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Everything posted by David13

  1. I've been preparing for this in the last year, due to my circumstances all around me, or actually inside me, as some of you may know if you read my earlier posts. Here in Los Angeles near me they have green something or other. $15,000.00. For just a little chunk of real estate not big enough to turn around on. I'd rather be buried in Utah, maybe a little marker would be nice, name, religion and maybe a slogan. I found a nice place Pleasant something a few miles south of SLC, south and west. A pioneer cemetary, so I could be out there with the Saints from the old days. I think that would be nice. $500.00. Yes, 500 bucks and then an additional $500 when they need to dig the hole. That's my kind of value. But I need to visit the location. And consider the weather. It will be cold in winter. dc
  2. It ain't gonna be moths what's gonna make him itch in that box. dc
  3. The writer Hunter S Thompson also shot himself to death. In his kitchen. dc
  4. Why cedar? I mean, cedar is nice wood, and I like it and the way it smells. But. It's expensive and very hard. Pine, pine is the way to go young man. I never heard of a cedar coffin. But then, I don't go to many funerals. dc
  5. There's just no end to the stupidity, is there? Gun violence? There is no such thing. No gun ever killed anyone. It was a person who picked up the gun, loaded it, and cocked it, and pulled the trigger. But no one can take responsibility for anything today, it's a new rule. Somebody else is always to blame. "The NRA killed them". Or better yet, something else. An inanimate object is responsible. If I get drunk and run over some people with my car, it's not my fault. It's the cars fault. It was "Car Violence". dc
  6. Who said you were a communist? I missed that one. dc
  7. So, in other words, any person of religion is an "extremist". What group is this? The National Atheist Alliance? Why didn't they just label anyone with any religion as a terrorist? Tho' I will say there is something a bit high on that first one, use religion to justify violence. That would describe any Moose Limb. dc (I do consider myself a redneck/American or redneck/Mormon or redneck at anything I do. Redneck/Motorcycle Rider.)
  8. I think the whole thing has got way out of line and this is a good place to end it. dc
  9. Do you think that sounds like "reasonable discourse"? dc
  10. I disagree, Carbie. I think Maureen just stated her opinion and got a lot of flak for it. dc
  11. That may be the real issue Eowyn. I do not believe Maureen is "arguing against beliefs". I think you have found it. We abstain from alcohol not because we perceive it as some great evil. But because God commanded it. It may or may not be a great evil for others, but that's up to them based on THEIR beliefs. Of course, it will make it much easier to abstain from alcohol if a person does perceive it to be a great evil. The basis is not the evil, but the commandment. As to non Mormons, alcohol may or may not be a great evil. It's clear Maureen recognizes that. dc
  12. I think it's important to separate the chafe from the wheat. There are moderate social drinkers out there who have NONE of the laundry list of ills caused by alcohol. What's your solution? Ban or prohibit alcohol? I agree with you about the ills. There are many who should never drink. But there are others who have no problem with it. Now, my position? You know what it is. I stated it several times there. I don't drink. dc
  13. Oh yes, someone mentioned serving a mission in South America and that they had some substitute also there. Is Ecco big in South America? I don't know that I've ever seen it here, but I may have missed it in Utah. dc
  14. Postum Why has no one mentioned Postum. Postum is back on the market, you know, and was always a big seller in Utah. Which is probably where you will find most of it today. Someone in Gospel Doctrine mentioned Postum. Quite a few didn't know what it was. I used to see it advertised on tv all the time when I was a kid. I believe my grandmother drank it for a while. Then she went to Sanka. I believe Sanka is decaf, but Postum, as you should all remember was a grain or wheat beverage. Some people in Gospel Doctrine and Priesthood were saying that Postum would be immoral. As it still gives the appearance of violating the wow. dc
  15. I agree with that Vort. I meant anyone who is not a Latter day Saint. dc
  16. Power I have to agree with you. Today I passed some type of Korean (I think) Christian church. In a double office building. With a large cross out front. How absurd to think there would be someone who would apostatize from that church based on their offense from realizing that cross was taken from, or is the same as many many many other Christian churches. dc
  17. On the contrary, Gator, it's been easy for me. Carborendum I actually wonder about that myself. I knew of the church in 1964 from a visit to the Temple in SLC. And I had a Book of Mormon delivered to me in 1985. However I did not join the church til last year. While I did not consciously join the church, but was called in in some way, I did consciously not further investigate the church in 1985 knowing that I'd have to give up coffee. (Not based on that knowledge, but just knowing it.) I had always been a big coffee drinker. Not to excess, but that essential one cup in the morning, black, no cream, no sugar. However, in 1985 I was unaware of the concepts and all else that is offered in this church. I just sort of thought it would be like my Catholic childhood. Mass on Sunday and that's it. Coming into the church now, I almost immediately found that I had stage 4 cancer of the blood causing severe anemia. Coffee or any caffeine aggravates that anemia. So now I am of medical necessity sworn off coffee forever. And it has been totally easy to do so. I have no urge, no craving, no desire for coffee. But I have none such for alcohol either. Nor cigarettes and I had casually smoked for a few years long ago. But, is it possible I avoided joining the church in 1985 because I didn't want to give up coffee? Possible yes. But I think there was more to it at that time, foremost being I had no real concept of what the church is like from the inside. dc
  18. The statement may or may not be true. I don't know. I do know that the Mormons I have encountered don't drink alcohol. Neither do I. However, reading some of the responses on this thread, I could easily believe that some on this forum do believe that any and all alcohol is an evil. I only see alcohol abuse as an evil. I'm neutral on any benefit of the limited use I see in America today. dc
  19. I have only been a member of the church for one year. But I have not consumed any alcoholic beverages for more than 30 years. And, of course, I do associate with alcohol drinkers on a regular basis. To an extent. That is, I don't visit bars only or anything like that. I do eat in places where alcohol is served. I generally would not associate with anyone who would over do the alcohol, and usually at a dinner or something I would leave after dinner and after any of them had two drinks. However I cannot impose my morality and now my religious prohibitions on them. That is to say I understand and can appreciate Maureen's point of view here. The chief, or a big time Rabbi of American Jews was asked about the prohibition on pork. He did not talk about the benefit or detriment of pork. He simply said they refrain from eating pork "because God said so". And I think it's the same here. It's a prohibition. Our (and for a long time my) prohibition. I agree that alcohol does not taste good. Nor does it do too many good things. But I also understand the point of view of many Americans who can in an evening, when they are not driving, have two drinks. Wine. If any of you want a nice grape flavor with an Italian meal, try grape juice. I drink unsweetened natural grape juice a lot and I will tell you from experience, I believe it has a much better flavor than wine. And no side effects. dc
  20. My real concern was the lateral force. Which could break the joints and then jeopardize the entire structure. You will have lateral force. For one thing, you will be top heavy which will cause lateral force just standing still. But any movement ... dc
  21. Get sufficient sleep at night. Take a cat nap. 5 or 10 minutes with the eyes closed. Get a blood test. I'm older, that means more sleep. Some people can go on 4 hours sleep, at my age I'm closer to 8 1/2 or 9. Last year my blood test showed severe anemia. I was recommended for the hospital and a blood transfusion. Anemia is aggravated by coffee and tea or any caffeine. So that was easy for me when I joined the church. But anemia, and the cancer that I found out caused it will give you great fatigue. I still have some fatigue, which also the chemo therapy tends to produce, but at least I now know it was not a shortage of coffee and tea that produced the fatigue.. dc
  22. Unixknight I will not say you are overweight, nor obese. But I will say you do not look like you have missed a meal lately. And I will say are you sure that pvc is going to support your weight very much? What's the weight rating on that. I would have gone a little sturdier on the frame. And I will say I don't know why some men/boys don't have more sensible toys, like guns and motorcycles. But we boys do like to play with our toys. And it looks like your kids will enjoy all that, too. And Eowyn doesn't have to start in here at all. I'm sure she has her woman/girl toys. Maybe dolls or something. I remember many years ago a lady showing me her newest doll. $500.00 way back then. Made in Germany in the 1880s or something. She whispered to me, Mr (dc), don't tell my husband. dc
  23. Whoop de dee. I think I'll have a candy bar now. dc
  24. I don't think they are angry. The are just linear, that is, in a line. I believe they are led or lcd or something all new technological and all. Barium, strontium, halogen, who knows. No me, and I don't need to know. They do look different, tho'. No big deal. dc