Emmanuel Goldstein

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Everything posted by Emmanuel Goldstein

  1. Sorry about the misspelling, Scientist and Atheist have become so synonimis that I sometimes write one instead of the other.
  2. "Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to...Oh, wait. You are just a kid. Sorry."
  3. Just because a professor at BYU accepts something does not make it true. Some of the biggest closet Atheists wrap themselves in the BYU robes of the false priesthood.
  4. Many wives are complicating this by taking over the traditional patriarchal role as well. They are not doing it intentionally, but they are doing it nevertheless.
  5. I knew I could count on someone over-complicating a pretty straightforward concept.
  6. It is called a lens flare. Just an FYI. Cheers.
  7. As long as you are driving the first two it probably does not matter if you text and drive. LOL
  8. On the genetic level Evolution does not work. There has not been enough time for the kind of leaps that have come about under the theory of evolution. Back to the drawing boards Atheists. Even many Atheists have begun to talk about seeming evidence for a extremely advanced civilization perhaps having guided the creation of the Universe, sounds rather similar to God.
  9. 1. The term Woman has the term man as part of it. It relates to the story of Eve being taken from the rib of Adam. Woman means, "From Man." If she is not capable of seeing this then she is on an irrational foundation. 2. Yes, it is certainly what radical feminists are attempting. It will take a miracle for radicals of any kind to come to their senses.
  10. Visit a place that does it with spears. Probably much more satisfying to eat something that almost killed you a couple hours before.
  11. Thank you. I think you make a good point. It is not just Mormons, but we members seem to get really sensitive about trivial things.
  12. I know I have not seen the roll in months, but there is always a sign up sheet. LOL
  13. Is it just me or have members become like easily bruised fruit. You say one thing incorrectly and suddenly you are receiving a public excoriation on social media, email and text? Honestly, please calm down and don't assume that people are trying to offend you. Ecclesiastes 7:9 Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry: for anger resteth in the bosom of fools.
  14. No, our quorum still uses the multipurpose room because the stage is being used by the primary.
  15. "This is not a “takeover” of elders quorums by high priests," said Elder D. Todd Christofferson in April Conference. Does anyone else feel like that is exactly what has happened?
  16. I want to be there, but when someone seems to only want to derail my lesson, I begin to feel like my time and the time of every other class member is being wasted. I am just sick of trying to teach a lesson and having guys like this spout out heresy as if it is doctrine.
  17. Please, Stand Bye starring Dakota Fanning. Very touching story about a girl with special needs who leaves a group home to hand deliver a script that she has written for a Star Trek Contest. Very good little film.
  18. Hopefully I will be good enough to find out some day. My question is, Why does it matter?
  19. Last Sunday I taught the lesson in my Elder's Quorum meeting. We watched a video clip of Mary in the tomb and Jesus telling her to "touch me not." I asked the question, how do you think Mary felt in seeing the ressuredted Lord? Immediate a High Priest hand shot into the air and he said, "Who is the first person you want to see after you go on a long trip?" I get it, you think Mary was Jesus' wife. I responded, "There is no scriptural support that Jesus was married to Mary." His response was typical of him, "I was once sitting with Marion D. Hanks in his office in Salt Lake and we were talking about this. He said, 'We know Jesus was married, and we are pretty certain that we know who she was." This was followed by an Elder that said "In the Greek it does not mean 'touch me not.' It means 'embrace me not." Can I just say I am so sick of my 15 minute lesson being high-jacked by quorum members that have inside information on the "deep mysteries" of God. Please, just keep it to yourself. My calling is already stressful enough with my time always getting cut in half because of the leadership taking 15 minutes to discuss Ministering, Ministering and how we can Minister better. I don't care how fast Kolob spins on it's axis, who the angel was that showed Abraham his vision or how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. I just want to teach my abridged lesson and go home to eat lunch with my family before I have to prepare for the next day of underpaid work. Now I know why the High Priest instructor always just gave a lecture and did not ask questions.