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Everything posted by person0

  1. In regard to the actual topic of the OP, it is unfortunate that these people have long rejected the true prophet of God, ignoring the counsel of the Lord regarding the practice of polygamy. Their decision has resulted in medical complications that could be argued as a form of child abuse. Their practice is carnal, uninspired, and is an abomination before the Lord. Having said that . . . I would say the more accurate way to say that would be, "which ended the active practice of polygamy. . ." The doctrines regarding monogamous marriage, as well as plural marriage are both true; however, the principle requires the Lord to call us to practice what is appropriate and applicable to His plan, in His time. Right now we are practicing monogamy, because this is the Lord's will. When members write in a tone that seeks to appease the societal consensus that having more than one wife is evil, it also spreads through the membership of the Church. If the Lord revealed tomorrow that we were to once again seek for the righteous application of plural marriage, how many would leave the Church because they inaccurately view it as a 'mistake' in the Church's past? Polygamy is an excommunicated offense because the Lord, through His prophet, revealed His will that we obey the law of the land, and over time, return fully to the practice of monogamy. As a result, those in the Church who attempt to practice polygamy, do so with neither the Lord's blessing nor command, and are acting out of their own carnal lusts. If the Lord were to command the practice of plural marriage once more, the opposite could also occur; a faithful priesthood holder who refuses to obey the command to take a second spouse could receive Church discipline for abiding the commandments of men and fearing man more than God. We all ought to be prepared to declare the active practice of polygamy an abomination when not under the sanction or permission of the Lord, as it is today. Yet likewise be prepared to advocate its holy nature for the times the Lord see's fit to command it for His righteous purposes (even if it be difficult to bear). This is consistent with both ancient and modern scripture.
  2. Your statement proves my point. Perhaps you didn't read clearly when I said this:
  3. I imagine the video game discussion is nearly the same as the word of wisdom discussion. Aside from the things that are obviously wrong in games, the implications of their use will be different for different people. Just as a diabetic should probably stay away from a doughnut eating competition, and someone who is lactose intolerant should not be drinking milk, a person susceptible to game addiction should generally stay away from gaming. It doesn't mean that games or doughnuts or milk are inherently bad, it means that they are wrong for that person when used in [X] quantity. This is why we teach one another correct principles and then allow each to govern themselves. The problem is more related to people not governing themselves appropriately; a secondary problem could be some video game companies not caring and advertising and designing games in calculated addictive ways. Regardless, conspiring men make some games bad, but agency allows us to choose to participate at a personally appropriate level. People are using their agency unwisely, it does not make games themselves inherently good or bad.
  4. My daughters are both very girly girls. They love makeup and dressing up pretty. They also love to play pretend, house, family and barbies, and all the things you might normally associate with little girls. Yet, they also regularly ask me to let them watch Dragon Ball Z, build fires, take them camping, play in the dirt, etc. They aren't at the age where I will let them watch Star Wars, but they do like to play superheroes and pretend to destroy the bad guys (they always make me be the bad guy ). Not sure if this is all related to society, or just their personalities, given their ages, but it is certainly interesting. I like it because I don't have any son's right now, but that could also be a factor in their liking of those things.
  5. In my mind, this is the key. Have you ever played games with him? Why do you hate it so much? Has your husband exhibited destructive behaviors related to playing video games? Is it taking time away from you and things that you want to do together? Would you feel the same if he was watching TV instead? If not, they are both unproductive wastes of time, so why not? Depending on the situation, this may be your need to come to the realization that it's okay, or it could be his need to realize he's overdoing it, or both. From the way you wrote your initial inquiry, it sounds more like the first. Regardless, the most effective way to reduce his game time could be to give him a better alternative, such as something that he likes doing together with you. ← That is not a sexual reference, but it certainly could include that at times.
  6. Why does this author feel the need to use feminism as a vehicle to achieve equality? Why aren't we simply advocating for equality? By focusing on one special interest you are ignoring all the others. This is no different than those who claimed they were of Paul, or of Cephas. It is the incorrect and falsified application of true principles. There is only one truth; one Lord, one faith, one baptism. Similarly there is only one true equality in the Lord's way. Malcom X and Martin Luther King Jr. both advocated for civil rights; except Malcom X and the Black Panthers and the Nation of Islam group at the time believed in and taught the inferiority and satanic nature of the white race. Martin Luther King simply sought for equality. The title of feminism alone sets itself apart as an "ite" as @NeuroTypical wisely conveyed. This is more of a problem than many of the things they seek. It also gives them a wall to hide and cry foul behind when something is not according to their liking. We all should seek for truth and equality, the poster in the article laid out many wise and righteous things. However, to say feminism is needed in order to achieve or educate about those things, is false and wrong.
  7. It is possible, but for most of us, only by manifestation of the Holy Spirit: Christ suffered all our pains and afflictions despite the fact that He could have learned to succor us perfectly through the Holy Spirit. We are not called to suffer to the same extent, but we can still be instructed by the Spirit in order to comfort those who stand in need of comfort. Showing compassion probably wouldn't require that, but truly understanding and empathizing with the person at a deep level would. Is it necessary? No. Is it a way to be more loving, Christ seemed to think so. Sympathy is feeling the compassion for the individuals suffering, often in terms of moving you to action (i.e. donation cause their house burned down, "I'm so sorry that happened", etc). Empathy is putting yourself in their shoes and understanding their experience and emotions at a deeper level. Which one actually results in you feeling more love and experiencing more growth? Perhaps an appropriate combination? I would assume that Christ has perfect empathy, but exercises sympathy only as deemed appropriate (such as staying to bless the Nephite children, etc). We can get the 'big hug' from Him and feel and know He understands what we are going through, but He's not frequently giving us a handout to 'fix' our problem, yet that big loving hug is often more valuable in our mortal sojourn. Otherwise, He might potentially mess with agency, experience, and the purposes of our mortal experience. Sadly, many people actually just want a handout, they want people's sympathy and not their empathy. This has in part led to the current entitlement culture of many populations within the US. This improper form of sympathy is the basis for many of the racist and/or ineffective entitlement laws on the books. Empathy will lead to helping someone help themselves, akin to teaching them to fish. Sympathy will more often lead to helping someone temporarily, akin to giving them a fish. There is a time and place for both, but most of the time empathy is the better route.
  8. A husband and wife sealed together is marriage, in the eternal sense (everlasting). When children are sealed to their parents it is an eternal bonding of the family unit, maintaining the parent/child relationship/connection in the same context, everlasting through time as well as eternity. Here is a nice article for you about it (and by article I mean 1 sentence and a bunch of linked content ).
  9. I tend to get a bit technical with these things, but in my mind, God would probably not directly bring about such an event simply for your benefit, as the at fault driver is now receiving a level of suffering tantamount to your advantage (higher premiums, deductible, etc). More likely, if miraculous rather than coincidental, Heavenly Father could have inspired your wife to be in the 'right place at the right time' to be the person benefited by the unaware driver's insurance payment, rather than some other person driving. This is assuming that person's lack of awareness might have resulted in an accident regardless of who was in front of their vehicle, which is certainly plausible. Either way, to your experience, this is a miraculous blessing, and evidence of God's hand in your life. Good for you both!
  10. This thread started with a discussion of caffeine, r rated movies, bikinis, and the concept of what is or what isn't appropriate judgement, all within the LDS cultural experience. Somehow, after 23 pages of posts, we are discussing communication with extraterrestrials, and how mathematics would apply to that situation. Technically God is an extra-terrestrial, by definition. He communicates with mankind in English and other languages. He knows mathematics and has communicated to us using our numbering and measurement systems. Problem solved.
  11. Personally, I would recommend simply reading on the first read through and at most marking only those things which really stand out in whatever way you want. I personally usually only have used specific marking techniques when studying a topic or focusing on a specific chapter.
  12. Above is a response to a similar question with a technique that has worked excellent and has stood the test of time. I combined it with the marking scheme below. The image is the actual post-it note color scheme guide I created and used throughout my mission. So far it is my favorite marking guide, multiple options, yet not too complex. It reads: Brown: Man (Natural), Human Kind, Attributes (incl. of Satan, etc), Frailties, Negative Consequences, etc. Dark Blue: Christlike Attributes, Commandments, What we can do through Christ, What we need to do to return Light Blue: Holy Spirit, Feelings/effects of the spirit, gifts, blessings, manifestations, callings-ordinations Green: Growth, Works, Creation, Increase in knowledge, Wisdom, Definitions, Fruit, What if? Yellow: Heavenly Father + Christ Names, Attributes, Powers, Qualities, Effects of the Atonement, Direct Blessings/promises from God, Attributes of Celestiality Orange: Organization, Plan, WHo/What/How, Earrings, Church callings-offices (defined) Red: Sin + Effects, Atonement for sin/death Pink: Important Miscellaneous. This list started generic with only the items in bold, but to clarify and remind myself I added other 'like' things. Personally I would recommend using generic inclusive categories. As you try to get really specific with lots of categories you end up with the scripture marking scheme I used after returning from my mission, which I developed, used and then gave up on after about 6 months because it was too hard to remember the original generic categories. However, I would like it if I could do it easily and remember everything. It was specific enough to differentiate between a single color being straight line or dashed meant different things. Here is what that one is, but I won't type it out: I also now always use erasable colored pencils.
  13. This is what my father did to me and my wife. . . and that was just when I told him we were getting married (we did not fornicate). Granted, my father is Muslim and desperately did not want me to marry a member of the Church. Also, I did not see it coming, often the anticipation of pain has a much worse effect than the pain itself. My advice is to rip the band-aid off and fast. You need to talk to the bishop ASAP! This is the only way to do it right! Also, a couple married outside the temple usually can't get married in the temple for one whole year after their civil marriage. Have you already postponed repenting for that long? If so, I am sincerely sorry for the painful burden you have born. I plead with you, just go repent, and let what happens happen. After speaking with the bishop and getting advice on the time frame for your repentance process, you could set a temple marriage 'goal date'. You can tell your parents that you want to make sure you are both fully prepared to enter into the covenants you will make in the temple and that you are studying and praying together and anticipate being able to be married on [insert goal date]. This is both truthful and not revealing of the information you are concerned about, it also gives yourself ad parents something to plan for. From there you work with your bishop to truly repent and be ready to be married that day!
  14. 1) I wouldn't, I am super frugal so I would do it myself if I really cared that much. However, If I were about to sell my vehicle and wanted an awesome job, between $50-60 would be the most i'd pay before I would just go back to doing it myself again. 2) See # 1, except $75 max including exterior (assuming a full waxing is included). If it were from a private individual rather than a well known business, I would expect to pay about $5-10 less. Edit: I totally missed the 'mobile' part. Tack on an extra $20 to all my numbers for that convenience.
  15. I just learned that someone I baptized on my mission has been sealed in the temple! This is always amazing and wonderful news. What makes it even more special, in this case, is that this brother's first wife died a few years ago, leaving him a single father, and he had gone relatively inactive (mostly due to work needs). Then out of the blue he tells me he recently got married in the temple! I waited for him to send a picture, which very clearly has the temple in the background, before I even fully believed it, because I somehow had it in my mind that it was unlikely. I am filled with joy at the knowledge that this brother has progressed to such an extent! He is the only person I baptized who I have been made aware has received the blessings of the temple. I am so grateful to the Lord for blessing this man and his family. I hope each of us can have these wonderful experiences throughout our mortal journey to see the true miracle of change working in our families, friends, and others lives. This is the long game. I hope that we will all be blessed at the final day to be overjoyed at the number of our brethren that will join us in the celestial kingdom!
  16. I agree with you 100%. Sometimes contention, in terms of disagreeing and debating is a good thing. I think from these verses it is clear that there is an appropriate time and place for contention, just as there is an appropriate time and place for killing. There is also an inappropriate and sinful time for both. The difficult thing is deciding for ones self what the line is, and I'd say the line is when you cease to contend in a logical, reasonable, or civil manner, and it becomes a battle of insults and name calling, etc. I know someone who was raised in a home where they were taught essentially that all contention is bad, and that family has some of the worst communication problems I have ever seen from a righteous gospel centered family.
  17. There is no such thing as "Free Agency". Our agency was bought with a price. We would not have agency at all if it weren't for the atonement of Jesus Christ. We have the ability to choose, this is our agency, but the consequence of our choices is not ours to decide.
  18. I'm sorry, for me, root beer is only good with vanilla ice cream. Here is an info-graphic that shows the appropriate uses of root beer : I will gladly acknowledge that a root beer float is in fact preferable to coke with nearly any meal, including pizza.
  19. I love it! It is extra hilarious that you bring this up in a thread where the OP is talking about caffeine shaming. I think I'll have me a little coke right now, since you've inspired me! In fact, my work is giving away free pizza if I go to the so called continuing education fair on the first floor. I'm gonna have some pizza, and some coke! It's a good day for me!
  20. Many of us here have also served full time missions. We no longer have the mantle of authority/responsibility as full-time missionaries, but are well versed in the lesson materials and principles. If they keep slacking off (which is highly unusual), we can certainly go through the lesson materials with you here, just ask. I personally am also willing to call the mission office in your area and have them contact the Elders to light a fire under them to get them over to your place!
  21. I will preface by saying that I agree with the below policy in terms of the sacredness of the church, and yet disagree with the below policy in regard to the protection of my family at church. Most concealed carry permit holding members that I know of in my state still carry within the walls of the church, as it is not illegal. In my area only, we once received counsel from our local bishop that while it is recommended against, that he understands the desire for protection. I have never seen the policy enforced, ever. Here is the official policy: No one will ever ask you if you have a gun or concealed weapon (unless they also have one and are trying to make a new friend).
  22. Part of the reason I am not expecting to be made a bishop any time soon is that aside from being way too 'lazy' (for lack of a better word) for that calling, I would also be a huge stickler for my 'rules'. I would probably have a stash of ties and would politely ask the young men change their tie if they wore something I decided was inappropriate. I would personally not allow a young man to pass the sacrament unless he were wearing a white shirt. And various other rules, many of which can be found in one of @Vort's favorite talks about the unwritten order of things (I really like the talk as well).
  23. I decided to do a bit of research as I am not familiar with the music of the Nine Inch Nails. Whether true, or he was lying, I discovered an interview with the bands creator, pertaining to the name: While it could certainly be seen as an insensitive reference, if we take his word for it, he was not intentionally referencing the Crucifixion of Christ. Here is another list of theories about the origin of the band's name that I found. Regardless of the background, I would also discourage youth from wearing shirts like that at Church events.