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Everything posted by Still_Small_Voice

  1. I believe that the nation of America was established mainly for the purpose of restoring the Gospel of Jesus Christ in it's fullness to the earth. Many of the prophets have taught this as well. This does not mean the America of present days is better than other nations. The American people as a whole along with other nations are not obeying God commandments and have forsook the covenant that George Washington and many others made with God in the past. It is not nationalism I seek. It is awaking people to awful state that we are in as we have forsaken God. Many people who claim to be Christians are as the Apostle Paul said: "They profess that they know God, but in their works they deny Him, being abominable and disobedient, and unto every good work [worthless]." Titus 1:16
  2. I've watched this video several times and found it very intriguing. It leaves me to wonder the future of America because we have strayed so far from what this nation was intended to be.
  3. From what I see America will continue to crumble until there are a good number of people who wish to turn to God and obey His commandments. Make the covenant with God fellow Americans to follow Him and ask for His protection. If we refuse it is only a matter of time before America we knew is completely gone.
  4. Going up to the very top of the Church Office Building is interesting. It is quite a sight to look over all the city. They also offer free tours in the Conference Center.
  5. I woke up after my alarm went off for about twenty-five minutes this morning and knew I would be late for work. I wanted my lunch and cooked it anyway because I hate spending loads of money on fast food. After driving about 27 miles to work it ended up I showed up only two or three minutes late. It doesn't count as tardy unless you show up five minutes late or more at my place of employment. I dodged the bullet today.
  6. I found "Louise Solomon's Yoga and Pilates Total Body Toner" posted here on YouTube for anyone to watch. I really like the stretches from 56 minutes to 61 minutes.
  7. After reading more about this it appears he will only be facing misdemeanor charges for this act of vandalism. Who knows what will become of the trumped up insurance claim.
  8. I think everyone is making too big of a fuss over this. Yes a natural artifact was destroyed, but to make someone a felon over this is over the top. No one was hurt or killed. But I think this guy may be in hot water for filing a false disability claim.
  9. James Talmage refutes this idea. Please read below what he wrote on the subject: Mary Magdalene became one of the closest friends Christ had among women; her devotion to Him as her Healer and as the One whom she adored as the Christ, was unswerving; she stood close by the cross while other women tarried afar off in the time of His mortal agony; she was among the first at the sepulchre on the resurrection morning, and was the first mortal to look upon and recognize a resurrected Being—the Lord whom she had loved with all the fervor of spiritual adoration. To say that this woman, chosen from among women as deserving of such distinctive honors, was once a fallen creature, her soul seared by the heat of unhallowed lust, is to contribute to the perpetuating of an error for which there is no excuse. Nevertheless the false tradition, arising from early and unjustifiable assumption, that this noble woman, distinctively a friend of the Lord, is the same who, admittedly a sinner, washed and anointed the Savior's feet in the house of Simon the Pharisee and gained the boon of forgiveness through contrition, has so tenaciously held its place in the popular mind through the centuries, that the name, Magdalene, has come to be a generic designation for women who fall from virtue and afterward repent. We are not considering whether the mercy of Christ could have been extended to such a sinner as Mary of Magdala is wrongly reputed to have been; man cannot measure the bounds nor fathom the depths of divine forgiveness; and if it were so that this Mary and the repentant sinner who ministered to Jesus as He sat at the Pharisee's table were one and the same, the question would stand affirmatively answered, for that woman who had been a sinner was forgiven. We are dealing with the scriptural record as a history, and nothing said therein warrants the really repellent though common imputation of unchastity to the devoted soul of Mary Magdalene. -- Jesus The Christ, pages 264 - 265
  10. The First Amendment of the Constitution reads: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." This is not peacefully assembling. I see what they are trying to do but it likely will not work. The people who participate in this will likely end up behind bars and or paying fines.
  11. Formerly known as “Truckers to Shutdown America,” the “Truckers for the Constitution” rally will intentionally jam the Washington, D.C. beltway to bring attention to a wide range of issues and condemn specific political leaders, including President Barack Obama. The protest will reportedly span three days, starting on the morning of Oct. 11. However, Earl Conlon, a Georgia trucker helping organize the protest, is also creating controversy by claiming that truckers will arrest “everyone in government who has violated their oath of office” if the police refuse to uphold “their constitutional oath” and make the arrests themselves. To justify the tactic, Conlon reportedly cited the idea of a citizens grand jury. ‘Truckers for the Constitution’ Will Intentionally Jam D.C. Beltway, Arrest Congressmen If Cops Won’t, Organizer Claims |
  12. Thanks for the advice. I think I will just do as was suggested. Take the car to a car wash that has the undercarriage spray.
  13. LDSGirl24 here is something you should read: We have a responsibility to develop the talents we have been given. Sometimes we think we do not have many talents or that other people have been blessed with more abilities than we possess. Sometimes we do not use our talents because we are afraid that we might fail or be criticized by others. We should not hide our talents. We should use them. Then others can see our good works and glorify our Heavenly Father (see Matthew 5:16). There are certain things we must do to develop our talents. First, we must discover our talents. We should evaluate ourselves to find our strengths and abilities. Our family and friends can help us do this. We should also ask our Heavenly Father to help us learn about our talents. Second, we must be willing to spend the time and effort to develop the talent we are seeking. Third, we must have faith that our Heavenly Father will help us, and we must have faith in ourselves. Fourth, we must learn the skills necessary for us to develop our talents. We might do this by taking a class, asking a friend to teach us, or reading a book. Fifth, we must practice using our talent. Every talent takes effort and work to develop. The mastery of a talent must be earned. Sixth, we must share our talent with others. It is by our using our talents that they grow (see Matthew 25:29). All of these steps are easier if we pray and seek the Lord’s help. He wants us to develop our talents, and He will help us. Read the rest of the chapter here: Gospel Principles Chapter 34: Developing Our Talents
  14. I was looking into spraying the under side of a new car that was purchased to protect it from the salt on winter roads. Does anyone have any experience with this? What product should I buy? Where should I spray it specifically? Should I avoid spraying it on the muffler? Here is something I was looking at: 3M/16 oz. professional grade rubberized undercoating (3584) | Top and Under Coating |
  15. If I were you I would make sure there are no cellular phones, iPads or computer cameras where you change your clothes or bathe.
  16. SANTA ANA, California -- A 19-year-old man was charged Thursday with hacking webcams at the home of Miss Teen USA Cassidy Wolf and other women to extort nude photos and videos from them, with authorities contending he forced several women to strip. Jared James Abrahams of Temecula surrendered to agents at the FBI office in Orange County to face a charge of extortion that could send him to federal prison for up to two years, FBI spokeswoman Laura Eimiller said. He was later freed on $50,000 bail but a judge confined him to his family home, ordered him to wear a Global Positioning S monitor, and said he could only use the home computer for schoolwork, with software to be installed that will monitor its use. Authorities said Abrahams knew Wolf, a 19-year-old graduate of Great Oak High School in Temecula who won the Miss Teen USA crown Aug. 9. She is identified only by her initials in the criminal complaint. Last month, Wolf told the website of NBC's "Today" show that earlier this year she received an anonymous email in which the sender claimed to have stolen images from the camera on her home computer. The sender of the email threatened to go public with images captured from Wolf's webcam unless she would provide nude pictures of herself, Eimiller said -- a crime commonly known as "sextortion." Instead, Wolf went to authorities, and an investigation was launched in March. A federal complaint filed on September 17 and unsealed Thursday charges him with extortion but Eimiller said other charges are possible. An FBI agent's affidavit, included in the complaint, contends that Abrahams used malicious software to remotely operate webcams to capture nude photos and videos of at least seven women as they changed clothes -- some of whom he knew personally and others he found by hacking Facebook pages. The agent alleged that Abrahams, when interviewed, acknowledged controlling 30 to 40 hacked computers and extorting some women. Abrahams, a college freshman majoring in computer science, allegedly would use the women's webcams to capture nude images, then send emails threatening to post them on their hacked social media accounts unless they either sent him nude photos, a nude video, or logged onto the Skype video chat service and follow his orders for five minutes. He allegedly threatened Wolf that unless she heeded his demands, he would release her nude photos "all over the Internet" and "your dream of being a model will be transformed into a pornstar." According to the affidavit, the victims included several women from other countries. One teenager in Ireland responded to the demands by writing: "Please remember I'm 17. Have a heart," according to the court record. Abrahams allegedly responded: "I'll tell you this right now! I do NOT have a heart. However, I do stick to my deals. Also age doesn't mean a thing to me!!!" The girl then allegedly stripped during a Skype session, according to the FBI affidavit. A woman in Canada also stripped, according to the document. He also allegedly received webcam photographs from women in Southern California, Baltimore and Russia, according to the court document. Abrahams' case follows two earlier California trials in which hackers pleaded guilty to accessing computers and obtaining nude photos. Karen "Gary" Kazaryan of Glendale pleaded guilty in July to hacking into hundreds of social media and email accounts to get women to pose naked for him. Authorities said he targeted as many as 350 women. He pleaded guilty to identity theft and unauthorized use of a protected computer. In December, a federal judge in Los Angeles sentenced Christopher Chaney of Florida to 10 years in prison after he broke into the personal online accounts of Scarlett Johansson, Christina Aguilera and other women and posted nude photos and other material on the Internet. Edit: Calif. man accused of hacking webcams in Miss Teen USA nude photos extortion plot |
  17. Read this: "For now we see through a glass, darkly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; but then shall I know, even as also I am known." -- I Corinthians 13:12 "For I know nothing by myself, yet am I not hereby justified; but He that judgeth me is the Lord. Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who will both bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts; and then shall every man have praise of God." -- I Corinthians 4:4-5
  18. This is very beautiful music of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and Lindsey Stirling. It has some similar music of the hymn "Praise to the Man."
  19. I tried to watch the video you posted. I got the message "This video does not exist."
  20. Here is another victim of the "Zero Tolerance" policies in public schools. 16-Year-Old Hunter Forgets Knife in Pocket at School Football Game and Quickly Turns It in — but What Happened Next Has His Parents Furious | Video |
  21. I am not seeing the content of the talks given by the Youngs. I am getting a feeling the message is not being told for what was really said. I also believe the Salt Lake Tribune gets it wrong a lot. Edit: After listening to Steve Young's talk I can say the summary of his talk is trust in LORD even though you have to do things blind sometimes. Have faith in Jesus Christ as He is our Savior. I did not listen to his wife's talk yet.
  22. "Zero Tolerance" policies are very problematic in public schools. Read the below Wahington Times article: Fifth-graders in California who adorned their mortarboards with tiny toy plastic soldiers last week to support troops in Iraq were forced to cut off their miniature weapons. A Utah boy was suspended for giving his cousin a cold pill prescribed to both students. In Rhode Island, a Kindergartner was suspended for bringing a plastic knife to school so he could cut cookies. Read more: Zero tolerance runs amok - Washington Times
  23. Hydrogen cars will never happen unless they discover a way to make cheap hydrogen. Presently hydrogen is about twice the cost of gasoline per gallon. Natural gas cars also are not good as I have researched. Someone who uses one for work told me the catalytic converters melt and the tanks that hold the natural gas are very expensive. The tanks have to be inspected every 36,0000 miles or three years. If they fail inspection expect to pay over $4,000 for replacement tanks.
  24. I know someone who lost about $7,500 gambling in sports betting. His family had to bail him out because they were afraid the collector would do something bad to him if he did not pay. You may think it is harmless but someone else may see your example, deem it okay then end up addicted and in serious financial trouble.
  25. So where is Boulder, Colorado planning on getting this new energy they want? Is it from dams, solar, or wind generators? What is it?