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Everything posted by Smudge

  1. I am rather liking this one at the moment - infact it is the inspiration for one of my friends Christmas presents: Symbols of Christmas
  2. I don't agree - there are times when children are better off in a broken home! If my mother had stayed with my father for the sake of my sister and I we would have had a much worse life than we did have - I am not saying that life after the divorce was easy I was the oldest child of a disabled adult! But compared to living in a home with an alcoholic who was so dependant on alcohol that he didn't even leave my mother with enough money to feed and cloth us and spent very little time with us when he was home! I know other people who have grown up in similar situations! Or in situations of abuse, or neglect caused because the parents are always arguing - in an ideal world to say the parents need to stay together would be great but in the real that is far from the case in many situations!
  3. As a child of divorce whose father wasn't interested having any contact with me I can understand why the Judge said that BUT I think that in cases such as yours I don't think they were putting the best interests of the child first!
  4. I agree that you need someone to talk to. Have you looked into marraige counselling or even just counselling to help deal with the depression (as it sounds like the the depression is a reaction to the situation rather than purely caused by chemical imbalances). I would also suggest seeking a priesthood blessing.
  5. My housemate - has similar problems - she just uses her normal walking stick at the moment but is planning to get one that is only one color rather than patterned at some point. With regards to using the ceremonial clothing - as hard as it for her to allow them to help her the temple workers and other members are always happy to help her and never made her feel awkward or uncomfortable about doing so if that makes sense! Distribution do make adapted items for people with disabilities - I would suggest calling them and seeing what they can suggest - but maybe after he has gone through for the first time - as he might find that the things he was worried about being a problem wont actually be a problem!
  6. I agree. I also want to say this - caring for someone full time is HARD - I know this from experience - I have been caring since 2008 for first my mother and now my best friend - if you need a shoulder to cry on or someone to share experiences please PM me!
  7. I don't have one yet (my housemate suggested her mum make me one for Christmas so hopefully next year I will) Something I seen that I thought was super cute was to put flour/cornstarch/confectioners sugar on the counter and make a snow angel in it
  8. I would do lights - but 1) I am scared of hieghts which makes putting them up rather a challenge and 2) I live in a rented ground floor apartment - not much scope for decorating
  9. The ladies who work in the distribution center will help you make sure you get the right fit and fabrics to suit your needs - I went thru in June and my temple/distribution center is over 4hrs away and the staff were amazing.
  10. I have an artifical tree - a cheap one which isn't as nice as I would like but at the moment it is as nice as I can afford. I would love to have a 7ft very full tree with lots of nice strong branches to support my ornaments, I would love to have a real tree but I have never seen a real tree that is thick and bushy as the ones you guys seem to get! I only have white lights not colored and no tinsel and mix of decorations - folk artsy, victoriany, scandinavian inspired decorations - and a combination of handmade and shop bought
  11. I made pumpkin pie once - took me ages as I cooked it completely from scratch - had one mouthful and thought it was foul - however apparently it was actually very good - cos the rest of the branch loved it. I love apple pie or apple and bramble
  12. my friend got married on Sat to a Dr who fan - needless to say there were many Dr Who references including a tardis on the grooms cake, and he managed to have quotes in his speech and even had a fez - although he didn't wear it during the ceremony - I think my friend prob wouldn't let him
  13. at least it isn't candy crush - my cheapy back up phone (basic phone for calls and texting if I run out of credit on my smart phone - cheaper tariff!) has a version of bejewelled on it - and I do have the app on my tablet - I could get caught up on it - if I could use netflix at the same time I would play it more than I currently do
  14. Thanks - just tried to put what google said into a context that made sense :) PS I forgot to say welcome to the boards
  15. It was the first thing I down loaded onto my phone - but then I reset my phone and didn't redownload it as I have it on my tablet and I have scriptures on Kindle and I have the kindle app on my phone!
  16. according to google translate - it is "you have to understand Chinese" which I would rearrange to "Do you understand Chinese"
  17. The last time I was in SLC they were still building City Creek - I am exicited to see it finished when I am there next month
  18. I love recieving cards - but find it hard to get motivated to write them and send them in return! In all honesty I am terrible at doing so!
  19. I would agree that the problem is the parents! I went to uni 15 years ago - and my family supported me for the first year (UK student loans aren't really enough to live on) but the condition was that it was to give me time to find my feet and to find a job! I worked every summer and had a job for the other 4 years of my degree - my final year working 2 jobs - and it was only the final year that I had a TV - prior to that I would borrow my friends TV/VCR on the weekends when she went home and I would watch movies that I got either on sale or second hand! After I got a job the only time my family supported me was the last month of each academic year as my loan had run out AND because of what I did for a job I didn't get work during the last month of term when students had reading week and exams and results etc! That being said I did know students who parents paid for what ever they wanted!
  20. I would measure 2 cups of water and freezer that!
  21. You still have time - lots of our celebrations happen either the weekend before or after Nov 5th. My favorite holiday is Christmas - I absolutely love it - I how bright and cheerful everywhere looks with their lights, I love the true meaning behind the celebrations, I giving gifts to people, I love the food...
  22. As far as I am aware the new edition of the scriptures is available in digital formats. I know that one of the kindles maybe the fire can play movies so I would imagine it could play hymns. When I had a kindle I couldn't get church mags etc - but that was an early generation kindle. Sorry I can't be much more help
  23. Tearing up books (scriptures or text books or anything) that belong to someone else - school district or individual students - is vandalism not free speech! As such, those engaging such vandalism should be disciplined regardless of what led to that event!
  24. The standard at least in the UK for attendance at church single adult activities is that you are divorced (the divorce has to be completed not in the process of going through), single never married or widowed. It is also very thoughtless and selfish of him to be telling you all about it. I think I would speak to my bishop about the situation