I promise to change

Guest Leeanntheone1

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Guest Leeanntheone1

Change is good!

I promise to change this about my self.

OK, I go first.

I will soon get married. I will get pregnant. I will have five children.


Your turn

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Guest Leeanntheone1

It would be very smart of you to do what the spirit directs.:)

You are so right, if the spirit leads. We all have plans but are we willing to trade in our plans for doing what is right?

Is there anything that you have wanted to change about your life.

Today is the day to make a good change. Pick something and then share what you are going to change.


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Change is good!

I promise to change this about my self.

OK, I go first.

I will soon get married. I will get pregnant. I will have five children.


Your turn

You may not have any choice in the above Leanne!

I dont want to change or improve anything about my life. Thats the honest truth. I am doing absolutely everything I want, and I am getting everything I want from my life. I feel so so lucky to have a life I know many can only dream of. A loving husband, the chance to study for a job I adore. Fantastic friends and family-enough money, good health.

Its important to remember what you have lest you bevcome complacent. I hope that never happens, Ill always be grateful ^_^

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I used to say I would have a large family. I always wanted lots of children. I ended up having just two, not by choice. Life doesn't always work out how we plan for it to.

I would like to change one thing about me but it's a constant struggle no matter how hard I try - I am trying to lose weight. I do all the right things as far as I am able but my body refuses to co-operate.

One thing I may have more control over is how I react to things which other people do. So I am going to work on that one.

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I would like to change the way I treat a fellow poster here. That would be Palerider. In the 9 years I have known him..I constantly harass and give him a bad time. In this I need to change.

Second thought. I enjoy those things so I need to come up with something else I need to change.

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