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Everything posted by Grunt

  1. Not irrelevant at all when you're claiming your expertise comes from your education, not the country you live in.
  2. Who steps in when the government abuses a child?
  3. For the record, "we" didn't tell anyone they could or couldn't drink anything.
  4. Thanks! I still run 5 miles a day, so I have very little to complain about.
  5. I would give up almost anything if it pleased my wife. When I was investigating the church, she gave up coffee before I did. She did it to remove coffee from the house to make it easier for me because she loves me. I didn't even consider her doing so. Marriage is a partnership. You support each other. I would lay down my life for my family. Dropping coffee is much easier than dying for her.
  6. Give in? It's none of the government's business. I don't trust the government to act in my best interest at all. I trust ME to.
  7. She was at Church. That's more than most of the world can say. I'd rather have someone at church in a bikini than on the couch in a mumu.
  8. I'm a 'work in progress'. Thankfully nobody has kicked me out yet.
  9. Yeah. Some lives just aren't worth the money.
  10. I was in a city ward a few weeks ago where the fancy Mormons live. I saw a woman come in and take a seat up front. She was wearing a short(er) skirt and a halter type shirt with spaghetti straps. I assumed she was an investigator until ward business when she was called to be something (I forget what).
  11. Just watched “The Blind Side” again. Love that movie.
  12. Unless something changes that I can add value to, my involvement in this thread has run its course. I’m talking in circles now. Sometimes a city must be destroyed before flowers can bloom.
  13. I would delete my social media account without thought if it made my wife the slightest bit uncomfortable.
  14. You are on the wrong path and destined for unhappiness in your life and the lives surrounding you. By this post alone I have gone from questioning the situation to realizing you have a wise Bishop who is attempting to help you and protect the sanctity of the temple.
  15. No. I never hang out with a married female friend privately who's spouse doesn't approve of the relationship. Ever. In fact, out of respect for MY wife, I have never hung out privately with a female friend who wasn't a friend of hers. I don't know why you can't understand you are just wrong.
  16. I don't think anyone said "ditch your friend". I'm saying the relationship you have with your friend in its current state is very inappropriate. So here's the deal, as blunt as I can put it. I have no idea why your temple recommend was pulled. Maybe it was legitimate, maybe it wasn't. However, based on what you've said and displayed here you appear extremely prideful and are having an inappropriate relationship with a married woman. What's worse, out of ALL the advice you've been given in this thread, your ONE take-away is "I'm right, the Stake President will likely see my side". You lack humility and refuse to see the that you are most likely the issue here. Even if you aren't, you have an incredible amount of self-examination to do. Please take it to prayer. Talk to your Bishop.
  17. Ahhh. Sorry, I didn't know where you were from. The rest of my post is accurate. Call your Bishop today, not tomorrow, not next week, TODAY and ask him to help you.
  18. I've pushed a woman once in my life. First grade. She kicked my butt and sent me home crying and my father tanned my hide for pushing a girl.
  19. As a follow question, can you lose your temple recommend for smacking around someone having an emotional affair with your wife?
  20. Because you hold the Priesthood. With it comes great responsibility.
  21. So you have differences with your friend's husband and you take her out to lunch and the movies? Don't you see anything wrong with that? You're lucky Mormons are so kind. A Temple recommend would be the least of your immediate worries around here. Take our word for it. What you are doing isn't acceptable in this culture. You need to either find male friends or include her husband when you see her. Honestly, this isn't fair to your fiancee, either.