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Everything posted by Still_Small_Voice

  1. I find it very difficult to believe that Christ was unmarried His entire life. In Matthew chapter 3 we read: 13 Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John, to be baptized of him. 14 But John forbad him, saying, I have need to be baptized of thee, and comest thou to me? 15 And Jesus answering said unto him, Suffer it to be so now: for thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness. Then he suffered him. Christ was baptized because it was necessary to enter the third heaven. We know from modern day revelation that a man and wife must be sealed together in marriage through the holy priesthood to enter the highest degree of the celestial kingdom. (Read Doc. & Cov. section 131 verses 1-4). Christ obeyed the commandment of baptism but not the commandment to be sealed in marriage to a wife? We do not know who He was married to or if He had children. But certainly He was married.
  2. Congratulations on leaving unemployment. Work diligently and efficiently. Listen to your trainers. Be a team player and help your co-workers and customers all you can. Make an excellent first impression. I think things will work out with you in time if you continue to listen to God.
  3. I heard one of the largest consumers of drugs for erectile dysfunction are men under the age of 30. I think pornography has burned their brains up so badly they cannot enjoy a healthy relationship with a real woman.
  4. I just looked it up. It is about 350 miles from where they were in Monrovia to Freetown. What a journey it was in war torn country. They had the favor of the LORD on their trip.
  5. I went and saw the Freetown movie yesterday. It was overall a good movie. I really liked the part where they ran out of gasoline and how God provided a kind man to help the missionaries continue on their journey. Does anyone have the real story compared to the movie? I am interested to compare the movie with the real story.
  6. I also really like this version of A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief:
  7. Progressive socialists in both political parties like anything that leads towards dependance on government. Sexual deviation and fornication lead one towards a dependant slave like mind set and lifestyle with also a host of other ills in my judgment. Also the lazy idleness of some give some in government authority satisfaction. Those who have able minds and bodies who choose to depend on others for the necessities of life rather than work for their bread and lay up in store like the prophets encourage us. Just remember there are some in government who want you to think it is too hard and give up. They want you to rely on them for what you need because it gives them the power. Anything that moves one toward slavery and powerlessness is what some in authority want.
  8. I like the advice Ether-Ore gave you above. I would also encourage to fast and pray about your sin. Also pray that you may gain the knowledge and strength you need to continue to endure and walk the path toward Christ and eternal life.
  9. Eowyn, I would highly recommend you pay for firearm training from a competant instructor before purchasing a pistol. So many people I see with firearms are either consciously incompetant or more often unconsciously incompetant. It is not hard to learn how to shoot and what the legal parameters of deadly force are, but it will not come from simply buying handgun. I believe in a well trained militia made up of the common people. Good training can cost you up to $500 or more. Anyone who carries a handgun should know their local laws and be able to hit a 8.5 inch x 11 inch target from five yards away with their chosen weapon. If you want advice on instructors I can point you toward certain avenues. Just personal message me.
  10. It sounds to me in my limited judgment like this marriage will end in divorce sadly. Doesn't sound like if but when. The wife seems very consumed with what she wants and is traveling in strange roads. If you both end up with lawyers there may not be much left in assets when it is all said and done with all the legal fees (and she likely will fight you for everything). What is more important is that you remain a good example and a godly influence with your children. I would fast and pray and fast as often as you can handle it (one meal fasts). I would pray that you would remain a good influence in your children's lives and that your wife will be humbled. Likely she will be unconvinced of any truth or want to come back, but a humble person usually does not seek to be nasty and cause trouble in others lives. When someone is brought down low they usually lose the spirit of contention. Seek the direction of the LORD and inspiration in your life. God speed brother.
  11. I started off 2015 really well and then I got sick in February. I have got a 5 kilometer race tomorrow. I'm not in shape for it and I will likely walk most of it. Oh well. So far I've also done the following since January 1st 2015: 889 pushups 1000 leg lifts 390 curls
  12. Intolerance is being used to silence those who believe fornication, homosexuality and other sins are a wrong lifestyle. In my opinion many people believe they have a right to not be offended. Praise the LORD for the Gospel of Jesus Christ that shows us the way of light and what the marvelous Plan of Happiness is.
  13. Bytor are there any mutual funds you would recommend I look at? I want to go somewhat aggressive investing for the next 14 years. Reitrement age is still at least 25 years away for me.
  14. I was wanting to roll the 401K into the "American Balanced Fund Class C shares" mutual fund. Their fees are $14.10 per year presently. I did have a broker out in New York, but I would prefer to work with someone locally. The only broker I can find with the company I was with is down in Salt Lake City. I guess I will call them unless someone else has suggestions for me. Edit: The symbol of the mutual fund is "BALCX" and information on it can be found here:
  15. I am looking for an inexpensive honest broker in Utah around Centerville, Layton or Ogden area. I have a 401K I want to rollover from an old employer to another mutual fund. They are charging me $60 in fees a year to stay with this employer's fund. Is there any advice on whom to contact? I would prefer that one has experience or knows this financial advisor. Send me a personal message if you do not feel comfortable posting their contact information. Thanks.
  16. It was very generous of the person to purchase the dress for her. I wish this couple the best. I hope they work diligently and are wise with their finances. (I have learned to say: "We can't afford it, we don't need it and we don't even want it.") If you continue to work diligently, pay your tithing and keep saving what you can things will work out.
  17. She said yes to the dress, and then a stranger paid for it. About a month ago, Liz Jensen accepted her boyfriend’s proposal. Last Friday, the Provo, Utah, woman found her dream dress at a pop-up shop called Elizabeth Cooper Design. Unfortunately, the full-time Brigham Young University student — and seventh of eight children — couldn’t afford the gown’s $480 price tag. Read more at:
  18. It looks like a good movie. I want to see it. Thanks for posting this information.
  19. I think the church does need to hire more people for building maintenance. Our buildings vacuum cleaners are damaged and beginning to fail. One of our drinking fountains has not worked in years. The side walk is chewed up and destroyed in certain areas around the building. The sound system was cutting out and turning back on for over six months so you could not hear the speakers. It is still having some problems. Our ward is pretty good about taking care of the building but there are things that are just not being done that the ward members cannot take care of. I have seen this in a few buildings I have been in since they cut back hard on church building maintenance staff.
  20. That speech was awful. In my opinion Mister Obama thinks he is morally superior to others. He thinks that others who have some wealth need to pay their "fair share" in taxes to help others in the world. Obama has a net worth of about 12 million dollars. He makes about $400,000 per year and has his housing, medical, food, security and all travel expenses paid for. (He also has investments in the Cayman Islands.) He has had many many expensive vacations during his sojurn as President. I personally have no qualm with the 12 million dollars he has, but he has no right to continually talk about income inequality and confiscating others income to support his programs while piling up a lot of wealth for himself and living very very luxuriously. It is very hypocritical.
  21. I read the following on the ending of the the Gospel of Mark: Most scholars, following the approach of the textual critic Bruce Metzger, believe that verses 9-20 of Mark chapter 16 were not part of the original text. Textual critics have identified two distinct endings—the "Longer Ending" (verses 9-20) and the "Shorter Ending," which appear together in six Greek manuscripts, and in dozens of Ethiopian copies. There is disagreement among scholars as to whether Mark originally stopped writing at chapter 16 verse 8—and if he did so, if it was deliberate or not—or if he continued writing an ending which is now lost. Allusions to a future meeting in Galilee between Jesus and the disciples (in Mark 14:28 and 16:7) seem to suggest that Mark intended to write beyond 16:8. Latter-Day Saints can confirm Mark 16:14-19 are confirmed to be truth in the text of Mormon 9:22-25. There is nothing in the text of Mark 16:9-20 that looks to be untrue to my examination.
  22. Insurance companies are laughing all the way to the bank with the Affordable Health Care Act. You don't have a "government approved health insurance plan," then we are going to tax money from you and give it to the rich health insurance companies. What do the uninsured get in exchange for this? Nothing.
  23. I agree Kapikui. I feel like a criminal flying commercially with all the intrusive security they subject people to. The Transportation Security Administration policies are just awful. I hear Israeli airport security policies they have in place are much less intrusive. We should look to how Israel handles airport security. My only bad story of airplane travel is my three year old son doing the crocodile death roll on the airport floor screaming. He had enough of flying and was tired and cranky. We were doing a flight from New York to California. I will avoid doing long travel with young kids at all costs now.
  24. I confess the following: I play dart guns battles with my kids. I like the video game "Doctor Mario." I hate 0900 church times but love 1300 hour start time. I hate Windows 8 but like the Linux Mint 16 and Windows 7 operating systems.
  25. I do not care if the translation of the Book of Abraham is literal or it was given by inspiration. I have studied it and the Holy Spirit has told me it is true and inspired scripture. "For the things which some men esteem to be of great worth, both to the body and soul, others set at naught and trample under their feet. Yea, even the very God of Israel do men trample under their feet . . ." I Nephi 19:7