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    DennisTate reacted to Traveler in Can a Christian who takes the idea of reincarnation seriously...   
    I wanted to make one reference to counterfeiting.  I did some consulting work for the Federal Reserve Bank and specifically asked about dealing with counterfeit money.  This is one reference of how to avoid being deceived by counterfeits.  What I was told was not to adhere to any specific requirement to discern the genuine from the counterfeit.   Why?  Because those bent on creating counterfeits can easily meet any expected specific requirement.  An example of this kind of thinking was the counterfeits of historical documents by Mark Hoffmann. 
    One of the main problems I personally have with near-death-experiences is that they cannot be independently verified.  I say this even though I myself have had a near-death-experience.  It is scripture that G-d will establish his truths in the mouths of two or more witnesses.  But a near-death-experience by its very nature can only be given by the mouth of that one individual that experienced the event.  This is not to say that all n-d-e are all false.  Only that no n-d-e can stand of itself and therefore is not a means to discern, clarify or define any truth but rather a means to validate an already known and existing truth.
    The Traveler
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    DennisTate reacted to e v e in Could the HOLY SPIRIT be YHWH the Mother?   
    the seven spirits are the 7 torches : female gorgeous beings who attend to and are with His Spirit - who is also Female.
    He, His Feminine Spirit and Christ (a gorgeous son of Him and She but not in the physical sense of this current world...not at all.)
  3. Okay
    DennisTate reacted to Traveler in Can a Christian who takes the idea of reincarnation seriously...   
    I believe we can be and that many are; led astray by near death experiences - and that it is possible for evil dark forces to counterfeit any good.  In other words that there is opposition or an opposite to the light and glory of G-d.  The problem I personally have with reincarnation is that it counterfeits the notion that it is through the Atonement of Christ, which is the plan of G-d, that we are saved.  I personally believe that G-d's plan is that we experience a fall (death, which is the fruit of evil) and a resurrection (eternal life, which is the fruit of good).  But that reincarnation is a doctrine of distraction that tempts us to follow a counterfeit path away for a resurrection of eternal everlasting life - which is the singular purpose of the soul.
    The Traveler
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    DennisTate reacted to e v e in Non-LDS: Why do you pray?   
    i dont know who you mean, so thats just vague to me...
    what is not vague is that He says so and He showed me what I wrote.
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    DennisTate reacted to e v e in Can a Christian who takes the idea of reincarnation seriously...   
    the awakening is not a christian concept. 
  6. Thanks
    DennisTate reacted to e v e in Could the HOLY SPIRIT be YHWH the Mother?   
    His Spirit is His core and His girl. It's a basic concept in Hebrew, where every reference to His Spirit is feminine.
    The idea of a holy "ghost" I don't know what that is...
    the concept I do understand is that His core, His wife, His girl is His Spirit... and He is God and She is God.
    Every ancient text supports this... modern christianity simply Got Lost.
  7. Thanks
    DennisTate reacted to e v e in Non-LDS: Why do you pray?   
    Praying...what is it? Praying is Listening to Him and talking to Him and Loving Him.
    It is turning to Him.
    His prophets are prophets because they can HEAR Him and they listen. His apostles are apostles because they HEAR Him and listen.
    Today modern christianity has dumped the idea of apostles and prophets...not understanding WHY the vision was SEALED..because they DID NOT listen (the OT fathers).
    He chooses simple souls who LISTEN and not theologians, ventriloquists, pharisees.
    He speaks to His souls. The modern view that HE ceased to speak is a horrible satanic view. And utterly messed up.
  8. Thanks
    DennisTate reacted to e v e in Is a one billion soul harvest coming?   
    The only billion number I know about are the 2.4 or more Locusts of rev... spirit beings who are not with Him.
    They are not nice and are not His.
    His 144k however are going soon from this prison and back to Him.
  9. Thanks
    DennisTate reacted to e v e in "It's time Christians started including Latter-day Saints"   
    Those of Him in sheol can meet Him just as we on this prison earth can meet Him. 
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    DennisTate reacted to e v e in Greater unity between Latter day Saints and Pentecostals ....   
    “The World” will never recognize Christ... we are not to be one it. 
    So the world recognizing christians is not necessary and would be a horrible sign that those christians are not christian. 
    Christians are persecuted by the world. Christ was persecuted. 
  11. Thanks
    DennisTate reacted to e v e in Does Multiverse Theory fit with Ezekiel 37 and the White Throne Judgment?   
    The multiverse construct belongs to the fallen angels and their realm and does not belong to God.
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    DennisTate reacted to e v e in "It's time Christians started including Latter-day Saints"   
    The prophets go on and on about the pastors...and His wrath against them.
    It's not pretty but it's true.
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    DennisTate reacted to e v e in Greater unity between Latter day Saints and Pentecostals ....   
    all that matters is to meet Him..
    and not so much to meet the pentecostals or evangelicals etc.... ❤️
  14. Okay
    DennisTate reacted to e v e in Could the HOLY SPIRIT be YHWH the Mother?   
    that near deather  gave the fallen angels’ version of things and did not see anything of God’s. 
  15. Okay
    DennisTate reacted to e v e in Can a Christian who takes the idea of reincarnation seriously...   
    God’s israel is not a country on this earth. God’s souls are a particular race of people. 
    The post makes no sense? 
  16. Thanks
    DennisTate reacted to e v e in Could the HOLY SPIRIT be YHWH the Mother?   
    The concept of His Feminine Spirit is not addressed by that writer.  A place to start is the Hebrew, where references to His Spirit use feminine language. The all male trinity is a Roman Catholic concept glued onto Christianity in Medieval times.
  17. Okay
    DennisTate reacted to e v e in Can a Christian who takes the idea of reincarnation seriously...   
    Reincarnation is not Christian. It's a pagan thing.
  18. Thanks
    DennisTate reacted to Still_Small_Voice in Could Satan perhaps be acting partly in the mindset of Stanley Milgram Ph. D?   
    I hope this is correct.  The Chinese government oppresses a billion of its people including the people of Hong Kong.  I am hoping the people of Hong Kong do not lose what is left of their liberty.
  19. Thanks
    DennisTate reacted to gclayjr in Can a Dictator be driven from power by sending food and medicine to starving people?   
    There is a great push coming this week to send food and medicine to starving Venezuelans despite the Dictator and his army blocking food and medicine being sent to his starving people. Do you think that maybe Maduro and his brutal dictatorship could be actually overthrown by sending food and medicine to his starving citizens? 
    I think this would be cool. Not only because an evil dictator would be deposed, but that it would be done by simply sending food to his people rather than by sending in an invading army.
    Do you think it will work?
    Do you think it would be good, if a dictator could be deposed simply  by sending humanitarian aid to his people (oh and maybe a music concert for them too), rather than attacking him militarily?
    George Clay
  20. Thanks
    DennisTate reacted to gclayjr in Can a Dictator be driven from power by sending food and medicine to starving people?   
    I appreciate your recounting the history of the Philippines and their struggles. I have also noted that maybe today,  people put too much faith in simply protesting. I watched carefully the weekend that they were going to try and push food and medicine aid into Venezuela despite the blockade. Actually, if you watch the videos, there was very little effort to actually push aid into the country and a lot more efforts into  yelling and protesting. I guess they did actually try to get a couple of trucks through, which were successfully destroyed, but I think it would have had a better chance if they had put forth a greater effort in getting the aid in past the blockade, and less effort in simply demonstrating and getting posted on social media.
    Even when the power went out, all Gaido seemed to be able to do is get people into the streets and protest. While I don't know exactly what someone could or should do about the blackout, I do think that more effort should be put into walking the talk and maybe not so much reliance and simply protesting and talking the talk.
    George Clay
  21. Thanks
    DennisTate reacted to gclayjr in What should we do to "Save the Constitution" that is definitely hanging by a thread?   
    I am 69 years old, and over the years as things have happened to hurt our freedoms, I have wondered if we are living through when the Constitution would "hang by a thread" . I have always wondered what we as members of the church or Priesthood holders we should do to "save" the constitution when it does "hang by a thread"?
    With this obviously corrupt election and the fact that while many brave Americans have come forward to demonstrate this,  nobody in charge is even willing to let the evidence be heard. I am also aware that there are many good Christians who have been praying to God to help save this country from a corrupt theft of our rights and to save the Constitution. With the recent rejection by the Supreme Court of the Texas case, virtually all visible paths to even giving a fair hearing to the evidence seems to have disappeared.
    I don't see any "normal" path out of this. It is not that important whether BIden or Trump becomes president. What is important is whether our election system becomes so corrupt that the people can never vote out the corrupt or vote in someone who is reasonably honest and believes in letting people live a Christian life.
    We have often been counselled to be loving and peaceful. and the 12th Article of faith indicates that we should submit even to corrupt evil totalitarian governments. So if my premise is  correct,  what is it that we as true believers in Jesus Christ, his restored Gospel, and the Constitution supposed to do to Save it?
    I have never been able to find anything other than to stand for the truth and proclaim it. But I don't see how it applies here.
    I have a true testimony of Jesus Christ and his restored Church, and know that in the end he will deliver us from evil. That doesn't mean that we may not have to live under oppression for awhile, like the people of Alma did, or the Citizens of Venezuela have been doing for over 20 years. I will willingly, if not necessarily joyfully,  submit to God's will. 
    However what is that? What are our duties as members of the Church to help "Save the Constitution"?
    I would love some insight into this.
    Thank you,
    George Clay
  22. Thanks
    DennisTate reacted to prisonchaplain in Prisonchaplain's final lesson on King Saul   
    This session focuses on King Saul's consultation with the witch at Endor. I suspect that we share a rejection of fortune telling, which despite this episode being roughly 3,000 years old, gets called "New Age," these days.
  23. Thanks
    DennisTate reacted to prisonchaplain in Greater unity between Latter day Saints and Pentecostals ....   
    There is so much here. It can be overwhelming. Lately, I have read some Christian dystopian future fiction. They tend to depict calamity that can be political (upheaval, civil war with a small-c, etc.), economic (fiat money exposed as worthless), or technological (EM pulse, etc.). There's always a survivalist Christian who was smart enough to see it coming, and he runs a safe haven until criminal elements (or the U.N.) come and try to fix them. The problem is that the heroes almost always end up doing some rather harsh actions in the name of saving their righteous peers from bad guys. Sometimes the Left Behind heroes were guilty of that, as well.
    Personally, Rapture-believer that I am, I suspect that things will settle down, go back to the immoral equilibrium, and that most will be lulled back into complacency. Then, at a time and hour when people do not expect, the LORD will return. In the mean time, we share faith, be good neighbors, and pray for our leaders (and pay tax).
  24. Thanks
    DennisTate reacted to prisonchaplain in Prisonchaplain's lesson on Judas--warning against gossip   
    The speculation that Judas may have been sympathetic to the Zealots--possibly even providing finance--is plausible. My understanding is that Korean 'gangs' from the early 19th-century were huge supporters of the resistance movement against the Japanese occupation. It's probable that criminal elements frequently support patriotic movements.
  25. Thanks
    DennisTate reacted to prisonchaplain in Prison Chaplain's Sunday School lesson: King Saul part 1   
    This is the first in a three part series, examining the failures of King Saul. Interesting themes come out: God's character, who we trust in, the righteousness of God's judgments, etc. I suspect that this mostly comports with LDS teaching: