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Everything posted by PrinceofLight2000

  1. Except no one on Wall Street can force you to sign a dotted line, after which, it's your own fault you're in bondage. The government however, has this little arbitrary thing we like to call taxation. Unlike the private sector, we can't choose not to pay it if we want to remain law-abiding citizens, or citizens at all. See here:
  2. My backpack that's got my laptop in it, maybe my games, DVD player, and TV since I can get in and out of a window quickly. I have a firebox with some money in it in case this were to happen.
  3. By "funny", I meant interesting. lol. It's even more interesting to me that this is a normal process.
  4. It's insane how much artificial value there was. Wow. That spike is massive. What's funny is, the prices are now pretty much in line where they would be had the bubble not occurred.
  5. This is just me, but I get chills instead of the warm feeling. I don't hear about many others getting chills like I do.
  6. You were longing to respond in my thread, weren't you? haha. Blame pam, I didn't want it closed.
  7. I didn't know there was anything other than the South Park episode, other than this.
  8. This doesn't make sense. Should the LDS church and its members start allowing its enemies to propagate misinformation and distortions without question, counter-evidence, or retort of any kind, at the chagrin of what all the missionaries are trying to accomplish? Those who have the loudest voice are the ones most often heard.
  9. I know it definitely does for me. Just because the growth and progression comes in periodic spurts via writing doesn't mean it's suddenly not there anymore. It all depends on the couple's patience, and attitude. Also, what time would be wasted when they're separated? They'll both be off doing their own thing, it just wouldn't involve dating other people. So there's nothing really different than if they were together, assuming they can handle having only communication rather than physical interaction. Now, before you jump on me about how thinking about the other person impedes the other important aspects of their lives while they're apart, that's not necessarily a problem unless those involved choose to make it one. Again, it all depends on the individual attitudes of the couple. I'm just glad that those of us who would be willing to take on such a test of faith, trust, and love know their own parameters better than you do, Wingnut.
  10. Did you really say this about something the creators of South Park are doing with a straight face? I have no doubt this "musical" is going to involve copious amounts of blasphemy.
  11. Not much of an explanation here, but I'll take both your words for it. lol.
  12. If it doesn't have to do with catering to others' misconceptions of outdated stereotypes which no longer exist, then what does it have to do with? Frankly, I wouldn't look down on anybody who goes into a casino, tattoo parlor, or bar. I don't know what their intentions are. Nor would I look down on someone who chooses to grow a beard. How do I know they're growing it to make a statement, or if it's just personal preference? The bottom line is that we're taught not to judge others, even if how they appear is different from us, and we're not supposed to just assume reasons for why they do what they do until we find out more from them. Why should we have to pander to those who would judge us? If people would make a point of conflict out of something as insignificant and mundane as a beard, I doubt they'd be interested in the message the missionaries bring. I'll just defer to Suzie's post now. I'll end up repeating everything she's already said if I keep going with this.
  13. How does that work? I was always told your score improves even if you get rid of the balance every month.
  14. This is the first post on this forum I have legitimately laughed out loud at. Congratulations, mormonmusic!
  15. Is tobacco addicting in and of itself, or is it just the additives? Because if it is, then that would explain it. Edit: Nevermind, it does have nicotine in it. Question answered. haha.
  16. Feasible enough. I'm not sure if that explains tobacco though.