Mom shocked by teen's modest clothing


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I was listening to an interview of a woman who had written a book on teen modesty. I forget her name and the book's name (sorry). But one of the things she discovered that shocked her, was the big percentage of parents who push their kids to dress immodestly. Apparently, some parents (mostly mommies) feel that if their young teens are too covered up, they'll miss out on cool friends, invitations to the cool parties, and other 'important milestones' of this phase of their lives.

Sad stuff.

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I was listening to an interview of a woman who had written a book on teen modesty. I forget her name and the book's name (sorry). But one of the things she discovered that shocked her, was the big percentage of parents who push their kids to dress immodestly. Apparently, some parents (mostly mommies) feel that if their young teens are too covered up, they'll miss out on cool friends, invitations to the cool parties, and other 'important milestones' of this phase of their lives.

Sad stuff.

Was it possibly A Return to Modesty: Discovering the Lost Virtue by Wendy Shalit? Not an LDS author but a really good book with a lot of good ideas.

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I was listening to an interview of a woman who had written a book on teen modesty. I forget her name and the book's name (sorry). But one of the things she discovered that shocked her, was the big percentage of parents who push their kids to dress immodestly. Apparently, some parents (mostly mommies) feel that if their young teens are too covered up, they'll miss out on cool friends, invitations to the cool parties, and other 'important milestones' of this phase of their lives.

Sad stuff.

Yes, indeed!!! I acquainted with some! Including my own!

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There was a great SouthPark episode on this. Actually, a great conservative message. However, what Mr. Slave did to Paris Hilton probably would freak out many people here so I won't link it. The main feature of the show was that kids were wanting to dress immodestly since that was what was being promoted to them and that their parents needed to step in and teach them what was appropriate in regards to dress and behavior.

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I have a non-lds friend who takes her 14yr old out to clubs with her and they get drunk together, asks her daughter to roll a joint with the leaves they grow and smoke it together. Her girls started dancing in shows..... in underwear.... in a nightclub on school nights, she also requests her girls to dress sexy when she has meetings with potential business men. And to top it all off, she closes the bedroom door for her girls and tells them to let her know when they're done so she can take the boys home.... Needless to say, I don't see her very often.

We have had parents hiring strippers for their son's 12th birthday, and I have watched parents happily drop their daughters off at the mall wearing more make-up than clothing.... these girls look like they should still be playing with barbie dolls. My jaw drops ever time.

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I have a non-lds friend who takes her 14yr old out to clubs with her and they get drunk together, asks her daughter to roll a joint with the leaves they grow and smoke it together. Her girls started dancing in shows..... in underwear.... in a nightclub on school nights, she also requests her girls to dress sexy when she has meetings with potential business men. And to top it all off, she closes the bedroom door for her girls and tells them to let her know when they're done so she can take the boys home.... Needless to say, I don't see her very often.

We have had parents hiring strippers for their son's 12th birthday, and I have watched parents happily drop their daughters off at the mall wearing more make-up than clothing.... these girls look like they should still be playing with barbie dolls. My jaw drops ever time.

WOW :eek:

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sadly this is what our world has come to. I know the other day I was @ the park with my 2 young kids. I have a 3 yr old who is in the stage of mimicking. Well there was a little group of girls looked about 11-15 if that talking about grown up things. Stuff to do with boys/men and speaking like a sailor. I was so appalled our youth now a days are faced up against SOOO much more temptation than when I was a teen that and that was just 5 yrs ago. Gah I idolize my younger siblings for having to deal with this craziness. Another thing lil girl clothing is getting disgusting lol went shopping for my 5month old and 3 yr old the other day. and the things they have for children clothing now what happen to dressin lil girls in cute dresses modestly tsk tsk tsk anyways
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