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okay guys. It doesn't really seem like any of you even remotely understood what Oprah was trying to say in that video. What she was saying IS- that just because someone hasn't heard the word of god doesn't mean they aren't going to make it to heaven. Like she said in the video, someone might be living on the other side of the planet and hasn't even heard the name "Jesus Christ" but yet they are living the best life they can and doing the right thing. She believes they can still make it to heaven...as do I, and we know that to be true as members of the church because we know there is the next life and that is where you can learn the gospel and accept it! Maybe some of you should re-watch the video the whole way through. And just so you know, a female member of the church is on the stage with Oprah, her name is Betty Edie and she was explaining her near death experience and what she was taught on the "other side"

That's partly what she's saying. She's also saying "Jesus isn't the way."

"What ABOUT Jesus?" She asked, with a hint of scorn.

She teaches God and Jesus as a concept, not as gods.

Her recent comments coming out with the drivel A New Earth goes along with this.

I more than remotely understood what she was saying.

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LOL....late edit about watching tv at night: early this morning, 0045 [i know, I don't sleep much], I was on the computer while my wife was watching some show, I suspect it was 'Love Channel' [Life TV], when a person used foul language. I just counted how long before she either changed the channel or turned the T.V. off. Well...I was surprised, she had it TIVO. Just fast forward it.

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I don't like those shows either. I don't know what drives people to go on Dr. Phil to inevitably be chewed out. I like the positive and informative shows, like the one they did about how heart attack symptoms differ in women. That actually saved someone's life. I turn Oprah on once in a while and if it's someone making a spectacle of themselves, I usually turn it off, but I was fascinated by the woman who had an extreme hording problem. I actually found it helpful because it gave me urges to declutter and confirmed how useless stuff is. I also liked how they got people to help her and her family and I was amazed at how they filled a wearhouse with junk she kept.

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Edit: Removed vide, switched to transcript:

OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): And I happened to be sitting in church in my late 20s, and I was going to this church where you had to get there at 8 in the morning or you couldn't get a seat. And a very charismatic minister, and everybody was just, you know, into the sermon. And this great minister was preaching about how great God was and how omniscient and omnipresent, and God is everything.

OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): And then he said, "And the lord thy God is a jealous God." And I was, you know, caught up in the rapture of that moment until he said "jealous." And something struck me. And I was like, I think about 27 or 28. I was thinking, "God is all, God is omnipresent, God is—and God's also jealous? God is jealous of me?"

OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): And something about that didn't feel right in my spirit because I believe that God is love and that God is in all things. And so that's when the search for something more than doctrine started to stir within me. And I love this quote that Eckhart has, this is one of my favorite quotes in Chapter 1, where he says, "Man made 'God' in his own image. The eternal, the infinite, and unnamable was reduced to a mental idol that you had to believe in and worship as 'my god' or 'our god.'"

I feel bad for her. She misunderstands things... Even the word "Jealous" when referring to a jealous God.

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Take this video from 4:00 in. Stop watching at 5:46. Switches into lame commentary and stuff.

YouTube - The Church of Oprah Exposed

I feel bad for her. She misunderstands things... Even the word "Jealous" when referring to a jealous God.

I just finished watching this one. I am not exactly sure what to say. I don't think that Oprah understands the nature of God. I think she has been searching, as I said before, and it seems that she has some inner dream to become a leader and she finds herself in a position of influence and so she is clearly stating her views. She clearly missed the meaning of the word 'jealous' as it relates to the first commandment.

But again, the video is sensationalism and fear based and makes me shake my head. Is there actually a church? Her discussions are nothing but a huge book club discussion where Oprah's views are dominant. I see no organized religion. I see, on the other hand, the fanaticism of the Christian right. Nothing in Oprah's statements (the ones given on her show, not the book club) alarm me in any degree.

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I just wanted to add that I enrolled in the Tolle class online and I became disinterested and discontinued my participation. I felt that it wasn't truth in its purity, but I did feel that there were some important and helpful ideas worthy of discussion. I kinda like the idea of the ego. It is interesting to me and I wonder at how it may be an interpretation of the natural man. Anyway, I viewed my participation much like attending a college class rather than attending church. Always using the spirit and the discernment of that spirit to determine truth.

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Guest Kamperfoelie

does anybody else find the use of the word 'teach' in relates to the oprah show surprising?

oprah teaches this or that...? oprah is in the entertainment-business, sharing and exploring opinions, at most she will discuss life experiences of herself and others. I would sooner find teachers on sesame street.

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I quit watching Oprah about 6 years ago. The reason I quit watching her show was because I felt that she was actually making most women unhappy with their life. She would do a show on affordable outfits. The outfits still cost 200+ dollars. Ummm maybe my definition is a bit different on what is affordable. She showed a lot of materialism in her show. I decided it was adding nothing constructive to my life. I know a lot of women that would quote Oprah in relief society. I wonder how much better that hour would have been spent studying the prophets and being able to quote them.

As for the book mentioned, I saw that author on Oprah and heard her tell Oprah it didn't matter which religion or path you take, everyone is going back to live with God again.:eek: That is definately not truth. I watched the show because I knew the author was LDS.

As for Dr. Phil, I felt that at first he did good as well. If someone asks me to go on his show, I will know something is definately wrong in my life. I do like his statement, How is that working for you?

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An EXTREMELY small percentage of celebrities have the right idea about heavenly father's existence, yet we all jump on Oprah of all people?

Sheesh. Is she misguided? Sure. However, she's donated far more money and time to the needs of others than I ever have, so you won't find me trying to make her out to be a heathen over some sensationalist youtube video.

With the exception of the Weather Channel, all television is utter tripe. Oprah isn't any better or worse than any television personality out there.

If you are going to complain about Oprah's values, you are better off giving up television altogether because I can only think of a handful of famous people who share our values, and half of them have the last name "Osmond".

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Wow. These posts were great. Just as soon as I agreed with one post, then I would read another and agree with that one.

Oprah is a woman. She is human. She is not perfect. Last I checked, neither are any of us.

Some say that the real problem is that she is in a position of influence and power.

Um, yeah...but so am I, cause I have a remote that I can quickly change the channel or turn the TV off. LOL LOL

If one of us had a show on TV, wouldn't we also find ourselves sharing what we knew to be true? And wouldn't there be some who ridiculed us for our beliefs and even some who would accuse us of using our position to preach?

I don't know whether Oprah is evil or not. I do know that she is a woman who appears to be doing the best that she can with what she currently knows to be true.

I was agnostic until I found what made sense to me. Either she HAS found what makes sense to her, or she is still looking.

Either way, she WILL be taught the gospel in the Spirit World. Maybe then she will find what makes sense and finally feels right. But the choice will always be hers.

As for watching her show, the choice is mine. I choose not to watch her show...but only because I find it boring. I like stuff on HGTV. I like watching before and afters of homes and yards. So, it isn't as much to do with HER, just the type of show.

That's my two cents worth. :eek:

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That's partly what she's saying. She's also saying "Jesus isn't the way."

"What ABOUT Jesus?" She asked, with a hint of scorn.

She teaches God and Jesus as a concept, not as gods.

Her recent comments coming out with the drivel A New Earth goes along with this.

I more than remotely understood what she was saying.

Dude, I think someone in the audience made a comment about Jesus and she didn't fully hear them so she said "What about Jesus?"

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No, maybe the first time. She said, " 'What about Jesus?' " Seemed like she was asking for clarification, didn't hear. Then the women repeated it, and she said "What about Jesus?"

Not necessarily in scorn of Him in and of Himself, but the idea that He was any different than any other point in her argument.

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Don't even get me started on Dr. Phil. Talk about an exploitative program!

I watch Oprah for Nate Burkus. Let's be honest. If Nate showed up at my house ready to redecorate, I would be singing Oprah's praises!

What's wrong with Dr. Phil? Yeah, I know he tries to portray his family almost like "Leave it to Beaver Meets Sigmund Freud" which is rather interesting but his show I believe helps people FAR more than the narcisisistic Oprah show with audiences that seem to cry on cue.

These shows are for entertainment and some try to help people on stage and in the audience get some good advice. Dr. Phil or Montel seem to be in that category. Oprah is more in the look at the great me category and is rather preachy while Jerry Springer goes purely for entertainment. Now if we look at audiences and viewers I would say that the demographic segments they are aiming at would be as follows:

Oprah: Lesser-educated middle-aged white women.

Phil: While mainly females a larger base of males than Oprah, white and better educated.

Jerry: Younger, better educated males and females, generally white and Hispanic.

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I do not watch the talk shows often. But I do feel, when watching Montel, sincere caring; of wanting to help.

Dr. Phil, to me, is too pushy-too loud-too interested in himself; his ratings; his voice/his opinion.

The Jerry Springer show is about the ugliest representation of the human condition I have ever seen. When Jerry is being interviewed, or on other shows, I like him...the person. My feelings about his show are..."How can one watch that show"? It shows people at their absolute worse! I hurt for those people. You cannot follow the dialogue; everyone is shouting at the same time; trying to hurt each other; trying to tear clothes off! All of which is encouraged by the audience. My opinion has been that the demographic his show draws is the poor struggling class, with minimal education OR people that just like to watch what a mess their fellow man can make of their lives. Very sad.

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I do not watch the talk shows often. But I do feel, when watching Montel, sincere caring; of wanting to help.

Dr. Phil, to me, is too pushy-too loud-too interested in himself; his ratings; his voice/his opinion.

The Jerry Springer show is about the ugliest representation of the human condition I have ever seen. When Jerry is being interviewed, or on other shows, I like him...the person. My feelings about his show are..."How can one watch that show"? It shows people at their absolute worse! I hurt for those people. You cannot follow the dialogue; everyone is shouting at the same time; trying to hurt each other; trying to tear clothes off! All of which is encouraged by the audience. My opinion has been that the demographic his show draws is the poor struggling class, with minimal education OR people that just like to watch what a mess their fellow man can make of their lives. Very sad.

You'd think, but actually his demographic is college educated young people. I think it's the gladiator game mentality -- we all think gladiator games in the Roman era were horrid yet most people, if given the opportunity to travel back in time, would go see a gladiator game. Come on, you know it's true.

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...we all think gladiator games in the Roman era were horrid yet most people, if given the opportunity to travel back in time, would go see a gladiator game. Come on, you know it's true.

Yes, sadly, :( I believe there would be many who would watch, and enjoy, the spectacle. I, however, would be fighting (figuretivly) for the abolishing of such cruelty.

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Maybe Oprah started out with only housewives watching her show, but her fan base, IMO, has broadened. This can be due to several factors.

First, more women now are working and going back to college than when Oprah first came on the air...but they are still tuning in to her show.

Second, Oprah herself has increased in power and influence. There are some who are just attracted to her and her staying power in the talk show circuit.

Also, who says that a lower-income or stay-at-home woman is less educated than one who works? :confused:

There are plenty of women, inside and outside of the Church, who have gone to college but now stay at home to raise their children. I find that admirable. It is not easy. But the rewards are worth it, and we are not talking about monetary rewards! ^_^

Just throwing that out there.

Although I am working and going back to school, and am VERY much low income. I only make 10k per year.

I don't watch Oprah, and I am poor. I didn't watch Oprah in times where I was making MUCH more than I am now.

I think it has to do with preference as well. Like I said, I would rather be watching HGTV.

I used to like Dr. Phil...but I think he has crossed some lines lately that make him look quite foolish and hypocritical.

I would rather watch Judge Judy. At least she is truly qualified to be a judge.

That's just my opinion. Not worth much. LOL LOL :lol::lol:

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I do not watch the talk shows often. But I do feel, when watching Montel, sincere caring; of wanting to help.

Dr. Phil, to me, is too pushy-too loud-too interested in himself; his ratings; his voice/his opinion.

The Jerry Springer show is about the ugliest representation of the human condition I have ever seen. When Jerry is being interviewed, or on other shows, I like him...the person. My feelings about his show are..."How can one watch that show"? It shows people at their absolute worse! I hurt for those people. You cannot follow the dialogue; everyone is shouting at the same time; trying to hurt each other; trying to tear clothes off! All of which is encouraged by the audience. My opinion has been that the demographic his show draws is the poor struggling class, with minimal education OR people that just like to watch what a mess their fellow man can make of their lives. Very sad.

I don't know how anyone can stand watching that show. It's just a bunch of yelling, swearing, people standing around in their underwear for who knows what reason and non-stop, "BEEEEEP BEEEP BEEEEEEEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEEEEEEEP!!!!" They play it smack in the middle of the day here and sometimes my kids will change the channel to it and I run frantically to change it back to Sesame Street or something.

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Maybe Oprah started out with only housewives watching her show, but her fan base, IMO, has broadened. This can be due to several factors.

First, more women now are working and going back to college than when Oprah first came on the air...but they are still tuning in to her show.

Second, Oprah herself has increased in power and influence. There are some who are just attracted to her and her staying power in the talk show circuit.

Also, who says that a lower-income or stay-at-home woman is less educated than one who works? :confused:

There are plenty of women, inside and outside of the Church, who have gone to college but now stay at home to raise their children. I find that admirable. It is not easy. But the rewards are worth it, and we are not talking about monetary rewards! ^_^

Just throwing that out there.

Although I am working and going back to school, and am VERY much low income. I only make 10k per year.

I don't watch Oprah, and I am poor. I didn't watch Oprah in times where I was making MUCH more than I am now.

I think it has to do with preference as well. Like I said, I would rather be watching HGTV.

I used to like Dr. Phil...but I think he has crossed some lines lately that make him look quite foolish and hypocritical.

I would rather watch Judge Judy. At least she is truly qualified to be a judge.

That's just my opinion. Not worth much. LOL LOL :lol::lol:

I watched a bit of Dr. Phil yesterday because he was talking about how to talk to your kids about sex and this one lady was cracking me up because she had a hard time just saying the word. :lol:

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