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Everything posted by Still_Small_Voice

  1. What is life at conception exactly? Women who take birth control pills may have a sperm fertilize an egg. But the fertilized egg does not implant itself in the uterus wall because of the birth control pills. Is conception then when the fertilized egg implants in the uterus wall?
  2. If you are a Mozilla Firefox user on Microsoft Windows like me (I only use My Linux Operating System sometimes) then you will want to update to Firefox version 39.0.3. Mozilla is asking all Firefox users to upgrade. Most users have automatic updates turned on, however it’s important to make sure you’re running the most recent version of Firefox. There have been security vulnerabilities found in previous versions of Mozilla Firefox. I updated mine recently to version 39.0.3. Read more about it here:
  3. I thought Joseph Smith used the Urim and Thummin stones to aid him in the translation of the Book of Mormon? Did he use this seer stone in connection with the translation of the Book of Mormon? Edit: I did some research on the subject. Apparently Joseph Smith would use the Urim and Thummin stones and sometimes the seer stone alone in translation of the Book of Mormon. Read the article here:
  4. There are people leaving California, New York and other socialist States for Utah and other States that respect the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. I left the socialist northeast United States for Utah. I did it for liberty, not just for a job. I am very much for the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
  5. I need to write my Congressmen and tell them to defund the organization Planned Parenthood. It is an organization that cause been caught doing very corrupt things in the last six years. They do not need to be funded by the tax payers. Please write and call your Congress representatives and tell them to defund Planned Parenthood. Here are a few articles that expose the some organizations activities: Former Planned Parenthood employee exposing fraudulent billing statements to state and federal governments Undercover video emerged yesterday of a Planned Parenthood manager coaching a fake Pimp and prostitute on how to bypass reporting laws and suggesting how the couple could run their child prostitution ring Chicago Woman Dies After Having abortion at Planned Parenthood
  6. It will be a surprise to me if the church will stay in the Scouting program for another ten years. Boy Scouts has chosen the politically correct path which leads to strange roads (see I Nephi 8:32). I am wondering what organization the church will choose to replace the Boy Scouts?
  7. How often are service technicians dishonest with you PaleRider? Buyer beware is my experience. I will not return to dishonest car repair places.
  8. Peter lived the life of a faithful saint after our LORD's resurrection. I don't think I could be crucified for Jesus but he was at the end of his life. I will hardly throw criticism his way when my walk with the LORD is far less fruitful than his was.
  9. I would take a basic familiarization course with cars MormonGator. I am no auto technician, but I understand the basics on how they work. Here are the very basics of the internal combustion engine:
  10. OREM — Police are warning drivers about a group of traveling car repairmen who push people into quickly paying them hundreds of dollars for frequently shoddy work. "In all accounts they're very pushy, they're very aggressive; in some cases they've been very vulgar," Orem Police Lt. Craig Martinez said Monday. "In one case that I've heard about, they put duct tape over a dent and painted over it to look like it was finished." Martinez said the city has seen the group's work before — as recently as a couple years ago. It's believed the group continuously travels the country, duping unsuspecting drivers with car damage. Read the rest of the story here:
  11. More pictures of Pluto as the probe gets closer.
  12. Pluto is about 4,000,000,000 miles away from Earth. At it's closest approach to Earth Pluto is 2,660,000,000 miles away. A probe is getting very close and taking pictures of the dwarf planet and it's moon, Charon. Take a look at the latest picture:
  13. I like the below information: I heard President Marion G. Romney once counsel mission presidents and their wives. “I do not tell all I know; I have never told my wife all I know, for I found out that if I talked too lightly of sacred things, thereafter the Lord would not trust me.” We are, I believe, to keep these things and ponder them in our hearts, as Luke said Mary did of the divine events that surrounded the birth of Jesus. (The Candle of the Lord, Elder Boyd K. Packer)
  14. From my understanding of what I have read you would need to stop about every 100 miles to refill your water tank since this technology uses aluminum and water. The battery would also need to be replaced after the aluminum was spent in it. This might solve the range issue that many electric cars have. A 100 mile electric car would fulfill my daily needs. Just use my gasoline car for long trips.
  15. This article was posted in June 2014 but I found the information interesting: While details are yet scarce, yesterday Phinergy Corporate Executive Officer and Founder, Aviv Tzidon confirmed talks with Renault-Nissan are tentatively set for a proposed series production electric car due in 2017 using its range-extending aluminum-air battery. This was first revealed in a video-recorded semi-private talk with President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu (see video). After we questioned further, Tzidon said this would be under ideal circumstances, and unforeseen delays on the the French automaker’s side could conceivably push it back to maybe 2018 or 2019, he conjectured, although 2017 was by all appearances the date that is “on the table.” In any case, Phinergy is ready for this customer and all others, and initially, Tzidon divulged, he did not even expect an automaker would be first to adopt aluminum-air. Phinergy is “patient” and in it for the long term, he said. Read more at:
  16. I like this story: Once there was a man who enjoyed taking evening walks around his neighborhood. He particularly looked forward to walking past his neighbor’s house. This neighbor kept his lawn perfectly manicured, flowers always in bloom, the trees healthy and shady. It was obvious that the neighbor made every effort to have a beautiful lawn. But one day as the man was walking past his neighbor’s house, he noticed in the middle of this beautiful lawn a single, enormous, yellow dandelion weed. It looked so out of place that it surprised him. Why didn’t his neighbor pull it out? Couldn’t he see it? Didn’t he know that the dandelion could cast seeds that could give root to dozens of additional weeds? This solitary dandelion bothered him beyond description, and he wanted to do something about it. Should he just pluck it out? Or spray it with weed killer? Perhaps if he went under cover of night, he could remove it secretly. These thoughts totally occupied his mind as he walked toward his own home. He entered his house without even glancing at his own front yard—which was blanketed with hundreds of yellow dandelions. -- October 2014 General Conference, Dieter Uchtdorf
  17. If legal action gets pushed beyond the current Supreme Court ruling we will begin to lose our religious liberty in this country. A few people just can't live and let live. I am now waiting for the discrimination lawsuits that will eventually come. Already people are being sued for refusing to bake gay wedding cakes and take pictures at homosexual weddings. How long before radicals sue for not being allowed entry into an organization or other invented rights?
  18. To my understanding we are judged according to the light and knowledge we have. We read in the book of Alma chapter 39 verse 6: " . . . yea, and whosoever murdereth against the light and knowledge of God, it is not easy for him to obtain forgiveness; yea, I say unto you, my son, that it is not easy for him to obtain a forgiveness." The Inspired version of the Bible in Luke chapter 12 verses 47 to 48 reads: "And that servant who knew his Lord’s will, and prepared not for his Lord’s coming, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes. But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more."
  19. I don't think that Americans need to cower when simply drawing a picture of the prophet Muhammad. This is not Iran, it is America. We don't put people to death for leaving a faith or simply drawing a picture. I think it is sad that there are so many people in this country who are afraid of offending people for fear of injury or death over freedom of speech.
  20. Islamic State Terrorist Reportedly ‘Enjoyed’ Brutally Murdering Christians Until a Mysterious Man in White Appeared in His Dreams With a Message A representative of a missionary organization recently told a Christian radio program that a former Islamic State militant who admittedly enjoyed murdering Christians has turned over a new leaf after claiming that a mysterious man dressed in white began appearing to him in a dream, telling him to stop his murderous rampage. The story, which is reminiscent of the biblical story of Saul of Tarsus — a persecutor of Christians who later converted to the faith and is one of the most important figures in the Bible — was told by Gina Fadely, director of Youth With a Mission Frontier Missions Inc., during a recent appearance on the Voice of the Martyrs Radio Network, according to the Christian Post. Fadely recounted how a missionary who works with her organization was introduced to an Islamic State fighter earlier this year who had admitted to killing many Christians before something happened that profoundly changed his perspective. Read more here:
  21. James Talmage wrote the following on miracles: Achievements made possible by modern invention of telegraph and telephone with or without wires, the transmutation of mechanical power into electricity with its manifold present applications and yet future possibilities, the development of the gasoline motor, the present accomplishments in aerial navigation—these are no longer miracles in man's estimation, because they are all in some degree understood, are controlled by human agency, and, moreover, are continuous in their operation and not phenomenal. We arbitrarily classify as miracles only such phenomena as are unusual, special, transitory, and wrought by an agency beyond the power of man's control. In a broader sense, all nature is miracle. Man has learned that by planting the seed of the grape in suitable soil, and by due cultivation, he may conduce to the growth of what shall be a mature and fruitful vine; but is there no miracle, even in the sense of inscrutable processes, in that development? Is there less of real miracle in the so-called natural course of plant development—the growth of root, stem, leaves, and fruit, with the final elaboration of the rich nectar of the vine—than there was in what appears supernatural in the transmutation of water into wine at Cana [by Jesus]? In the contemplation of the miracles wrought by Christ, we must of necessity recognize the operation of a power transcending our present human understanding. In this field, science has not yet advanced far enough to analyze and explain. To deny the actuality of miracles on the ground that, because we cannot comprehend the means, the reported results are fictitious, is to arrogate to the human mind the attribute of omniscience, by implying that what man cannot comprehend cannot be, and that therefore he is able to comprehend all that is. The miracles of record in the Gospels are as fully supported by evidence as are many of the historical events which call forth neither protest nor demand for further proof. To the believer in the divinity of Christ, the miracles are sufficiently attested; to the unbeliever they appear but as myths and fables. (Jesus The Christ, James Talmage, pages 148 to 149)
  22. I am uncertain of a future civil war in the United States. But the conflict in the middle east we see now could be possibly the beginning of World War III. The I.S.I.S. conflict just seems to be growing and not getting smaller. We shall see.
  23. Generally I feel my conscience or the Holy Spirit whisper the scriptures to me on a lot of moral decisions. A lot from the Book of Proverbs and other books in the Bible and the Book of Mormon. The more one gets the word of God in their mind the more one will think about it. "This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success." -- Joshua 1:8
  24. I visited the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in the District of Columbia once. I watched the change of the guard done by the Marines and was very impressed. I had two grand fathers that served in World War II in the Pacific Ocean in the American military. One was a Navy airplane pilot and the other was assigned to a gunner on a Navy ship. I am also thankful for their military service against the Axis powers.
  25. Joseph Smith was the prophet of the restoration. A lot of focus is placed on him for translating the Book of Mormon through the gift and power of God, receiving and revealing the fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ, writing much of the book of Doctrine and Covenants, and many other wise documents. The first prophet was Adam. The greatest prophet was the Lord Jesus Christ. Latter-Day Saints believe all prophets who have authority given them from God past and present speak God's words. We believe the Bible to be word of God as far as it is translated correctly. We believe that Moses, Joshua, Elijah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Malachi and many other prophets were called and inspired by God.