Is your ward growing or shrinking


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My ward has been shrinking. It is a Utah ward in a upscale neighborhood. At one time we had 20 missionaries serving. We now have 5. It is not that we have had families move away as it is that we have had families not move away. Because Utah wards cover a small area and because most families in the neighborhood are members there is not a lot of turnover. I use to attend with my wife and 5 children - my children are now married or at school. I am an "empty nester". So are at least half the families. We have become a ward of grandparents.

The traveler

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My ward is growing. It is close to workingplaces so people move in to work here around. How ever this IS a VERY expencive neibourhood to live in. Cant get a house under 580.000$ or nothing else under 350.000$.

Worst is you cant move to country as it is such a long way to church. 1 hours dirve houses would be around 250.000$... GOD houses and you might get something with 150.000$.

The ward I moved here from some 20 years a go was a brand new ward with hardly enough people. Now there is two all too big wards there. One has 72 kids in it!

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Guest HEthePrimate

It's kind of hard to tell about my ward. It's in a constant state of flux because of the student population. However, we did have a baptism last Saturday, and people keep having babies, so my guess would be that it's slowly growing.

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