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Everything posted by Martain

  1. Alma 12:9 And now Alma began to expound these things unto him, saying: It is given unto many to know the mysteries of God; nevertheless they are laid under a strict command that they shall not impart only according to the portion of his word which he doth grant unto the children of men, according to the heed and diligence which they give unto him.
  2. Dreams can be tricky indeed because there is opposition in all things. I have a friend who constantly receives revelatory dreams. He tells me that the only problem is that most of those dreams aren't from God. He really hates the visions and dreams pressed upon him by the devil and he says when ever he gets a revelatory dream/vision, once fully awake, he prays to God asking for a confirmation that it was from him but almost always receives confirmation by the Spirit that it was not. My friend says he thinks of it like this: If he receives a dream/vision and doesn't know the source, he asks God. If he doesn't receive a witness that it's from the Lord, he does his best to ignore and forget it. He told me learned first hand how cunning the devil is how easy it is to mistake his visions as being from the Lord. He says that without the Gift of the Holy Ghost and prayer he would have accepted many of them as falsely being from the Lord.
  3. The Lord has given his children the Law of Chastity which is abstinence from all sexual relations prior to marriage. With the number of individuals out there who are addicted to pornography, masturbation or who active fornicators or adulterers… difficulty in keeping the Law of Chastity is not unique to those who are homosexually attracted. With the commandment being the same to all, a primary difference between you and someone who has no homosexual attractions is hope. Satan is very good at what he does and his lies are born of practice upon the children of men over thousands of years. Here are a few: This is who you are. You can’t change. You’ll always feel this way. You were born this way. You deserve happiness. It’s only natural. It’s none of their business. They just don’t understand. You’re not hurting anyone. It’s your body, do what you want. Do any of these sound familiar to you? I have a friend who was once addicted to masturbation. He once related to me how in a moment of despair the majority of thoughts above flowed through his mind. Overwhelmed, he believed them and his hope died of ever changing and of ever being able to live the Law of Chastity. Do you have hope? If not, the similarity is striking. Having sincerely sought to repent, my friend did not understand what he had done wrong. Why, if the gospel was true… Why if the atonement was real… Why if Jesus really does save… Why wasn’t he freed when he repented? Did he go about it wrong? Was he secretly not sincere enough? Why would it work for others but not for him? Where was the healing? Recognizing that just because he didn’t have proof that what he had been taught was true, it didn’t mean it was false either. He concluded that while it may be real, it didn’t work for him. Any wonder he became depressed? He left the Church, and would leave the room when his family would discuss the Gospel or talk of God. He told me of how very hard hearted and darkened he became, of how he embraced masturbation and identified with it and embraced a sinful lifestyle. My knowledge of him… reminds me of you yet his ending is different from his beginning. Many years later painful events in his life lead him to a unquenchable thirst to know. It’s not an understatement to say that to him, it was a matter of life and death to know what truth was and where it could be found. Feeling burned by Christianity, he decided that he would look through the other doors first before returning to check on that door. He started researching other religions but found himself unable to proceed. Something… was calling to him. In his mind the thought kept whispering… what if. Yes… What if. What if it was true. What if it was all true. What if the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was indeed the Church of God and that the Gospel it taught was true. What if Jesus Christ really does live and really does love us? What if the atonement is real and really does have the power to remake us new? What if the Savior really could and even would free him from his sinful addictions and desires? Yes… What if. Like a beam of light shining through a keyhole, he felt called to return to the teachings of Christ. He then came to a realization. If that was the true door… then if he went looking into those other religions, he probably would never make it back. He realized he needed to FIRST open that door and open it fully and then after seeing what was behind that door, either close it or walk through it and close it behind him forever. He had to know. And so he put it to the test. He started… by saying a prayer to which I’ll quote his writing. Events lead him to a book called “How Great Shall Be Your Joy” by Steven A. Cramer. By reading this book and by experimenting upon the word in the manner taught by Alma, in reading the scriptures and testing the promise given by Moroni, he found the answer to why the atonement had not worked for him the first time. In my mind’s eye I can picture him leaping for joy shouting “Yes!” when he finally realized what he had lacked. He repented again and that time, armed with the knowledge he found in that book paired with the witness he gained from Moroni’s promise he was successful. It worked and he was changed in a manner that he indicates is still amazing to him. He tells me, that even his desire… to masturbate is gone. Now that… is a CHANGE! So, what if… What if it is true? Is it not then of the utmost importance to know? I testify to you that it is true. I testify that Jesus Christ does live and does love and does want you to be happy. I testify that your current lifestyle will not bring you lasting happiness even in this life. I testify that real happiness, lasting happiness, in this life and the next, comes from obeying the Laws of Happiness, even the commandments of God. I testify to you that the Atonement is real and truly does have the power to remake you. It has the power to change your heart and so change you to where not even the desire will remain. I testify that Jesus Christ really does want to heal you. Receiving the power of the atonement is conditional upon your repentance. He will not force you, you must come willingly with your whole heart and your whole soul. I challenge you to do what my friend did. I challenge you to read what he read, to test the promise like he did. I invite you to repent, come unto your Savior, and find that He is waiting for you.
  4. Sister Eliza R. Snow “‘The status of women is one of the questions of the day. Socially and politically it forces itself upon the attention of the world. Some . . . refuse to concede that woman is entitled to the enjoyment of any rights other than those which the whims, fancies or justice, as the case may be, of men may choose to grant her. The reasons which they cannot meet with argument they decry and ridicule; an old refuge for those opposed to correct principles which they are unable to controvert. Others, again, not only recognize that woman’s status should be improved, but are so radical in their extreme theories that they would set her in antagonism to man, assume for her a separate and opposing existence; and to show how entirely independent she should be would make her adopt the more reprehensible phases of character which men present, and which should be shunned or improved by them instead of being copied by women. These are the two extremes, and between them is the ‘golden mean.’”(“Woman’s Status,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 July 1872, 29). Was reading in the Institute Eternal Marriage Student Manual regarding equality of men and women and this quote came to my mind after reading your post =) Welcome!
  5. Don't worry about it =). Vort was just poking fun at some of the things you wrote. You are right that the doctrine of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is against racism, teaches the Law of Chastity and the divine roles, responsibilities and nature of both men and women. Regarding the family I refer you to:The Family: A Proclamation to the World Regarding equality I refer you to:
  6. My sister in law was married and then divorced before meeting my brother. They are a wonderful couple and neither he nor I nor anyone else in our family look down on her in the slightest for having been married before. Have you read the Book of Mormon yet and inquired of God as to it's truthfulness?
  7. I know a man who once was where you are now. He found it repulsive and truly hated being shackled to this addictive sin. As someone who was once completely addicted to it, I'm still amazed that he can say he no longer desires to or even finds it tempting anymore. The power you're looking for to become free is the Atonement of Jesus Christ. You need not only self control but a change in heart to where you no longer even desire to do so. If you want to know what brought him to where he is now, I've sent you a link to his conversion story.
  8. A friend of mine who was a YSA Male Rep did was the work of actually finding out who was actually still in his ward. Sooner or later I would recommend reaching out / visiting each individual on that list to find out who moved, who is interested in being invited, who is friendly and who is antagonistic. If they've moved try and find a forwarding address and then look up which ward has stewardship and have their records transferred with an email notice to the appropriate person so that contact can be made. My friend sought the contact/email address of those that were friendly/interested too which helped him when it actually came time to invite people to the events. Out of a list similar to yours in length, by weeding out those who had moved, were now married, refused contact, he reduced his list by at least half. You're on the right track =)! Don't forget to seek inspiration and personal revelation on how to fulfill your assignment/calling!
  9. My testimony is like a living gemstone. With many facets and hues it incorporates many different doctrines and truth. As the facets and the light shining through them increase, my testimony grows more and more precious and beautiful. One day it shall incorporate all truth but for now, line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little there a little. Am I correct in saying you want to know things? You want truth? You say that yes you know that God lives, Joseph Smith bore a true testimony and President Monson is a true prophet of God and I say that I know by revelation from on high the above and much more. Christ taught the parable of the sower and explained what it meant to his disciples in Matthew 13. When you read that parable, how would you classify yourself? I infer from other comments, not only a love of learning and thirst for truth but a love of reading as well. Like deep deep roots you have put the precepts and doctrines of the world and man deep into your soul. I ask you how thoroughly have you done so with the Doctrines of Christ? Read I foresee the heat of affliction will rise and scorch the earth upon which you planted the gospel in your heart. If you have not nourished it properly, let it take sufficient strength in root, it will die. At best you will join the ranks of those inactive and at worst become an embittered apostate. Do you want to know? Read Exercise faith, read and ask of God. Read the scriptures. Read the books written by Latter-day Prophets. Like you read the encyclopedia, come unto these founts of knowledge and drink deep. As you do, the life giving water found within will nourish the truth inside you. As you do, the roots of truth will crowd out the roots of error. As you read pray that the Spirit will teach you too and feel as the light pours into your soul like a torrential rain upon parched ground. After all... that's what happened to me. In addition to the standard works, would you be willing to read a few books I would recommend? Lectures on Faith - Prepared by the Prophet Joseph Smith Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith - compiled by Joseph Fielding Smith [also found here] Doctrines of Salvation Vol I II & III - by Joseph Fielding Smith (I would do a amazon search) How Great Shall Be Your Joy - Steven A Cramer Pray Pray to the Lord. Humble yourself before him and ask for his aid. Tell him your struggles. Tell him that you're willing to let go of error and lies but that you need his help knowing what is true and in pulling out the weeds that have crept into your soul. Pour out your soul in prayer unto him for he will hear you. Pour out your soul in prayer unto him for he will teach you. Oh know ye not the love He hath for you? Oh how He loves you and desires to heal you. Having walked this far he still beckons to you asking "Will ye come?". I pray for you and that I may be of use to you my brother. If there is more I can do, let me know- Love~ Martain
  10. It really does indeed sound like you're really quite set in that view based on the way you word the above. I've found a very big difference between those things that I do not know but believe (still take on faith) and those things that I know for certain via a personal witness from God through the Holy Ghost. What I want to know... is what do you know. You indicate you believe the things above but what have you gained a witness on via the power of the Holy Ghost? There are some things I'd like to share with you and perhaps even some counsel that may be found applicable but I feel knowing the above first will allow me to hopefully be of more use to you.
  11. I can relate to that too for I felt exactly the same. In returning to the church I yearned exceedingly to serve a mission. Having passed the normal age an exception was not made and it saddened me. Elder Bruce R. McConkie (1915–85) counseled: “The most important single thing that any Latter-day Saint ever does in this world is to marry the right person, in the right place, by the right authority.” “Agency or Inspiration?” New Era, Jan. 1975, 38. The way I looked at it was this: Did the Lord know I wanted to serve? Yes. Did my Stake President? Yes. Did my Bishop? Yes. Could they say now is not the right time in error? Yes. Did I raise my hand to uphold these men? Yes. If it's important to the Lord, could he have changed their decision? Yes. Will the Lord bless me for upholding my priesthood leaders even when their decision is contrary to the yearnings of my heart? Yes. Now the focus flips to marriage. I was promised I would serve but it appears to be with my future wife in the future. Hope this helped =).
  12. Martain


    For those above who have written off this thread, the book, and maybe even me... I ask you a question. Did you pray?
  13. Martain


    Exactly! Exactly! Would he have been better off to do as you indicate? Yes... if the words were false. So what does that make me? Deceived? A lair? The quote I mention apparently seems to have become a stumbling block. I have no financial involvement with this book. The book is free. You can pay a small sum to have the publisher send you a bound copy but that's money going to them. I understand Priestcraft and after reading the book, I know that it is not such. No, he doesn't have political motivations or aspirations. And no it is not in reference to the two political parties in the Unitied States. I stake my name and reputation on the worth of this book. The Spirit witnessed that the Lord was pleased for me for reading it and for trying to entice others to do so as well. I have the feeling that I poorly advocated this book . I hope someone will read it none the less.
  14. Martain


    I could have putten the above in the book forum but that really doesn't get as much traffic as I'd like so I'm hoping it will be left in the Gosple Forum. I'm hoping that as people read it they might indicate here as the more people who recommend it, the more likely someone else will be to do so as well. If in reading this you plan to read it, have already read it, or read it and then also recommend it, please indicate below.
  15. Martain


    "The Lord God Almighty will not hold one guiltless if one dismisses the evidence within this book". My mother recently gave me a book and pleaded with me to read it. I told her I would and a week ago I completed it. Since the last time she did this it was a book that in 2009 was instrumental in my repentance and conversion, in hindsight, it's no surprise that I'm very grateful I again said yes. Although the author is freely distributing the book to any who wants to read it free of charge, he did reference some other books within which he has no financial involvement with that I was pondering whether or not I should get. I put them all into an cart but after buying them immediately grew concerned due my finances. I prayed regarding the wisdom and received a very powerful and comforting witness that yes it was wise and that he was pleased. After that I had a desire to try and pursuade those here to read the book too. I spoke in prayer asking for help because the more who would read the book the better it would be to which the Spirit again bore clear witness yes. The book is called "There Are Save Two Churches Only" by D. Christian Markham. It's very clear, very powerful and I lost track of the number of times that the Spirit burned within me regarding something I read within. On page 5 under "A Sober Warning" Brother Markham warns: After reading the above I pondered the question as to whether or not it was audacious or not. In prayer I asked the Lord if the statement was true and the Spirit testified via a burning in my bosom that yes it was. I recognizing my own weaknesses and feel inadequately persuasive enough to convince you all to read this free book. However if your heart is soft the Spirit of the Lord will. I know those who do read it will be grateful but you don't have to take my word for it... ask Him.
  16. My father had cancer and underwent surgery to have the tumor removed. The surgeon created a very precise cut using a very precise instrument for a very precise reason. Then after removing the tumor he sealed the wound shut to speed his recovery. Yes criticism is necessary, yet there is a big difference between a precise targeted surgical cut and hitting someone with a baseball bat. Anyone see applications regarding criticism? I have a ways to go before I can receive criticism given in frustration or anger calmly without reacting defensively. I'm also much more likely to not only receive but accept criticism if someone asks permission first and then after giving targeted criticism then builds me up afterwards as well. If that's me... if that's you... then what unto others should we be striving to do? Lessons learned (and still needing to be applied) from the book "Without Offense: The Art of Giving and Receiving Criticism" by John L. Lund.
  17. One can not become a son/daughter of perdition by accident, ignorantly or unintentionally. It is a deliberate and intentional act.
  18. For some there may be the concept that in baptism all of your sins are washed away through the Atonement of Christ. This is true. Yet to say that we can deliberately sin knowing that upon baptism we will simply be forgiven is false for it excludes the doctrine of repentance. First Article of Faith: First faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Second, repentance. Third baptism by immersion for the remission of sins. Fourth, laying on of hands for the Gift of the Holy Ghost. Part of proper repentance is striving to provide restitution. Who is truly repentant: Jack who stole a car yet get's baptized without seeking forgiveness from the victim or returning what they stole. James who stole a car yet returned it pleading for forgiveness and mercy willing fully to suffer the consequences of man's law for his crime? Someone who intentionally sins with the intent to repent later is sinning against the greater light. Such has greater consequences and is harder to repent of in a similar manner to how stealing a chocolate bar is easier to repent of than committing adultery.
  19. Ahh... well I come to this discussion a little late but I had a quote I found recently to add.
  20. Whether this information will still be of use or not I do not know. Personal revelation lead me to understand that SAD was a reality for me. In pursuing solutions I was lead to the following products which I feel would immensely help someone suffering from depression. Below is the article my mother sent me which lead me to prayerfully pondering whether I should use this product. The answer... was yes. Also of great use to me was a SAD light therapy box.
  21. There's a price in pain to know the answers to such questions so my recommendation is this. Ask the Lord. The source or your curiosity/desire to know these things either does or does not come from the Lord. Ask the Lord if the desire for such knowledge is of him. If you don't get a yes... learn wisdom and leave the mystery alone. That being said, a desire to distinguish between the Lord's and the adversary's kingdoms on earth is wise. I recommend fully that all read "There Are Save Two Churches Only" by brother D. Christian Markham. My mom printed the pdf off for me a few weeks ago and sincerely asked that I read it and I'm very grateful that I did.
  22. There's a price in pain to know the answers to such questions so my recommendation is this. Ask the Lord. The source or your curiosity/desire to know these things either does or does not come from the Lord. Ask the Lord if the desire for such knowledge is of him. If you don't get a yes... learn wisdom and leave the mystery alone. That being said, a desire to distinguish between the Lord's and the adversary's kingdoms on earth is wise. I recommend fully that all read "There Are Save Two Churches Only" by brother D. Christian Markham. My mom printed the pdf off for me a few weeks ago and sincerely asked that I read it and I'm very grateful that I did.
  23. Yes, people can indeed change. I know it because I can look back at who I was 5 years ago to who I am now and see the change the Lord has wrought in me. As for deathbed repentance, what about the law of restitution? Part of repentance is not only confessing and turning away from sin, but also seeking to repair the effects of your prior sins as much as possible. When we read of Alma's spiritual rebirth following his sincere repentance, what do we see him doing? We see him going to all those he lead astray via his flattering false words seeking forgiveness, striving to teach them truth and convince how he had been wrong. The thief who stole can upon repentance restore that which he stole. Yet can the murderer restore a life? The fornicator restore virginity? There are sins that ultimately we can not no matter what we do provide full restitution to those we harm. For that the repentant sinner must then rely upon the grace and mercy of Christ to make up for what they themselves can not do. Nevertheless
  24. Reading the scriptures I learn that such natural disasters will only increase in frequency and fervency as we approach the second coming. As the world continues to increase in sin I see the Lords hand holding back the raging elements less and less. If the world will not listen to the testimony of the servants of the Lord, if the world will not listen to the testimony of the still small voice, then God will speak with the voice of thunder, tempest, famine and quake. In regards to your questions regarding natural disasters and whether or not they will increase, read D&C 88 fully.
  25. "Another principle is to be cautious with humor. Loud, inappropriate laughter will offend the Spirit. A good sense of humor helps revelation; loud laughter does not. A sense of humor is an escape valve for the pressures of life." (Conference April 2012, How to obtain revelation and inspiration for your personal life, Elder Richard G. Scott) What do the scriptures say about laughter? "... cast away your ... excess of laughter far from you." "... not with much laughter, for this is sin ..." Every time I find the counsel against laughter it's always preceded by a modifying adjective. Much laughter, excess of laughter, loud laughter. It seems that the above comment about moderation plays into it as well as the type and quantity.