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Everything posted by Still_Small_Voice

  1. I have heard some of this stuff on the Christian radio broadcast in Utah. A lot of these people talk about how they never knew the LORD until they left the L.D.S. faith. I think a lot of these people did not have a testimony or if they did they allowed it to die because they did not nourish it. II Nephi 1:13–23. Awake from “the Sleep of Hell” Disobedience to the Lord’s commandments allows Satan to deceive us, and we forget the light and truth we have previously learned. President Henry B. Eyring of the First Presidency described this dangerous condition: “One of the effects of disobeying God seems to be the creation of just enough spiritual anesthetic to block any sensation as the ties to God are being cut. Not only [does] the testimony of the truth slowly erode, but even the memories of what it was like to be in the light [begin] to seem . . . like a delusion” (“A Life Founded in Light and Truth,” Brigham Young University 2000–2001 Speeches, page 81).
  2. An 18 year old is an adult. They should know better than to try to have sexual relations with someone who is under the age of 18. A part of our society will degenerate more and more because they continue to reject God and His commandments that keep a society together.
  3. That would be a bad day. Hope the insurance covers the automobile replacement.
  4. If it is the right job I hope you get it. I hope you are not unemployed presently.
  5. I heard Federal Security Agency personnel were listening to phone sex going on between soldiers' calls to loved ones who were at home. It makes you wonder if they have also turned on cellular phones to cameras that were in the privacy of a married couples' bedroom to watch what was going on. This is not America anymore in my opinion. I am very bothered by this.
  6. I said this in another thread BlackMarch but I will say it again. We have the right to be secure in our persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures. If an authority does want information on us a warrant should be issued upon probable cause and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. This data mining on the common citizen is horrendous and only leads down a bad road. Knowledge is power. No one can be trusted with this much power. This system needs to be dismantled. It is a set up for an eventual totalitarian government.
  7. The Internal Revenue Service has been abusing the American people for decades. It is time to abolish the organization, simplify the tax code and just have the State governments collect the tax money. The Federal tax dollars can then be passed to the Federal government through the States. The I.R.S. is unneeded and has proven it is untrustworthy with the power it has been given.
  8. Be Aware: Car Thieves Are Using Some Kind of Universal Car Remote…And Cops Are ‘Stumped’ The thief walks right up to the locked sports utility vehicle parked in the driveway. It’s hard to see, but police say he aims something at the passenger-side door. Just like that, the lock clicks, the lights come on and the thief is in the car. Then, an accomplice shows up and does the same thing to the other car in the driveway, all captured by security camera. Police in Long Beach, Calif. admit they’re baffled by the break-ins. “This is bad in the sense we’re stumped,” Long Beach Deputy Police Chief David Hendricks told NBC's "Today." “We are stumped and we don’t know what this technology is.” It seems to be some kind of universal car remote, overriding the car’s built-in encryption security. Thieves have used the technology from California to Illinois, according to “Today.” “I felt pretty unsafe,” said Michael Shin, whose Honda Accord was breached. “It was shocking. It just opens magically without him having to do anything.” Even more mystifying: the device seems to works on some cars, but not on others. More footage shows a Ford SUV and a Cadillac remaining locked, but an Acura opens right away. The device also seems only to work on the passenger-side door. “We’ve reached out to the car manufacturers, the manufacturers of the vehicle alarm systems. Nobody seems to know what this technology is,” Hendricks said. “When you look at the video and you see how easy it is, it’s pretty unnerving.” Be Aware: Car Thieves Are Using Some Kind of Universal Car Remote…And Cops Are ‘Stumped’ | Video | --------------------------------------------- It seems having all the electronic locks disconnected in a car is the only solution. Use manual keys instead.
  9. Amendment IV The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. --------------------------------------- This data mining on the common citizen is horrendous and only leads to bad. Knowledge is power. Who can be trusted with this much power?
  10. Report: Nine Internet Firms Giving Data to Government Thursday, 06 Jun 2013 06:53 PM By Greg Richter It's not just your cell phone calls. Nine Internet companies have been giving your emails, videos, photos and more to the NSA and FBI, The Washington Post reports. The classified program PRISM began in 2007 and has signed on Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Facebook, PalTalk, AOL, Skype, YouTube, and Apple. Cloud storage website Dropbox is set to join soon. PRISM has become the biggest contributor to President Barack Obama's Daily Brief, the Post reports, with a total of 1,447 articles in 2012. One in seven intelligence reports are based on PRISM data. The program descends from a program in the 1970s in which 100 American companies worked with the government, though PRISM is more like the controversial warrantless surveillance efforts undertaken after the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. PRISM attempts to use formulas to avoid gathering data from Americans, but the system isn't perfect. And while compliance by the companies is voluntary, the Foreign Surveillance Intelligence Court can force compliance. Apple resisted participation for five years, and Twitter has never joined. The Post said it obtained information on the program from a career intelligence officer who believes the program is a serious invasion of privacy. "They quite literally can watch your ideas form as you type," the officer told the Post. Reuters reports that both Apple and Facebook deny knowing anything about the PRISM program and say they do not allow any government agency "direct access" to their servers. Report: 9 Internet Firms Giving Data to Government
  11. Are you in the Information Technology Field Skippy? I was thinking of the exact same solution you posted.
  12. My wife was laid off recently as a worker who did Data Entry at home. The company had poor management and lost a lot of its contracts. It laid a lot of its work force as a result. Can anyone give me some job leads for her? She is wanting about 20 hours a week at home. No phone calls, just data entry. Does anyone know of any leads? I have been looking around on the Internet and seem to just be finding scams.
  13. I really do not like the policy that is being implemented by the Boy Scouts. The door is slowly being opened to a bad path. The Boy Scouts organization is going to be left by the L.D.S. church in the future. I can see the writing on the wall.
  14. Good video you posted. I really like this one:
  15. I am not saying this is not true Selek, but please give me the source of your information on this. I am curious.
  16. This is a very sad time for President Monson. I was surprised when I heard about it this morning. I think it is sweet for Francis because she has entered into the rest of the LORD.
  17. I hope the lawsuit against the I.R.S. is successful. The United States tax code is so ambiguous in so many places that anyone could be found in violation. The entire tax code needs to be thrown out and replaced with something that is simple and works. I liked the proposal that a 15 to 17 percent flat income tax be implemented on households that had an income of $50,000 per year or more. The Internal Revenue Service is now only gaining more power with access to peoples' medical records. Like someone else said, did the President not lie about anything in Obamacare?
  18. Citizens Plan On Filing a Civil Suit Against Internal Revenue Service Earlier this morning, several members of the Kentucky 9/12 Project, the Richmond Tea Party, and Ohio Liberty met with the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) in Washington, DC, to discuss plans for civil suits against the IRS for the admitted intimidation and targeting they received after applying for tax exempt status. TheBlaze has been in contact with Kentucky 9/12 leader Eric Wilson as well as Richmond Tea Party’s Executive Director Larry Nordvig today. According to our sources, as many as 20 groups are currently assembling to consider filing lawsuits. Because some of the groups have had their non-profit status approved, while others are still waiting, and some just gave up the fight — there may need to be different kinds of legal action filed. That action could take the form of either individual civil suits seeking damages or a class action suit that would allow many of the estimated 500 groups who may have been targeted by the IRS for intrusive questioning. Eric Wilson of the Kentucky 9/12 group told TheBlaze that no formal suit as been drafted just yet, but plans are to file a suit as early as next week. Also happening this morning, a joint press conference with members of the House and Senate where some of those considering action will be present. From the release: Washington, D.C. – Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, Senator Rand Paul, Senator Mike Lee, and Senator Ted Cruz will join Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (MN-06), members of Congress, and Tea Party leaders for a press confernce today at 9:30AM at the House Triangle to discuss the IRS targeting Tea Party groups. TheBlaze is in contact with Rep. Bachmann’s office and will add any additional reports as we receive them. Following the Press conference, this story will be updated. Some Conservatives Targeted by IRS Say They Plan on Filing Civil Suit Against IRS |
  19. Read this from Boyd Packer. It may help you understand more. Preparing to Enter the Holy Temple ------------------------------------------------------------
  20. I can understand the student's frustration. There are too many teachers out there in our public education system that have no desire or have legally been tied up from teaching. His frustrations should not have been vented in front of the class like this in my opinion.
  21. It must be difficult finding a Latter-Day Saint to date in the United Kingdom. Do not give up hope. "The Lord redeemeth the soul of his servants; and none of them that trust in him shall be desolate." -- Psalms 34:22
  22. Pulling a few thoughts from what Pam posted: Everywhere I turn I see premarital sex accepted and embraced, so much so that youth growing up in today’s Westernized culture hardly know what it means to be chaste, much less know that chastity is vital to our spiritual well-being. Elder Bednar acknowledges that “the doctrine I have described will seem to be archaic and outdated to many people. . . . But the Lord’s truth is not altered by fads, popularity, or public opinion polls.” When we were engaged, my husband and I did not find sexual morality an easy route. In fact, it was a very difficult commandment to keep. (Lest you think that Mormons have an easy go of chastity, our bodies work the same way that yours do!) Now that I’m past that phase in our relationship, I’m immensely grateful that we both waited to be intimate. Our intimacy means more to me knowing that we cherish it and guarded it. My own thoughts Those who choose to disregard chastity will never know the hidden treasure found in following the commandments of God unless they repent. I think you value your marriage and intimacy so much more if you live the law of chastity.
  23. I saw the movie Oblivion. I was disappointed in the two minute sensuality scene. I did not think there was going to be anything like that in the movie. Tom Cruise and another actress strip down naked in a pool. I couldn't tell you what happened because I only watched a small upper left hand portion of screen during the scene. I would advise you to wait for it on digital video disk. The movie was interesting but had some very long parts.
  24. There is a difference in the L.D.S. belief of Christ's coming versus what many Christians believe. We believe that Christ comes after the hard trials and tribulation on this earth. There are going to be many disappointed believers and I hope that they do not lose faith when the harsh trials start.
  25. Dave Ramsey's advice is to not incur more than two years worth of debt for a car. I think that is good advice. Automobiles to not appreciate in value. They are just money pits.