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Everything posted by Martain

  1. It was only after writing much that I realized that Anddenex had already said much of what I wanted to say =). Still, there are a few things I felt to keep and add to the discussion. Shall I upon death loose any of my faculties for thought and reason? Perish the thought! (what a wonderful pun <-- turned out to be!) If I shall retain such faculties then I must admit that the basis for such faculties comes from and is possessed by the spirit. Is not the natural man a spirit which being placed within a mortal tabernacle and beyond the age of accountability, regardless of whether or not they still possess said physical body, which has not yet yielded unto the Spirit of the Lord and become as a little child? A being with an immortal spirit body is called a spirit. Add such to a mortal physical body and you get man. If you remove the spirit from a physical body, the physical body is no longer a man. The natural man is an enemy to God. If the natural man is the physical body, then the body would remain an enemy to God even when it does not house an immortal spirit. Since the body is not an enemy to God in such a state, the physical body itself is not the natural man. Upon entrance to the spirit world is there no loner any need to put off the natural man and yield to the enticing of the Spirit of the Lord? If there is such a need, then the physical body is not the natural man. Our body is a priceless gift from God. If we call the physical body alone the natural carnal man and an enemy with God do we not wage war upon ourselves instead of against the devil and thus make a scape goat by which to point the finger to? Being tempted by the devil itself is not a sin, yielding to temptation is. Christ was tempted in all ways that we are tempted both directly by the adversary and by thoughts from the adversary just as he tempts us. It is when we let such thoughts take hold and entertain us that it becomes a thought sin. Dreams do not only come from the Lord or of our own making but also come from the devil. What, is false revelation only possible during the day time now =)? If an evil dream like you describe is of your own making, or to the degree that it is of your own making, then it will owe it's creation from sins of either thought or deed while awake. As such the dream itself is not what needs repentance but the deeds which spawned it. If an evil dream like you describe is not of your own making, or to the degree that it is not of your own making, then it is not a sin but a temptation. Since temptation is not of itself a sin, then why would such a dream be? Sincerely, Brother M.
  2. If the things of God can only truly be known by the Spirit of God, then of what use would even the most extensive research into such be when presented by a man heeding a different spirit? Knowing what I know regarding the truth of this work, is it wise to intentionally read apostate writings when the words of so many Latter-day prophets still remain unread? When choosing which well to draw water from, isn't it a good question to determine whether or not the source from which we seek is even worth the effort of filtering? A few thoughts~ Brother M.
  3. I smiled as soon as I read your subject caption as I thought of institute and how while it is for adults... not always are we all mature =). When I was converted and returned from inactivity I began reading. Reading is wonderful! I found some very choice books written by Latter-day Prophets that expanded my understanding of the gospel like a flood from a burst dam. Would you like a list of some of such books? If there is such a class specifically for older individuals, wouldn't that be MORE likely to be comprised of individuals who know the gospel thoroughly rather than less? Is there a particular reason attending institute with others of a much younger age is less than desirable? Why not find the local institute contact number and ask an instructor specifically regarding your request and the reason you're asking? I expect they've probably run into a request like yours before and could answer it best =). I admire you in your desire to investigate the Church and have another option that could help you. Why not invite the missionaries over to help teach you the doctrines? Also why not join us each week for worship and learn with us? Also, if you haven't done so, I invite you to read the scriptures (Book of Mormon / Doctrine & Covenants / Pearl of Great Price ) themselves. Nothing beats going to the source of all truth and seeking knowledge directly from the Lord right?
  4. Here are some quotes from a Latter-day prophet that are relevant.
  5. Just to be sure here but you're not teaching that Satan doesn't lie right? After all, while all the most convincing lies contain truth, he does also flat outright lie. Marriage between a man and a women is ordained by God. If you alter that truth, it is no longer truth but a lie is it not? You are right that truth is truth. Until it is mixed with a lie and then the presented total is no longer truth. A part of it true? Yes. The total? No. Thus I agree that you can take truth and present it in a way where it become a lie. Can we agree that a rose by any other name is still a rose whether we call it a lie or deceiving? After all, can anyone deceive without lying? I'm not so sure I can fully agree with you on the rest of that either. The issue is not only if it's true but the source as well. My desire is that I may come unto the fountain of all truth and learn from that source. The further and further I get downstream the more likely I'll swallow something poisonous or even deadly to my health. If the Devil offers me a cup of water from his fountain am I to say "is it the truth?" or should I not determine if it is even worth filtering first. Should a cup from an unwitting agent of the adversary prove worth filtering, I see no real use in promoting the agent or the contents of the cup unto another lest they not be able to filter the truth and drink poison or even worse seek refills from that same agent. Instead I would filter it (via scriptures, words of prophet, holy ghost) and then offer it in a new cup to another with counsel to seek more from the true source. Thus the question to me would first be whether this is a source is something worth filtering and then what part is truth. There is so much truth and so many clear and clean sources that it would be wise for me to be judicious in where I spent my time obtaining water. Such are my thoughts =). I understand where both of you are coming from and appreciate your insights. I don't know if what I've delivered was worth the time I invested in delivering it but I pray some portion of it will be of assistance unto you or another. Your Friend, Brother M.
  6. This is the topic that I felt particularly to expound upon. You're right that you were digressing but that's ok =). It helped me see an area in your gospel knowledge where I feel able to shed some light on for you. To this end, I hope you find what I share to be of worth =). While there are three degree's of glory, not all will receive such. Those who through sin in this life become sons/daughters of perdition are beyond the redemptive power of the atonement or repentance unto forgiveness. They will, with the Devil and his hosts, be cast into outer darkness. It is in Moses 5 that we learn so much of Cain and his becoming a Son of Perdition. Thus we know the destination of Cain and all other sons/daughters of perdition. The versus that teach of Cain ruling over Satan are found in that same chapter. While Cain will rule over Satan, that day has not yet come. While Satan did covenant the above with Cain it was a lie. It was not a covenant Satan kept and not the reason why Cain will rule over Satan. Satan doesn't keep covenants with God or anyone else but breaks them when they no longer serve his goals. The sons/daughters of perdition will not be resurrected until after all others and as mentioned above will then be cast into outer darkness with Satan and the rest of the third part of heaven who rebelled with him. It is then and there that the sons/daughters of perdition, Cain included, will rule over Satan and those who rebelled with him by virtue of having a spiritual body defined as the inseparable union of a physical and spirit body via resurrection. It was Joseph Smith who taught the truth that all beings who have bodies have power over those who have not. You're right that Satan had compelling arguments (lies) and that he deceived a great many into following him then just like he does now. There were some then as there are now who likewise knew full well he was lying/deceiving but thirsting for power gain etc joined him anyways.
  7. You make many good points in this and other posts and I thank you =). There are a few things that I disagree with, don't understand, or feel to expound upon and due to the length, chose to split it up into separate posts. In regarding to the quote above, I'm having difficulty understanding what you refer to in option 1 and 2. Do I correctly understand that you disagree with God judging us based on the thoughts and intents of our hearts rather than our deeds alone? Mercy was made possible by the atonement of Jesus Christ on conditions of faith and repentance. Outside of obtaining mercy all who are accountable will suffer the consequences of our sins. Being tempted or having a sinful thought is not itself a sin. Planting it in our hearts, nourishing it and entertaining such thoughts is a sin. Such sins bear fruit after their own kind and what originally starts out as a thought becomes an action. In as much as we sin or are disobedient, we cut ourselves off from the presence and blessings of God. The Devil seeks to make all men as miserable as himself. Thus the suffering for sin in this life isn't so much God interfering on a day by day basis to punish us for the thoughts and intents of our heart as it is that to the degree we sin we cut ourselves off from the Lord and place ourselves subject under the power of the Devil. For the most part the sword of Justice that hangs over the wicked is withheld until the cup of their iniquity is full. This is because God is full of long-suffering and mercy and continues to provide time and opportunity to repent. This is also because God is full of justice and doing so ensures his punishments are fully just. Back to the original quote for this response, did I correctly understand what you were trying to say? Does my response make sense? Does it clarify anything? I hope so or else I wouldn't have written it! After all, if my words have no use to you or anyone else, if they don't please the Lord, then what is the point of my writing?
  8. If his friends can arrange him to see a dishonest doctor who can falsely declare it as medically necessary then why not preempt such by going through the testing process described above and getting a honest and trustworthy doctor who I fully expect would indicate such is not medically necessary? I don't see why you'd remove him from your insurance either but armed with such evidence, you could use it to combat any future false reports of such nature. As to where it's coming from, what does he say? Does he say that he thinks he really should have been born a girl and isn't really a guy at all and thus needs to have it corrected? Does he say that he knows that he's a guy but doesn't want to be one anymore? Does he say that he's not attracted to the opposite sex? Sounds like time to invite him over for a family meal. As to what to do, surely you are in need of personal revelation are you not? Surely God knows the best way for you to deal with this and help him and would want you to know should you ask in worthiness to so receive right? If so then either seek or continue thus seeking. I do not envy you this trial and don't know that I've offered you any valuable insights or advice but my prayer is with you. Sincerely, Brother M.
  9. I wrote a nice response but what others have written is sufficient. I witness that the heart you seek is well worth the seeking. God bless you on this journey. You are on the right path and my prayer is with you. Sincerely, Brother M.
  10. You are very much welcome! Would you also like be to respond to the topics you present in your second paragraph?
  11. Dear Sister, I don't know whether you'll like or appreciate my advise but I feel for you and would like to help. There have been long periods of my life where I knew not how to answer someone's question of "How are you doing?" Such questions would frustrate me because I knew they weren't asking me to unburden my hearts to them or pour out a river of pain yet I wouldn't know how to reply as I still wanted to remain truthful. Sometimes I would say, "I'm going through some very painful and difficult afflictions right now and if you would keep me in your prayers I would appreciate it." I found that when I did, I received an outpouring of love from my ward members that lifted and gladdened my heart. They respected my privacy and didn't try to press for the details of my afflictions but indicated their love by asking if there was anything they could do to help. Again I would ask to be kept in their prayers. Having been in the ward for over 15 years surely they love you like family. Surely they are concerned and want to know whats hurting you. Of course they want to know where you've been. Yet if you feel uncomfortable sharing the details, why not do what I did? "I'm really struggling spiritually right now and I would greatly appreciate if you would keep me in your prayers. Thank you for helping me feel welcome." If they still probe, "I don't feel like going into the details but if you would pray for me I would appreciate it." The same course could be taken with your husband. While there is no shame in admitting you need help or are struggling. "We haven't seen your husband forever! Where is he and is everything all right?" "He is really struggling spiritually and I would greatly appreciate your prayers on our behalf." Such a course is humble, truthful, and allows you to maintain your privacy while still inviting and receiving an outpouring of love and support from ward family members. After all, you are struggling spiritually are you not? Seeing as you do need help, why not ask for it? Personally if it was me I'd take it one step further and ask the Bishop if he could ask the Ward to fast on you and your husband's behalf regarding spiritual trials your family is going through. I know you feel judged but I hope you'll trust me when I say that I know most of the time those feelings of being judged by your ward members are simply not true. Instead they are the lies of the Devil who does not want you there and sincerely seeks to drive you from the safety of the flock. I know they miss you. Please come back? Sincerely, Brother M.
  12. When someone within the church commits such sin (adultery/fornication among others) but remains unrepentant and does not of their own will come forward confessing, the command is to bring them before the Church which unless your ex is a High Priest in this case means their Bishop(s). The outcome of such church discipline is not our concern but between the Lord and his authorized servants. Once we've brought such to their knowledge, we leave the rest in their hands. You were on the right path action wise... you just had the wrong reasons originally for wanting to do so. Her counsel was very wise, I feel inspired, because it checked you redirected you from the path of anger and hatred to forgiveness and love. Go, not because you want to ruin someone's life, not because you don't forgive or are not wanting and trying to forgive but because it's the right thing to do and because you do not want to offend your Savior by not going. As forgiveness is a gift from God, so is a forgiving heart. Unless your desire is to be sorely chastened and afflicted, once you've reported these deeds, your primary goal then should remain to fully forgive them. To this end I too prayed for you. God Bless, Brother M.
  13. Would God ever in any scenario give one of his children a revelation or approval to get divorced? To say no would be to falsely say that all individuals who get divorced are going contrary to the will of God. The inspiration or source behind his revelation came either from God or the Devil. Let us say you receive a vision where you're told that the Lord has someone specifically picked out for you who you covenanted with in the preexistence to marry and that you don't need to seek them out for the Lord will reveal them to you when the time is right. Are there individuals who've made such agreements in the preexistence? Sure! Adam and Eve were one such pair were they not? Are there not marriages where the Lord revealed the right person? Sure! Isaac and Rebecca were one such pair were they not? Let's say you receive a revelation that the Lord wants you're to leave your home and move somewhere else. Are there such individuals who've received such commands from the Lord? Sure! Was not Nephi's father Lehi one who received such revelation? Does it mean when a friend received such a vision/dream regarding dating it was of the Lord? No! He asked in prayer and received confirmation that it was not of the Lord. Does it mean when a friend received such a vision/dream regarding moving to Austin Texas that it was of the Lord? No! He asked in prayer and received confirmation that it was not of the Lord. The Devil is a wily and cunning fellow and very good at mimicking true revelation. Depending on the method of delivery, it sometimes takes revelation to determine the source of revelation. Were I the spouse I would have probed more deeply into the manner and form the revelation came. I'd want to know just what was it about the manner in which the revelation was received that makes them so certain it was from the Lord. Armed with this I would then ask the Lord myself the source of the revelation. If the witness from the Lord to me is that the other was of the Devil I would then counter and say something like: "You indicate you've received a revelation from God to get a divorce from me. I've pondered what you've said, prayed about it and I've received revelation via (insert method, - such as burning in the busom) from God that such counsel was not a revelation from God but from the Devil instead." "Ask yourself, who here is receiving revelation from God? The one who was committing adultery in his heart at the least or the one who was being fully loyal to the marriage covenants and law of Chastity? If you in your spiritual condition truly received such from the Lord, would he not with much greater ease manifest it to your Bishop as well or are you saying that the Bishop is less righteous than yourself? If not, why did you not counsel with your Priesthood Leader?" Or something like that. If I myself knew their revelation to be false and couldn't convince them then I would seek out assistance from our Bishop regarding the matter for where as one testimony might not have been sufficient evidence, perhaps multiple testimonies would.
  14. Suppose you have two candidates in front of you each who are volunteering for a particular position of prestige and power. Both present their plans and cases as to what they would do with such authority and offer promises in return for their election and you are then called upon to vote or choose who you want in office if the choice were yours to make. Would we not describe such a scenario as political? Sounds like a Presidential election right? Long ago, you had two candidates in front of you who were each volunteering for the position as our Savior. Lucifer presented his plan, told us what he'd do with the power, and promised that not one of us would be lost in exchange for our agency (freedom). Jehovah indicated he would follow the Father's plan, told us he would give up the glory, and promised to come and do all that he did in working out the atonement. Eventually we were all called upon to indicate or vote our preference as to who we wanted as our Savior. How can we not describe such a scenario as political? It was indeed an election for the role of Savior save the final decision then was and remained the Father's to make. Can I not truthfully define politics as having nothing to do with politics but with people 'choosing the right' in regards to their government so as to live and maintain justice agency and freedom? Politics can be defined as the activities associated with governance of a country or area. Thus all activities or actions taken by the government, God's government included, in regards to governing a country area or people are political. Have men and women abused such political power? Yes. Have they made promises they never meant to keep or in meaning them never keep them? Yes. Have they compromised their morals and ethics and sold themselves to the highest bidder in thirst of power wealth and prestige? Yes. Have such individuals cast a shadow of distaste over things political? Yes. Yet I feel it is important that we overcome the conditioning we've received to view all politicians as corrupt and all political topics and debates as something best left on the bathroom stall doors. Politics is similar to sex in that whether or not such is good or bad depends on where, how and by whom it is used. After all, do we really think such conditioning is accidental? If the masses do not care for politics then the wicked, who sincerely do care, have all the power. I'm not surprise by your response but I hope after reading my response you don't feel so 'utterly astounded', had to look up the definition of gobsmacked =), regarding such a notion.
  15. Two primary subjects in the world that are most avoided are Politics and Religion which both deal directly with the war in heaven that is continued here on earth for freedom. Perhaps the reason they are such volatile subjects is because the Devil doesn't want us talking about politics for the same reason he doesn't want us talking about religion? We know via the Book of Mormon that the primary goal of such societies and groups is power, wealth, and sex. All such groups in the Book of Mormon sought out control of the government as subverted governments are the greatest tools available in accomplishing their goals. We have ancient and latter-day prophets warning that such combinations are flourishing in our day. Thus where as they always seek out control of government to subvert it, and government related issues are political, a question regarding latter-day evidences will be political. While what Skalenfehl said is true, and while a blind man could see it, most choose not to. Even many of the Saints prefer to believe all is well in Zion when all is most definitely not and I was among those many until more recently. If you sincerely want to know truth and seek book of evidences that clearly identifies such groups and their relation to government, pray about reading "There Are Save Two Churches Only" by LDS author D. Christian Markham. I did and was blessed tremendously by the Spirit of the Lord in doing so. I was the blind refusing to see but now I see far more clearly.
  16. I'm happy to hear the change in your life and the forsaking of these sins. The steps you made in trying to avoid temptation are very good. Where as right now stormy skies have cleared and sunlight streams down, know that the adversary has not given up. He will attack again and will test your defenses and seek for a way to break through them. In regards to freedom from the chains of sin there are two types of changes. There are behavioral changes and there are changes in our very nature. The first can be accomplished through will and avoiding temptation. The second can only be accomplished by the power of God working through the atonement of Christ to remake us anew. While I hope that it was receiving the second change which lead you to the first, if it was not, remember the taste of freedom and know that should the storms of these sins overcome you anew that true freedom comes through yielding our heart unto Christ through sincere repentance. With a prayer for your happiness, Brother M.
  17. That's an interesting question. Since it's the Lord who calls an apostle I guess it would be up to him. =)
  18. The above being true regarding visitations and visions it is likewise true about dreams. It is important that before any of us dissect or try to interpret our dream that we know the source. While you indicate that you do not think it was from God, it is important to also know that it's not of the devil. If it is of the devil then, "shut it up" and do your best to forget it for our intellect is simply no match for his cunning and deviousness in crafting believable lies.
  19. I can safely say that if Hitler had in his life a fair and just opportunity to accept and live the restored gospel of Jesus Christ and did not then he will be resurrected to a telestial glory. How can I be so sure? Hitler did not have the light and knowledge necessary to become a son of perdition and died that way. Since one can not sin against the holy ghost in the spirit world, he will not be going to outer darkness. If Hitler did have a fair and just opportunity to live and accept the gospel in this life then based on his murders he is cut off from both the terrestrial and celestial kingdoms and has been suffering and will continue to suffer the Justice of God until his resurrection to a telestial glory after the millennium has ended. If this is the case, if work was done for him in the temple, it has no redemptive power for by his own acts during life he has placed himself beyond such. I am not one to subscribe to the idea that there were individuals who having sided with Satan in the pre-existence intentionally falsely professed faith in Christ so as to be given a body to better 'infiltrate' Satan's enemies. God has all knowledge now and had all knowledge then. He knew who really had faith in Christ and who really chose Christ over Lucifer and would have judged them by their actions and the intents of their hearts as he does us now. Adam was worthy to come as Adam. Cain was worthy to come as Adam's son. Lucifer, before his rebellion was worthy to exercise the authority in God's presence that he exercised. All who come to earth were worthy via deeds and faith in Christ to come to earth. Hence why it is so tragic when Lucifer, Cain and any of us then choose to rebel against God.
  20. I'm pleased to see the spirit by which you are receiving the counsel presented to you here and the steps you are making. To me they indicate sincerity regarding repentance and doing the right thing. God bless you in doing so. Might I add a few words? You recognize the seriousness of sexual sins correct? You seek forgiveness and a new heart correct? In your efforts to receive forgiveness please do not forget that in order to be forgiven we must also forgive others. The parable of the 10,000 talents and the unforgiving servant in Matthew 18 comes to mind. Is not your debt which you seek your Lord to forgive similar to the 10,000 talents the servant about had no way of repaying? If you sincerely repent he will indeed forgive this debt. If having had such an enormous debt repaid you then do not forgive those who have trespassed against you, you become like the servant above do you not? I have a friend who committed adultery with my other friend and then continued living in fornication after the divorce was final. The ex-wife (who previously also committed adultery) and the children hate the new wife and there is much anger and hatred and enmity all around. None are forgiving of each other and thus none are able to receive the forgiveness they so desperately need. Please don't let the tragic story unfolding in my friends lives happen to you. I hope you will read Matthew 18 and then D&C 64:9-11 and for good measure President Spencer W. Kimball's "The Miracle of Forgiveness" as well. Sincerely, Brother M.
  21. Quoting from Bruce R McConkie's book "Mormon Doctrine" I share the following which I've personally confirmed via prayer as being true. I too was very surprised when I learned that raffling is also gambling and not the Lord's way.
  22. Q: Would Spirit Paradise be a paradise if you could not physically and tactically interact with those who live there? Q: How could you obey the command to not be idle if you could not work or interact with anything? Q: Do you expect a world without books of scripture? Would we have to entirely memorize or verbally relate such to perform missionary work? Q: Was not this world patterned after our previous home? If so, then are we to say that we had no physical interaction with spiritual matter (our Father) or spirit matter (our prior world and each other) as a spirit being in the pre-existence? While D&C 127 does help us understand how our physical senses would experience spiritual and spirit matter it does nothing to explain how spirit matter interacts with itself or with spiritual matter. Such is one of the mysteries of God and can really only be properly understood by revelation of which we have not as a church in its plainness received.
  23. I'm sorry that you were confused by my posting as that wasn't the intent. I know you didn't kill someone or deny the Holy Ghost and was simply trying to explain in part why sexual transgression is considered so serious. In reading to try and understand where all this came from I invite you again to read the linked document. I further invite you to read all of chapter 5 "The Sin Next to Murder" from President Spencer W. Kimball's book "The Miracle of Forgiveness" as it answers greatly the questions you pose and still have.
  24. While there are other reasons why sexual sins are so serious and are considered next to murder in severity is based on the consequences. The sin against the Holy Ghost is unforgivable and places the sinner beyond the power of the atonement. It is also unpardonable in that even suffering in hell for your own sins is not sufficient to satisfy justice. Such suffer in hell until the end of the millennium and then rise in the resurrection of the unjust to then be cast into outer darkness. For a LDS member and others with sufficient light and knowledge, murder is also unforgivable and places the sinner beyond the power of the atonement. It is however pardonable in that the sinner can suffer in hell for their own sins sufficient to satisfy the demands of justice. Such suffer in hell until the end of the millennium and then rise in the resurrection of the unjust to a terrestrial glory. Sexual sins are forgivable and do not place the sinner beyond the power of the atonement provided the sinner repents in this life. In the case of those who did not have a fair and just opportunity to receive, repent and live the gospel in this life, the sinner will have an opportunity to do so in the spirit world but this is not the case for a vast many if not the majority of latter-day saints. Those who have had such a fair and just opportunity who die, having not repented of such sins, place themselves beyond the power of the atonement. Even then the sin remains pardonable in that the sinners suffering in hell will have an end. Such suffer in hell until the end of the millennium and then rise in the resurrection of the unjust to a terrestrial glory. Thus one reason why sexual sins are so serious is that the consequences of such sin are as serious as murder in the case of those who commit such sins and who, having had a fair and just opportunity, do not repent of them in this life, dam n themselves from ever obtaining a terrestrial or celestial kingdom. Here is a useful document I found that explains some of what I wrote above in more detail.
  25. If you did not feel pain and receive a burn for putting your hand in the fire, would you ever remove it? At the moment he is putting his hand in the fire free of pain and free of any burns. If your son does not feel guilt and receive the consequences for breaking these laws, would he ever stop? Without consequences what is there to impede his even further sliding into the depths of hell? The impact of hitting roadblocks on the road to hell is painful but good in that it checks an individuals fall and gives them an opportunity to start climbing the other way. You are his mother and you love him dearly but is it in his best interest that you continue to remove such roadblocks from his fall? Should your son die in these sins, depending on whether he had a fair and just opportunity to repent, he is in danger of permanently cutting himself off from a terrestrial and celestial kingdom. Should such happen he will have to pay the full price of God's justice in hell throughout the millennium to then rise to a telestrial kingdom. Would you rather have your son pay God's justice in hell for over a 1000 years or would it not be better to let consequences compel him to humility in this life in the hopes that it will bring him to repentance? I would prefer that he humble himself unto repentance and turn away from these sins. I would rather offer mercy than inflict justice and so does God. Yet unless you gain personal revelation that given enough time he will repent on his own, I feel it would be better to let him hit those roadblocks rather than let him fall to even more serious sin. Either way, this matter is very very serious and I do not see how you can make the right decision without a knowledge greater than your own. You need personal revelation and so I bid you seek it. If you are not worthy yourself to obtain it then do what is necessary to become worthy and then seek it until you receive it for it is not only the temporal salvation of your son that hangs in jeopardy but it is his eternal salvation that is in danger of being lost as well. My prayer goes out to you. May God bless you with the counsel and guidance needed to make these decisions in accordance with his will. Sincerely, Brother M.