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  1. Like
    Backroads got a reaction from NeuroTypical in Backroads ponders media troubles again   
    No singing, tragically. I think songs would have been a nice touch.
  2. Like
    Backroads reacted to Ironhold in Backroads ponders media troubles again   
    Disney relies far too heavily on money from China and the Middle East to go all-out with LGBT characters. 
    So what they generally do instead is have one-off side characters who they claim are LGBT but who they can easily censor for when their films release in those regions. 
    It's utter cowardice, and shows the company's greed. 
  3. Like
    Backroads reacted to zil2 in Saving Starfish - Variant   
    If I noticed this pattern in my life, I think I would be inclined to take away the following lessons:
    I have bad timing.  Perhaps with practice I'll improve. I don't recognize the need soon enough, or I take too long to figure out what I should do, or I take too long to act.  Perhaps with practice I'll improve. God wants me to see the variety of ways by which He blesses people. Perhaps you are missing the effect on you:
    (In other words, sometimes the service you offer is as much to change you as it is to bless the one(s) you're serving.)
    So, rather than lamenting that you never manage to be the one saving the starfish, look for other lessons and for ways to improve.  Also, celebrate the goodness of others - pray in gratitude for their abilities and actions, ask for them to be blessed, thank them for their service and example to you - lift them so that they don't get tired of tossing starfish.
  4. Haha
    Backroads reacted to Vort in Pistol Braces - Gateway to Gun Registry   
    Before my wife left to visit our granddaughters, she brought home a whole flat of AR-15s that I was supposed to put in the refrigerator, but I forgot. I have thrown out three boxes of AR-15s because they got moldy. You know, when I was twelve, I used to go pick AR-15s in the local AR-15 fields to make money during the summer, at a price of like ten cents per box of AR-15s. I wasn't the fastest picker, and I never made much money.
    Anyway, in other news, I'm thinking I'll head to the library and check out a few AR-15s. I just got a new job a few weeks ago working for the Grant County PUD, and my boss invited me to go with him to tour the Wanapum Hydroelectric AR-15 Factory near Vantage. I'm pretty psyched. Impressive facility; it can produce AR-15s at a rate of more than a gigawatt.
  5. Haha
    Backroads reacted to NeuroTypical in Pistol Braces - Gateway to Gun Registry   
    Sorry, Kennedy said pistol braces were made to allow one-handed pistol use, and were developed for disabled folk.  I'd never heard that before, so that's why I was asking.
    Yeah, there's never a shortage of gun-regulatin' lefties making total fools of themselves and making ignorant comments about firearms and how they work.  The media helps.

  6. Haha
    Backroads reacted to Carborendum in Saving Starfish - Variant   
    Student: Hey do you have a book on Schrodinger's Cat and Pavlov's Dogs?
    Librarian: I'm not sure if it is checked out or not, but it does ring a bell.
  7. Haha
    Backroads reacted to Carborendum in Identifying as an Animal is now the new thing   
    Just a funny aside.  My brain did an inexcusable cross-reference.
    "pedo" is the Spanish word for breaking wind.
  8. Like
    Backroads got a reaction from Carborendum in Identifying as an Animal is now the new thing   
    My concern about the pedo issues is that young brides/grooms are, globally, not a new thing, and 18 years is ultimately an arbitrary number.
    Cultural vagueness is plenty to start a shift. 
  9. Like
    Backroads got a reaction from Vort in Identifying as an Animal is now the new thing   
    My concern about the pedo issues is that young brides/grooms are, globally, not a new thing, and 18 years is ultimately an arbitrary number.
    Cultural vagueness is plenty to start a shift. 
  10. Like
    Backroads reacted to scottyg in Career Change   
    I accepted a job 6 years ago that the Lord led me to. It was a step down in salary, and yet one of the top 3 decisions I have made in my life.
  11. Like
    Backroads reacted to NeuroTypical in Identifying as an Animal is now the new thing   
    For the 3 decades I've been paying attention, our alphabet friends have always been firm that underage stuff is wrong, they stand against it, stop accusing them of engaging and supporting it. Pretty dang consistently, across a good full 3 decades. There are always tiny factions of extreme others, that's true in any demographic. But I took comfort for 30 years that every member of the community and all their allies that I knew, either personally or online, were all united in drawing this firm line.
    Then covid hit, and now every week I hear a new news story, see a new video involving explicit drag performances in schools, billed as a healthy aspect of celebrating LGBTQ+ folks. Three times as many news stories and videos here for pride month. I mean explicit. I've seen drag folks happily twerking away in front of middle and high schoolers, at school presentations. I've seen elementary school kids being taught by their parents how to stick dollar bills into the g strings. I've seen more than one video including minors in the explicit dancing. I've seen many news stories and videos where minors are the performers doing the explicit dancing. The narrative has subtly changed. We hear "we have to provide gender affirming care for our children so they don't unalive themselves", and with it comes in accompanying statement “we have to expose our children to this, so that they can learn to be tolerant and inclusive and accepting of diversity, and if you don’t like it, you are an intolerant bigot.“   Question it, and all I've heard in response are arguments about evil republican fascists banning books and trying to eradicate children.
    So yeah, it's a valid question. For everyone out there who has experienced a similar track record of hearing "LGBTQ folks stand against pedophilia", have you heard it post-covid? It's time to ask the folks, and give them a chance to renew their answer in the face of growing change.
    in 2020, I was pressured from every direction conceivable to talk openly about how I believed black folk had value and deserved equal protection under the law and all of that. My answers were viewed skeptically and hostilely from people who often did not believe me. Well, now it’s my turn. Go find someone on the left, any liberal, any Democrat, and ask them flat out - what are your thoughts on exposing minors to sexually explicit situations and events and people?
    Then come back and let us know what you hear.
  12. Haha
    Backroads reacted to mordorbund in Am I too weird here? Shoelaces in Primary.   
    If you suck on them first they'll swell after they're tied and make it even harder to untie them.
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    Backroads reacted to mirkwood in Am I too weird here? Shoelaces in Primary.   
    I made some parents mad when I was in the nursery.  If they dropped off a child that was sick, I took them back to the parent and told them not to send a sick child in with other children.
  14. Like
    Backroads reacted to pam in Am I too weird here? Shoelaces in Primary.   
    I carry hand sanitizer.  I would have tied them.
  15. Haha
    Backroads reacted to mordorbund in Happy Father’s Day   
    My youngest woke me in the morning and handed me an Oreo cookie with a bite out of it… and the cream filling licked out.
  16. Like
    Backroads reacted to Carborendum in Happy Father’s Day   
    Our ward did bupkis for Father's day.
    The Primary got up and sang a song.  But frankly, I didn't hear a word of it.  I don't even remember what the song was.  My youngest is officially out of primary as of Jan of this year.
    Usually they have some candy or a temporary memento... something.  This year, nothing.
    I got home and my family gave me several things that meant a lot to me.  I'm very grateful for my family.
    One gift was a T-shirt with the batman logo with the word "Dadman" on it.  I just found out this morning that my ministering brother got the same shirt from his family.  Apparently it's a thing.
  17. Like
    Backroads reacted to Carborendum in Identifying as an Animal is now the new thing   
    So, when children are encouraged to slip dollar bills into a drag queen's panties, this is just a conservative false flag?  
    We're not the ones setting these events up.  We're also not the ones who cancelled such events when they found out that the event would be closed to minors.  We not writing children's books with graphic depictions of sexual parts and sexual acts and putting them in elementary school libraries while removing the Bible because it has "sexual depictions".
    We're not the ones encouraging and sometimes forcing teachers to tell elementary school children that they could be trans and if they are just talk to the teachers about it, don't tell your parents because they might not understand.
    I'm quite tolerant when grown adults want to FREELY interact with other adults. But when children are involved in such activities, how are we expected to react other than by crying out "GROOMING"?
  18. Like
    Backroads reacted to NeuroTypical in Identifying as an Animal is now the new thing   
    I've seen a few things happen in the alphabet community.   Some of the LGB end of things have started speaking out against the more militant activist TQ+ end of things.  They're growing in awareness that the recent trans acceptance stuff, is preying on plain old lesbians and gays.  If you are a girl who hates being a girl or a boy who hates being a boy, the current push is to accept your trans identity and seek gender-affirming medical care like puberty blockers and hormone therapy and maybe surgeries.  Folks are getting more and more aware of the reality: Most cases of childhood gender confusion issues resolve themselves by adulthood.  The vast majority of girls/boys who struggle terribly with being girls/boys, aren't trans.  When it doesn't just resolve itself, many of them just grow up to be plain old gays and lesbians.   So in the alphabet community, there's a "save the tomboys" effort, and a "transing gay boys is the new conversion therapy" effort.   Some of the LGB folk are feeling like the trans activists are trying to eliminate L and G from existence.
    And yeah, there's always been an effort to destigmatize and normalize pedophilia.  But in the last 5-6 years, those efforts have increased by an order of magnitude.  They're not pedophiles anymore, they're "minor attracted persons".  It's a logical extension of the "love is love, accept everyone for who they are" deal that has been with us for decades.  
    My woke progressive buddies are often all about believing and listening to the children, and understanding they have an access to wisdom that we lose as adults.  Most of the meow/meowself type folks are under 18.  A few are mentally ill adults.  The rest are predators.
  19. Like
    Backroads reacted to Ironhold in Identifying as an Animal is now the new thing   
    It's been going on for a while now (at least a decade, if not more), but the larger LGBT movement has been hijacked to forcibly incorporate these individuals.
  20. Haha
    Backroads reacted to mordorbund in Am I too weird here? Shoelaces in Primary.   
    Children often want to do "big boy" things but are still developing the necessary skills to see it through. It's a balance for adults to let them struggle for the long-term success vs doing it for them and expediting the short-term. In this case I think I would have finished what he started and eaten the shoe strings.
  21. Haha
    Backroads got a reaction from EH12NG in Am I too weird here? Shoelaces in Primary.   
    Years ago, shortly into my career as a teacher, I made a decision to not tie kids' shoelaces. Why? Someone mentioned loose laces in the bathroom and I have since been permanently disgusted.
    Today, one of my wigglier CTR 5-year-olds inexplicably untied his shoes to show his friend, started licking the shoelaces, and then asked me to tie them. This was all during the scripture and talk in sharing tie them.
    My refusal to tie shoes came into play, especially with the licking. 
    Finally, one of the presidency comes over to tie his shoes. I don't know if she noticed me refusing. I also did not inform her of the shoelace licking.
    No one said anything to me or even looked at me like I failed, but I kind of feel like a heel.
    Yet I stand by this kid gross shoelace boundary.
  22. Haha
    Backroads got a reaction from Just_A_Guy in Am I too weird here? Shoelaces in Primary.   
    Years ago, shortly into my career as a teacher, I made a decision to not tie kids' shoelaces. Why? Someone mentioned loose laces in the bathroom and I have since been permanently disgusted.
    Today, one of my wigglier CTR 5-year-olds inexplicably untied his shoes to show his friend, started licking the shoelaces, and then asked me to tie them. This was all during the scripture and talk in sharing tie them.
    My refusal to tie shoes came into play, especially with the licking. 
    Finally, one of the presidency comes over to tie his shoes. I don't know if she noticed me refusing. I also did not inform her of the shoelace licking.
    No one said anything to me or even looked at me like I failed, but I kind of feel like a heel.
    Yet I stand by this kid gross shoelace boundary.
  23. Like
    Backroads got a reaction from NeuroTypical in Am I too weird here? Shoelaces in Primary.   
    Years ago, shortly into my career as a teacher, I made a decision to not tie kids' shoelaces. Why? Someone mentioned loose laces in the bathroom and I have since been permanently disgusted.
    Today, one of my wigglier CTR 5-year-olds inexplicably untied his shoes to show his friend, started licking the shoelaces, and then asked me to tie them. This was all during the scripture and talk in sharing tie them.
    My refusal to tie shoes came into play, especially with the licking. 
    Finally, one of the presidency comes over to tie his shoes. I don't know if she noticed me refusing. I also did not inform her of the shoelace licking.
    No one said anything to me or even looked at me like I failed, but I kind of feel like a heel.
    Yet I stand by this kid gross shoelace boundary.
  24. Haha
    Backroads reacted to Carborendum in Am I too weird here? Shoelaces in Primary.   
    I would have waited until she was almost finished and...
    You might want to wash your hands now.
    She may or may not have asked "why?" or simply said "ok".  But then I'd add:
    You don't know what he did those laces that made me refuse to tie them.
    Disgust, understanding, and respect all rolled into one.
  25. Haha
    Backroads reacted to Vort in Am I too weird here? Shoelaces in Primary.   
    In the lovely innocence of childhood, children are pretty disgusting.