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Everything posted by Still_Small_Voice

  1. I recently bought about $55 worth of incandescent light bulbs. Afterwards I found this information on incandescents on the Internet. But I just figure we will eventually use them anyway.
  2. Light emitting diode bulbs are great, but they are just too expensive right now. I have a wind up powered flashlight that has light emitting diodes in it. I like the light it emits. I agree and as I said above fluorescent light is inferior quality and bothers my eyes. Sadly the house I bought has some tube fluorescent lights in it. When I have more money I want to put in some incandescent lights into my kitchen and throw out the fluorescent tube lights.
  3. From what I also read the newcandescent light bulbs create the same amount of light as incandescent bulbs using less energy. I really like incandescent lights compared to fluorescent lights. The fluorescent lights at my work hurt my eyes. Many of my co-workers feel the same way about the fluorescent lights at work.
  4. With the next phase of the government-mandated phase out of incandescent light bulbs just days away, die hard fans of the traditional yellow glow might not have to flock to their local store and purchase them by basket-full after all. The Newcandescent still fits within the federal phase out of traditional, incandescent light bulbs because it is considered “rough service.” When the federal ban on producing or importing incandescents of varying watts was passed under the Bush administration, Larry Birnbaum, carrying on the three-generation legacy of his family’s New Jersey-based Light Bulb Store, saw an opportunity. “100 [watts] are as rare as hens teeth, 75s are in the same direction and 60s, this time next year, most will be almost gone,” said Birnbaum, who added his great-grandfather was friends with the incandescent light bulb inventor Thomas Edison. “We’re addicted to color of incandescents, unless you were born yesterday,” Birnbaum continued. “Your body is used to it. When you put on something different, the body reacts to it, and you get irritated.” With millions of people still supporting the use of incandescent bulbs, Birnbaum found a loophole in the Energy Independence and Security Act. The ban applies to general service incandescent light bulbs but not rough service incandescents. While frequently used in automobiles, subway systems and other applications that require a heavy-duty, vibration-resistant bulb, rough service bulbs can still be used in a general application, according to Birnbaum. Read more at: A Manufacturer Found a Loophole Around That Incandescent Light Bulb Ban | Video | Picture of a newcandescent light bulb: newcandescent light bulbs 100 watt $ 2 88 newcandescent light
  5. Knowledge is power. I am very concerned with how much power the National Security Agency has. It is not right to gather millions of phone calls and e-mails "just in case you need it." This is power that no one can be trusted with. And I especially do not trust Congress, the Supreme Court or our President with this much authority. Our Congress cannot even balance a budget let alone be trusted to not use peoples' private communications against them. You think you are not breaking any laws in the United States? Watch this: .
  6. My thoughts are to just get the government out of marriage entirely. If you can find a church or any religious organization that will marry you so be it. But you cannot force any religion to marry a couple that wants to make covenants with each other. Marriage is a covenant between you, your wife and God. Get the government out of it. No more marriage licenses. I fear the government is going to try to define marriage and try to force their ideas into every ones beliefs in the future. I was recently reading stories about people being sued for not wanting to bake cakes or take pictures of homosexual marriages and unions. What about these people's rights to do business how they see fit? Will people who are homosexual or polygamous demand to enter the temple to have their marriages done in the future?
  7. I haven't read his views on Muslims. I just know his piece is one of the most common sense pieces ever written on firearm ownership. We live in a telestial world and until the LORD comes I want a means to protect myself and loved ones from people who would want to do us harm (and I hope to never have to use it). I think a lot of people live in denial that someone would actually attempt to do violence to them or the thought rarely crosses their minds.
  8. I also wonder when marijuana will be legalized. It seems that is where the United States is heading. I personally am for keeping marijuana illegal but making penalties for it very minimal. Confiscation of all drugs and a $100 fine unless you are selling to someone under the age of 18. My reasoning is I would rather have violent thugs, rapers, robbers and child molesters locked up. You only have so much room in prisons.
  9. Larry Correia tells all here about this subject. Larry Correia refutes the gun controllers once and for all — 1389 Blog - Counterjihad! The dead horse has been beat to death over this subject.
  10. Congratulations on your decision to follow Christ and be baptized. I hope your baptism is a very spiritual experience. Be sure you write a journal entry on your special day so you will remember it the rest of your life.
  11. So if I leave my car keys on the night stand am I liable if a punk kid broke into my house, stole my car and ran over five people? We do not need anymore laws restricting and punishing firearm owners. There are thousands of firearm laws on the books that simply just need to be enforced. What we really need to do is get rid of many of these gun free zones. They do nothing. School and other mass shootings are rare and very sensationalized. Meanwhile about 25,000 people die every year in car accidents in the United States. These shootings really are not an issue but the media wants to make it one.
  12. I find nothing bothersome about that Joseph Smith Translation. In my studies I have found great inspiration in many Joseph Smith Translations of different scriptures. Compare the original text of Romans chapter 4 with the below inspired translation: 2 For if Abraham were justified by the law of works, he hath to glory in himself; but not of God. 3 For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness. 4 Now to him who is justified by the law of works, is the reward reckoned, not of grace, but of debt. 5 But to him that seeketh not to be justified by the law of works, but believeth on him who justifieth not the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.
  13. Nelson Mandela and his fellow conspirators of the ANC and the South African Communist Party were caught by the police while in the possession of thousands of Soviet-made anti-personnel mines and thousands of hand-grenades. From my research I believe he was sentenced to prison for this. Years later years Mandela was offered his freedom by the South African President Botha if he would simply renounce the use of terrorism, but Mandela refused to do this. Sounds like Nelson deserved prison to me
  14. I avoid Pecan pie. According to this website one slice this size is 500 calories. I will eat other pies and then try to exercise to work the rest off. Calories in Pecan Pie
  15. I just did some research on the value of the found gold. I don't know what money type they were using to calculate the value of the gold but it is far from one million in American dollars. There was supposedly 1 kilogram of gold found. There are 1,000 grams in a kilogram. There are 31.1 grams in a Troy ounce. A Troy ounce of gold is selling at close to $1,260 on November 20th 2013. Do the math and the value adds up to around $40,500 in American dollars. This is not even close to one million dollars.
  16. In my opinion, I think it is money that was being used for some illegal purpose. Likely the person who lost it will be murdered for losing it sadly.
  17. Janitors of a commercial airliner in eastern India found 24 gold bars, valued at about $ 1.1 million in a compartment of the aircraft's bathroom, according to the country's authorities released on Wednesday, according to AFP . The plane, the company Jet Airways, was undergoing cleaning this Tuesday at Kolkata airport after a trip originating in the city of Patna. Before this flight, the plane was used on international routes. BP Mishra, airport director, said the staffs were cleaning the plane when they found the two bags in the bathroom. The bars, which together weigh 1 kilogram, were not claimed by anyone. Mishra added that it was not made any arrests so far. India: 24 gold bars are found in airplane bathroom
  18. This is an amazing story. I cannot imagine the terror of seeing water rise in your home going all the way to the ceiling. I am happy those poor Sister Missionaries did not drown and got out.
  19. Vort, it would be a nice dream if we were to ever collect Social Security for retirement as we all pay into it. If you are under 50 years old now presently you will never collect a dime of retirement funds from Social Security. I hope I am completely wrong in this statement.
  20. From the Latter-Day Saint perspective we believe we do have a small part to do with our salvation through our own efforts as small as they are (we do the thousandth part and the LORD does the 99.9 percent). But also it reads in the Book of Mormon: "And behold, all that he  requires of you is to keep his commandments; and he has  promised you that if ye would keep his commandments ye should prosper in the land . . . therefore if ye do keep his commandments he doth bless you and prosper you . . . and therefore he hath paid you. And ye are still indebted unto him, and are, and will be, forever and ever . . ." (Mosiah 2:22-24) I think the person who read Romans 3:27-28 excluded verse 31 which finishes the Apostle Paul's thoughts. We have to keep in mind that verses are many times not complete thoughts and were not original scripture. They were added later so people could reference the word of God. Verse 31 of Romans chapter 3 reads: "Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law."
  21. I understand what everyone else is speaking about. But how do we reconcile the exact wording of Romans 3:27-28? "Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? of works? Nay: but by the law of faith. Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law." If we are following the Holy Spirit we will be doing good works and following the commandments. We will not have hatred toward our fellow men, we will not be lusting after our neighbor and we will be honest and living Godly lives. If we transgress we will be repenting and looking toward God with joy. We are justified of faith and works, through the grace of Christ. The scripture would be correct if it read: "Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith and works through Christ and not of our own works following the law."
  22. I do believe Romans chapter 3 verses 27 through 28 is either talking about the law of Moses or it is an error in the book of Romans. Romans 3:27-28 "Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? of works? Nay: but by the law of faith. Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law." Inspired Version of Romans 4:16 reads: "Therefore ye are justified of faith and works, through grace, to the end the promise might be sure to all the seed; not to them only who are of the law, but to them also who are of the faith of Abraham; who is the father of us all" Inspired Version of Romans 3:8 reads: "And some affirm that we say, (whose damnation is just,) Let us do evil that good may come. But this is false." James 2 Reads: 17 Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone. 18 Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: show me thy faith without thy works, and I will show thee my faith by my works. 19 Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble. 20 But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead? I know the LORD has done 99.9 percent of the work for us through His grace and continually pays us by His blessings to us when we obey Him and sometimes even when we don't obey Him. But we through faith don't seek to justify ourselves through works alone, but we seek to imitate Jesus through our works because true faith requires this. I want to know if there are any other thoughts on Romans chapter 3 verses 27 through 28?
  23. Sounds like the church is really investing in agriculture in the state of Florida.
  24. So would the Employment Non-Discrimination Act law open the door to financially crippling lawsuits and the possible closures of thousands of religious organizations or businesses? I tend not to trust what Harry Reid supports because of his stance on so many issues.
  25. What began as a simple traffic stop ended in a humiliating and nightmarish ordeal for a New Mexico man. It won’t come as a surprise to most people why the man has now filed a federal civil rights lawsuit. The incident began on January 2nd as David Eckert was leaving the local Walmart in Deming, New Mexico. He reportedly failed to make a complete stop at a stop sign, prompting police to pull him over. The officers asked him to step out of the vehicle and claim the man appeared to be clenching his buttocks, Eckert’s attorney, Shannon Kennedy, told TheBlaze. It is unclear why police removed him from the vehicle in the first place. However, because the cops believed he was clenching his buttocks, they took it as reason to suspect him of hiding narcotics in his anal cavity. Police officers detained Eckert after a narcotics sniffing dog allegedly issued a “hit” on Eckert’s car seat. Meanwhile, they sought a search warrant for an anal cavity search. To read more and see documents go to: ‘You Could Never Anticipate This Happening in the United States of America’ | Video |