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Everything posted by SilentOne

  1. Getting the process started with single-celled organisms and nudging development one way or another every so often might be easier than transplanting over the whole variety of microorganisms, insects, etc. etc.
  2. I was going to say he doesn't like his mother's signature dish. I'm not sure if that will work with him being a prince. Maybe he dislikes the national speciality or vegetable or the head cook's signature dish?
  3. He collects dried flowers/something "girly"
  4. Reemphasizing what I understood to be the major points. Which have a lot of similarity with Because what I see being responded to is not even close to the same as what I got out of reading this. And in my words: Inspiration can be difficult to interpret. Double check to make sure your understanding is correct and complete.
  5. Okay, it looks like LDS Family Services currently provides consultation and help connecting birth and adoptive parents. They don't do the legal part but can help parents find legal help.
  6. I thought they got out of that a few years ago. Will have to go do some research.
  7. Well, obviously if you aren't getting whatever package he's trying to sell you, you are getting all the individual components separately. It's not like anybody could ever live without access to every television service in existence.
  8. SilentOne


    Sorry about the broken record part. It should be fixed now.
  9. My high school calculus teacher agreed with you there. To partially address this, during the time between the AP test and the end of the school year, he assigned us all to prepare and give a presentation on a personal-finance-related topic.
  10. I'd be unhappy about that myself. Making up the guest bed, buying and preparing food for an additional person, re-figuring the shower schedule... that is all really inconvenient.
  11. My first thought: Therefore, if it were possible that you could have just men to be your kings, who would establish the laws of God, and judge this people according to his commandments, yea, if ye could have men for your kings who would do even as my father Benjamin did for this people—I say unto you, if this could always be the case then it would be expedient that ye should always have kings to rule over you.
  12. SilentOne


    Well, I was alone when I did the singing. I do that all the time. Plus this is anonymous until somebody recognizes my voice. I just told myself it was like doing voices while reading stories to children, which I love. And it doesn't matter too much then if my voices occasionally stop sounding entirely distinct. Thanks!
  13. We Love You, Sally Carmichael What put this above the usual light-hearted silly movie of its type for me was that it stars two non-Mormon actors who I liked in other projects and depicts a Mormon character as a normal person.
  14. I believe he's saying King-men and King-women are running our governement.
  15. @SpiritDragon @Midwest LDS @NeuroTypical @Still_Small_Voice @John_Pack_Lambert Have you given your suggestions on the official survey?
  16. SilentOne


    Ever since @anatess2 gave me a script back in May, I've felt the need to make a podcast. It's taken me a while because I haven't placed it as a very high priority for most of that time, but I have finally finished. I've never tried inserting an audio file into a post before, so I'm not sure how this will work. Now I'm debating whether to also put it up on youtube and embed the video. Okay, I've decided. I'm making a video now. Podcast1.wav
  17. Solicitor - door to door salesman
  18. I did it again. And this time I talked to the cherries as they went through the pitter and into the dish. "Okay, move along now. It's your turn. Now go down and join your friends. Alright, move over to make some room for the new guys." And so on. At some point, I decided they were boys, without realizing it until I called them that out loud. Then I thought about giving them all names, realizing immediately that there were too many for that to be practical. And then I made them into pie filling.
  19. Last I was aware, the YW values were faith, divine nature, individual worth, knowledge, choice and accountability, good works, integrity, and virtue. When was modesty added? 😇
  21. If it was written first, it's probably better.
  22. I heard they would probably continue it on through novels. It just won't be the same.
  23. Blood Crypt? Then it would be remiss of me to let it drop. 😇 I was pretty angry at BYUtv for quite a while there and don't really trust them enough to start any new shows. I was really hoping to see it picked up by Netflix or Amazon or somebody but am about out of hope for that.