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Everything posted by Still_Small_Voice

  1. I have been studying Thorium. There is so much potential in this power source. We have a plentiful source of Thorium in the United States. Uranium nuclear reactors are much harder to run and far more dangerous than Thorium nuclear reactors. Thorium reactors could produce energy that could be cheaper than coal power plants and produce zero air emissions. These power plants produce about 3% of the waste of a nuclear light water reactor of the same power and much of this "waste" can be extracted and sold within 10 years. Moreover, this waste need only be contained from the environment for 300 years, a far less daunting task than the 300,000 years required for todays nuclear waste. Watch this video with Kirk Sorensen explaining Thorium and it's future potential and visit the below website: The Energy From Thorium Foundation Thorium » The Energy From Thorium Foundation
  2. Marriage is a covenant between a man and a woman. It can also be a covenant with God if you will allow Him in to the marriage. Don't go for a big wedding if you cannot afford it. Starting out a marriage with a lot of debt is not wise.
  3. This will eventually turn into this in the United States if it is not stopped: Evangelist Arrested in Scotland for Preaching That Homosexuality Is a Sin An American preacher serving on a week-long mission trip in Scotland was reportedly arrested Wednesday for openly preaching that homosexuality is a sin. Former Los Angeles Police Department Deputy Sheriff Tony Miano Was Arrested in Scotland for Preaching That Homosexuality Is a Sin Tony Miano’s legal problems began when he delivered generalcomments about immorality during an outdoor sermon. He spoke about adultery, promiscuity and — homosexuality, The Christian Post reported. It was this latter issue that ended up landing Miano, who once served as Los Angeles Deputy Sheriff, in hot water. As he was preaching, a woman who disagreed with his message yelled out that she has a gay son and threatened to call police on Miano and Pastor Josh Williamson, another preacher who accompanied him. “Tony wasn’t focusing just on homosexual practice — it was about all sin,” Williamson said in a statement distributed by the Christian Legal Centre, a legal group based in London. “A woman was yelling at him and her friend noticed we were filming the preaching, so she ran up to me and tried to smash my camera.” The woman then made good on her promise and called the police. When Scottish authorities arrived, they reportedly arrested Miano on the charge of “breach of peace with ‘homophobic’ aggravation.” He was detained after a police officer questioned the woman about what had unfolded, according to the Christian Legal Centre, though police reportedly didn’t ask for his side of the story. The pastor, who pleaded not guilty, was later released on bail and is expected to show up to court on April 22, though he is permitted to return to his home in the U.S. in the mean time. Read more here:
  4. You still have a computer PrisonChaplain that has the Windows XP operating system on it? If you do that is one old machine.
  5. When I read this article I thought to myself: "How does something like this happen in America? It is wretched and awful." I hope the police involved and the police chief who defended these officers were fired. This is an absolute abuse of authority.
  6. Loudmouth there are work arounds for Windows 8 to get your good graphic user interface back. There is great free third party software to put the Windows 7 Start Menu and your Taskbar back. Go here if you want it: Download Classic Shell from
  7. Someone else said it and I agree. The next Microsoft C.E.O. will have to slash and burn when he comes in. He needs to be totally ruthless if Microsoft is to thrive starting with a total reset of this ill-conceived common platform approach for personal computers. Sales in the Windows 8 personal computer market are a failure as they should be with an operating system that is just not good.
  8. You are the uncommon one Pam. I hope Windows 8 dies a horrible, painful death with several large holes in it. Windows 7 is one of my favorite operating systems. I also really like the Linux Mint version 13 operating system.
  9. I found the below article written January 20th, 2014: Microsoft's woes continue to mount as one of its most important customers—Hewlett Packard—is bringing back Windows 7. The move is one of the most prominent rejections of Microsoft's Windows 8 strategy to date, and shows just how badly the personal computer industry is faring. The Verge noted Hewlett Packard's move, reporting that the company was emailing customers with the news that "Windows 7 is back," accompanied by promotional material on the HP website saying that Windows 7 is "back by popular demand." That demand is so popular, HP will give you up to $150 off the price of your PC if you'll only, please, choose Windows 7, giving proof to the old adage that companies discount things that are in high demand. Or something. Hewlett Packard's rejection of Windows 8 is so profound that you can only find mention of it under customizable options. This isn't just a rejection of Windows 8—more on that below—it shows how troubled the entire PC paradigm is. Windows personal computer sales are falling, and faced with that reality, HP's solution is to try and turn the clock back to a four year old operating system that Microsoft has done its best to pretend is no longer relevant. Read more at: Microsoft's Woes Mount as HP Brings Windows 7 'Back by Popular Demand' - The Mac Observer
  10. I would hope you are continually reaching out on this issue. Visit - LDS Addiction Recovery through writing, blogging, and sharing for help. You will always be an addict, but it will get easier to resist the temptation as time goes on.
  11. DEMING, New Mexico — A New Mexico man will receive a $1,600,000 settlement after police inappropriately forced him to undergo three enemas, a colonoscopy and other anal procedures, the American Bar Association reported. The city of Deming and Hidalgo County got a search warrant to authorize the examination of David Eckert after he was pulled over for failing to yield to a stop sign when exiting a parking lot in January of 2013, ABA reported. Read more at: New Mexico police to pay $1.6 million after forcing man to undergo anal procedures |
  12. I have read about these types of cards. I do not like them because someone could potentially bump into you and steal information off the card since you are no longer required to slide the card through a reader. Mere contact with the card enables the exchange of information. This is a good idea for people who are identity thieves. They will love it.
  13. Eighty-six mile per hour winds are high velocity, but not enough to do damage like this in my opinion. Something was not built right if the whole structure fell under these conditions.
  14. Watch the twenty second footage showing partially completed North Carolina condominiums collapse from high winds: Stunning Footage Shows North Carolina Condo Collapse From High Winds | Video |
  15. I would encourage you to study Doctrine and Covenants section 8 and the below scriptures: Moroni chapter 7 16 For behold, the Spirit of Christ is given to every man, that he may know good from evil; wherefore, I show unto you the way to judge; for every thing which inviteth to do good, and to persuade to believe in Christ, is sent forth by the power and gift of Christ; wherefore ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of God. 17 But whatsoever thing persuadeth men to do evil, and believe not in Christ, and deny him, and serve not God, then ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of the devil; for after this manner doth the devil work, for he persuadeth no man to do good, no, not one; neither do his angels; neither do they who subject themselves unto him.
  16. With only 38 percent of gravity we have here on Earth one would get very weak on Mars. My guess is they will wear weighted vests and weighted wrist bands. That would be the least of my worries when compared to running out of breathable air.
  17. After reading through this thread does anyone feel like singing: Here we go 'round the mulberry bush, The mulberry bush, The mulberry bush . . . I also feel like we are riding on a Merry-Go-Round.
  18. They will have to wear weights all the time while they are on Mars. Mars only has 33% of the gravity that Earth has. Mars is very cold and has a thin atmosphere. Likely all the colonists will die from either running out of air, water or food. I think the mission to colonize Mars is bound to fail. I hope I am wrong.
  19. I believe the first Moroni was a follower of Christ and a righteous man. The Holy Spirit inspired Mormon to write the following in the Book of Mormon about Moroni: "Yea, verily, verily I say unto you, if all men had been, and were, and ever would be, like unto Moroni, behold, the very powers of hell would have been shaken forever; yea, the devil would never have power over the hearts of the children of men." -- Alma 48:17 That being said, I am not much on the New International Version of the Bible. I have stated in the past why I believe it to be an inferior translation and I can give examples if you wish. I also like studying from the 21st Century King James Version Bible. If you want to read from that version go here: A searchable online Bible in over 100 versions and 50 languages.
  20. I hope you are right. The way society is presently moving tells me otherwise. There is a growing majority of amoral people in the United States. Personal responsibility, work and sexual morality are being pushed away by many in the rising and our own generation. Our nation will suffer more as these standards are pushed away. It is possible that people will repent in the future and turn back to God.
  21. Have you read the below stories Swiper? These people are in a vice because they simply do not wish to take pictures, bake a wedding cake or host a reception for homosexual weddings. There are other stories as well I have seen of people having their First Amendment rights violated regarding their beliefs with homosexual weddings. Jack Phillips, owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop, refused to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding. He is under a court order to bake a cake for a homosexual wedding. Denver's Masterpiece Cakeshop Turns Down Gay Couple Because of Religious Beliefs Vermont inn that was sued when it refused to host a lesbian couple's wedding reception Vermont Inn Settles Lawsuit over Lesbian Marriage Elaine Huguenin sued for not taking pictures of a wedding Photographer Elaine Huguenin Takes Religious Freedom Fight To Supreme Court After Being Sued For Refusing To Take Photos Of Gay Commitment Ceremony
  22. I hope this is one way we can keep what is left of our religious liberties in the future. But in my opinion I see some authorities bent on forcing their beliefs on marriage upon everyone and calling those that disagree bigots. We need to pray for what is left of our liberties and that the LORD will uphold our freedom of speech and religion.
  23. These are my thoughts on the possible future and I hope they never come to pass. I think in the future if homosexuals are demanding entrance to the churches and temples to marry that the church will simply stop all marriages being performed in the temples and churches in the United States. If a couple wishes to be sealed or married in the temple they will have to go to another country to have the ordinance work done. I think the baptisms and endowment and other ordinances will continue in the House of the LORD uninterrupted. May what I have said above never come to pass but unless these laws are overturned I think we will see it within ten years.
  24. 2 Peter 1:19 We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts: