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Everything posted by Still_Small_Voice

  1. I have never heard of that in a patriarchal blessing before. I was talking to someone I knew at church and he told me of a patriarchal blessing he read once. At a first glance it was so short he felt sorry for the person. But reading the blessing he said it was very powerful. It stated he would become a general authority though I cannot recall what position he said. When I read thru my blessing I know it is inspired. How could anyone know me so well and know what trials I would face in the future?
  2. Here is my understanding of exaltation: “How consoling to the mourners when they are called to part with a husband, wife, father, mother, child, or dear relative, to know that, although the earthly tabernacle is laid down and dissolved, they shall rise again to dwell in everlasting burnings in immortal glory, not to sorrow, suffer, or die any more, but they shall be heirs of God and joint heirs with Jesus Christ. What is it? To inherit the same power, the same glory and the same exaltation, until you arrive at the station of a god, and ascend the throne of eternal power, the same as those who have gone before. What did Jesus do? Why, I do the things I saw my Father do when worlds came rolling into existence. My Father worked out His kingdom with fear and trembling, and I must do the same; and when I get my kingdom, I shall present it to My Father, so that He may obtain kingdom upon kingdom, and it will exalt Him in glory. He will then take a higher exaltation, and I will take His place, and thereby become exalted myself. So that Jesus treads in the tracks of His Father, and inherits what God did before; and God is thus glorified and exalted in the salvation and exaltation of all His children.” (Joseph Smith Junior, “The King Follett Sermon,” Ensign, April 1971)
  3. Sorry I gave no more updates until now. We moved out of that ward last March. The new Ward we are at now is in Utah. The ward is good. I like it, and best of all, my kids are not getting attacked at church! :)
  4. I also have tendonitis. What has helped with my tendonitis is "MSM" and "cayenne pepper." I try to take 2,000 to 3,000 milligrams of MSM everyday. The cayenne pepper is also in capsule form. I try to take 1,200 milligrams of that everyday. I take 600 milligrams in the morning and another 600 milligrams at around 5 P.M. Do not take cayenne pepper too late at night unless you like to feel the burn. Edit: Expect to take it for at least 30 days before you see results.
  5. From what you have stated it does not sound like it is your fault that your marriage may be ending. If your wife's family does suffer from depression than she likely inherited some of the inward troubles she is struggling with. I can empathize with those who suffer from depression. It is a very hard trial to deal with. I would suggest you keep yourself busy in doing good to fill the void in your life right now. Pray for inspiration on what you should be doing in your life and then take action. Sorry if what I wrote is not comforting at all.
  6. This has got to be one of the best Mormon Tabernacle Choir Songs ever featuring Andrea Bocelli. It brings new meaning to Matthew 6:9-13. The music starts at 53 seconds into the video.
  7. Here is another interesting and funny baseball pitch: The Greatest pitch ever thrown. - YouTube
  8. I remember the video of this pitch. It is quite an amazing video. Of around one million pitches this one was definitely unique.
  9. 15 Tips for Avoiding Bedbugs 15 Tips for Avoiding Hotel Bedbugs - I found the above article interesting. Hopefully I never have to deal with bedbugs.
  10. I am very glad the men who gathered the records together assembled the Bible as they did. A lot of the books included in what is called "the Apocrypha" have been tampered with by uninspired men and there are things which are not of the LORD in them. The New Testament is very good scripture. It is not perfect, but it is a record of the LORD.
  11. I do not like Internet Explorer. It is more vulnerable to malicious software and I like the features of Mozilla Firefox more. Google Chrome is a great browser too. I use them both.
  12. Changed gave some very good advice. My thoughts are faith is not faith until it has been through trials. We will receive a witness, but we must ask. And I think often we will not receive a witness until after the trial of our faith. These articles have some truths in them that can help you: - Ensign Article - Personal Revelation: The Gift, the Test, and the Promise The Candle of the Lord - Ensign Jan. 1983
  13. Here is a tool you can use to find where your church is and what time they meet. LDS Maps Remember that the LORD came to save us from our sins. Often the hardest part is beginning the journey back to Him. You will find He is waiting with open arms to embrace you.
  14. A true disciple of Christ has faith that the LORD does not command us to do that which is impossible. The often quoted scripture I Nephi chapter 3 verse 7 applies here. In James chapter 2 it is written that we show our faith by our works.
  15. I would definitely recommend the book Jesus The Christ written by James Talmage. If you want it I can e-mail it to you.
  16. I have the whole standard works in .rtf format including the book Jesus The Christ. The files are not under any copyright to prevent copies from being distributed. If anyone wants the files just let me know by personal message or in any other way on the forums.
  17. I apologize if the following sounds very passionate. Our Congress is out of control. They do not know what a little bit of debt is. They want to spend and spend and then spend some more. The American people need to throw whoever wants to do this out of office. We need terms limits for the Senate. Almost all of these Senators are just stinking up the office they fill with their corruption. I do not want lies about how we will "someday" balance the budget. I want something done this year. This needs to stop before it causes really bad inflation or worst.
  18. In light of current events I thought I would bring this thread up again. I just sent this message to both my Senators and my Representative in the House: "Congress needs to pass a balanced budget. If you were to stack our National Debt up in $100 bills the stack would be close to 9,500 miles long. When is the madness going to end? If we do not stop this out of control spending there will not be an America in the future. Congress is responsible for the National Budget. Please make a stand for America and be a man of principle." America has 14.5 trillion in debt now. I do not think the dollar will be worth anything if our Congress continues to spend like this in several years. I hope I am wrong saying this as well.
  19. I did not know there was any membership in Saudi Arabia. It seems there are so very few countries that do not have good Latter-Day Saints in them. Thanks for posting this great information.
  20. What it appears is being done in my opinion is bullying. Pray for your family and focus on righteous and uplifting things. You have received some good advice thus far from others. Satan hates it when I go to the temple. I got so weary of the opposition that I just go to the temple now without ever voicing my plans.
  21. I like your name. My brother recently started beekeeping.
  22. Thank you for sharing your conversion story. Since you shared yours, I shall share some of mine. My conversion to the Lord started when I was around eight years old. I would read a child's version of the Book of Mormon and feel the Holy Ghost tell me what I was reading was good and true. At my baptism the Spirit of the Lord again gave me a witness that the promises I made with Heavenly Father were pleasing to Him. I attended a good ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and had many good examples of men and women who loved Heavenly Father. My parents also taught me the gospel of Jesus Christ. I cannot recall when the desire to serve a full time mission began in my life, but by the time I turned nineteen years old, I really had a desire to go. Before I left to serve a mission, I read the entire Book of Mormon again and had a few very powerful spiritual witnesses that I was doing what was pleasing to the Lord. It was serving a full time mission that I really began to start understanding the teachings of Jesus Christ. You really learn by doing. “If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself.” (John 7:17) After having the blessed opportunity of serving a mission, I came home to California. When I was around twenty-four years in age, I went to a sacrament meeting I will never forget. During that sacrament meeting (which was a testimony meeting) I had a vision. The vision the Lord gave me has helped me thru the doubts Satan pushes at me. The Lord is good to me. He loves to bless those who love and serve Him in righteousness.
  23. My own opinion with marijuana is the following: I am not for legalizing it, but I am not for incarceration of people convicted of possession of marijuana. Fine illegal distributors and those who illegally abuse the drug let them go in my opinion (if they are not also arrested for more heinous crimes). If there is medicinal use of marijuana it should be closely regulated. I am not for people casually walking down the sidewalk legally smoking a marijuana cigarette in public.
  24. I do not think divorces inside the church are this low in the first five years either. I do think it is a stumbling block for a Latter-Day Saint to marry a non-member. I have personally witnessed someones struggles in marriage because their partner does not believe the LDS faith. They have no children yet, but I am pretty sure it will be an issue once one partner wants to teach a certain set of beliefs and other not agreeing.
  25. It is good to know that you have come to this realization: “We still do not know one thousandth of one percent of what nature has revealed to us.” -- Albert Einstein Welcome to the forums Memento. If you have any questions feel free to personal message me.