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I'm currently working my way through Richard Lyman Bushman's biography of Joseph Smith.

Personally, I have found it to be sound, and it has helped me understand the story of the emerging church much better. In particular, the chapter on the Book of Mormon was one of the best expositions of the beauty and strength of the BOM I've read.

Anyone else have some thoughts here?

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I'm currently working my way through Richard Lyman Bushman's biography of Joseph Smith.

Personally, I have found it to be sound, and it has helped me understand the story of the emerging church much better. In particular, the chapter on the Book of Mormon was one of the best expositions of the beauty and strength of the BOM I've read.

Anyone else have some thoughts here?

I am reading the book to.....and I enjoy it....its an awesome book....
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Rough Stone Rolling is one of the many books that I have at home in my library that I have on my list to read. I understand from a friend that has read it that it is a very good book. Just so you know, there is also a DVD available of a fireside that Richard Bushman gave based on the book. You can find it at Deseret Books at - The Life and Times of Joseph Smith

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I'm currently working my way through Richard Lyman Bushman's biography of Joseph Smith.

Personally, I have found it to be sound, and it has helped me understand the story of the emerging church much better. In particular, the chapter on the Book of Mormon was one of the best expositions of the beauty and strength of the BOM I've read.

Anyone else have some thoughts here?

I let my dad borrow my copy a while back. Since then, he has borrowed two more books of mine by Bushman. RSR has a way of creating Bushman groopies... kind of how By The Hand of Mormon caused me to have a man-crush on Terryl Givens.

I just hope that his biography isn't the "final word," and is instead a stepping stone for future historians to draw upon to help us continually gain a greater understanding of our heritage.

Edited by Doctor Steuss
Because I'm dumb.
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The Bruce R McConkie Story- by Joseph Fielding McConkie. This a really awesome book! Very warmly written and very touching. My wife doesn't like to read biographies, but read this one and just loved it-made her cry.

Thanks b, I love Bruce R. I'll have to read that one.

As far as "Rough Stone Rolling" I highly recommend reading it. I have given it my kudos in other posts too. When I read anything I try to get the REAL story and even in LDS writings things are sometimes, how do I say this... biased. Richard L. Bushman is a faithful latter-day saint and he even admits this, but when it comes to his books he makes a strong effort to be a true historian and to be as fair and objective as possible. He has written about other than the LDS church and is a highly respected and renowned History professor emeritus from Columbia University.

I sound like a commercial for him and his books, but I'm not being paid by RLB. I just enjoy and recommend them.


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Richard L. Bushman is a faithful latter-day saint and he even admits this, but when it comes to his books he makes a strong effort to be a true historian and to be as fair and objective as possible. He has written about other than the LDS church and is a highly respected and renowned History professor emeritus from Columbia University.

Okay, I am going to do some name dropping, as I attended church with Bushman in the early '70s. I actually knew Claudia and Clarrissa better, but he was always very nice to me, and I loved the impromptu discussions we'd have in that branch, which often included both Richard and Claudia. Those were heady times.

Just recently I had a conversation where another person and I disagreed about a historical incident. So, I thought what the heck, and I e-mailed Brother Bushman about it.

He not only replied that I was correct--he also said he remembered me!

Now I think he said he remembered me just to be nice, and that is cool. However, he confirmed I was correct about the historical incident, and if you know me, I was much happier about that!

Speaking of his books, I would also recommend On the Road with Joseph Smith: An Author's Diary, Greg Kofford Books, 2007, ISBN 978-1-58958-102-9

This is his account of his experiences after RSR was published. It is a very easy read, and I think, especially enjoyable if you’ve read RSR.


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Okay, I am going to do some name dropping, as I attended church with Bushman in the early '70s. I actually knew Claudia and Clarrissa better, but he was always very nice to me, and I loved the impromptu discussions we'd have in that branch, which often included both Richard and Claudia. Those were heady times.

Just recently I had a conversation where another person and I disagreed about a historical incident. So, I thought what the heck, and I e-mailed Brother Bushman about it.

He not only replied that I was correct--he also said he remembered me!

Now I think he said he remembered me just to be nice, and that is cool. However, he confirmed I was correct about the historical incident, and if you know me, I was much happier about that!

Speaking of his books, I would also recommend On the Road with Joseph Smith: An Author's Diary, Greg Kofford Books, 2007, ISBN 978-1-58958-102-9

This is his account of his experiences after RSR was published. It is a very easy read, and I think, especially enjoyable if you’ve read RSR.


I thought you said in that e mail you recieved...he told you....get to Church!!!......LOL!!!!!:)
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Just recently I had a conversation where another person and I disagreed about a historical incident. So, I thought what the heck, and I e-mailed Brother Bushman about it.

He not only replied that I was correct--he also said he remembered me!


Way to go hobnobbing with the intelligentsia of the Church, while we are stuck here wondering whether we should have teriyaki noodles for lunch.

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I loved the book Rough Stone Rolling by Bushman. I read it a few years ago when I was teaching the Doctrine and Covenants in early morning seminary. I had previously read his other book, Joseph Smith and the Beginnings of Mormonism, which was equally as good, so was looking forward with anticipation to his latter book.

Some of my fellow teachers started reading it and were put off by the description of Joseph Smith Senior as being a financial failure, and how he might have viewed himself as such. I thought that Bushman was extremely fair in his research and the way he presented the known facts. As always, he concluded that he knew the church was true despite some controversial issues that may have been recorded. I liked this about his writing.

Anyway... loved the book, would recommend it to all! I think it is a definitive work on the prophet Joseph Smith.

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Here I thought Listener was back and realized this thread was started in July of last year.

But this book is on my list to read next. Planning on picking it up this week.

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