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Hello everyone. I'm new to LDS.net, but certainly not new to forums. ^_^

My name is Ryan. I was raised in the Kansas City area (anyone on here from the Olathe Stake?) and have been a member of the Church all my life. I'm a sophomore at BYU, and I am currently preparing to serve a full-time mission starting this fall. I enjoy Jeeping, camping, playing basketball, and spending entirely too much time on the computer.

I look forward to sharing insight with all of you whilst racking up that all-important post count. :D

I just noticed that this forum has a lot of useless yet strangely entertaining emoticons. Like this guy, for example... :dude:

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Welcome Ryno! So awesome you are preparing to serve a mission! My son is currently serving in Taiwan. Asked him about any advice for upcoming missionaries - basically, get in shape (it's uber hard physical work! Beginning at the MTC!), and he wishes he'd finished reading all of PMG before he left as he only got through the first three chapters. So don't spend too much time on that computer ( :-) ) and get ready! Best of luck and blessings. Keep us posted about your call!!

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  • 2 months later...

Hey everyone. Just wanted to give you all a quick update about my mission call. I've been called to serve in the Brazil Londrina mission. I report to the MTC in São Paulo on December 27, 2008.

I can't wait to get out there and lose myself in the work. :)

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Hey everyone. Just wanted to give you all a quick update about my mission call. I've been called to serve in the Brazil Londrina mission. I report to the MTC in São Paulo on December 27, 2008.

I can't wait to get out there and lose myself in the work. :)

That's AWESOME! Congratulations!

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Congratulations on your mission call to Brazil. You seem very enthusiastic, and I think that is an important attribute to have. Do you know any portuguese (sp?) yet? No matter, I feel certain that you will do well.

You probably will not be able to keep up with this board, among other things, so come and see us when you return from your very successful mission.

Mosiah 2:17

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  • 2 weeks later...


Congratulations on your mission call to Brazil. You seem very enthusiastic, and I think that is an important attribute to have. Do you know any portuguese (sp?) yet? No matter, I feel certain that you will do well.

You probably will not be able to keep up with this board, among other things, so come and see us when you return from your very successful mission.

Mosiah 2:17

I haven't been formally taught any Portuguese, but I've taken Spanish classes since 7th grade. At BYU I had the option to take SPAN 321, which is the Spanish class that return missionaries take. I would consider myself semi-fluent.

Fortunately, Portuguese is very similar to Spanish. I've been reading the Book of Mormon in Portuguese on LDS.org and I usually surprise myself at how much I understand.


Congratulations on your mission call.

I hear that Brazil is a beautiful country with beautiful women. A brother from our ward

served his mission there a few years ago and said that it was very rewarding mission.:P

And if know a little Spanish is going to help you because the languages are very similar.

I'm going on a mission and you're telling me about the beautiful women in Brazil? :animatedlol: Hopefully they won't be too much of a distraction. :itwasntme:

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