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Everything posted by Still_Small_Voice

  1. I work as an Information Technology Service Desk Technician/Analyst. Internet Explorer by default seems to have a lot of security settings that block safe websites or features of websites. I usually get a few calls a day on problems with Internet Explorer caused by either the Internet Explorer software defects or security settings. I mainly use Mozilla Firefox version 30, Opera version 26, or the Safari if I am using an iPad. I try not to use Internet Explorer as I really do not like it. Edit: The company I work with uses Internet Explorer version 9.
  2. Here is my update on my progress from January 2014 until now: 4,201 pushups 5,227 leg lifts 1,416 curls since April 1st 2014 I looked in the mirror the other day and liked the progress I have made. May I encourage all to forget the past if you are not doing well and start now to focus on the future for better health.
  3. From my understanding Russia exports a large amount of natural gas. The price of oil per barrel has plummeted to around $57 (it was trading around $100 a year ago). This has really hurt the Russian economy.
  4. The ruble plummeted into a free fall, losing as much as 19 percent as panic swept across Russian financial markets after a surprise interest rate increase failed to stem the run on the currency. The ruble plunged to as weak as 80.10 per dollar, a record low, before trading at 72.90 by 5:18 p.m. in Moscow, as Russians scrambled to convert their money into dollars amid concern the government will implement currency controls to slow the outflows. Bonds fell as the RTS stock index tumbled the most in almost six years. Government officials will gather to discuss the financial crisis engulfing the country. Read more at:
  5. It is very generous that they gave her a 2008 Ford Fusion. Her old car was so beat up. May the LORD give blessings to all those who helped with this act of charity.
  6. It is true that the Twelve Apostles will assist in our judgment on that day. "The Son [of God], in turn, will call upon others to assist in the Judgment. The Twelve who were with Him in His ministry will judge the twelve tribes of Israel (see Matthew 19:28; Luke 22:30). The twelve Nephite disciples will judge the Nephite and Lamanite people (see 1 Nephi 12:9–10; Mormon 3:18–19)." Gospel Principles Manual, Chapter 46: The Final Judgment
  7. The story of a Christmas tip given to a waitress in Branson, Missouri, has caught the attention of its community and now gone viral on social media. Little did she know, but Cindi Grady had caught the eye of a couple of regulars at the restaurant where she works, the local Cracker Barrel. Gary and Roxann Tackett, from Arkansas, had been frequenting the restaurant all summer. They say they had noticed an old, battered vehicle regularly in the parking lot. Gary thought it was abandoned because it was in such bad shape. Read more at:
  8. Man making $1,500,000,000 per year is a very wealthy income. I would make that amount in about 41,500 years at my present job on my current income. I hope people who make this much are giving others good paying jobs and benefits.
  9. I thought the most valuable baseball card would be a Babe Ruth card. Some of the Babe Ruth cards are valued at around $30,000. In my opinion old baseball cards can be forged without a huge amount of effort. I don't think any baseball card is worth more than a $1,000.
  10. It's the most valuable -- and arguably the most famous -- trading card in sports history. The Honus Wagner T206 tobacco trading card from 1909 has commanded prices at auction that other trading cards haven't come close to matching. But as a Forbes column points out, buyers and sellers are trading much more than the card itself. Based on past experiences, one could argue that the card carries the ability to influence the fates of those holding it. See more at:
  11. I don't know where you are getting your information but that is simply not true at all. The United States National Deficit has increased by leaps and bounds since around the year 2006. We are currently at 17.9 trillion dollars in debt. To put those number into perspective one trillion dollars in one hundred dollar bills tightly stacked is close to about 986 miles high. Please see: Under the 1913 Federal Reserve Act it is impossible to pay off the United States National Deficit. Every time the Federal Reserve prints a dollar they charge the American people more than a dollar. It is impossible to pay off the National Deficit under this system. All that can be done under the current system is slow the debt build up.
  12. I want to see four major things happen: 1) A complete repeal of the Affordable Healthcare Act (Obamacare) 2) Major slashes in the Federal budget to bring it to levels where the National Deficit is increasing by feet rather than by miles 3) Major tax cuts to boost the economy 4) The discontinuation of the National Security Agency spying on the American public There will need to be 66 votes in the Senate to repeal Obama's veto which he will certainly do. I do not expect anything to happen in two years until his term is over. At least Obama will likely be very limited in his agenda for the rest of his term. Everything he seems to want is moving away from capitalism.
  13. I wish they would sing Hymn 166, Abide with Me. It's been a while since I heard it in church. The verses are below: 1. Abide with me! fast falls the eventide; The darkness deepens. Lord, with me abide! When other helpers fail and comforts flee, Help of the helpless, oh, abide with me! 2. Swift to its close ebbs out life’s little day. Earth’s joys grow dim; its glories pass away. Change and decay in all around I see; O thou who changest not, abide with me! 3. I need thy presence ev’ry passing hour. What but thy grace can foil the tempter’s pow’r? Who, like thyself, my guide and stay can be? Thru cloud and sunshine, Lord, abide with me!
  14. I have no problem with the Praise to the Man Hymn. It is praising Heavenly Father for a good prophet. I do have a problem with the Hymn "Sons of Michael, he approaches." I have never heard the Hymn sung before in church but I would not sing it. I think it should be removed from the Hymn book. The verses are below: 1. Rise, the ancient father greet. Bow, ye thousands, low before him; Minister before his feet. Hail the patriarch's glad reign, Spreading over sea and main. 2. Sons of Michael, 'tis his chariot Rolls its burning wheels along! Raise aloft your voices million In a torrent pow'r of song. Hail our head with music soft! Raise sweet melodies aloft! 3. Mother of our generations, Glorious by great Michael's side, Take thy children's adoration; Endless with thy seed abide. Lo! to greet thee now advance Thousands in the glorious dance! 4. Raise a chorus, sons of Michael, Like old ocean's roaring swell, Till the mighty acclamation Thru rebounding space doth tell That the ancient one doth reign In his Father's house again!
  15. But Jesus Christ did not have a physical body yet. Have any General Authorities made commentary on Moses chapter 6 verses 64 and 65?
  16. 64 And it came to pass, when the Lord had spoken with Adam, our father, that Adam cried unto the Lord, and he was caught away by the Spirit of the Lord, and was carried down into the water, and was laid under the water, and was brought forth out of the water. 65 And thus he was baptized, and the Spirit of God descended upon him, and thus he was born of the Spirit, and became quickened in the inner man. Does this mean that Adam was carried away in the Holy Spirit and then baptized by Heavenly Father?
  17. This makes me glad I did not join the military. I think this is an abuse of our troops. I heard these troops are getting a mere four hours of training on the ebola virus. This is not adequate. Anyone that is in these hot zones should be quarantined for 35 days before being allowed to return to the United States or any of its bases.
  18. It appears there are more airstrikes against ISIS terrorists in Iraq. It looks like some Iraqi people are volunteer militia trying to fight against ISIS. Read more here:
  19. Here is a story of a man who had to work and wait two years to get his answer. It is an amazing story:
  20. Miami, the pictures you posted made we weep. I pray these horrific murders stop and we do something about this. That is nothing but pure evil and murder.
  21. I read these Christians who are being driven out have had a community there in Iraq for about 2,000 years. Very sad how they were driven out as their ancestors had lived there so long. They are being persecuted and attacked for their religion.
  22. Airstrikes on Iraqi towns held by the Islamic State terror group commenced Thursday night, the New York Times reported. A senior Iraqi military official added to CNN that the Iraqi air force had carried out attacks against suspected Islamic State targets. The report came as President Barack Obama was set to make a statement Thursday evening after meeting with his national security team earlier in the day. The Pentagon, however, strongly denied any involvement in the reported bombings. Multiple media outlets reported that the U.S. military had begun humanitarian air drops for the thousands of displaced Iraqis trapped in the mountains. Read the rest of the article here:
  23. I heard of another rip off that is going on, though I think it is more rare. Some thieves are tying cans or something to a car. When it makes noise as the person is driving the driver stops the car and then gets out. When they are out of the car looking at their vehicle a car thief jumps in and drives off. Don't leave your car keys in or your purse sitting on the front seat with the doors unlocked. Most important though, be aware of your surroundings.
  24. They were also detained four hours for simply taking a picture according to this story. If this is true I hope the officer who pointed the weapon at the Boy Scout's head is dismissed from employment. We do not need people like this with a gun, badge, and in a position of authority in the ranks of our law enforcement. When I heard the comments on this story about "a great lesson in civics" I also shook my head in disgust. This situation was completely unnecessary and just wrong. It seems to be a story about someone who delighted in how big and shiny his law enforcement badge was.
  25. I think here is some more information on the subject: Experts: If Ukranian Rebels Shot Down Passenger Jet, They Likely Lacked Technology to Identify It