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  1. The only ones I've seen do that have a cracked grip section. That either needs to be repaired or trashed. Nope. It all started with this comment. ("Guest" in this thread is @Carborendum's previous incarnation.) All instances of "sheathen" will (I think) relate. As I recall, we had quite a lot of fun and that's when I drew my avatar. (And doing this search reveals that we used to have a lot more fun around here. What in the world is wrong with us?)
  2. My dear Sheathen Mistress, you've indeed hit a soft spot. You've blamed the failure on public schooling. How can I dare disagree with that.
  3. Guest

    I Just Can't Say It

    Yes, the Sheathen ink muse never ceases to amaze.
  4. Not only are you a Muse, Sheathen, Pony, Alien, a robot, AND to top it all off, you're British too!!! (notice the exclamation POINTS!) @zil's next pen exercise will be to attach 100 Old Glory's to the exclamation point at the end of 'MURICA!
  5. I have no idea how to change what is essentially a habit, except to practice. Not only are you a Muse, Sheathen, Pony, Alien, AND to top it all off, you're British too!!! (notice the exclamation POINTS!) I have read a fair number of British authors and watched a fair number of British TV shows over the years, so it's not unexpected for them to wear off on me. But "mark" is also more logical than "point". I partly said that as a tease, just to give you a hard time, but also partly seriously - perhaps if you work on changing what you call said punctuation, using neither "exclamation point" nor "apostrophe" but "exclamation mark", it will be easier to change. Regarding the other topic brought up in this thread, I think there's a misperception regarding people who rarely make grammar mistakes. It's extremely rare that I will post something without first reading what I wrote at least once, if not twice, and then again after posting (because it changes shape after posting, making it easier to spot things you missed in the editor). It's not all that unusual for me to open a new tab and check how to spell something, or confirm a word means what I think it means. I'll often change word order or choice, and sentence structure, to find the clearest way to say something. I'll take the extra time required to remove unnecessary bits (shorter almost always takes more time to write than longer). I would bet most posts take me 5+ times longer to write than most think they should (or did) take. I'm guessing most people don't think it's "worth it". I think it's common decency to be as correct, clear, and concise as I know how to be when I'm asking other people to spend their time reading what I wrote. It other words, it's an attitude or priority, not an innate ability. (And yes, as @Sunday21's study suggests, I'm a jerk. But I'm a grammatically correct one. And my thoughts in reaction to other people's grammar and spelling errors are not what the study suggests - except, perhaps, if the thing I'm reading is supposed to have been written by a professional writer (e.g. journalist).) PS: Firefox can't seem to figure out that misperception is a correctly spelled word. Dolts. PPS: @Carborendum, I really, really wanted to spell "spelled" as "spelt", just for fun, but I refrained. And every now and then, I use "whilst" - because it sounds right.
  6. Guest

    An Error I Keep Making Not only are you a Muse, Sheathen, Pony, Alien, a robot, AND to top it all off, you're British too!!! (notice the exclamation POINTS!)
  7. Guest

    Personality Test

    So, Ink Muse, Sheathen Mistress, Alien, Pony in Flight... Doesn't that mean you're just as hard to pin down as I am?
  8. This is almost enough to make me commission a Sheathen flag and move in. Does Pecos count as West Texas? It seems like it ought to. My family own land near there, and I've been thinking maybe someone should plant a house on it to keep an eye on the weeds, or something.
  9. A poster of the Sheathen Mistress on my wall (I hope @MormonGator doesn't mind me having it)
  10. Further evidence that you are a cyborg. Sheathen Ink Mistress of Cyborgs.
  11. That's your excuse? Come on. You know that you just can't stand the idea that the guy summoning up a rebellion against the Sheathen Empire is getting more likes, so you had to emphasize your desire to see me put down. HAH! Your efforts have failed! Now on to the Emerald City, home of all who worship the glory of kim chee.
  12. Given my Sheathen nature, my weapon will have to be a blunted sword. Feel free to bring whatever blunt instrument you like...
  13. No, not the Sheathen Mistress, herself! ARRRGGHHH!!! Stop the madness!
  14. Ba-BAM! And @prisonchaplain has taken the lead. Time to cue Howard Cosell: Truly a sight to behold. The once great Mistress of Sheathen Ink, herself. Now deposed and wallowing in squalor at a mere second place.
  15. I'm afraid not, my venerated friend. You still have a long way to go before you can take down the Sheathen Mistress from her throne. It looks like we have a NEW favorite non-Mormon on the board. @Grunt.
  16. I think you broke the Sheathen Ink Mistress and have revealed her cyborg nature.
  17. Excuse me while I draw my sword to prepare for battle! Violently yours, Sheathen Mistress
  18. Guest

    LDS culture problem

    Ink, sure. I'm a klutz when it comes to fountain pens. Sheathen Mistress, ok. I'll be Heathen... uhmm.. Just a heathen. But Captain Literal!??!?! NEVER!!!
  19. Next year when the elections come around, I'm going to crush you in the race for Captain Literal. Then I'll be Inky Muse, Sheathen Mistress, and Captain Literal! Bwa ha ha ha!
  20. Guest

    What Could Possibly Go Wrong

    Whyever would she be accusing you, Sheathen Mistress?
  21. I'm going to stop referring to you as "ink muse." I'll start calling you "sheathen mistress."
  22. We're sheathen - we can do whatever we want. Like make that into a banner and attach it to the end of a sword.
  23. Amen! And hobby-centric wards, and career-centric wards, and a flat-earth ward, and global-warming wards, and a sheathen ward or two, and on and on. Then we can all move so that like-minded people all live together and go to church together. That'll be perfect. No chance of negative consequences when the whole ward is united....
  24. Just to make sure I have my vocabulary right: Heathen - Male who does not believe in God Sheathen - Female who does not believe in God Athen - Unisex term for one who does not believe in God Then - Somebody who does believe in God? With Hethen and Shethen as the gendered terms?