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Everything posted by Still_Small_Voice

  1. This reminds me of Entertainment and Sports Programming Network firing a man for saying they found "a chink in the armor." He was talking about a team that had found a weakness in another sports team and were gaining advantage in the game. One of the players was oriental so obviously the sports announcer was being a racist. (Gag!) Many in the mainstream media are out to make a point that blacks and other minorities "victims" of this oppressive American system. They want to tear the system down and replace it with something else.
  2. They e-mailed me back. We checked my paychecks again. It appears they did pay me everything. It is good and I am glad to get what I worked for. They also said they are going to issue me another small check for a bonus. I am glad it is over with that place and to move on to better things. Pray for me that I start my new job soon. All I need is my Secret clearance to go through. It was nice to have off ten days but I am ready to go to work again for another place.
  3. I have tried to contact payroll but got no call back. Human Resources has been e-mailed but I shall electronic mail them again. I also have sent an electronic mail to the Utah Labor Commission. Previously my pay check was mailed out and I would have already received it. Either they are being neglectful or they are trying to get back at me for quitting.
  4. Just when I think it is over now I find my old employer is doing something illegal. Utah law states if an employee quits final paychecks must be issued to the employee by the next pay day. They mailed me my final check today finally with all my vacation pay but my paycheck before that has not been sent to me yet which is about another $1,000 net pay. Pay day was the 10th of March. I am not happy about this.
  5. Yesterday I resigned from my position work. As I went to resign at work I was listening to Dave Ramsey on the radio. He said paraphrased: "Winners know when to stop doing something because it is hopeless and move their efforts in another direction." This felt it was confirmation that I was making the right decision to leave my old job. I went in after hours e-mailed my resignation, sent a few good bye electronic mails and turned in my security badge. I worked there a little over five and a half years. Pray for me that I start a good new line of work soon. It would be nice to have a week break and then get back on the horse but I realize it may be sixty days or longer.
  6. I had some guy with a foreign accent claiming to be from Microsoft and Hewlett Packard call me claiming my computer was sending them messages and that I should go to a certain website. This was a scam and I knew it. I played along with him for a while and then asked him if he wanted my computer password that I logged in with. The pass word I told him it was hack hack back attack. Then I said, "You are trying to hack my computer." The man denied my accusation and then I just hung up on him. I think I have received three of these calls the past several months.
  7. After we paid for our health insurance (which was likely at least $5,000) our out of pocket medical costs were over $6,400 dollars in 2016 because my wife had some surgeries done. My wife and I made about $60,000 last year supporting a family of six. The affordable care act has been horrid for us. Health care is unaffordable now. Those who cannot afford health care are now adding to the national debt (19 trillion and counting). Republican heads will roll in two years if the tax for not having health insurance is not repealed.
  8. He was only sixty-six years old when he died. That is only about twenty-five years away for me. I hope to be able to retire by the age of sixty-five.
  9. I thought it was amusing too. This is why I posted it so others could get a laugh.
  10. NEW WILMINGTON, Pennsylvania. (Associated Press) — A Pennsylvania college student got a reminder to take out the trash when his mother sent him some garbage in a care package. Eighteen-year-old Connor Cox tells WHTM-TV that his mother sent two boxes to him at Westminster College in New Wilmington last month. One box contained food and other goodies. The other contained garbage. When he called to ask whether that was a mistake, Cox's mother, Connie, told him, "No, that's the trash you were supposed to take out" during a recent visit home. Read more at:
  11. I got a Class III Gaming License when I worked as a security officer at a casino in the past. The background check was as intense as the Secret Clearance I believe. I dealt with large sums of money while working at the casino so they wanted an in depth background check on all officers. My mind does not doubt that my current background check will get approved eventually. Here is to hoping it is done soon as I am ready to move on.
  12. I started the "Secret Clearance" process in early December 2016. From what I have heard it can take up to 3 months to get the clearance done. Mirkwood I hope you do not have a supervisor that looks over your shoulder all the time. Good supervisors step in when asked and needed and they do not ask their people to do things they are not willing to do. They want our average handle time around 9 minutes (and that includes all the documentation we are required to do too). If I am in "not ready" for phone calls for four or five minutes they are wondering what I am doing. It's like I am a child or something and need to be constantly tended to or I will put something in my mouth and choke to death. It gets old. I called in today and told them I was not showing up for my shift.
  13. I just thought I would give an update. It is February 15th and I am still employed at the same place. I am still waiting on a Federal Government Security clearance. Hopefully it will be soon as I am ready to move on to another opportunity.
  14. Apparently several groups warned officials twelve years ago that the Oroville dam spillway could fail because it was not reinforced with concrete.
  15. Update on the story: Lake Oroville water levels have fallen to 901 feet, the level at which water flows over the emergency spillway, state figures from 8 p.m. show. That means little or no water is likely coming over the emergency spillway – and the threat of collapse due to erosion has diminished said Joe Countryman, a member of the Central Valley Flood Protection Board and a former engineer with the United States Army Corps of Engineers. Read more here:
  16. I grew up about 60 miles from this area in my youth. Here is to hoping the dam does not fail. It may cause over massive amounts of water to spill out of control into the rivers causing enormous amounts of damage to many of peoples' homes and properties in the area.
  17. OROVILLE, Calif. (Associated Press) — Officials have ordered residents near one of the nation’s biggest dams to evacuate the area, saying a “hazardous situation is developing” after an emergency spillway severely eroded.
  18. The Beagle dogs are sisters. I have a little dog but she is not a Beagle and she does not climb Apricot trees or any tree. She does jump into bed and sleep with with me sometimes.
  19. My co-worker posted this video and I thought it was funny. His two Beagle dogs like to climb up in his apricot tree in his backyard. Check out the video here:
  20. I took the Security + exam today and passed with a score of 774 points (or 86%). Scoring this high on the test I feel was a miracle as the exam is difficult. I will be able to work for a Federal Air Force Base doing Information Technology technical support with a Security + certification and a Secret clearance. I am hoping to eventually become a Desk Side Technician.
  21. A week has passed and I have to say I saw a miracle during this passing time. The workload was very light this Tuesday thru Friday. I also realized I had an enormous amount of anger and stress built up inside me caused by my experiences at this place. I keep praying that I can hold out until I get into another place of employment. Pray for me that I can pass my Security + exam the first time I take it. It costs $385 to have two chances to pass the exam. I have been studying for this exam for over month and I take it in several days.
  22. I agree that this is a truth: Throughout the United States conflicts are are happening between Christian businesses, organizations and individuals through legal action, free speech infringement, public expressions of faith and employment. One can hope Christian First Amendment rights will start being restored in the coming years. This certainly would not have been the case under Hillary Clinton.
  23. I was bummed when I heard about this. I feel sad because I fear she was not ready to meet God. Only He knows now.
  24. It has been one year since I posted on this subject. I am still at the same place of employment regretfully. I was moved to another workgroup and work conditions are only a little bit better. Thus far I am supposed to start another job around February pending on me getting a Security + certification. I feel I am burnt out. Our first two weeks of January are the worst. I have been thru this five times before. We are understaffed and I am just tired of this place and the work demands. I know it is bad to not put in a two week notice but they earned this. I may resign next week because I do not think I can deal with two more stressful weeks of work.