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Everything posted by Still_Small_Voice

  1. I also work in the Information Technology industry. I do not expect much out of the end User because they are they end User. Once I did talk to an older lady who did not know how to open the Start menu in the Windows operating system. She was afraid I would tell her supervisors how she had no knowledge of computers.
  2. Because it is a spiritual gift. Some people are blessed with the gift of beholding of visions and dreams. It is not my spiritual gift. I do wonder at what this woman wrote about the other side of the veil if it is true or not.
  3. I read thru Gayle's story and found most of it fascinating. The predictions of America's future I do not believe. But she did write: "If we would but turn to Christ, open up and have love in our hearts and get a personal relationship with Him we could change everything because it's not set in stone."
  4. I agree. Some people stay glued to the television screen because they want to know the latest detail that came out. It just drags you down. They are going to run this story endlessly for the next several weeks on the news. Get the details then do not watch it again for quite some time. I just watched a documentary on the Virginia Tech shooting. I do not think there is any way you can prevent actions like this other than possibly carrying a concealed firearm. Evil people if they want to kill will do it. Andrew Stack flew an airplane into an IRS building in Austin killing 1 and injuring 13 others on February 18th 2010. Timothy McVeigh blew up a building in Oklahoma City with a bomb on April 19, 1995 killing 168 people.
  5. The American dollar will become worthless eventually if spending is not reigned in under control. A stack of one trillion dollars is a little over 600 miles long. Can you imagine driving past 600 miles of tightly stacked $100 dollar bills? We now have over 9,500 miles of debt in the United States if it were stacked in $100 bills. Sacrifices need to be made and this debt needs to start being paid off. Sadly this and the next generation are going to have to pay the price for what we have allowed our Congress to do to us. But it won't happen until we get a President and Congress that want to do it. We need to demand it of our Representatives that we send to Washington. We also need to realize that we cannot expect handouts from the U.S. Federal Government and that we are going to have to sacrifice if we do not want the dollar to become worth a cent.
  6. If you have not gotten a test for sexual transmitted diseases I would. I am very sorry to hear that your husband has left you and your children. I pray that God will help you through this awful time in your life.
  7. China's financial state is not bad because they do not spend money they do not have. The Chinese government does not recognize individual rights. If you criticize the government they can throw you in prison or kill you. Their government is not one I would want in the United States. I am also not very impressed with any form of socialist Health Care system. The lines are long and the demand exceeds the supply.
  8. The definition of Socialism is the following - An economic theory or system in which the means of production, distribution, and exchange are owned by the community collectively, usually through the state. It is characterized by production for use rather than profit, by equality of individual wealth, by the absence of competitive economic activity, and, usually, by government determination of investment, prices, and production levels -------------------------- Historically socialist systems always fail. The reason they fail is they remove the incentive from an individual to be self reliant (take care of themselves). The burden is shifted to government to take care of wants and needs. The system will always implode if given enough time because demand exceeds supply. Why put a good effort in to be a productive worker if all your profits are just going to be stripped from you? There is no incentive to be productive under socialist societies and that is why they fail.
  9. My conversion to the Lord started when I was around eight years old. I would read a child's version of the Book of Mormon and feel the Holy Ghost tell me what I was reading was good and true. I attended a good ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and had many good examples of men and women who loved Heavenly Father. My parents also taught me the gospel of Jesus Christ. I can't recall when the desire to serve a full time mission began in my life, but by the time I turned nineteen years old, I really had a desire to go. Before I left to serve a mission, I read the entire Book of Mormon again and had a few very powerful spiritual witnesses that I was doing what was pleasing to the Lord. It was serving a full time mission that I really began to start understanding the teachings of Jesus Christ. You really learn by doing. “If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself.” (John 7:17) After having the blessed opportunity of serving a mission, I came home to California. (I now no longer live there.) When I was around twenty-four years in age, I went to a sacrament meeting I will never forget. During that sacrament meeting I received a very powerful witness from the Lord of the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I had sought a period of years for this witness. The witness the Lord gave me has helped me thru the doubts Satan pushes at me. The Book of Mormon cost the best blood of the 19th century. It was a record that was in preparation for about 1,000 years and it is true. The Bible is also a powerful witness of Jesus Christ. I love the Gospel records of Christ's ministry. I can testify if you ask for a witness of the truth of the Lord, He will give it to you. As it reads in the scriptures: "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened." Matthew 7:7-8 The Lord will answer in His own due time if you are sincere in heart.
  10. Thanks for all the responses from everyone. I do show up almost every Saturday when it is our month (since it is only 1 out of 3 months). If no one else shows I will only clean for 1.25 hours and leave. My system is I assign the Elder's Quorum, High Priests, Aaronic Priesthood, Relief Society one week each. They are to find seven people to clean on Saturdays (or any other day, I will open the church for them). If no one shows up and the Bishop asks why I will tell him because no one showed up. The Bishop does not consider it my responsibility to do all the cleaning, only to coordinate it.
  11. I work as the Ward Building Cleaning Coordinator. We are only in charge of cleaning the building once every three months. Generally only about 3 people show up after all is said and done to clean the building for about 1.25 hours on Saturdays. Other people in other wards also having problems with getting people to show up?
  12. Just looked it up. According to the below link the top earner in Boy Scouts of America in 2007 was $400,000. Here is the lame excuse Boy Scouts gives: “These are running multi-million dollar operations that endeavor to change the world. Leading one of these charities requires an individual that possesses an understanding of the issues that are unique to the charity’s mission as well as business and management expertise similar to that required of for-profit CEOs." In my opinion you could get a good quality person that does the same thing for $150,000 per year. I love how charitable so many of these charities are. National Boy Scouts explain $1.6 million salary for top exec - OC Watchdog : The Orange County Register
  13. I gave to a charity outside the church but not anymore. When I found out the top paid person of this charity was making $300,000 a year it disappointed me. Now I am angry. Kids have a face that is highly deformed and this other person is living a life of luxury. I do not have anything against those who make a lot of money in a profession. But to steal money from a cause under the cloak of "charity" makes me never want to give them money again. I only want to give to the Church of Jesus Christ. At least 90% of my money will go toward the cause and someone won't be living a life of luxury while his brothers and sisters suffer. I think it is nothing but greed for someone else to dip their hands into the pot to indulge themselves and hide it under a "good cause." The Red Cross top executive also makes around $500,000 a year. That is some real charity.
  14. This is a sign of a lack of proper training. When hunting you never shoot unless you know what your target is and what is beyond your target. Please, anyone reading this, if you own firearms get proper training. Just because you bought a firearm does not mean you know how to properly use it. You can end up in jail or worst, negligently kill someone you love because you mistake them for an intruder or an animal.
  15. I believe we are left to ourselves when we do not submit to God and almost always that means we fall into temptation under the power of Satan. One interesting point here is the following: If you read the Joseph Smith Translation of these verses it was not the power of Satan but the Holy Spirit that took Christ to these different locations and showed him this vision of the kingdoms of the world.
  16. What do you mean that Satan has been given dominion over the body? I do not understand what you are writing about.
  17. Thanks for the information. We recently bought some food storage items that should be good for over 25 years. But we do not have a lot of space for food storage because we live in an apartment. I I have been digging in to our food storage and eating it the last several months. Rice is one item I like because it lasts and it good to eat. One item I really like buying is tuna fish. It is healthy, tasty and is generally good for at least 30 months.
  18. I am looking for an opinion on a food storage items. I have something called: "Mainstay Emergency Food Rations" It is food sealed in a plastic bag. It is emergency food mainly made out of Enriched flour, Vegetable shortening, granulated sugar, and corn starch. It was manufactured in 11-2005 and it had an expiration date of 11-2010. Still think it is good or should I just throw it out? How long is this going to be good for?
  19. Best wishes to you Bootstrap_Dove. I cannot imagine what you are going thru. Marry the wrong person and your life can become a living nightmare. I will offer a prayer for you.
  20. I do not know who came up with those statistics on inflation. Food prices have been going up at least 10 percent per year the last two years. There is no way the United States inflation rate is 3 or 4 percent. It very likely is around 8 to 10 percent per year. The U.S. government is also lying about our unemployment rate. Unemployment is very likely around 12 percent nation wide in the United States. If you do not collect unemployment wages then you are not unemployed according to the Federal government.
  21. There indeed is a great deal of laziness in America. Many people believe they are entitled to money they do not earn. I also think on the other side there are some who "oppress the hireling in his wages." (Malachi 3:5). From what I see I think there is too much of a desire for what is not good for everyone and for what people can merely get away with. Is the answer more laws or regulation? Not in my opinion. You cannot legislate a desire for righteousness. Until the fear of God and a desire for righteousness returns to this nation we will experience the same trials.
  22. Sick pay is a bad idea in my mind. The company I work for simply gives "paid time off" which covers vacation and sick pay. It is a much better system. And I do agree that people believe they are entitled to way too much and are not grateful for what they have.
  23. I hope we can get a President and Congress who want to get spending under control and a balanced budget. They balanced the Federal budget back around the year 2000. It did not last for too long though.
  24. A movie is coming out in theaters on March 23 called October Baby. Here is a scene below from the movie: