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Posts posted by NeedleinA

  1. 7 hours ago, SirLogan said:

    I don't mind the answers. They're fine.

    Sounds like you have kind of already made up your mind. Where you hoping to hear more of a positive "Go for it!"? You are having an issue/concern, yet you already seem to know the answer to it: " fan base is growing very slowly because I don't perform. " Why not strap on the boots and go perform then?

  2. Remembering and celebrating my wife's birthday is s-u-p-e-r important. Besides that, I could care less about my own. All of the other adults in my life get an email or text (if I even remember), and that is typically what I get in return on mine. Suppose I did take my mother out to lunch this past year.

    Long gone are the days that I care about getting gifts either. The only thing I say when it comes to gifts is, "I don't want a gift, but would not mind simply hanging out".


  3. 20 minutes ago, NeedleinA said:

    I feel bad for investigators or new members who get trapped into this line of thinking.

    I have attended Gospel Principles class for the last 5-6 years instead of Gospel Doctrine. I know this is unfortunately a sentiment, in our area, that is brought up on a regular basis with both investigators and new members in the class. 


  4. 10 minutes ago, Vort said:

    And LeSellers has 33 grandchildren, which is 1/3 of 99, the code name of CONTROL's top female agent!

    And your list name is Sunday21, which is 1/3 of Tuesday63, which is when I was born!

    And you posted this 17 minutes ago, which is 1/3 of 51 minutes, which is 9 (=1/3-2!) minutes less than an hour!

    Coincidence? Ha! Eye think knot!

    My kids are sitting on the computers next to me, laughing at me as I laugh at your comment. Eye think sew ;)

  5. It is always interesting to see the "reality" of everyone else's family dynamics and activity levels. 

    I know that it can be easy, especially sitting in sacrament meeting, to look around at others and think: "Wow, their life is all roses" or  "Oh, they have the perfect family". I feel bad for investigators or new members who get trapped into this line of thinking. This thread alone is a demonstration that we all face varying circumstances in our perceived "perfect little families". 

    We tend to invite new members over to our house often so they can see a real Mormon Family in action. Yah, they leave with a different understanding of Mormon Families alright. Nothing that a night of spicy food, electronic music, and bad-lip reading videos can't cure... and that is all before we pray for dinner!;)

  6. 26 minutes ago, mordorbund said:

    2/3 retention is the general trend across the US for LDS families.

    You mention a trend away from marriage - this is the case across the US. And although we lead the way in a culture of marriage, we aren't doing as well as we were 7 years ago.

    And since you mention birth rates, I'll toss this one into the mix as well:

    Thank you for sharing Mordorbund!

    1/3 of the members not retained... hum, why does that figure should familiar??<_<

    This is where I wish we had identical access to data going back to the beginning of the restoration. Well, it is not perfect, but #1 in Marriage and Babies counts for something.

  7. 1 hour ago, estradling75 said:

    Just to be clear "Lone Mission President" have both the Authority and the Stewardship to define acceptable behaviors and actions for Missionaries serving in that Mission.  It is not binding church doctrine but it is binding on the missionaries currently serving in that mission


  8. 17 hours ago, iamlds said:

    I served a full time mission and my mission president also taught  us not to eat blood because it is forbidden by the Lord recorded in Old and New Testament and also elaborated by Prophet Smith in these latter days, This is according to my Mission President ( I will not mention names because the forum rules says don't mention names :) )  which doctrine I already knew ever since I was a kid, This doctrine also taught to my parents by a couple missionaries.

    Similar to other General Authorities, lone Mission Presidents or missionaries for that matter can give their "opinions", but that does not constitute binding church doctrine. 

    I know there have been Mission Presidents that instruct their missionaries NOT to eat blood dishes on their missions. In the cases I'm aware of these were over health concerns of poorly prepared dishes common in the local area or fear from things such as Mad Cow Disease or other illnesses. These were localized policies for the missionaries in their area, but not a direct result of some binding church doctrine. 

  9. 2 hours ago, iamlds said:

    I'm seeking for answers where I think I cannot get from this forum for almost of the answers here are only personal opinion and no legit source

    You continue to insist that since Joseph Fielding Smith said it in "a book", that it must be doctrine for the whole church

    We have provided numerous sources, links and quotes explaining otherwise. Did even read the official statement from the church:

    " Not every statement made by a Church leader, past or present, necessarily constitutes doctrine. A single statement made by a single leader on a single occasion often represents a personal, though well-considered, opinion, but is not meant to be officially binding for the whole Church. "

    Who is correct, you or the Church? If you are correct, please show us where JFS declares that his opinion on blood eating found in ATGQ is officially binding for the whole Church. If you can not provide this, then you are the one personally trying to bind something that JFS himself did not do.


  10. Here you go, an official statement from the Church regarding your misunderstanding about doctrine. If this doesn't help out, you got me.

    Directly from the Church: LINK

    LDS Newsroom 2007, "Approaching Mormon Doctrine":

    Not every statement made by a Church leader, past or present, necessarily constitutes doctrine. A single statement made by a single leader on a single occasion often represents a personal, though well-considered, opinion, but is not meant to be officially binding for the whole Church. With divine inspiration, the First Presidency (the prophet and his two counselors) and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles (the second-highest governing body of the Church) counsel together to establish doctrine that is consistently proclaimed in official Church publications. This doctrine resides in the four “standard works” of scripture (the Holy Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants and the Pearl of Great Price), official declarations and proclamations, and the Articles of Faith. Isolated statements are often taken out of context, leaving their original meaning distorted.

  11. 2 hours ago, iamlds said:

    Ah ok it was distributed by deseretbook. 1.Doesn't make any sense, 2.Deserethbook is publishing false doctrine, 3. even-though its not official, 4.deseretbook will not publish false doctrine either? Do you know a book published by deseretbook that contains false doctrine? If no, will you think again if this doctrine is true or false?

    I honestly am not trying to insult you, however, I really don't know what you are asking. I can't tell if you are making statements or asking questions. You have 4 thoughts in what appears to be one sentence alone. If you could clarify better, I would be happy to try to answer. I honestly can't tell if you are trying to ask us all questions OR try to convince us all it is a commandment to not eat blood?

    Are you using some kind of translation software to English? (honest question)

  12. 11 hours ago, estradling75 said:

    Because you need to understand what it takes to make something official. 

    5 hours ago, iamlds said:

    We are admonished to read good books, and how can we say its true or false doctrine?


    Estradling75 has already explained this.

    It isn't that Pres. Smith is giving true or false doctrine necessarily, it is that he is giving his "opinion". The book, Answers to Gospel Questions is not an official publication of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is a personal book giving the thoughts and ideas of JFS. This is similar to "Mormon Doctrine" by Bruce R. McConnkie. The title even says "Mormon Doctrine", HOWEVER, the book contains the opinions of Elder McConnkie. While it is true that his opinions may also be spot on in agreement with official doctrine of the church, that does not mean all of his personal opinions are. 

    From the publisher of book (Answers to Gospel Questions) Deseret Book: link  (see the RED part below)

    "Answers to Gospel Questions, vol. 4 


    © 1963 Deseret Book Company
    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without permission in writing from the publisher, Deseret Book Company, P.O. Box 30178, Salt Lake City, Utah 84130.
    This work is not an official publication of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The views expressed herein are the responsibility of the author and do not necessarily represent the position of the Church or of Deseret Book Company."


  13. 15 minutes ago, David13 said:

    I'm the lone member of anyone ever even remotely related to me, that I know of.

    So far it's all working great.

    I say the same thing I said to Sunday21, we are glad you are here and happy to have you as a shining bright green! This is a great place to fellowship and remind ourselves that we are not alone. Glad things are working great for you! I hope you enjoy Utah and find fellowship there too. Going with realistic expectations is key I think.

  14. I'm not an expert at all, but here is my understanding on this. If you are unable to physically go to the temple and do the work yourself, you can "share" your ancestors work with the temple in the hope that someone else needs names to do there. In a sense other patrons at the temple can help do the work for/with you. I believe the names simply sit on the "Share with Temple" list until someone, somewhere needs names. 

    It could be a week before someone picks them up.

    It could be 13 months, 2 years, 5 years before someone picks them up. 

    They just sit until said time. This gives you the possibility that someone else might do the work faster than you can get to it personally, but not the guarantee of it.

    Here is a link with further details. Hope this helps!

  15. 4 hours ago, Vort said:

    Needle, it was for the West and Northwest regions. I believe it included Hawaii, Alaska, southern BC, Washington, Oregon, and I think California. It must also have included at least part of Idaho, since my son at BYU-I watched it. It was announced what areas were included, but someone spoke to me right then, so I missed it.

    Yep, outside of my haystack. thanks

  16. 1 hour ago, Carborendum said:

    it's ok for my Sunday School teacher to consistently call Muslims the Great and Abominable Church?

    No it is not. Sounds like you teacher needs to stick to the manual a little more. It is one thing for a random member to pipe up with accusations, it is another for the instructor to "consistently" do it. Next time they say that, ask them to quote the Church Leadership as saying Muslims are the GAC.

    From: Teaching, No Greater Call : The Teacher's Divine Commission

    " Our business as teachers is to teach His doctrine and none other. There is no other course we can follow if we are to save souls. We have no saving power of our own. We cannot create a law or a doctrine that will redeem or resurrect or save another person. The Lord only can do these things, and we are appointed to teach what He reveals on these and all gospel doctrines. "