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Everything posted by PrinceofLight2000

  1. I've always enjoyed good Celtic stuff. HELLO guitars. hahaha. This is a lot like a combination of Nightwish and Flogging Molly now. I really like this a lot. I'll look into it more and if they blow me away, I'll set it aside for purchase. YouTube - Periphery - Light (lyrics) I love this band because they deal heavily with the eternal question. That and there's some sick metal going on, haha. It's like a heavier Linkin Park with more religious lyrics. The technical genre is progressive metal.
  2. Wow, just wow. He knows how to fiddle, and I love guys who have higher ranges. Also, sweet video, I love it when they incorporate water. Very, very talented. It reminds me quite a bit of Nickel Creek. YouTube - Saosin - 3rd Measurement in C This one has a little screaming, but don't be put off, as it's mostly for effect. Instrumentation is phenomenal.
  3. Yes, another music thread because I love it so much. How this will work is, one person posts a song and then the next person who wants to post a song gives feedback/evaluation/opinion on the last song that was posted before them. (Please, everyone, listen through each song completely) Then they post their own song. Musical exposure for all! I'll start. This is one of my two favorite bands by the way, so try not to be too harsh. YouTube - Secret and Whisper - XOXOXO (Music Video) First replier: Post your thoughts first, then your link.
  4. Where the heck is the laugh button?
  5. This is just the antithesis of the other thread. YouTube - Watashi Wa - With Love From Me To You YouTube - Conditions - Better Life (New Song) 2010 As much hate as I get for liking Owl City, it always cheers me up. haha. Ready, set, go.
  6. Hmm. Sounds more like you can't really listen to music if you're feeling down. That's how I am too. I start picking things out of the songs that make me feel worse. D= I love good duets. I LOATHE this band but I enjoy this song because of the girl's voice. haha. YouTube - We The Kings - We'll Be A Dream (feat. Demi Lovato) Edit: Here's another ridiculously sad one. YouTube - Skyline drive by mae
  7. Happy music for you then! YouTube - Mae- Ready And Waiting To Fall
  8. Aw, man that stinks. None of the ones I listed really negatively affect me, I tend to not let my emotions get wrapped up with music; rather I interpret the words from outside observation and draw conclusions. That's probably why I can listen to screaming without getting angry or losing the Spirit, lol.
  9. Man, you guys either love the old music or the country music. Not sure if I can handle it. hahaha. To each his own, though. However, Soulsearcher, that Placebo song was interesting.
  10. This one's about breaking up. This one's also about breaking up. This one's about abandoning religion and the negative consequences it has on one's attitude, which thereby affects relationships. This one's about being afraid you can't open yourself up to the people you trust. This one is about losing what's dear to you because of sin and feeling like you can never get it back.
  11. The biggest problem is that she isn't a member. I've tried that before, and it's a lot to have on your plate if you're dealing with distance at the same time. It's much more comforting to me that all that separates me and my current girlfriend are physical miles, and that we believe the same things, so there's no problem for us getting the ordinances done to be together for eternity. On top of that she understands the whole mission thing and is willing to wait for me. Spiritual barriers are much harder to overcome than temporal ones. It seems to me like the temporal issues you're having (the distance and time required for a mission) are happening because she doesn't fully understand the spiritual gravity or need for missions.
  12. What use are dogs for anything other than affection? Many of them wouldn't even bark at a burglar.
  13. Moksha's been playing too much Bioshock. Also, I guess you missed my response to your hypothetical. I doubt Beck would refuse the idea, but I don't think he'd find it a very good one either unless the Second Coming had occurred and Christ was directly in charge.
  14. Who is so enamored with you that they couldn't help but write from the other side of the globe?
  15. You should find a type of exercise you can enjoy. I like running and strength training. Other people like sports or aerobics or martial arts. Find something that interests you and the pain's not so bad.
  16. The only downside to those is that you have to wait forever for the insides to cool off enough to eat.
  17. Your theory would work if the government wasn't capable of its own abuse, which is inherently monopolized and totalitarian. Not to mention big G and big B have been in bed with each other for decades. Wasn't it MMS who placed BP as a finalist for a safety award prior to the oil spill? Considering the amount of money Obama's campaign received from BP, I wouldn't be surprised if MMS was strongarmed into looking the other way for quid pro quo reasons as well as BP's green agenda.
  18. Thank....or laugh. Thank, or laugh? That is the question.
  19. If I were him I wouldn't like the idea (not refuse), because they're still men, and all men are susceptible to the abuse of power. Theocracy is still tyranny, except it's done in the name of God (not by God Himself, eg Islamic caliphate) as opposed to for the welfare of the people (socialism/communism), or as a matter of national sovereignty (fascism/totalitarian monarchy). The only time I'd find any form of totalitarianism a good idea is if Heavenly Father and Christ were directly at the helm. I doubt Glenn Beck would disagree with me. Not to mention, I doubt the GA's would shoot for such a power grab. Unless of course it was commanded to be so by Heavenly Father Himself, at which point I think we'd have had the Second Coming anyway. This is a pretty pointless hypothetical.
  20. Nice try GS, but Heavenly Father doesn't make mistakes when sending spirits down to their bodies. It's a trial, just like any other trial. What you're suggesting is just another example of unwillingness to conform to His will to be what we originally were in heaven, and by extension what He wants us to be in this life and eternally. These genetic mutations are just another example of the onset of disease which has presented itself after the fall of man. As far as those unfortunate genetic mutations go, I'm pretty certain that either the parents of the hermaphrodite or the hermaphrodite themselves should seek out the Lord regarding which gender they were meant to have eternally. Then physical changes can be made if necessary.
  21. What are you going on about? No one in here claimed all homosexuals are promiscuous, nor did I say who was fornicating with who. Having sex with 75764574763463 people period spreads the virus. Also, please explain how exactly so many homosexuals would contract AIDS if they have never been promiscuous, as you claim? It's not as though they can reproduce and spread it to their offspring. Secondly, there's no feasible way bisexuals transmit the virus on a large scale from heterosexuals to homosexuals just based on the information involved in both the pie chart and the article.