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Everything posted by Still_Small_Voice

  1. I agree. Many Chinese have stolen trade secrets and ignored copyrights. From what I have read they also use slave labor on some of their exports. They have many political prisoners they use as slave labor. General Motors future doesn't look too good presently in my opinion.
  2. General Motors says it will sell in the United States next year a vehicle made in China, becoming the first major United States automaker to do so. The move was quickly denounced by the powerful United Auto Workers union, which branded it "a slap in the face" and called for an immediate rethink. Read more here:
  3. Here is an update on this subject. A supervisor who was making about forty people miserable was terminated on the 30th of November 2015. Thus far since he is gone the work environment has improved. We shall see how the environment continues.
  4. I despise the word "app" and never use it. I say "software" or "program" or "application." I also hate how "sexy" is used to describe everything. To say a car or a smart phone is "sexy" is just ridiculous in my opinion. I do like the words righteous, freedom and liberty.
  5. It is too bad that our country has gotten away from the spirit of the Second Amendment. We keep firearms, but most have very little training on how to use them effectively. Local communities should have organizations for emergency training on using their arms. I have over 64 hours of official training with firearm instructors. About 32 hours of rifle training and over 37 hours of training with handguns. If anyone is interested I can refer you to a good firearm training facility near Las Vegas, Nevada.
  6. The Bill of Rights had to do with individual citizens rights. Some people interpret the Second Amendment as giving power to the government to form an army. This is incorrect. Standing armies in a time a peace were viewed by the Founders of America as dangerous to liberty. An armed citizenry of the common people that were well trained and armed would be a hedge against tyrants. The view was militia would be well regulated by the common people to prevent it from abusing the people. "The Constitution shall never be construed to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms." -- Samuel Adams "No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson "To disarm the people...s the most effectual way to enslave them." -- George Mason
  7. What is a twisted version of the Second Amendment? From what I see conservatives supporting over the years is the right of the people to keep and bear firearms for protection. As long as we live in a telestial fallen world we should have training to protect ourselves and have the means to do so.
  8. Thomas Jefferson believed the sixth amendment to be the most important in the Bill of Rights. One right in the sixth amendment seldom talked about is below: The primary function of the independant juror is not, as many think, to dispense punishment to fellow citizens accused of breaking various laws, but rather to protect fellow citizens from tyrannical abuses of power by government. The Constitution guarantees you the right to trial by jury. This means that government must bring its case before a jury of the people if government wants to deprive any person of life, liberty or property. Jurors can say no to government tyranny by refusing to convict.
  9. I missed that part of the story. Glad police took him in. Hopefully he gets the help he needs.
  10. I thought the story was quite amusing. At least he was harmless. He definitely looks unusual in the picture they took of him.
  11. Man Walks Into West Virginia Middle School With a Bizarre Demand A West Virginia man walked into a middle school Tuesday and demanded that administrators give him access to the intercom system so he could sing students Justin Bieber songs, local media reported. According to WTOV-TV, D’laontie Dee Lewis strolled into the main office of Dunbar Middle School in the morning with the demand, putting the school in a temporary lockdown. Read more here:
  12. I hope somebody is held accountable for the targeting of different political groups in the Internal Revenue Service. The I.R.S. is one of the most powerful organizations in America (it is too powerful in my opinion). It needs to be held accountable to Congress for it's abuse of power. Lois Lerner (a head member of the Internal Revenue Service) was found to have +-done illegal acts in targeting political groups and there was a lot of evidence for it. They tried to hide all the e-mails that provided evidence of these actions but those ended up coming out. But the Justice Department (under the Obama Administration) said there were going to be no charges files against Lois Lerner. (Read about it here if you wish: )
  13. To my understanding Jesus overthrew the tables and drove people before Him out of the temple. It was the account of James Talmage that said He did not actually do violence to anyone. I will look up the account and post it later in here. But I really do not see what the fuss is with trained people carrying a concealed handgun in church. It happens a lot in Utah I am sure. Probably over three hundred thousand people carry on Utah roads every day. Armed security officers carry on Salt Lake City temple square every day. Good people who are trained and armed with firearms can prevent harm to innocent people.
  14. Iran is continuing to test ballistic missiles. U.S. Ambassador Says Iran’s Ballistic Missile Test Was a ‘Clear Violation’ of United Nations Sanctions. Read more here:
  15. It is very sad. In April 2015 the Colorado fifteen round magazine ban repeal came up for vote. It was defeated by only a single representative's vote in favor of the ban. It is a feel good law that only makes self defense for the law abiding more difficult. Read about the vote here:
  16. Here is a scripture that addresses this subject: 7 And it came to pass that he [Lehi] returned to his own house at Jerusalem; and he cast himself upon his bed, being overcome with the Spirit and the things which he had seen. 8 And being thus overcome with the Spirit, he was carried away in a vision, even that he saw the heavens open, and he thought he saw God sitting upon his throne, surrounded with numberless concourses of angels in the attitude of singing and praising their God. (I Nephi Chapter 1)
  17. I hate the phrase "high capacity" and I try to avoid using it. There are standard capacity magazines and crippled capacity magazines in my mind. High capacity infers that it is too much and you do not need it. What people who argue against ammunition capacity fail to address is multiple opponents and the lack of power most handguns cartridges have unless you are using a high power handgun. Standard capacity magazines are what police use because of this. Is anyone's life less valuable than a police officer's or a politician who is trying to ban what they themselves are protected by?
  18. I had a one year civil marriage before my wife and I were sealed one year later in the Salt Lake Temple. After the sealing I felt the LORD in our marriage more. That was a little over 13 years ago. Hopefully we will be one of those who make it. Congratulations!
  19. Another mistake is in that sentence is the belief that America has a democracy for a government. Our government is a republic. We have the rule of law and we elect representatives to represent us in our government. In a democratic government if 50.1 percent of the people can be persuaded to vote for something than it happens. We have the Constitution that is meant to protect American citizen rights from being violated. (Read the Bill of Rights for a basic understanding on American citizen rights.)
  20. It's actually only gotten toxic the last few months. We were not treated really bad here until recently. I have worked here almost four and a half years. The company ran into financial problems and think they can get more money cutting staff and just working us hard. I have been working with one temporary agency and so far they have gotten me zero interviews. I just keep taking off one day a week for now to keep putting up with the lack of staff.
  21. I wish I could find a job that is decent. I've had only two job interviews since I started pushing out my resume and I have almost four and a half years of experience as a Service Desk Technician/Analyst. One was for a job in Taylorsville that seemed like a decent place to work. But it is 35 miles from me so I asked for $18 per hour. I don't think they will be calling me back probably because they found someone else for $16 per hour or lower. I am currently making about $17.60 per hour. I would be willing to take about $15 per hour if I could find a decent place in Ogden. I won't touch Teleperformance or Convergys. They both run toxic call centers like where I am working at.
  22. I have been dealing with my work lately by taking time off. Presently I am working 32 hour weeks. But recently my employer has said mandatory overtime (45 hours a week.) They do not want to hire more people because they are in the hole financially. It is a toxic work environment lately. Management looking over our shoulders pressuring us to do more. I have started working slower. I know what my numbers are. I generally make them around $344 per day but they want more. I have had two job interviews but no call backs for 2nd interviews yet. I have likely put in for over 30 different jobs.
  23. I work at a call center doing technical support for a company. On October 5th at my work, they cancelled everyone's breaks and lunches because of high call volume and work load. They did not provide food and made everyone work 8.5 hours the whole day. I happened to have taken the day off. I am glad I was not there that day. My company has done this once before to us. I researched this and found this is not illegal in Utah. There is also no Federal law against it. As long as an employer allows you five minute bathroom breaks it is legal. I think it is ridiculous that an employer can legally do that to workers. It is morally wrong. I think a 15 minute break should be required for every 5 hours of work legally unless you are a firefighter, police officer or another emergency services worker. If they do that again to me I will walk out and take some attendance points. I will work about 4.5 hours and then leave for the day. I am presently looking for another job. The place I work at has some bad supervisors and I feel the workplace has become toxic.
  24. I have some basic training with firearms. I hope all I ever use the training for is to shoot holes in targets at a shooting range. I hope those who do carry firearms with them train regularly. Do not let more than a few months go by without shooting them. Do dry fire practice safely with them a few times a week and learn to use your sights.