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Posts posted by NeedleinA

  1. I realize there are a few bad cops out there, ...

    I appreciate their service as well.


    You can find a few bad apples in any group in life: doctors, teachers, ward members, etc. I would never let a few taint a great group like first responders. Good job thanking them for their service, I appreciate them as well. The cops in our town are on a waving basis as you pass them, pretty cool. (either waving or flagging me down as I zoom by?)

  2. .. this has something to do with being unrighteous or unqualified in some way.  

    Yep, mountains of reasons someone may not be called, none of which have to do with righteousness or being qualified.

    Imagine the letters sent out that have nothing to do with worthiness or skills...


    "Dear Brother, we feel impressed not to extend the calling of Bishop to you because...

    - you are about to have cancer in 4 months and will need to focus on yourself and your family

    - your wife is about to leave you and you can't deal with the stress of both...

    - you are going to be transferred by your employer to a new country very soon...

    etc. etc. etc.


    Why would a Stake Pres. feel impressed to submit the name in the first place then to only have it rejected? Its just as easy to fill possible answers on that one too. 

  3. If you are happy to learn about the church even with unhappy missionaries, then thumbs up to you! :animatedthumbsup:

    There are unfortunately folks only interested in the church because of happy missionaries. Once the happy missionaries disappear, they stop going to church. Sounds like you are putting your interest in the church "first" and the missionaries "second"...this is a much better path to success anyways. Love the message more than the messengers - Good luck!

  4. Lived in a US state (name withheld) and I was bused to a specific high school as part of that state's integration program. There were 5 minorities in the high school, my sister and I were 2 of them. Every day derogatory race names and hate were used towards us, bullying was normal. When students yelled racial slurs across the hall/room, you knew it was directed at you. That was a situation I was "forced" into. No perception of bullying, it was real. 


    There is nothing forced about being on a voluntary forum. The beauty is the computer has an off switch if someone feels "real" bullying. 

  5.  off topic-I didn't even ask my father in laws "permission" to marry LadyGator. We both find that custom cute, and this is for us only, but LadyGator isn't the property of anyone. Her father or myself. She asked me not to do partake in that custom, and I respected her wished and agreed. 


    Same here. Cute idea, but we were getting married either way and he knew it was coming. At that point she had only been a member for about 2 years, and I wasn't in the mood to hear any more opinions from her (What, our daughter is a Mormon?) parents.

  6.  I didn't actually read anywhere in your initial post saying that you've confronted him about these concerns. Have you? What is his reaction? 




    I may have missed it too, but I was wondering the same thing. Have you confronted him about your concerns in a no kidding way? In a "I am concerned that our marriage is about to fail" tone versus "lets work on some nice skills/habits"?


    For all you know he could be harboring concerns about you too having started a similar thread like you did.


    I know that harboring deep concerns only compounds the problem at least in your own mind and festers into deeper resentment. Can't verbalize your concerns? Worried by his possible in-person reaction? I would even suggest taking your time and writing down all of your thoughts and concerns in a letter to him. Give him a chance to read it all, internalize it, and then respond with a letter back to you. Does writing a letter sound odd? I assure you they are not, and have helped many couples express deep concerns without the fear of immediate retaliation, losing their voice or forgetting their thoughts in the heat of the moment.


    I have seen your concerns thus far. You have had to clarify your concerns several times. This is in part what a letter does, gives you the chances think before you speak.

  7. I'm new to the forum, I'll be the first to point it out. General question to those on the forum: How often do wolves, disguised as "truth seeking" sheep tend to appear here? 


    I've been reading several threads lately where the OP seems more concerned with trying to leave stains and doubt on the forum rather than sincere "truth seeking". It is great to see forum members sniff out the bull in a hurry. Frequent event, every so often? Just curious...





  8. Hello Everyone! Decided to no longer lurk behind the scenes and actually participate instead. Great discussions so far and I've really enjoyed all the varied comments, deep thinkers and humor I have read so far. So a little about me:


    1. Never have and never will win any kind of grammer or spellin award.

    2. Baptized at age 8 around 5:00pm. Barfed on a merry-go-round shortly afterwards around 6:30.

    3. Fortunate enough to have lived all around the states and abroad.

    4. A closeted (until now) electronic/dubstep listening High Priest.

    5. Proud Family man

    6. Defender of the Faith

    7. Got my profile picture rejected because it wasn't what they were looking for (I was holding a pet snake).

    8. Married way out of my league. (score!)

    9. Smart enough to realize everything isn't always black and white, so I love reading everyone's thoughts on here.

    10. Hoping to live long enough to go on a senior couple's missionary assignment. (still a ways to go).


    Again, thanks for all the great threads, doctrine digging, and fun so far!!


  9. Thank you everyone for your insight and comments. It appears that next time I should do a topic search before starting a similar thread, sorry. (Thanks for the link NeuroTypical)


    I visited a ward in Colorado Springs about 4-5 years ago. I believe this was on the heels of a shooting at a different local area church and also perhaps shortly after the bishop from CA was unfortunately killed. The discussion for the High Priest that Sunday was how to implement patrolling the parking lot during Sunday meetings with armed (concealed-carry) brethren. I was only visiting for one Sunday, but left with the distinct understanding those wards were not thinking about if they should do it, but rather "how" to actually do it. 


    Perhaps that was part of the "wiggle room" that area decided to use?

  10. I live in a state where you can get a concealed carry permit for guns. I don't own any guns personally and have zero issue with people who do. Talking with a group of Elders and High Priest in our ward, by there own admission there are 3-5 people with guns at church any given Sunday. 


    Of the 5 people, 4 have it for general safety and the 5th is a police officer.  


    Handbook 21.2.4 Firearms:


    "Churches are dedicated for the worship of God and as havens from the cares and concerns of the world. The carrying of lethal weapons, concealed or otherwise, within their walls is inappropriate except as required by officers of the law."


    Any thoughts on guns at church or the interpretation of "inappropriate"? Just curious, thanks!

  11. Those who don't have food storage fall into one of two categories: 1. sincerely cannot afford it, which would be very few LDS. 2. All is well in Zion crowd.  

    I fall into a 3rd category. The "you gotta die from something" group. I've moved over a dozen times in my life. Ever moved a one year supply of food for a family of 8 over a dozen times? Now that I'm older with my own family, I think I'd rather die of starvation than move those boxes again :gnash:  I think it is easy to get overly concerned with avoiding death. We all have to die from something, so if it comes to me from lack of food storage, at least my back will have thanked me until said time. 

  12. I have said that I wasn't ready to say the prayers many times with the first missionaries I was involved with. 


    I was very very uneasy with the "mess" thing (sorry I don't remember how you call it) : I had a few converts asking me when I'd get baptized and I declined to eat the bread and drink the water they served, not because I wanted to offend them by refusing, just that it was all new to me and wasn't prepared at all... I wasn't comfortable, was blushing because I might have offended some people, I felt awful after that !


    It sounds like you are doing great and actually having very, very normal feelings for many people learning about the church. Don't get discouraged, there is a leaning curve for just about anything new. Missionaries rotate fairly frequently, so it is okay to re-express your concerns about praying to the newer missionaries again.


    I agree with Vort: "The missionaries specialize in getting people to move outside their comfort zones.  :)"


    Don't worry about the "mess" part. I think you were referring to the "Sacrament". You don't have to take the bread and water, in fact there are plenty of people who don't for various reasons, so don't worry. 

    Sounds like Leah would be a great resource too!

    Again, welcome and you are doing great!

  13. I am very uncomfortable with the Missionaries asking me to pray in the name of Jesus and get baptized already. I feel pressured but I still want to learn and love my meetings with them !


    Welcome Fran (says the guy who just joined too). It is okay to be uncomfortable with change, in fact I think it is fairly normal for most people. Learning sometimes involves adding onto foundations we might already have and other times it might involve unlearning something we previous thought. If you feel pressure from the missionaries, it is okay to kindly/bluntly let them know. They will have heard it before. Let them know your concerns, spell it out in detail for them. Most missionaries will understand and will still be excited to share the gospel with you. If you haven't already been to church with them on Sunday yet, there is a specific class taught each Sunday which discusses the basics/core teachings. It is called "Gospel Principles" Class. You can attend that class with or without missionaries. This class is usually fairly small in a discussion setting. You will find other people learning about the church or others who have just joined. A great place to do some one on one face to face discussions with others besides the missionaries.


    Ask them about wanting to go to Gospel Principles class and watch the shock on their face :)  

  14. Does anyone know where I can go to get some advice and support?


    I agree with what others have said. Speak to your Bishop and great job in recognizing that not all counselors/therapist are a match for your needs. If you haven't already, when you speak to your Bishop, ask him if you have LDS Family Services in your in area. There you should be able to find a LDS therapist to complement the gospel. In my opinion, your best chance for success in a instance like this is going to come from three areas:

    1. Your prayers and direct inspiration from the Holy Ghost/Heavenly Father

    2. Your spiritual perspective and faith building from your Bishop

    3. Your marital skills to either work through or part ways with your husband from your therapist.


    Best of luck!

  15. Deep down, I know I need to talk to my bishop. It's easier said than done. I'm just really scared. And really embarrassed and ashamed. I hate what I've done. 

    I believe that being embarrassed and ashamed are good things. Those are feelings that can help push someone through the repentance process. While they can be helpful feelings, the adversary would try to disproportionately compound those feelings in your mind to the point it could paralyze you from acting (talking to your bishop or a therapist). LDS Family Services exists in many areas, meaning you could be speaking to a LDS therapist. You should speak with your Bishop as soon as possible. I believe often times individuals are "frightened" by the thought of their bishop looking down on them. I have sat in many disciplinary councils, both ward and stake. "Disciplinary" is a poor word choice in my opinion. They have been meetings of intense love and guidance to both the offender and offended. I would suggest you need both spiritual guidance/love (Bishop) and marital guidance/skills/love (LDS therapist). It is going to be a hard road and you will most likely need both avenues of support for a while to come. 


    When you finally tell your husband what has happened, he really only has two choices:

    1. Work with you to make your marriage work

    2. Walk away


    Besides what I have already suggested, one other item to consider: Talk with your Bishop first. Let your Bishop know when you are going to talk to your husband. Have your bishop on standby. You have been stewing on this for a while in your mind, you have had some time to think. This most likely is going to be a big shock to your husband and he might need to talk to someone other than you about it fairly quickly.


    You screwed up, we all do. Don't screw up again by wishing this away and not acting. Go take care of it. You obviously want help otherwise you wouldn't have posted here, correct?