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Everything posted by Traveler

  1. I will add a couple of thoughts. One: since mankind currently assists G-d through marriage in his most glorious creation it would make sense that many accepted by covenant callings to help with creation in the pre-existence. But just like some are more interested in personal pleasure than assisting by covenant in creation here most likely many sought their own will there as well. An interesting thought about dinosaurs and other creatures of that era. They were too large for present gravity and could not exist or survive the current forces on earth. The Traveler
  2. Jesus said to be perfect - I believe this is Matt 5:48. I would say this. Anyone that knows or has received the will of G-d concerning their life and what they should do and they deliberately and knowing do otherwise - deceive themselves if they think they will living in eternity with G-d. The Traveler
  3. Catholics believe that nuns are maried to Christ but I know of no official LDS doctrine that he was even married. There is speculation but if someone is going to bash you based on speculation - they are not Christian. Not even close. I would not value any such opinion. The Traveler
  4. I read some of your post and a few responses. I feel very bad about what is happening. I am indeed sorry – however, you have asked for advice and there are some things I think ought to be said. I am not trying to be fair. Your husband is not here and there is no way to say anything to him at this point, but I am not sure that would matter. From what you have posted I am assuming that you are looking forward to a divorce from your husband. I hope that is what you want above all else because without question that is what will happen. You are headed towards a home without a husband for you or a father for your children. Even if you had an ideal husband what you are doing to your marriage will bring about divorce. You can think it is all your husband’s fault – he is making horrible mistakes but I cannot say anything to him and you cannot change him. My point here is that even though he is not helping the marriage it is important to realize that you aren’t either. If you take your current methods with you to another marriage it will fail as well. If you treat your children in their mistakes as you have treated your husband you will fail in that relationship as well. If your current marriage (or any future marriage) is to survive you are going to have to make some major changes in your life. To be honest I am surprised that you are married. Perhaps it is because you changed your attitudes since your dating. Please understand that I am not excusing your husband. Cheating on a marriage covenant is in my mind the essence of one of the worse scum possible in this world. The only advice that I can offer is to swallow your pride and convince your husband that letting you go was the greatest mistake of his life. Right now the marriage is breaking on his terms. You take control. You show him you are the most wonderful wife and mother that ever lived. That will show him his mistake long before convincing him that you are his worse night mere. Even if your marriage ends in divorce still convince him you were the women of his best dreams – not his worse. The Traveler.
  5. I believe that G-d will find a way to "qualify" all those that desire to live with him in the Celestial Kingdom. I believe this is the good news of Christ. But since Celestial society and G-d are centered in service I think many will turn away and look to the eternities to be served and not to serve. The Traveler
  6. Interesting you feel the way you do. It appears to me that in the economy of G-d that he loves repetition. In fact the Bible teaches that something is not of G-d unless it is repeated. I also find it interesting that you have chosen the arguments of the Pharisees that taught the people that Jesus was not a prophet because he contradicted and subverted the written scriptures that were anciently considered the word of G-d. In case you forgot they “proved their case in a court of law” to have Jesus crucified. It would appear that Ecclesiastes 1:9-11 is a very accurate prophesy. The Traveler
  7. If you have interested Jewish friends I would tell them how following the murder of the Prophet Joseph Smith the saints fled into the wilderness where 1 of ever 5 died. Our enemies thought we all would perish but many survived and the great settlement of the western wilderness took place in one of histories greatest epoch of human migration. Despite severe hardships missionaries were sent though out the world and thousands came from all over the world to Utah to establish the Mormon empire. The Mormons pressed for state hood but were denied as their territory of Deseret was divided and given to other settlers. Finely when the Mormons were to be given state hood the enemies of Mormonism in a last effort to antagonize the settlers forced a change in the name of the new state from Deseret to Utah. No power on earth could bring about the prophesies of G-d more distinctly and dramatically. For the name Utah in the language of the native Ute peoples literally means “The Top of the Mountains”. Quoting now from the prophesy of Isaiah verses 2 and 3. “And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the L-rd’s house shall be established in {the top of the mountains}, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it. And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the L-rd, to the house of the G-d of Jacob; and he shall teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths; for out of Zion shall go forth the law and the word of the L-rd from Jerusalem.” The Traveler
  8. The Book of Mormon teaches that there is opposition in all things. Yes, my friend, there are those that will stand in the sun at noon day and declare it night. Someone will counter any concept regardless of its merit. I have never met a Creationist scientist that was not of the caliber of the so called “Hollow Earth” or “Flat Earth” scientist. Science does not have a pre-determined agenda. But then I do not believe that even in religion that we should take anything for granted. I believe it was Paul that said, “Prove all things and hold fast to that which is true.” The Traveler
  9. I am a student of ancient text. As one becomes familiar with the many text available from Homer (the Greek) to Beowulf (England) to the Book of Breathings among the Egyptians, to the epoch of Baal among the Babylonians to name a few; a sub plot that runs through all the epochs is that of one of the major characters has an obsession to “please” a pagan g-d as a means to obtain entry into heaven. Often it was a primary reason that temples were built (and maintained) to a specific deity. Being favored of a deity (being a recipient of their grace) was considered the more sure way to heaven. This is in contrast to I Cor chapter 13 that recommends a “more excellent way through the mastering of divine love. Perhaps I should highlight the epoch of Baal as a contrast as to why this particular deity was such a scourge to ancient Israel. Then we could ask – are there any parallels in our modern religious community? Remember the question "Why halt you between two opinions?" The Traveler
  10. If we are saved by grace alone there is no reason to argue or make a point concerning salvation. If such is true then not only is it impossible for man to contribute to salvation he cannot detract or diminish it either. Since we have nothing to contribute and nothing we do matters why make a point of it? If it is really by grace only why do scriptures encourage us to wander into pointless worship, beliefs or behavior? The Traveler
  11. Okay you are confusing me. You stated that Jesus was the only son of G-d. I gave you a scripture that contradicts your interpretation and asked for your reconciliation. Also I missed the scripture that says that Jesus was not created. Let me get this straight you believe that man was created – so then Jesus was never a man or the son of man? In fact I do not think you have even ever read the scriptures. I do not find any scripture that says Adam was created as you stated above. All the scriptures refer to the creation of man not Adam. now your beginning quote: It is interesting to read your responses. The scriptures also state that Mary was the mother of our L-rd. I am sure you do not understand the ancient question from the Nestorian Christians. Which is: If Jesus was both G-d and man why do the scriptures say Mary was the mother of our L-rd. Be careful with this one, you just might adopt a answer that the early Trinitarian Christians established as hearsay. You also stated that according to the Bible Jesus was the one and only son of G-d - so I gave you a scripture that calls Adam the son of G-d. Do you understand the question as it applies to your question? The Traveler
  12. I think I would word it a little differently - I would say that he believes we are worth his sacrifice of his life. The question remains - is he worth our sacrifice of our life? The Traveler
  13. My father taught me to never believe what a persons says until you know what they do. I have also learned that it is very rare for a person to make a commitment to what they will do and then do it. I will add my lip service thanks to you verbal commitment. If you prove worthy of your commitment I hope you will remember me as a friend willing to stand with you in any good effort. The Traveler
  14. The “name” or believing on a name has specific reference to covenant. In a marriage covenant a woman will take upon her the name of her husband and they have power to act for one another. Believing on the name of Christ is to covenant to become a saint in Christ and act in his behalf. One of the 10 commandments is to not use G-d’s name in vein – which means to make claim to believe on his name but not to act accordingly. If someone is having difficulty living up to their covenants it would be better for them to not make claim to Christ rather than heap upon themselves condemnation. At the same time it is important to progress toward Christ line upon line upon line – precept upon precept upon precept. Jesus made it very clear that those that use his name improperly will not be blessed when he indicated that some that did works in his name would be told that they were not know of Christ and to “depart”. It is my belief that as long as one seeks to follow Christ and treat others as they believe Christ would treat them that they are worthy of the name of Christ. It is also my belief that if you have to tell others that you believe in Christ because it is difficult for them to determine that from your behavior that you might be better off not making public such a claim. The Traveler
  15. Your question reminds me of Alice in Wonderland where Alice comes to a fork in the road and asks a cat which path she should take. The cat asks, “Where are you going?” To which Alice responds, “I do not know”. To which the cat says, “Then it does not matter which path you take.” I have a feeling that at some day to come when G-d would invite all to come and live with him that many will look into his Kingdom and desire to be somewhere else. Many find that living among saints to be rather boring and lacking personal aggrandizements and fulfillments. Perhaps you could enlighten us as to what you and your friends are doing, in contrast to the LDS, to better perpare for the return of Christ. The Traveler
  16. You might like to reference one of the thousands of ancient scripture text. Completing a literal reference to G-d is unique to our modern era. The Traveler
  17. The internet is open to all throughout the world. It is a personal commitment that I have made concerning the internet to keep such things sacred. The Traveler
  18. For your answer to your question to me - Try Luke 3:38 As to your other question in this post you are confused about many things. Those that have seen Jesus have seen G-d. Please try to be more understanding and open to sacred things. The Traveler
  19. In the ancient order of Kingdoms the Suzerain would have many names. The name to which a person addressed the Suzerain would indicate that person’s rank within the kingdom. Because of the fall of man – man was exiled from that kingdom where G-d is the supreme Suzerain and therefore can only address G-d through a mediator who is sent by the Suzerain. The title we are given by the one and only true mediator is the title of Father in Heaven. We will not know the true name of the Father until we are reestablished to our rightful place in the Kingdom of G-d as resurrected, glorified, free citizens of that society. The Traveler
  20. Because of the fall of man – man is separated from that kingdom of heaven where G-d is L-rd of L-rds, King of Kings and G-d of G-ds. For man there is only one L-rd and G-d that can mediate with that society of heaven. This is a most important notion and teaching among Christians. It is also important to note that if Adam dealt with the same G-d before and after the fall then there was no fall and there is no mediator, Christianity would be false and there was not Christ. Also note that in scripture that all references to G-d prior to the fall are plural and after the fall all references are singular. Since Jesus Christ is the only mediator G-d and because Isaiah is specifically referring to dumb idols (we know this because of the parallel structure utilized by Isaiah in his ancient Hebrew poetic form in which he wrote) the literal structure is understandable. It is also important to note concerning the ancient order of Kingdoms that the servant of the Suzerain maintained the same title as the Suzerain and often spoke in the first person for the Suzerain. Most Christians today have not lived in a true Kingdom as did the ancients. Thus there is much confusion concerning the protocol of ancient Kingdoms and proper understanding of the Suzerain of the kingdom. The Traveler
  21. It is written that Adam was "begotten" of G-d. How do you reconcile that? The Traveler
  22. I do not intend to criticize but I think you may have mixed signals in comparing your definition of prophets with that held by LDS and what we believe the scriptures are referring to in Eph 4 - it is comparing apples to rocks. It is our understanding that prophets, as designated, speak the mind and will of G-d – or if you will “The word of G-d”. As the ancient scriptures (ie the Bible) is the word of G-d and should be studied and used as a foundation for doctrines of the church which is the body of Christ, so should the utterances of prophets according to their apointment be recorded and respected as scripture. I do not believe but that very few Christian churches uphold their prophets as a “foundation” of doctrine and prophesy, as do the LDS. I would be surprised to learn that other Christians respect their prophets as do the LDS (and ancient Christians) – especially an Evangelical Christian Church. The Traveler
  23. Erik: I am glad to help you in any way I can to understand the scriptures. Concerning the ordaining of the Apostles - you might like to become more familiar with John 15:16. The King James Version (most recognized English version) uses the word “ordain”. I realize other versions use words like “appoint” but I do not think the concept of direct assignment has been lost – especially concerning his “Apostles”. BTW I recommend the Gospel of John as an important document to Christians concerning arguments use by Jesus concerning many of the noted “Christian” debates of our era – such as faith vs works. The LDS “Articles of Faith” can be found in the LDS standard scripture work called the “Pearl of Great Price”. The Traveler
  24. Just a note: The Hebrew names Zenok and Zadok are very similar and can be considered a typo. The Book of Zadok that was found among the Dead Sea Scrolls does indeed include all that is referenced in the Book of Mormon. The Traveler
  25. The more we learn about the ancient tests that have become the modern version of the Bible the more we understand the evolution of religious thinking through time among Christians. There are a number of ancient texts of great interest. For example there is the epistle of Jesus. This text has been preserved by the Eastern Christians and has been carbon dated to the time of Christ and the parchment on which it was written could have only come from somewhere close to Jerusalem. The letter is said to be written by the hand of Jesus to an ancient Asian king. I have never heard a good reason why this manuscript is unacceptable to the Christian community that claims to have all the worthy “words” of G-d. Another prominent text is the Book of Enoch that is quoted as scripture in the Book of Jude. All of the reasons argued in history as to why this book was not included were proven to be false with the manuscript of Enoch found in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Some other prominent texts are the Testaments of the Patriarchs. I especially find the Testament of Benjamin interesting because of the reference to a Prophet called to the gentiles in the last days that will be of the house of Joseph and how this prophet will “restore” many things that were lost and make known many things that were previously unknown. There are also several New Testament texts that give insight to the time of Jesus and supply much of the information used by scholars to fill in most of the traditions surrounding major events like the birth of Jesus and why John the Baptist grew up in the “wilderness”. I realize there are reasons why some of various Christian detonations are not excited to recognize the importance of many of the ancient text. When researching the texts of the Bible and other associated text of the time, I have learned when it comes to many regarding such things in religion that they would stand at noon day in broad daylight and declare it night. The Traveler