kneel and plead for forgiveness.
    We must want to change our hearts and our desires.
    The Book of Mormon carries the power to protect families.
  15. Like
    pam got a reaction from Roseslipper in Henry B. Eyring - Saturday a.m. Session   
    Wherever you are in the path of life, you have the opportunity to show many people the path to happiness.
    Wherever  you are in the path of life, you have the opportunity to make a covenant.
    We have been blessed with the promise of a great inheritance.
    Whoever you are or where ever you may be, you hold in your hands the happiness of more people than you can imagine.
    You may be the first in your family to walk the sacred path.
    Each covenant brings duties and promises.
    The duties must sometimes be difficult because their purpose is to move us along the path.
    Keeping our second estate rests with keeping the commandments of God.
    It takes faith to keep the commandments.
    Our loving Heavenly Father gave us the gift of his beloved son Jesus Christ as our Savior.
    The promise of the resurrection and the possibility of eternal life come to all that are born.
    Eternal life will come to us only if we make covenants in the true church of Jesus Christ.
    Ordinances must be done by those who possess the proper Priesthood authority.
    To some this may seem like a hopeless dream.
    Heavenly Father and the Savior are our perfect examples of what we can and must do.
    Blessings are sometimes delayed for a purpose.
    The Lord acts in His own time and in His own way.
    Young children are often more sensitive to the spirit than we realize.
    We have faith, hope and charity to guide us.
    We are all children of a living God.
  16. Like
    pam got a reaction from Wingnut in Avatars   
    Thank you for posting that.  That is awesome and not something I had figured out yet.  I find the pictures in the signatures extremely annoying.  
  17. Like
    pam reacted to AngelMarvel in Bug Report - LDS Gospel Discussion Forum   
    Love that I can now see the smilies, fonts, and other options.
    You all are doing a great job at getting things put in order. The new forum is really taking shape.
  18. Like
    pam reacted to Wingnut in The Death of Blunt Speech - good or bad   
    I think the shift toward less-blunt speech indicates a growing Church population, an international mixed culture in the Church, and a greater diversity in general of circumstance and background.
  19. Like
    pam got a reaction from jerome1232 in Welcome back everyone   
    There was a log in and log out issue.  It was fixed within the last hour.
  20. Like
    pam got a reaction from Jenamarie in Welcome back everyone   
    There was a log in and log out issue.  It was fixed within the last hour.
  21. Like
    pam got a reaction from Just_A_Guy in Welcome back everyone   
    There was a log in and log out issue.  It was fixed within the last hour.
  22. Like
    pam reacted to mordorbund in Avatars   
    I'm pretty sure the laugh button works. Maybe you guys just aren't funny.
  23. Like
    pam reacted to mordorbund in Avatars   
    Slamjet? How'd you do that?
  24. Like
    pam got a reaction from The Folk Prophet in Welcome back everyone   
  25. Like
    pam got a reaction from The Folk Prophet in Bug Report - LDS Gospel Discussion Forum   
    Trauma or drama?  Of course this is probably trauma for some.  :)