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Everything posted by Still_Small_Voice

  1. ‘We Will Not Be Blackmailed’: Conservatives Slam Obama Administation After Transgender Bathroom Directive to Public Schools May. 13, 2016 Conservatives across the country are slamming the Obama administration telling public schools to either let transgender students use the restroom of their preference or risk losing federal funding. Speaking at the Texas Republican Convention on Friday, Lone Star State Lt. Governor Dan Patrick was one of the latest politicians to weigh in on the controversy. “This will be the the end of public education if this prevails. People will pull their kids out. Homeschooling will explode. Private schooling will increase. School choice will pass,” Patrick told reporters in Dallas. Read more at:
  2. I would pray for the woman that yelled at you Eowyn. If she is arrogant she may need the prayers of: "Lord humble this person as thou would see fit." I have prayed for the humility of two really bad supervisors. I don't know if their actions came back to bite them or if the Lord answered my prayers but both of them were fired eventually. Some people need a strong dose of humility.
  3. Some of my hobbies are as follows: 1) Reading about alternative fuel, battery electric and fuel efficient automobile models 2) Firearm target shooting 3) Bicycling, weight training and cardiovascular exercise 4) D.O.T.A. 2 (Defense of the Ancient 2) video gaming 5) Occasionally editing Wikipedia articles. (But most of my edits get rejected.)
  4. From my reading and understanding the Tesla and other models of battery electric cars have several small battery banks. It does make sense that one could get the bad battery banks replaced and just leave the good battery cells alone which could lower the battery replacement costs to 25% or lower than replacing the whole battery. There will likely be third party companies that pop up in the future that will be able to do maintenance on battery cells and charge less than dealerships do or Tesla technicians. Also currently there are improvements with lithium ion batteries that is increasing battery capacity which means more range and longer life. Most current 70 mile electric cars are being replaced with 90 to 180 mile ranges in the second generation of electric cars. I also buy used cars generally as well. I don't like paying more than $14,000 for most cars presently.
  5. I hope I am wrong, but I think our nation will possibly be torn apart in the future (who knows when). We are living on borrowed prosperity right now and robbing future generations. There are too many who wish to glut themselves on the labors of others hands and too many amoral people who think character does not matter and they are free to sin with no consequences. On the other side are those who believe in the spirit of the American worker and who wish to live by decent morals. All the current selected President candidates show what path America has decided to go down. May the LORD have mercy on those who follow Him and call on His name. "Now it is not common that the voice of the people desireth anything contrary to that which is right; but it is common for the lesser part of the people to desire that which is not right; therefore this shall ye observe and make it your law—to do your business by the voice of the people." "And if the time comes that the voice of the people doth choose iniquity, then is the time that the judgments of God will come upon you; yea, then is the time he will visit you with great destruction even as he has hitherto visited this land." -- Mosiah 29:26-27
  6. Gasoline is not $1.80 a gallon in Utah presently. It is now $2.35 and rising. If you use wind or solar power to help regenerate your electric car the cost goes even lower to run your vehicle. Gasoline generally hovers around $2.50 per gallon or higher most of the year lately. Battery replacements are about every six to ten years on an electric car depending on the model and how you charge. If you only charge an electric car battery with Level 1 or 2 charging to about 80% capacity (and avoid Level 3 fast charging) most batteries will last longer. Battery replacement is expensive which turns me off from most electric cars. Price ranges about $5,750 and higher for battery replacements. Replacement costs on lithium ion batteries will likely come down in the future. Also real world range of most electric cars is only presently about 70 miles which also turns me away from most models. (If a Tesla Model 3 battery degrades to only 55% battery capacity the range would still be 96 miles.) Electric cars have very simple transmissions that do not require constant gear shifts like gasoline cars and so the transmissions will last far longer than most. There are pros and cons to battery electric and gasoline cars. This is why I want to own both to get the best of both worlds.
  7. Taking all the green politics out of it, battery electric cars are good. It allows for competition against gasoline internal combustion engine cars. Oil companies have had a monopoly on cars for far too long. Battery electric cars are about 60 percent efficient at turning energy into motion. Gasoline cars are about 15 to 20 percent efficient, but gasoline cars have the advantage of quick refuels. I plan on owning an electric car for my everyday trips in the future but a gasoline car for my long travels. If I can get a 2014 BMW i3 electric with a 60 mile gasoline range extender in it for less than $12,000 in about five years I can have about a 70 mile per gallon car. Edit: After looking into the cost on BMW replacement parts I will never own a BMW. Parts are probably marked up about 35 times what the actual manufacturing costs are. The cost to repair a BMW i3 electric charging port from what I read is $2,000!! No thanks BMW. Now I am looking more into at a future Nissan electric car that gets about 109 miles on a full battery charge. Hopefully that is the 2017 Nissan Leaf model.
  8. Tesla now has over 300,000 pre-orders for their Model 3 electric car. Likely if you can afford one you will wait over four years for a car if you ordered now.
  9. I like what the Prophet Gordon Hinckley said on this subject: “People inquire about our position on those who consider themselves so-called gays and lesbians. My response is that we love them as sons and daughters of God. They may have certain inclinations which are powerful and which may be difficult to control. Most people have inclinations of one kind or another at various times. If they do not act upon these inclinations, then they can go forward as do all other members of the Church. If they violate the law of chastity and the moral standards of the Church, then they are subject to the discipline of the Church, just as others are. " Just because people are tempted to be homosexual does not mean they have to give in. We are called to overcome the flesh relying upon the grace of God. Some people have a weakness, with alcohol, others pornography, some struggle with their anger. Do not excuse yourself in sin. Cry unto the Lord and begin to work to overcome your weaknesses and sin.
  10. I hear you there with a Tesla Model 3. I would love to have someone give one of these cars to me. They are very nice. I have test drove two electric cars already and I loved the experience. Thou shalt not covet. Very hard to not do with a Tesla car.
  11. I will likely always have a gasoline car for longer trips, but my daily driving needs could be fulfilled with a 110 mile electric car. I would just drive my electric most of the time and save the costs on gasoline. I am looking forward to much less oil filter, air filter, oil changes and very few trips to a gasoline service station. I see people driving electrics all over in Utah. Probably about one in 100 cars on the highway are electric cars in Utah now. I think battery electric cars are here to stay along with gasoline cars. Electric cars will likely be about ten to fifteen percent of vehicles on the road within about fifteen years. Tesla already has 115,000 orders for the Tesla Model 3 and Nissan has sold over 170,000 of their battery electric cars already worldwide.
  12. $35,000 is still out of my price range for a car. I doubt the real life highway range on the Tesla Model 3 will be about 215 miles. It will probably more around 180 miles which is still really good for most people's daily needs. I will have to wait for the used electric car I can get for $14,000 and under and gets at least 110 miles in range. My wife and I just bought a 2015 Mitsubishi Mirage with less than 200 miles on the odometer for $11,200 before taxes. It gets around 42 miles gallon. I like electric cars but just cannot afford them presently. A big thumbs up to Tesla for putting out a quality product. The car will be released to buyers at the end of 2017.
  13. HAWTHORNE, California — It’s the car thousands of people were waiting for: Tesla Motors’ new, lower-priced Model 3 sedan. Tesla unveiled the Model 3 on Thursday night at its Los Angeles design studio. It doesn’t go on sale until late 2017, but in the first 24 hours that order banks were open, Tesla said it had more than 115,000 reservations. Long lines at Tesla stores, reminiscent of the crowds at Apple stores for early models of the iPhone, were reported from Hong Kong to Austin, Texas, to Washington, D.C. Buyers put down a $1,000 deposit to reserve the car. At a starting price of $35,000 — before federal and state government incentives — the Model 3 is less than half the cost of Tesla’s previous models. Tesla Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk says the car will go at least 215 miles when fully charged, about double what drivers get from current competitors in its price range, such as the Nissan Leaf and BMW i3. Read more and watch the video at:
  14. When I read the title for this subject I started thinking of the Disney "Tangled" movie song. My dream is to acquire around $950,000 in assets and retire around the age of 64. After retirement I want to pick up volunteer work and gardening or a part time job to have fun at. I just realized need to dream more and think about some fun things to do in my life.
  15. The extreme right is still anarchy and the extreme left is total government control in the political spectrum. It is just now presently that most Republicans have shifted very far toward the left and Democrats have shifted even further left. Both parties are becoming essentially the same (with the exception of a few representatives). The definitions have not changed in the political spectrum. Most representatives in both parties presently want to seize control of about everything which is not righteous. The Constitution was good how it was written originally with the exception of slavery. The Lord even approved of the Constitution (see Doc. & Cov. 98:5-7). Yes it was a minimalist form of government. As we as a nation have become more and more wicked we have formed our chains of bondage. "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." -- John Adams
  16. People get the political spectrum wrong most of the time. The extreme left is total government control over everything. It is communism, fascism, totalitarianism et cetera. (Socialism is toward the left as the government has a lot of control over most things.) The extreme right wing is total lack of government or anarchy. (Anarchy usually doesn't last long as another form government rushes to fill it and it is almost always tyranny.) The Constitution as it was originally written is the moderate form of government. It is between the extreme right and left wings of government. Know your definitions of government so you may gain a clear picture of what to stand for.
  17. I have been planning on seeing the Risen movie. This feedback I have been reading makes me want to see it even more now.
  18. I regret having waited to see the October Baby movie. It was a beautiful movie. I would give it an 8 on a rating scale of 1 to 10. I think most fourteen year olds could take the movie. Edit: The movie made me cry and when you find out what one of the actors went through in her real life it makes the movie even more interesting.
  19. We need to pray that Congress does not approve Obama's appointment to the court and they leave the seat vacant until he leaves office. This will take a miracle. Obama will appoint another to the Supreme Court that does not care about the Constitution or our liberties.
  20. With the last mega millions $1,600,000,000 jackpot I did not buy a ticket. Why bother if you have a 1 in 290,000,000 chance of winning? Most lotteries are a voluntary tax for people who do not understand odds and numbers.
  21. A 79-year-old Tennessee man was stunned by how members of his local police department responded over the weekend when he dialed 911 because he had not eaten in two days. WKRN-TV reported that the man, who asked the station to remain anonymous, hadn’t been able to eat after a caretaker allegedly stole his debit card the weekend before. The 79-year-old called police for help on Saturday night — and their response is now getting national attention. Five officers with the Mt. Pleasant Police Department responded. Read more here:
  22. We used to play with the following abilities on Dungeons and Dragons characters: Strength Intelligence Wisdom Constitution Charisma Comeliness Comeliness was the physical attractiveness of the character. A low comeliness attribute could cause initial negative feelings toward the character but with interaction a decent charisma score would overcome the low comeliness score. I used to like to play Fighter class characters but I think now I prefer a Paladin.
  23. Home Alone’ Actor Who Played ‘Wet Bandit’ Marv Shares ‘Most Incredible’ Part of Playing Role “Home Alone” actor Daniel Stern, who played “Wet Bandit” Marv in the iconic movies, turned to Facebook on Christmas Day to share “the most incredible part of my Home Alone journey, which is the fans.” “Before I was in Home Alone I had done a number of movies that I was incredibly proud of and which were considered quite successful- Breaking Away, Diner, Blue Thunder and was also narrating The Wonder Years,” he wrote. “The runaway box office success of Home Alone was something I had never been a part of and it added a nice little boost to my career at the time.” “But the unforeseeable part of the equation was the way that people around the globe embraced the movie and made it their own, watching over and over and over again. I have met so many people who as children watched in everyday, parents who watched it with their kids, and never got tired of it. It is an unexplainable phenomenon,” he added. Read more at:
  24. There are six physical senses: Sight Hearing Touch Taste Smell Balance I am sorry for anyone who has a messed up sense of balance from vertigo. We take our six senses for granted until we lose one of them. I value my eye sight more than anything. My right eye is slightly damaged. I got poked in the eye very hard by a tree branch when I was riding my bike as a teenager. I think it made my vision worse. My left eye has much better far distance sight than my right.
  25. I hate insurance companies. All they are interested in is taking your premiums. The Affordable Healthcare Act just made health costs even more unaffordable. The whole thing should be repealed in my opinion.