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Everything posted by Grunt

  1. And admittedly, sometimes I mix up some of these names and confuse posters.
  2. Mispost. I didn't get to finish my thought. There is a difference between you and others. You're respectful, you answer questions openly and honestly, even if you haven't fully fleshed out your position. You acknowledge the Church's position and sustain it, as far as I've seen. You don't go out of your way to argue every position you have that doesn't align with the Church in an attempt to beat your "opponent" down and wordsmith your way out of your infrequent misalignments. You don't go out of your way to insult members because they follow the teaching of the church. I get a little ticked at the seemingly sudden onset of posters who spend more time beating down Church beliefs than supporting them. I probably feel so strongly about it because, and I recognize this isn't the intent of the site, this is one of the few sites that people can get answers to off the wall questions. If I'd encountered some of the discussions that have taken place lately, I would likely have buggered off and not received the guidance I so desperately needed. For those that are investigating, they're getting answers that don't follow church teachings from the loudest voices who may not be the best representatives. Maybe I'm expecting too much at this stage and need to find a new hangout myself.
  3. Criticism isn't a right you hold alone. You've been pretty critical of others. Why get upset when the light turns to you?
  4. Of course it isn't. There is nothing to apologize for. Your misperceived offense doesn't rate an apology. You're just using that as an excuse to not answer the question.
  5. I'm sorry you chose to interpret my question as judgmental, so I'll rephrase it: Considering some of the beliefs you've supported in your posts, how do you reconcile being a member of the LDS faith when they appear to not be in harmony with some of the Church teachings?
  6. Now you're just making things up to avoid answering a question that shouldn't be uncomfortable. I'm wondering who the troll really is.
  7. I don't know you. Neither did I judge you. I asked you a question.
  8. How can you ask some of these questions that are so apart from some of the teachings of the Church and still label yourself LDS?
  9. I think you’re partly correct. He, and others, like to wordsmith. Words mean something. If you choose them carefully you can argue against the power of God philosophically, yet turn and say “but look, I technically said the opposite”.
  10. Sure. And I’ve read about members who drink coffee and think it’s no big deal. God obviously thinks otherwise, regardless how man tries to twist things to his favor.
  11. You say "prudish". The Apostles say "modest". I think I'm on safer ground siding with the church.
  12. Who knows. It also depends on how it flooded, how long it flooded, and how it receded. Lots of things we didn't know existed were later found, or things we knew existed we later found were evidence of something. Who knows what we'll know tomorrow that we didn't know today.
  13. Not finding the physical evidence isn't the same as it not being there.
  14. Because God told you to. It's odd that you credit God for one thing then deny him on the other.
  15. But to your point, I was initially moved to investigate LDS by the culture. Focus on family. Service. Prepping. Unashamed adherence to Scripture. ALL of those things give me a MUCH better quality of life than typical Christian religions. Mostly due to the expectation of adherence to these values and the joint effort and support toward that end. From that initial interest I was drawn to learn WHY those things are cultural, which led me to membership.
  16. I don't think they are lying. I think saying you know the church is true is cultural. Like you said, people say it because everyone else says it. It's like folding your arms to pray. Someone starts doing it then it catches on.
  17. Please don't take this the wrong way, but I really disagree with this statement. I've met many Mormons who have been members much longer and aren't into studying. When they wrestle for answers they ask questions and receive answers from those that do know. They love the Church, love the gospel, and love the people. Do they have the same knowledge as others? Probably not, but they are faithful, active members of the Church who only add to our ward.
  18. Ahh. I get it. Well, there isn't any philosophical justification for any Church. If you're speaking of cultural benefits, I believe there are many benefits to being LDS over other religions. Otherwise, look at the Articles of Faith or The Family Proclamation. The very foundation of the family as the center of the Church and component of exaltation speaks very strongly of Christ's plan for us. It's found nowhere else that I know of.
  19. That's the problem, though. There isn't a rational, straightforward, direct, reason unless you're looking for: Because it's the restored Church. Because Christ said so. Because you want to return to Heavenly Father. Because the Book of Mormon is true. See? It doesn't really work like that. You have to put in the work. How will you know the Book of Mormon is true and Joseph Smith is the Prophet if you've never read it or studied him? You need to act on faith. You need to study. You need to pray on it. Moroni 10:3-5 tells us this.
  20. Great questions. 1. LDS isn't group think. It's Christ's restored church and following Him. You'd be amazed at how UN-group think LDS is. Christ's Church is guided by revelation through the Prophet and our personal lives are enhanced through pondering the Scripture and personal revelation. Sit in on a casual doctrine conversation. I think you'd be surprised. 2. By remaining a "Simple Christian" you're doing great. We believe there is truth in most religions. We just have the fullness of the restored gospel. When I was a "simple Christian" I believed as you did. Through faith, study, and prayer my knowledge of Christ and His Church grew. Sorry, though, I'm a crappy evangelist. My chosen ministerial style is to be the best example I can. I probably fail miserably at that, too.
  21. I read just fine. I never stated my opinion of modesty changes, I said I recognize expectations change with situations. In my opinion, a public pool isn’t the place for a speedo. You may have different standards of morality and modesty. That’s your right.
  22. I also recognize that expectations change with situations.