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Everything posted by Still_Small_Voice

  1. This was very, very good. Thanks for posting this DHK.
  2. I would not say I have received one great piece of spiritual advice. But below are scriptures that have affected me: “For if ye love only them which love you what reward have you?" -- Matthew 5:46 Inspired Version (changed to verse 48) "By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another." -- John 13:35 Some seem to value God’s love because of their hope that His love is so great and so unconditional that it will mercifully excuse them from obeying His laws. In contrast, those who understand God’s plan for His children know that God’s laws are invariable, which is another great evidence of His love for His children. Mercy cannot rob justice, and those who obtain mercy are “they who have kept the covenant and observed the commandment” (Doctrine & Covenants 54:6). -- Dallin H. Oaks "Such then is the need of a Redeemer, for without Him mankind would forever remain in a fallen state, and as to hope of eternal progression would be inevitably lost. The mortal probation is provided as an opportunity for advancement; but so great are the difficulties and the dangers, so strong is the influence of evil in the world, and so weak is man in resistance thereto, that without the aid of a power above that of humanity no soul would find its way back to God from whom it came. The need of a Redeemer lies in the inability of man to raise himself from the temporal to the spiritual plane, from the lower kingdom to the higher." – Jesus The Christ, written by James Talmage, pages 26-27
  3. Mordorbund, I heard you are only 29 years old? A very merry Birthday to you.
  4. A 3.2 earthquake on the Richter Scale is a small one. That is good that Utah is having small earthquakes. From my understanding it is relieving pressure.
  5. When I read the story line I of the Noah movie I had no desire to see it. The movie is not doing so well financially I hear now.
  6. If we started drilling and exporting our oil and natural gas we could start paying off the enormous United States national deficit. Make a large portion of the proceeds (about 33 to 40 percent) go toward paying down the national deficit that are taken out of our oil and natural gas reserves. It is going to require also a lot of cut backs and we need to quit giving money to countries that are our enemies. Edit: I hear we have more oil and natural gas than all the Middle East area combined.
  7. I disagree. Moses killed an Egyptian in the defense of an Israelite. It was not murder. "And it came to pass in those days, when Moses was grown, that he went out unto his brethren, and looked on their burdens: and he spied an Egyptian smiting an Hebrew, one of his brethren. And he looked this way and that way, and when he saw that there was no man, he slew the Egyptian, and hid him in the sand." - Exodus 2:11-12
  8. I don't think you are degraded Lakumi. I think the couple deserves all the money. It has been gone 114 years about and the United States mint did not miss it until suddenly they see a chance for profit. If they don't get the proceeds from the sale they at least deserve a $30,000 reward for finding the gold coins.
  9. The bullion gold is only worth about $27,000. Melting them down would make them worth a lot less. It is a the rarity of the coins that makes coin collectors want them so much and it pushes up the price a lot higher. Too me the coins are only worth about $27,000. Still I would love to find a $27,000 treasure.
  10. A California couple who found a stash of buried gold coins valued at $10 million may not be so lucky after all. The coins may have been stolen from the United States Mint in 1900 and thus be the property of the government, according to a published report. The San Francisco Chronicle's website reported that a search of the Haithi Trust Digital Library provided by Northern California fishing guide Jack Trout, who is also a historian and collector of rare coins, turned up the news of the theft. The California couple, who have not been identified, spotted the edge of an old can on a path they had hiked many times before several months ago. Poking at the can was the first step in uncovering a buried treasure of rare coins estimated to be worth $10 million. "It was like finding a hot potato," the couple told coin expert Don Kagin from Kagin's, Inc. The couple hired the president of Kagin's, Inc. and Holabird-Kagin Americana, a western Americana dealer and auctioneer, to represent them. The coins are mostly uncirculated and in mint condition, and they add up in face value to $27,000. "Those two facts are a match of the gold heist in 1900 from the San Francisco Mint," the newspaper reported. Jack Trout told the paper that an 1866 Liberty $20 gold piece without the words "In God We Trust" was part of the buried stash, and the coin may fetch over $1 million at auction because it's so rare. "This was someone's private coin, created by the mint manager or someone with access to the inner workings of the Old Granite Lady (San Francisco Mint)," Trout told the newspaper. "It was likely created in revenge for the assassination of Lincoln the previous year (April 14, 1865). I don't believe that coin ever left The Mint until the robbery. For it to show up as part of the treasure find links it directly to that inside job at the turn of the century at the San Francisco Mint." Mint spokesman Adam Stump issued this statement when contacted today by ABC News: "We do not have any information linking the Saddle Ridge Hoard coins to any thefts at any United States Mint facility. Surviving agency records from the San Francisco Mint have been retired to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), under Record Group 104. Access to the records is under NARA's jurisdiction:" Last week, when news of the stash first broke, coin dealer Kagin spoke about the rarity of such a find. "Since 1981, people have been coming to us with one or two coins they find worth a few thousand dollars, but this is the first time we get someone with a whole cache of buried coins... It is a million to one chance, even harder than winning the lottery," Kagin told The couple is trying to remain anonymous after finding the five cans of coins last spring on their Tiburon property in northern California and conducted an interview with Kagin. "I never would have thought we would have found something like this. However, in a weird way I feel like I have been preparing my whole life for it," the couple said. "I saw an old can sticking out of the ground on a trail that we had walked almost every day for many, many years. I was looking down in the right spot and saw the side of the can. I bent over to scrape some moss off and noticed that it had both ends on it," they said. It was the first of five cans to be unearthed, each packed with gold coins. Read more and watch the story at: $10M Calif. Gold Coin Hoard Found in Yard May Have Been Stolen From Mint - ABC News
  11. I just saw a preview of the Noah movie. It may be a movie I want to see. I do not know how close to the Bible account it is going to be. The preview is below:
  12. The Apostle Paul counseled husbands and wives in Ephesians chapter 5: 24 Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing. 25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; 33 Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.
  13. How is everyone doing on their exercise programs in 2014? I am not recording my cardiovascular exercises, but this is all I have recorded so far as of February 24th. I am also not recording my bicept exercises but I am doing them. I need to ramp it up. 353 push ups 583 leg lifts
  14. I am reminded of an X-Files episode where the character gets three wishes from a genie. He wished for world peace. The genie just laughed at him. The character making the wish says something like: "What? You don't have the power to make my wish come true." She says: "It's done." Everyone on the Earth after the wish is gone except for him. The character then decides to undo his first wish.
  15. These overdue fees that stores are charging for one video that amount to over $60 are just plain theft. No wonder BlockBuster and a lot these video rental places went out of business. Thank goodness for RedBox and Netflix that have decent rental policies. How much does it cost to replace a video? Most videos could be replaced for $30 or less. I understand there are administrative fees, but anything over $60 is just plain dishonest and usury. It is legal robbery.
  16. The judge who issued this order should be thrown in jail. $2,000 bail for a worthless $20 video? This is absolutely ridiculous if all the facts are true.
  17. PICKENS COUNTY, South Carolina (CNN) — Kayla Michelle Finley may be wishing that services such as Netflix and Amazon Prime had been around a little earlier. The South Carolina woman spent a night in jail last week for failing to return a video she rented — in 2005. It was a VHS tape. Of a Jennifer Lopez movie. Finley, 27, was arrested Thursday in Pickens County, S.C., on a misdemeanor charge of failure to return the video, according to CNN affiliate WYFF-TV. The movie, "Monster-In-Law," starring Lopez and Jane Fonda as a feuding potential daughter- and mother-in-law, was rented from a video store, Dalton Videos, that is now out of business. The WYFF report says Finley was at the county sheriff's office on another matter when an active warrant for her arrest was discovered. Chief Deputy Creed Hashe told the station that the store's owner had asked a Pickens County judge for the warrant years ago when Finley didn't return her video. Hashe said Finley had been sent several certified letters asking her to turn herself in. Finley spent the night in jail because her bond hearing couldn't be held until Friday morning. A judge released her on $2,000 bond. Efforts to reach out to Finley via social media were unsuccessful early Monday. But a woman identifying herself as Finley, and whose profile picture appeared similar to Finley's mug shot, took to Fox Carolina News Facebook page on Saturday to defend herself. She said that after renting the movie she had to move out of state because of her husband's job and that she simply forgot about it. "I'm no criminal, but Pickens County Sheriff's office sure made me feel like I was," she wrote. She said she never received any letters from the sheriff's office, while striking back at people who had made negative comments on the Fox post. "If I had, it would have been taken care of immediately," she wrote. "Some of you need to quit (judging) like you are. This is a bogus charge and everyone knows it." The Pickens County Sheriff's Office did not immediately return a call seeking comment. Read more at Woman jailed for not returning 2005 video rental | PICKENS COUNTY, S.C. (CNN) — Kayla Michelle Finley may be wishing that services such as Netflix and Amazon Prime had been around a little earlier. The South Carolina woman spent a night in jail last week for failing to return a video she rented — in 2005. It was a VHS tape. Of a Jennifer Lopez movie. Finley, 27, was arrested Thursday in Pickens County, S.C., on a misdemeanor charge of failure to return the video, according to CNN affiliate WYFF-TV. The movie, "Monster-In-Law," starring Lopez and Jane Fonda as a feuding potential daughter- and mother-in-law, was rented from a video store, Dalton Videos, that is now out of business. The WYFF report says Finley was at the county sheriff's office on another matter when an active warrant for her arrest was discovered. Chief Deputy Creed Hashe told the station that the store's owner had asked a Pickens County judge for the warrant years ago when Finley didn't return her video. Hashe said Finley had been sent several certified letters asking her to turn herself in. Read more at Woman jailed for not returning 2005 video rental | PICKENS COUNTY, S.C. (CNN) — Kayla Michelle Finley may be wishing that services such as Netflix and Amazon Prime had been around a little earlier. The South Carolina woman spent a night in jail last week for failing to return a video she rented — in 2005. It was a VHS tape. Of a Jennifer Lopez movie. Finley, 27, was arrested Thursday in Pickens County, S.C., on a misdemeanor charge of failure to return the video, according to CNN affiliate WYFF-TV. The movie, "Monster-In-Law," starring Lopez and Jane Fonda as a feuding potential daughter- and mother-in-law, was rented from a video store, Dalton Videos, that is now out of business. The WYFF report says Finley was at the county sheriff's office on another matter when an active warrant for her arrest was discovered. Chief Deputy Creed Hashe told the station that the store's owner had asked a Pickens County judge for the warrant years ago when Finley didn't return her video. Hashe said Finley had been sent several certified letters asking her to turn herself in. Read more at Woman jailed for not returning 2005 video rental |
  18. Saint Louis man was sentenced to two years of probation Friday for packaging up and sending cat feces to employers who turned him down for a job. Jevons Brown, 58, pled guilty in August to a misdemeanor charge for mailing injurious articles, according to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. “This is not a victimless crime,” Assistant U.S. Attorney John Bodenhausen reportedly said in court Friday. Bodenhausen was referring to postal workers, people who had mail next to Brown’s packages and the employees that ultimately received the feces, the Saint Louis Patch reported. In court Friday, the 58-year-old apologized, reportedly saying, “I’m sorry. This will never happen again.” According to the Saint Louis Post-Dispatch, federal sentencing guidelines recommended probation or up to six-months in prison. His public defender was reportedly happy with the ultimate sentence. What a Guy Mailed to Employers Who Turned Him Down Will Have You Shaking Your Head |
  19. I get so angry when I hear about these incidents. Let the murderer who did this remain anonymous. I think a lot of these killers just want their fifteen minutes of shame. So let whoever did it remain an anonymous nobody. No picture, no name and no recognition.
  20. Many people do not realize the effect Thorium nuclear reactors will have. It is a cheap energy source which could really boost the American economy. I find it pathetic that many entrenched powers are really resistant to this because it hits their wallets. This has the potential to affect everyone's lives in the United States and the world. Norway will likely be successful in their efforts for Thorium power generation. India is also experimenting with Thorium but they are very far behind Norway.
  21. Norway is running working a Thorium nuclear reactor now. Read the below article: Thorium nuclear reactor trial begins, could provide cleaner, safer, almost-waste-free energy | ExtremeTech
  22. I wanted to spread information about Thorium. Knowledge is power. If enough people know about it something could get done in the future.
  23. One point also the video did not make is Uranium has to go through quite the painstaking refinement process to be used in a nuclear reactor. Thorium does not have to go through very much refinement as Uranium to be used to generate power.
  24. That is horrible Irish Colleen. The Thorium waste does need to be handled properly to insure incidents like this do not happen. I hope the company was sued and destroyed for doing this irresponsible damage.