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Posts posted by Still_Small_Voice

  1. 17 hours ago, zil2 said:

    Pfff.  Maybe by his definition of "better" - certainly not by God's.

    I thought the Star Trek economics to be very unrealistic.  The Aliens movie science fiction future economics seemed much more plausible to me.

  2. Anyone who says things are going okay in this nation is not paying attention to this:

    Stifle oil/gas production
    Open the border
    Embrace trans insanity and Mutilating children
    Spend tens of billions on a war with Russia
    Support the Chinese Communists

    Support Black Lives Matter & ANTIFA
    Defund the cops
    Degrade the military
    Print endless $$
    Sanctify homeless drug addicts
    Encourage street crime
    Attack agriculture
    Celebrate perversion
    Lock people down for months and damage your economy severely from an artificial plague
    Attack the Bill of Rights

  3. 22 hours ago, Traveler said:

    Going back to our original thought – beings of light are not comfortable in places given to darkness.  Likewise, beings of darkness are not comfortable in places of light and truth.  I believe this to be an element of our Agency.

    I strongly agree with this.  Telestial people will have no desire to live in the 2nd Heaven or the 3rd Heaven with Christ or Heavenly Father.  The works they do in the different higher degrees of glory likely will not interest those in the 1st Heaven.

    And I still believe there are hundreds of degrees of glory in the Telestial Kingdom according to what I have read in Doctrine & Covenants section 76.

    "And the glory of the telestial is one, even as the glory of the stars is one; for as one star differs from another star in glory, even so differs one from another in glory in the telestial world."  -- Doctrine & Covenants 76:98

  4. 1 hour ago, Traveler said:

    Later in scripture we see Satan coming before the thrown of G-d to make deals concerning Job.  I am not an expert but I wonder if it is just that Satan does not like hanging around all that much in places where G-d and his covenant people are firmly established in righteousness – upholding the law, maintaining the ordinances and keeping the covenants.

    The Traveler

    Was the Devil coming around before the throne of God by his own choice, or was he summoned and told to account of his works before the LORD God?

  5. On 5/10/2024 at 8:52 AM, Traveler said:

    Perhaps this can give insights into the war in heaven.  Since there was no pain, suffering or even death – what then would be the weapons.  What would be the chains that would bind the wicked.  A couple of ideas here.  First – wickedness would not be defined by what someone does to others – because there is nothing they could do to harm others.  Wickedness would be the harm that they do to themselves.  The only harm that they could do to themselves is refuse to be obedient to the laws, ordinances and covenants – especially the Celestial laws, ordinances and covenants.  Their acts of war would be to attempt to convince others to be disobedient to the laws, ordinances and covenants.   The scripture descriptions of this is to tempt others to become miserable like unto them.

    I believe the main way immortals battle is the victorious push the losing party to somewhere else that they do not want to go.  We see Jehovah and His angels casting the Devil and his demons away in the scriptures.

  6. I went and saw Escape from Germany with my son.  We both loved the movie.  Many miracles happened to enable those missionaries to get out of Poland and the surrounding areas before World War II started.  I hope to own the movie on digital versatile disk when it become available.

  7. On 4/29/2024 at 4:30 PM, Carborendum said:

    No woman would ever make advances on me.  Most women immediately put me in the "creep" camp even when I merely introduce myself.  So, I've had to train myself to simply not engage with a female unless I have pressing business to tend to.  That attitude has turned me into the "unapproachable" man.  I'm sorry you have to be so handsome that you need to deal with this.  I mean that only semi-sarcastically :D.  Hold firm.

    I can be very friendly and approachable.  I don't intend for it to go anywhere.  It is rare when women do get flirty with me. 

    Once, I was helping a woman at work and I could tell she was very attracted to me.  Co-workers noticed it as well.  I did nothing to tell her I was interested romantically that I could tell.  She was married as well which I thought was very sad with the way she was acting.  (Maybe things were not going well in her marriage at that present time.)  I wanted to tell her to please go home and be with your husband, but I said nothing.

    The work I was doing with her ended and I never saw her again thank goodness.

  8. 9 hours ago, laronius said:

    I have always interpreted this experience as the brother of Jared having his calling and election made sure but not just because Jesus showed himself to him. It was how it happened. There have been and will be times when His appearance does not mean that. For example I don't think Joseph Smith had his calling and election made sure at the First Vision. When Christ appears to the Jews on the Mount of Olives I don't think that is what's happening either. 

    The LORD appeared to King Solomon.  Then, later in his life, he allowed his many wives and concubines to corrupt his heart.  Solomon went after other idol gods many years after seeing the LORD God and forgetting Him.  So sad how someone can ascend so high spiritually with so much wisdom and also have great physical wealth and then fall.


    I do not fully understand these scriptures.  What does this mean?


    11 And the Lord said unto him [the brother of Jared]: Believest thou the words which I shall speak?

    12 And he answered: Yea, Lord, I know that thou speakest the truth, for thou art a God of truth, and canst not lie.

    13 And when he had said these words, behold, the Lord showed himself unto him, and said: Because thou knowest these things ye are redeemed from the fall; therefore ye are brought back into my presence; therefore I show myself unto you.  -- Book of Ether chapter 3

    Does this mean that the Brother of Jared had his calling and election made sure at this moment and the veil was removed from his mind?  What does it mean when Christ said:  ". . . Ye are brought back into my presence."

  10. After posting here on this subject I believe the LORD wanted me to read on this.  Satan has suddenly thrust many temptations at me recently.  Thankfully, I have not fallen and kept my will thus far.  It seems to happen as I focus on temple worship, the opposition comes.

    Thank you all for posting on this subject.  The LORD bless you all.

  11. I try not to be alone with a woman if it can be avoided as I am married.  Personally I believe it leads to nothing good. 

    If you are married, flirting with someone else is also not something wise to give in to.  There is a very fine line of being friendly and getting into flirting territory.  Let the Holy Spirit be your guide.  My own conscience calls me out along with the Holy Ghost many times when I am not in a spiritual mind set.

    8 So then they that are after the flesh cannot please God.

    9 But ye are not after the flesh, but after the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you . . .

    1 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

    -- Romans Chapter 8 Inspired Version

  12. On 4/4/2024 at 8:00 PM, Suzie said:

    Hi! Do you have a source for this? As far as I know, he finished the translation on July 1833 and was ready to go press a short time after that.

    Hi again Suzie.  I was looking through my spiritual journal recently and also discovered this:

     “The reason why the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has not published the entire [Inspired Version Bible] manuscript is not due to any lack of confidence in the integrity of Joseph Smith, or doubt as to the correctness of the numerous additions and changes which are not in the Authorized Version of the Bible. The members of the Church do accept fully all of these (changes) as having come by divine revelations of the Prophet Joseph Smith.

    The reason that is has not been published by the Church is due to the fact that this revision was not completed. It was the intention of Joseph Smith, while at Nauvoo, to take the scriptures up again and complete his labors, making numerous corrections which had not been made by him in the earlier revision. Due to persecution and mobbing this opportunity never came, so that the manuscript was left with only a partial revision” (Joseph Fielding Smith, Selections from Answers to Gospel Questions: A Course of Study for the Melchizedek Priesthood Quorum 1972-73, page 312).

    Why doesn’t the current Latter Day Saint leadership, who possess priesthood keys and serve as God’s mouthpiece upon the earth—finish the work themselves? Bruce McConkie wrote that “up to the present time none of his successors have been directed by the Lord to carry the work forth to its final fruition” (Mormon Doctrine, 1966, page 383). However, he promised, “There will be a not too distant day when all necessary changes shall be made in the Bible, and the Inspired Version — as then perfected — shall go forth to the world” (Mormon Doctrine, 1966, page 384).


  13. On 3/27/2024 at 10:31 AM, Carborendum said:

    Some people wonder why the three degrees were not preached in earlier dispensations.

    Perhaps it was taught earlier but the truths were forgotten when an era of apostasy came.  The Apostle Paul knew of the three heavens as he specifically mentioned it in the second epistle to the Corinthians chapter 12.

  14. There are some General Authorities that taught there is no progression between the kingdoms of glory.  There are others that did teach there was progression between the kingdoms.  There has been nothing revealed on this subject as doctrine.  It is dangerous to teach that something is a truth when we just do not know.  I personally assume there is no progression between the kingdoms of glory because if I am wrong then it does not matter.  But if someone is continuing in sin, believing that they can just fix their salvation in the next life, they may be setting themselves up for eternal damnation.

    There are many scriptures warning everyone to not procrastinate the day of their repentance.  Begin today to follow the LORD and do what He would have you do.

  15. On 4/4/2024 at 8:00 PM, Suzie said:

    Hi! Do you have a source for this? As far as I know, he finished the translation on July 1833 and was ready to go press a short time after that.

    According to a conversation held in the Salt Lake City School of the Prophet’s 1868, “George A, Smith testified that he had hear Joseph Smith say before his death that the new translation [Inspired Version of the Bible] was not complete, that he had not been able to prepare it, and that it was probably providentially so.”

    Read more at:

  16. On 6/21/2019 at 9:08 AM, Queolby said:

    Thom Wayment discovered that Joseph was never commanded to translate the Bible and he never said that he was translating the original text. In fact, Wayment said that Joseph used a study guide to help him. The RLDS, who owns the Joseph Smith translation of the Bible, made it a big deal. Here is an interview with Thom Wayment on Gospel Tangents.

    Joseph Smith was commanded to translate different parts of the Bible.  The Pearl of Great Price contains some passages of the Inspired Version of the Bible.  Some of the translation was restoration of old scripture and some of it was inspired additions.

    Read more about it here:

  17. Thanks CV75 for the information.  It had been about five years ago when I posted that so I forgot.

    Reading through the other comments on the previous posts it appears there is no answer for me.  It will be one of those questions I will need to wait to find until later.

    Edit:  Pondering over this I believe I found the answer.  In 1979 the Re-Organized Church of Jesus Christ gave the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints permission to use the Inspired Version of the Bible.  We put it into our King James Version Latter-Day Saint scriptures in the margins and into other extra study material in our Bibles around this time.  The information I have been discussing probably was omitted by accident and so it is not in our scriptures.

    The Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible (Inspired Version) was never completed anyway according to Joseph Smith.  Someday, in the future, we will be given the fullness of the scriptures including the sealed portion of the Book of Mormon when the world is ready for it.

    "And in that day that they shall exercise faith in me, saith the Lord, even as the brother of Jared did, that they may become sanctified in me, then will I manifest unto them the things which the brother of Jared saw, even to the unfolding unto them all my revelations, saith Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Father of the heavens and of the earth, and all things that in them are."  -- Ether 4:7

  18. This is regarding a correction of translation in the Bible concerning Luke chapter 23 verses 42-43. A thief hanging on the cross conversed with Jesus as He was also crucified next to him:

    42 And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom.

    43 And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise.

    The Prophet Joseph Smith explained that this is a mistranslation; the Lord actually said that the thief would be with Him in the world of spirits. A correct translation of Luke chapter 23 verse 43 should read as follows according to Joseph Smith:

    "And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in a world of spirits."

    In the spirit world the thief would hear the gospel of Jesus Christ preached to him. (See page 96 of the New Testament 2019 Come Follow Me – For Individuals and Families.)

    The Prophet Joseph Smith clearly taught this.  Why is this not in the Inspired Version of the Bible or at least in our footnotes of the Latter-Day Saint edition of the King James Version?