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Everything posted by Nikkie85

  1. No I meant what I said...I could care less!
  2. My young women wanted me to tell her basically how Christ was made...through intercourse or another way. I honesty never had thought about it and did not know what to say. That is why I encouraged her to ask her parents. I personally could care less on how Christ was "made". I am just glad that he was.
  3. Around Christmas last year one of my Mia Maids came up to me and asked, "So like if Jesus is the only begotten son does that mean...well what does that REALLY mean?" I defined for begotten but she kept saying "but what does that really mean?" To be honest I had no idea how to answer the question so I politely told her to ask her parents.
  4. Receiving my patriarchal blessing was a awesome experience. I had only been a member for five months when I received it and it blew me away. My husband and I had ours done at the same time (on the same day so we were able to hear each others) and are blessings were totally different. Even the tone and the word usage the Patriarch used was different. My blessing help strengthen my testimony that Heavenly Father knows me and cares about me. I am currently going through a very hard trial and my patriarchal blessing has help me keep my faith up and know that everything will work out.
  5. I was diagnosed with PCOS about six months ago. I am currently on metformin and a low carb diet. I have lost about twenty five pounds and feel much better. I had tried everything in the past to try to lose weight and nothing worked. I am trying to get pregnant so I am on my second round of clomid and hoping that it will work. When the doctor told me I had PCOS I was devastated but I am learning to deal with it. I am glad to finally know what is going on with me and hope to lose more weight to help control my insulin resistance. It is good to hear that there are others on this forum who have this disease. I am blessed to only have a few symptoms anxiety, insulin resistance, some facial hair growth but I refer to them as my "side burns" they are blonde so they dont really stand out. I would recommended seeing a endocrinologist so you can make sure that sugars are in staying in check.
  6. I was shocked to find out all the yards and cars my husband covered in toilet paper as a youth. I always considered this a cruel thing to do but he said it was something the YM and YW did for fun! I would be pretty upset if this happened to my yard and I would have to be the one to come and clean it up. For me personally I love the cute notes and cookies but I have never really been in true in need of service either. Recently a good friend had her fourth baby and a group of us from the Church had dinners taken over every night for about two weeks. I think each situation is different and every person may respond to your help differently. I know my friend preferred us to drop off and leave since she had so much going on and felt like she would have to "entertain" us if we stayed around. I think if you feel that more service needs to be done in your ward you would be great person to start it. I think women are just as capable as men to go out and mow lawns and visit with the elderly. But, I also think the women are the ones at home watching the children while the men go out and do these things.
  7. Has anyone else read these? I love them and cannot wait until the third.
  8. Snuf by Slipknot I had no idea it was Slipknot when I first heard it. Typically not my kind of band but I love the song
  9. I am surrounded by Baptists since I live in the bible belt and I would have to say that overall I think they really go out of their to fellowship. I have heard many investigators say that they like coming to LDS services but at the baptist church down the road everyone is so friendly and goes out of their way to get to know them.
  10. I HATE THE SHOW BIG LOVE! I think the best thing to do would be to invite her to activities and hang out with other couples who are members.
  11. The thing I want more than anything right now is a child. My husband and I have struggled with my infertility and it is heart breaking to know that we might never raise a child. I know that Heavenly Father loves me and has many blessings in store but it is so hard to know what you what but can't have it!
  12. One of the reasons I decided to be baptized is because I finally realized who I was...a daughter of a Heavenly Father. I was never really religious before but my dad always insisted I go to his church which taught me that I should fear God, that every bad thing that happened to me was because of something I did wrong, and that everyone who did not believe what my dad and his church believed was damned. When I was first told that I was a child of God I did not fully understand the concept. I would go to Church with my husband and would hear it repeated all the time and actually thought it was kind of strange that it was said so much. One morning in Sacrament we sang the Hymn I am a Child of God and my life was changed. Now that I know that I have a Heavenly Father that loves me and knows who I am has given me so much confidence. Who can tell me that I am nothing or don't matter when I am the daughter of a King? I am so happy that my children will grow up in the Church and have the knowledge of their divine potential.
  13. Consider yourself lucky. There have been several times I have been out with the missionaries and a investigators will ask us ab out our "holy underwear"! It use to make me blush but I am getting use to it. I just let the missionaries give them a brief overview and then they try to move on. I personally consider it rude to ask someone who is a complete stranger what kind of underwear they wear but that is just me. The other day I had on some sweat pants and a tee shirt and my shirt had ridden up a bit without me knowing and brother (who is not a member and has no clue about garments) said "Man you got some major granny panties going on!" I think my family (none of which are members) would be freaked out about garments. I hope I never have to tell them but I am sure they will find out eventually.
  14. I do this too! Whenever I go to the doctor I am always a nervous wreck thinking they are going to come in and tell me I have like six months to live or something. I try to bring a book to read to keep my mind busy while I am waiting.
  15. I believe that there is a Heavenly Mother. To me it just makes sense. The family unit is such a big part of the church it doesn't really make much sense to me think that Heavenly Father doesn't have someone by his side.
  16. I love both but if I had to pick would go with milk chocolate. Dove has awesome dark chocolate!
  17. Okay I guess I am confusing everyone. When I go to the OB/GYN I only take off my bottoms. I have never been fully nude in the office. Typically the dr will just pull my bra up to do my exam. They only give me a sheet to cover up with and not a gown as someone else mentioned. When I go for my yearly I no longer wear my garments because I know that I am going to have a breast exam. I am sure that every office does it different. I am only twenty five so I don't know if as you get older the breast exam becomes more in depth or what but this is how my doctor does it. Sorry for the confusion!
  18. I have suffered from anxiety and depression pretty much my entire life. I would recommended maybe talking to your doctor about being on daily antidepressants and anti anxiety meds. They do not automatically work and take a while to get in your system but they have reduced my panic attacks to about once a year instead of three times a week. People who do not have anxiety do not understand how hard it is to function and why it is so easy to be addicted to xanax. When you take something that almost instantly makes you feel better its hard not to want to feel that way all the time. I currently take prestiq and celexa which together have changed my life. It might also be good to get some kind of therapy so you find what triggers you anxiety and learn breathing exercises to help when you are going into a panic attack. Good luck!
  19. I love my babies! I have a orange tabby cat who is six named Blaze a gray tabby named Bambi who is about 2 and 6 month old border collie beagle mix named Macy. My husband and I refer to them as the kids!
  20. I think the journal idea is beautiful! Could you get someone to take the kids for the night? I would run her a nice bubble bath, prepare dinner, do the dishes and then give her a nice foot massage. Is there a airport near by where you can watch the planes? I always think that is romantic when they do that in the movies!
  21. You know the one thing that really amazes me about Mormon bashers? How much time you guys have! I really wish that I had the time and the energy to try to prove other people wrong. Do you really have nothing better to do than sit around and worry about other peoples religion? Anyway, when I first started investigating the Church I would read the information the Missionaries left me but I was more interested in learning about the Church than feeling the spirit. When I would read the BOM I felt like it made sense and whatever but I was not willing to let the spirit in. When I finally decided that I wanted to know for myself if Church was true I just prayed. I offered a simple prayer and just felt peaceful and like I was doing the right thing (This took more than once).The time I felt the spirit the strongest is when my husbands grandmother was sealed to her parents. I felt so overjoyed yet so peaceful at the same time. It was a amazing feeling!
  22. My bra is usually just pulled up. I have never taken all my clothes off! Umm...maybe I should be? Does everyone take everything off? The nurse really never told me one way or another and the sheet they give is only so big. I have never put on a gown either. Am I missing something? No wonder my OB/GYN looks at me like I am a freak!
  23. I am a convert and when I first found out about garments I was totally freaked out. When I found out that I HAD (this is what I was told) wear my bra over my garment I was not to excited about it to say the least. I did not mind the bottoms because they were super comfortable (plus no more panty lines!)but it did take me a while to get use to the tops. I had to get rid of tons of my clothes that I though were garment friendly but were not. I have been wearing garments for two years now and I love them! I typically don't wear them if I am going to the OB/GYN (its kind of awkward when they do the breast exam and the doctor asks you why your bra is over you under shirt) and I am so uncomfortable. For me I was told that you were suppose to wear the garment next to your skin so I have always worn my bra over it. I could not imagine not wearing my garments. When I see my husband in his I am reminded of the beautiful promise of temple marriage and his faithfulness. I hate the ones with the boob pockets! I prefer the drylux round neck talls. When I went through for my own endowment the lady who fitted me gave me a size 32 when I should of had a 36 size top. The whole session the top kept rolling up and I was almost in tears and telling my husband there was no way I could be this uncomfortable for the rest of my life. I would recommended buying a few different tops and bottoms and finding what you like the best.
  24. I have had good and bad experiences with the Sister missionaries. When we first got Sister missionaries I was so excited because I would be able to go out with them on my own. The first set were kind of an odd pair and there was one Sister in particular who rubbed me the wrong way. She was extremely demanding and would give the Sisters in RS a hard time if they could not go out with them. Then we had a set of Sister who were amazing! Most of the Sisters I have come across seemed to be very hard workers and extremely dedicated. I have seen more lazy and flirty male missionaries. We no longer have Sister missionaries and I miss their sweet spirit.
  25. You mentioned you were going to start medication and I think that will help. I have suffered from depression pretty much my entire life and have been off and on anti-depressants. When I think that I am strong enough to stop taking my medicine I go through some of the things that you go through. I get where I dont want to go out or do my favorite things. Sometimes this depression gets so bad I find it hard to do anything more than stare at the TV without really watching it. As a member of the Church I have had some people very close to me tell me that I would not need my medication if I had faith. This was extremely hurtful to me and made me question my sanity and if I should stop taking my medicine. Luckily I came to realize that one of the blessings of living in our day and time is that we have medicines to treat certain disorders. Once you get on your medicine I believe that it will help and you will be able to do the things you use to enjoy. You can change the world everyday by just smiling at someone or holding the door open for a elderly lady. Remember that your Father in Heaven loves you and that you do have a purpose.